How long should the so-called oath keepers have to go to jail for? what about the BLM rioters?


1. Look up CHAZ/CHOP
2. Read about it.
3. Put a shotgun up your ass and pull the trigger
4. The world is a better place.
And if I look it up you're saying I'm not going to find any news of arrests in this chaz chop thing. Correct?
Are you sure "police couldn't enter" do you have a link? And what area of Minneapolis are you talking about? Are you even talking about Minneapolis? I want links, not statements in a message board.

Murderapolis has long had police no-go zones.

And if I look it up you're saying I'm not going to find any news of arrests in this chaz chop thing. Correct?

oh you will find "arrests" what you won't find is over prosecution or enough arrests and time to warrant an actual insurrection, which is what CHAZ/CHOP was.

Stop playing stupid(er). You know what CHAZ/CHOP is, when it was, and who was behind it, as well as who didn't respond to it the way they should have.
oh you will find "arrests" what you won't find is over prosecution or enough arrests and time to warrant an actual insurrection, which is what CHAZ/CHOP was.

Stop playing stupid(er). You know what CHAZ/CHOP is, when it was, and who was behind it, as well as who didn't respond to it the way they should have.
You shot yourself in the foot again. This guy set a pile of garbage on fire outside an abandoned police precinct and got two years in jail. No wonder you didn't wanna post links:
You shot yourself in the foot again. This guy set a pile of garbage on fire outside an abandoned police precinct and got two years in jail. No wonder you didn't wanna post links:

Oooh!! ONE GUY.

for a garbage fire. Not for taking over a neighborhood for several weeks.

Nice attempt poseur.
Oooh!! ONE GUY.

for a garbage fire. Not for taking over a neighborhood for several weeks.

Nice attempt poseur.
So there was a guy who took over a neighbor for several weeks? Hahaha.
And note that you don't want to talk about any specific crimes, only the vague and undefined "took over the area", as if there's a crime called "taking over an area in the first degree".
And I hope you're not talking about obstructing traffic. Because I will find you arrests for that and you're going to be embarrassed once again as usual.
At no point was police unable to enter the area when they wanted, by the way.
Oooh!! ONE GUY.

for a garbage fire. Not for taking over a neighborhood for several weeks.

Nice attempt poseur.
The guy got 2 years for a garbage fire and you are here pretending that authorities went easy on the protesters. You're proving yourself wrong buddy. Dumb twit.
So there was a guy who took over a neighbor for several weeks? Hahaha.
And note that you don't want to talk about any specific crimes, only the vague and undefined "took over the area", as if there's a crime called "taking over an area in the first degree".
And I hope you're not talking about obstructing traffic. Because I will find you arrests for that and you're going to be embarrassed once again as usual.
At no point was police unable to enter the area when they wanted, by the way.

Stop trying to play slick, it isn't working.

The police were told not to enter by the local government.
The guy got 2 years for a garbage fire and you are here pretending that authorities went easy on the protesters. You're proving yourself wrong buddy. Dumb twit.

And you are playing stupid(er), par for the course for an SJW loser like you.

How does Anti-fa's dick feel in your mouth while getting buttfucked by BLM?
Stop trying to play slick, it isn't working.

The police were told not to enter by the local government.
Wait a minute. You were making it seem like the violence was so bad that the police couldn't enter. Turns out the only reason they couldn't enter was because the mayor told them not to. Wow this is the biggest idiot I've seen in this board
Stop trying to play slick, it isn't working.

The police were told not to enter by the local government.
Wait a minute. You were making it seem like the violence was so bad that the police couldn't enter. Turns out the only reason they couldn't enter was because the mayor told them not to. Wow this is the biggest idiot I've seen in this board

And you think that is somehow better?!?!?!?!?

What about the people not part of the revolt stuck in the neighborhood?

the GOVERNMENT abandoned its duty because they were sympathetic to the protesters, hence the minimal prosecutions, hence the lack of police action, hence you fawning over it like the lefty twat you are.
And you think that is somehow better?!?!?!?!?

What about the people not part of the revolt stuck in the neighborhood?

the GOVERNMENT abandoned its duty because they were sympathetic to the protesters, hence the minimal prosecutions, hence the lack of police action, hence you fawning over it like the lefty twat you are.
Oh wait. You started by pretending these protesters wanted to take over the government, then at the end we find out that it was the government itself (mayor) who wanted them there.
Oh wait. You started by pretending these protesters wanted to take over the government, then at the end we find out that it was the government itself (mayor) who wanted them there.
View attachment 766367

They took over the area, and the government abrogated it's responsibilities to the residents because they are cowards.

They took over government control of the area, and the local government HAD NO RIGHT to let them do so.
And you think that is somehow better?!?!?!?!?

What about the people not part of the revolt stuck in the neighborhood?

the GOVERNMENT abandoned its duty because they were sympathetic to the protesters, hence the minimal prosecutions, hence the lack of police action, hence you fawning over it like the lefty twat you are.

