How Long Has the PPACA/Obamacare Been in Effect?

"Cracka"? :cuckoo:

Sorry? Yes you truly are.:redface:


One of the most wide spread ObamaCare myths is that ObamaCare increases insurance premiums. While many Americans have seen their health insurance premiums rise since the passing of the new health care law, blaming "ObamaCare" is an over simplification of the truth.

The truth is insurance premiums have been growing faster than the rate of growth in income for well over a decade. Today there are more rules and regulations aimed at reducing the growth in premium rates like the rate review provision that stops insurance companies from unjustified rate hikes and the medical loss ratio provision that stops insurance companies from spending your premium dollars on non-health care related expenses. This isn't to say that the Affordable Care Act hasn't indirectly affected some premium increases.

ObamaCare stops insurance companies from raising premiums due to health status and gender or denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Every plan must offer more essential health benefits and preventive services at no out-of-pocket costs and much more. In some cases insurance companies have raised rates on existing plans in response to your new health care benefits, rights and protections.

Luckily ObamaCare does a lot to mitigate this affect, aside from the consumer protections mentioned above, ObamaCare creates a Health Insurance Exchange Pool known as the Health Insurance Marketplace. Today low-to-middle income Americans (and small businesses) can shop for subsidized, regulated health insurance from competing health care providers using their State's online marketplace.

Cost assistance offered through the marketplace greatly reduces premium costs of those making less than 400% of the Federal poverty level. (400% of the Federal Poverty level equates to individuals making less than $46,021 or a family of four making less than $93,700 a year). Learn more about the Health Insurance Marketplace.
ObamaCare: Myths About Health Care Reform

Classic :)

I post a study done by actuaries and Dante posts posts Obama's own website.....and Dante actually thinks that because there are subsidies availiable that "proves" that "premiums" aren't going up.

Um....dante...I have arranged subsidies ranging from $34 to $1200....and guess what?

The subsudies are there to offset the high premiums.

Your kneejerk reaction to attack from behind your supposed expertise...btw, how busy can you actually be spending 24/7 @usmb? -- reading and comprehension is not one of your strong suits is it?

"...blaming "ObamaCare" is an over simplification of the truth. The truth is insurance premiums have been growing faster than the rate of growth in income for well over a decade."



You are ignorant of the truth and the Law Dante...and yo Cracka Prez has lied to you.
This is funny :)

I spend 5 1/2 days a week helping people get through this...I replace the plans they want to keep with the plans they do not want and the plans that are costing them as much 100% more.

PMZ wants to use both sides of his mouth to try and plant one foot on each side of the fence and Dante simply screams "nuh-uh".

I work for a non profit Heath Care Insurance Company and I do not want the ACA repealed, I want it is quite fucked up right now but it can be saved.

Actually, I think that it's right about where a start up normally is this far in. Some of the problems are inexperienced users, some are window shoppers, some are exaggerations, and some are real hardware and real software.

And, if you don't like it, don't use it. Do your shopping yourself. Take advantage of help.

Republican whining has been going on for many years. Is they weren't whining about this it would be something else.

You ain't my first Rodeo kid, deflection won't work with me :)

I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield are we a "start up" company ? ;)

I frustrates you that a "simpleton" like myself stonewalls you at every turn...but even us "cro magnon" knuckle dragging Conservtaives have our days ;)
This is funny :)

I spend 5 1/2 days a week helping people get through this...I replace the plans they want to keep with the plans they do not want and the plans that are costing them as much 100% more.

PMZ wants to use both sides of his mouth to try and plant one foot on each side of the fence and Dante simply screams "nuh-uh".

I work for a non profit Heath Care Insurance Company and I do not want the ACA repealed, I want it is quite fucked up right now but it can be saved.

Actually, I think that it's right about where a start up normally is this far in. Some of the problems are inexperienced users, some are window shoppers, some are exaggerations, and some are real hardware and real software.

And, if you don't like it, don't use it. Do your shopping yourself. Take advantage of help.

Republican whining has been going on for many years. Is they weren't whining about this it would be something else.

No Dante, despite what Obama's website says the truth is that the regulaions imposed by the ACA have caused all of this, it is just that simple.
This is funny :)

I spend 5 1/2 days a week helping people get through this...I replace the plans they want to keep with the plans they do not want and the plans that are costing them as much 100% more.

PMZ wants to use both sides of his mouth to try and plant one foot on each side of the fence and Dante simply screams "nuh-uh".

I work for a non profit Heath Care Insurance Company and I do not want the ACA repealed, I want it is quite fucked up right now but it can be saved.

Actually, I think that it's right about where a start up normally is this far in. Some of the problems are inexperienced users, some are window shoppers, some are exaggerations, and some are real hardware and real software.

And, if you don't like it, don't use it. Do your shopping yourself. Take advantage of help.

Republican whining has been going on for many years. Is they weren't whining about this it would be something else.

No Dante, despite what Obama's website says the truth is that the regulaions imposed by the ACA have caused all of this, it is just that simple.

That's like saying a woman wearing a shirt skirt causes a man to become a rapist
Actually, I think that it's right about where a start up normally is this far in. Some of the problems are inexperienced users, some are window shoppers, some are exaggerations, and some are real hardware and real software.

And, if you don't like it, don't use it. Do your shopping yourself. Take advantage of help.

Republican whining has been going on for many years. Is they weren't whining about this it would be something else.

No Dante, despite what Obama's website says the truth is that the regulaions imposed by the ACA have caused all of this, it is just that simple.

That's like saying a woman wearing a shirt skirt causes a man to become a rapist

Of course, never mind that the ACA imposed all of the new regulations upon insurance companies requiring them to comply with its dictates...causing the dropping of all of the old plans because those plans had become illegal through non compliance....I know that all of this is beyond you...but you really look silly here kid.
It was never sold as health care reform. It was sold as health care insurance regulation.

Requiring everyone to be responsible for their own health care costs. And bringing the cost of those that business chooses not to pay a living wage to, for full time work, from under the table to on top.

With all due respect, PMZ? It was "sold" as the AFFORDABLE Care Act. It was sold to Americans by claiming that it would miraculously add coverage for millions who couldn't afford it while at the same time lowering the health care costs of middle class Americans by some $2,500 a year and also lowering the deficit!

The misrepresentation of what this bill was...would land anyone who tried to "sell" it in the private sector in court for fraud. If you tried to sell appliances or cars with the same outright lies that progressives used to sell ObamaCare you would find yourself in court being sued by the people you scammed.

The representation that you speak of was how the Republican's misrepresented ACA in their propaganda.

The vast, vast majority of Americans 'buy' their health care through insurance. The cost of their health care, to them, appears as insurance premiums.

Those premiums have and will always reflect the cost of health care delivery. Plus insurance company overhead and profit. That have never stopped growing.

As I said about two pages ago the goal of ACA is to hold everyone responsible for their own health care costs. For wealthy and those with responsible employers, ACA only has one impact. To make sure that you really are protected from imposing your costs on others with adequate coverage.

For those that business refuses to pay a living wage to, it does allow them to AFFORD health care by supplements on the table rather than health care under the table.

That's laughable, PMZ! The goal of the ACA is NOT to hold everyone responsible for their own health care costs! The goal of the ACA is to provide heavily subsidized health care to part of the population while passing the cost of that subsidized health care to another part of the population.

The ACA was sold to the American people with a series of falsehoods to obscure what it really is and how much it will cost.
With all due respect, PMZ? It was "sold" as the AFFORDABLE Care Act. It was sold to Americans by claiming that it would miraculously add coverage for millions who couldn't afford it while at the same time lowering the health care costs of middle class Americans by some $2,500 a year and also lowering the deficit!

The misrepresentation of what this bill was...would land anyone who tried to "sell" it in the private sector in court for fraud. If you tried to sell appliances or cars with the same outright lies that progressives used to sell ObamaCare you would find yourself in court being sued by the people you scammed.

The representation that you speak of was how the Republican's misrepresented ACA in their propaganda.

The vast, vast majority of Americans 'buy' their health care through insurance. The cost of their health care, to them, appears as insurance premiums.

Those premiums have and will always reflect the cost of health care delivery. Plus insurance company overhead and profit. That have never stopped growing.

As I said about two pages ago the goal of ACA is to hold everyone responsible for their own health care costs. For wealthy and those with responsible employers, ACA only has one impact. To make sure that you really are protected from imposing your costs on others with adequate coverage.

For those that business refuses to pay a living wage to, it does allow them to AFFORD health care by supplements on the table rather than health care under the table.

That's laughable, PMZ! The goal of the ACA is NOT to hold everyone responsible for their own health care costs! The goal of the ACA is to provide heavily subsidized health care to part of the population while passing the cost of that subsidized health care to another part of the population.

The ACA was sold to the American people with a series of falsehoods to obscure what it really is and how much it will cost.

The purpose was and is wealth redistribution.
I am just going to enjoy Obama squirm every time something bad comes up about his pride and joy.
And remember folks...those that voted for him.It's all yours.

No, you remember it, when it's up and running and everyone likes it, don't try and take credit for it like your party so blatantly tried to take credit for the killing of OBL! :lol::lol:
Classic :)

I post a study done by actuaries and Dante posts posts Obama's own website.....and Dante actually thinks that because there are subsidies availiable that "proves" that "premiums" aren't going up.

Um....dante...I have arranged subsidies ranging from $34 to $1200....and guess what?

The subsudies are there to offset the high premiums.

Your kneejerk reaction to attack from behind your supposed expertise...btw, how busy can you actually be spending 24/7 @usmb? -- reading and comprehension is not one of your strong suits is it?

"...blaming "ObamaCare" is an over simplification of the truth. The truth is insurance premiums have been growing faster than the rate of growth in income for well over a decade."



You are ignorant of the truth and the Law Dante...and yo Cracka Prez has lied to you.

George Bush would disagree with you.

".... For all Americans, we must confront the rising cost of care.... "

February 15, 2006


Kaiser and other studies say otherwise.

This is the average cost of insurance premiums.



Here is one with 2011


And with 2012


The fact of the matter is that health care costs and insurance premiums have continued to rise for better than a decade. Attributing the rise simply PPACA is pure folly.

This is the facts about the rate of increase;

"Kaiser crunched the numbers and says yes, but only modestly:

The two provisions in the Affordable Care Act likely to have the greatest effect on the premiums for employer-sponsored health coverage in 2011 are allowing children up to age 26 to remain on their parents’ plans and requiring plans that are not grandfathered to provide preventive services with no patient cost-sharing. Our analysis, based in part on estimates provided by federal agencies when regulations implementing these provisions were issued, suggests that these provisions are responsible for 1-2 percentage points of the 9% increase in family premiums in 2011. (emphasis added)

Stripping out those two specific ACA effects, premiums would still have increased by 7-8% according to Kaiser’s estimates."

A more compact view is


This is the PPACA law.


2012 - The Year In Healthcare Charts - Forbes

Reforming Health Care for the 21st Century
Your kneejerk reaction to attack from behind your supposed expertise...btw, how busy can you actually be spending 24/7 @usmb? -- reading and comprehension is not one of your strong suits is it?

"...blaming "ObamaCare" is an over simplification of the truth. The truth is insurance premiums have been growing faster than the rate of growth in income for well over a decade."



You are ignorant of the truth and the Law Dante...and yo Cracka Prez has lied to you.

George Bush would disagree with you.

".... For all Americans, we must confront the rising cost of care.... "

February 15, 2006


Kaiser and other studies say otherwise.

This is the average cost of insurance premiums.



Here is one with 2011


And with 2012


The fact of the matter is that health care costs and insurance premiums have continued to rise for better than a decade. Attributing the rise simply PPACA is pure folly.

This is the facts about the rate of increase;

"Kaiser crunched the numbers and says yes, but only modestly:

The two provisions in the Affordable Care Act likely to have the greatest effect on the premiums for employer-sponsored health coverage in 2011 are allowing children up to age 26 to remain on their parents’ plans and requiring plans that are not grandfathered to provide preventive services with no patient cost-sharing. Our analysis, based in part on estimates provided by federal agencies when regulations implementing these provisions were issued, suggests that these provisions are responsible for 1-2 percentage points of the 9% increase in family premiums in 2011. (emphasis added)

Stripping out those two specific ACA effects, premiums would still have increased by 7-8% according to Kaiser’s estimates."

A more compact view is


This is the PPACA law.


2012 - The Year In Healthcare Charts - Forbes

Reforming Health Care for the 21st Century

Let me know when you post something germaine to the conversation actually taking place in this thred i.e. Obama's lie about keeping any plan you liked.
Dude, I hate to break this to you but the web site is the "easy" part of ObamaCare! They had three years and 600 million to create that and they failed EPICALLY!!!

If you think this is a fiasco...wait until the IRS tries to figure out who's eligible for subsidies and who's scamming the system! FUBAR is the term that comes to mind...

How Long Has the PPACA/Obamacare Been in Effect?

From: Is Obamacare In Effect? Is Obamacare in effect?

Tamara Holmes Jul 8 2013 10:20 AM

If you’re unsure whether Obamacare is the law of the land, you’re not alone. An April 2013 Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that 42 percent of Americans don’t know that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – the official name for Obamacare – is already impacting health care for millions of Americans.

What is it with people and the website thingie? What is it with people and the multi-part roll out of Obamacare that is so difficult for them to grasp?

Is it the rightwing noise machine, or Obama's shitty public relations team? Why are people so ignorant and confused?

That's like saying a woman wearing a shirt skirt causes a man to become a rapist

Of course, never mind that the ACA imposed all of the new regulations upon insurance companies requiring them to comply with its dictates...causing the dropping of all of the old plans because those plans had become illegal through non compliance....I know that all of this is beyond you...but you really look silly here kid.

"All of the old plans?" Only plans that were shit to begin with.

The PPACA/Obamacare has legitimate flaws to criticize, so why do you insist on conflating, drawing correlations as proof of cause and effect; why lie through omission; why engage in deceipt? Or worse, are you unaware of doing this?

Taking facts and spinning them is an ideological tactic. It is not reasonable and honest discussion in search of truth

I take note of the fact that you have picked the latest Obama line.
I have lied about nothing, I have omitted nothing and have not decieved anyone.
I have engaged in zero spin, I am citing truths, and proving every aseertion you make wrong.
You cite nothing but Obama's own website as truth...and post nothing else but your own opinions.

Sorry Dante.
Antares<---- has no dog in this hunt, I have group insurance and I sell ndividual insurance...all for Blue Cross Blue Shield...a non-profit company...I have no need of deceit.

I am sorry the truth bothers you like it does, but Obama lied to you.

No Dante, despite what Obama's website says the truth is that the regulaions imposed by the ACA have caused all of this, it is just that simple.

That's like saying a woman wearing a shirt skirt causes a man to become a rapist

Of course, never mind that the ACA imposed all of the new regulations upon insurance companies requiring them to comply with its dictates...causing the dropping of all of the old plans because those plans had become illegal through non compliance....I know that all of this is beyond you...but you really look silly here kid.

"All of the old plans?" Only plans that were shit to begin with.

The PPACA/Obamacare has legitimate flaws to criticize, so why do you insist on conflating, drawing correlations as proof of cause and effect; why lie through omission; why engage in deceipt? Or worse, are you unaware of doing this?

Taking facts and spinning them is an ideological tactic. It is not reasonable and honest discussion in search of truth

That's like saying a woman wearing a shirt skirt causes a man to become a rapist

Of course, never mind that the ACA imposed all of the new regulations upon insurance companies requiring them to comply with its dictates...causing the dropping of all of the old plans because those plans had become illegal through non compliance....I know that all of this is beyond you...but you really look silly here kid.

"All of the old plans?" Only plans that were shit to begin with.

The PPACA/Obamacare has legitimate flaws to criticize, so why do you insist on conflating, drawing correlations as proof of cause and effect; why lie through omission; why engage in deceipt? Or worse, are you unaware of doing this?

Taking facts and spinning them is an ideological tactic. It is not reasonable and honest discussion in search of truth

I take note of the fact that you have picked the latest Obama line.
I have lied about nothing, I have omitted nothing and have not decieved anyone.
I have engaged in zero spin, I am citing truths, and proving every aseertion you make wrong.
You cite nothing but Obama's own website as truth...and post nothing else but your own opinions.

Sorry Dante.
Antares<---- has no dog in this hunt, I have group insurance and I sell ndividual insurance...all for Blue Cross Blue Shield...a non-profit company...I have no need of deceit.

I am sorry the truth bothers you like it does, but Obama lied to you.

The purpose was and is wealth redistribution.
Clue: The USA was built and achieved greatness upon the concept and principle of wealth redistribution.

Try US History 101

The idea that wealth redistribution is a new and foreign concept alien to American Capitalism is nothing but bullshit

(shrugs)Prove it.

The purpose was and is wealth redistribution.
Clue: The USA was built and achieved greatness upon the concept and principle of wealth redistribution.

Try US History 101

The idea that wealth redistribution is a new and foreign concept alien to American Capitalism is nothing but bullshit

(shrugs)Prove it.

Start with the financing and resolution of debt for the War of Independence...

then let us know what you think of disbursement of tax dollars throughout America's growth as a great nation

Sux 2 B U
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You are ignorant of the truth and the Law Dante...and yo Cracka Prez has lied to you.

George Bush would disagree with you.

".... For all Americans, we must confront the rising cost of care.... "

February 15, 2006


Kaiser and other studies say otherwise.

This is the average cost of insurance premiums.



Here is one with 2011


And with 2012


The fact of the matter is that health care costs and insurance premiums have continued to rise for better than a decade. Attributing the rise simply PPACA is pure folly.

This is the facts about the rate of increase;

"Kaiser crunched the numbers and says yes, but only modestly:

The two provisions in the Affordable Care Act likely to have the greatest effect on the premiums for employer-sponsored health coverage in 2011 are allowing children up to age 26 to remain on their parents&#8217; plans and requiring plans that are not grandfathered to provide preventive services with no patient cost-sharing. Our analysis, based in part on estimates provided by federal agencies when regulations implementing these provisions were issued, suggests that these provisions are responsible for 1-2 percentage points of the 9% increase in family premiums in 2011. (emphasis added)

Stripping out those two specific ACA effects, premiums would still have increased by 7-8% according to Kaiser&#8217;s estimates."

A more compact view is


This is the PPACA law.


2012 - The Year In Healthcare Charts - Forbes

Reforming Health Care for the 21st Century

Let me know when you post something germaine to the conversation actually taking place in this thred i.e. Obama's lie about keeping any plan you liked.

It will be easy, all you have to do is get an actual clue as to reality. Then it all becomes perfectly clear.

To begin, health care premiums have been increasing since before 2009 and PPACA had nothing to do with it.

Second, prior to PPACA, states regulated insurance companies, requiring them to comply with state standards. By agreement, health insurance companies were not subject to federal anti-trust laws. This resulted in varying standards from state to state and natural oligopolies in the health insurance markets of states.

There is simply nothing about PPACA that is responsible for any effects that you would so like to claim except that there is now a common standard across the country so, as someone else pointed out, you now get at least as much as before and likely more. That isn't "not getting to keep the plan you had." That is getting to keep the plan you had with additional coverage.

The fact of the matter is, you don't suddenly pay attention then attribute all that you were previously ignorant about to what you just noticed. That isn't how causality works.

Perhaps the problem you are having is that there is nothing in your concept of PPACA, health insurance, and the health care markets that is germane to reality.

At the very foundation, the issues with regard to the healthcare markets are so far beyond your over-simplistic view of reality that your very perception isn't germane to the thread.

If you have family coverage, then the fact of the matter is that now that insurance must cover your dependent children up to the age of 26. So, by that standard, you don't get to "keep the coverage you had". And there is no provision in the law that forces insurance companies to keep supplying a plan, just because you like it.

And, if you had bothered to read PPACA, like the rest of us, you would have known this back in 2009.

Your ignorance isn't anyone else's problem.

So, like I said, here is the link to PPACA

Try reading the table of contents. It's the place to start and you won't be caught off guard next time you decide to open your eyes and look around.
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Clue: The USA was built and achieved greatness upon the concept and principle of wealth redistribution.

Try US History 101

The idea that wealth redistribution is a new and foreign concept alien to American Capitalism is nothing but bullshit

(shrugs)Prove it.

The economics is the study of the distribution (and redistribution) of scarce resources. Money is one of those resources.

If you don't believe this, I challenge you to keep all the money that you make this year. I can guarantee that you will redistribute most, if not, all of it.
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