The government in some places were sympathetic because the people made the argument over police initiated violence which was something they had no answer for.

People came to Trump on their knee's asking him to listen to their complaints and he called them, SOB's. When Trump supporters were arrested over 1/6 they whined and whined about how they were being treated unfairly.
You shot yourself in the foot again. This guy set a pile of garbage on fire outside an abandoned police precinct and got two years in jail. No wonder you didn't wanna post links:

And the Seattle Slimes is a viciously biased, lying rag.

Zero credibility.

No wonder -- their readership dies every day.

I did not need a Greek mythology class, I got it from the source. Circe did not change "enemies" into "animals," she changed MEN into PIGS. This was of course irresistible.

Yes, you correctly interpreted the word "fake" there. And the police/FBI idea did occur to me: get me to join a heavily infiltrated group, see how quickly I can be arrested and imprisoned. No, thanx.

There may be hope for you yet, my hope, that is --- you referred with praise to Victor Davis Hanson, and I would agree with that. Though why he has to go analogizing after the Byzantines when he's got the Fall of Rome, I don't know, except that there are so many books of the "Are We Rome" persuasion these days. And of course, he's more into the Greeks. You seem to be rather emphasizing the Greeks too, I see.
It's the 'fall' of the Republic, its smooth transition into the Empire, that is more relevant. Catiline, the Gracchis, Caesar ... threats to the Roman Establishment who paid the price. "Revolution within the Form" as some call it. Read Mary Beard's SPQR.

Almost any public patriot group must be assumed to be infiltrated -- by one or more levels of police, and/or by the Left. AND .. almost as bad, you can get marginal, semi-criminal types attracted to anything that looks like a militia. They then get blackmailed by the police into turning informant. If you're in the right state, youi can insist everyone get a Concealed Carry permit, which usually involves a background check. That will weed out some of the criminals, but not the police.

The thing is, if you're in an organization, even one which is careful to be legal, you are still at risk of being 'doxxed'. Such groups should exercise some basic security -- no surnames, don't park your car in front of the place you're meeting -- but a clever infiltrator will probably still get them. So if you've got a sensitive job, don't join a group.

But ... if enough of us don't join groups, don't organize, don't be publically active ... we're done for. Imagine if the Founders had thought like that. The people at the Yavapai Community Defense Team have thought about this a lot, and they've got the right approach, I think. They're very public, very open ... and they're growing, they're having an impact. If they all hid in their basements, the Left would have a clear field. Their leader is a former Army Ranger and has loads of good common sense -- both he and his wife.

And ... we're a long way from people just being arrested because they're in a group that is not breaking the law. Just be sure that your group is NOT breaking the law, or talking about breaking the law. That means some one in the group has to become a specialist in the legal side -- they need to know about 'seditious conspiracy', what the Yates decision of the Supreme Court was about, etc. There are people in prison right now for simply posting that "we should bring our guns to the state capitol to defend it" -- although he's a Left winger, ironically.

Infiltrators are aiming to do one of four things:

(1) Passively collect information, mainly names and addresses, license plate numbers, etc.. Of course, they hope the group will be plotting to assassinate someone or something dramatic. But if not, they will just listen.

(2) Provoke the group into doing something really illegal, a felony. The best police know how to walk right up to the line of legal 'entrapment' without crossing it. They stung several stupid young Muslims this way about 15 years ago. In the militia movement, there are more Mr Macho types than you can count ... they will be the targets ... "Hey, man ... I know where we can get some hand grenades..... are you a real man?"

Even if they can't get actual illegal activity going, they can support the group doing stupid, extreme things. The undercover FBI agents in SDS, fifty-five years ago, helped it have a devastating split, by supporting the most extreme factions, arguing against compromise and co operationg. (See Heavy Radicals.)

If they can't get the whole group in trouble, but can trick a dummy into doing something felonious ... he then becomes a target for blackmail -- they'll 'turn' him. This has happened a lot.

(3) Stir up dissension. Unfortunately, there is a surplus of big, tender egos in the patriot movement. Everyone wants to be top dog. There are ways to subtly encourage jealousy and competion between two people.

And then there are women: men are incapable of rational thinking where women are concerned. If you can spark some sexual jealousy, between two men, over a woman -- ideally the wife of one of them -- you've lit a fuse.

(4) Encourage suspicion. Pick someone you think might be an effective leader, or who is one already, and try to convince others he's a cop or an enemy infiltrator. It's called "hanging a snitch jacket" on someone.

The FBI was very successful at doing this to the Communist Party in the 1950s. They would leave suspicious documents which seemed to incriminate a leading Party member, where others could find them. The cloud of suspicion was impossible to dispel. They didn't have to be obvious. Just a receipt for a thousand dollars, or a used plane ticket for a time when the person was supposed to be on vacation somewhere. Their infiltrators (and the CP was heavily infiltrated then) could then subtly encourage the paranoia ... "Oh, better not tell Bob that ... he's probably okay, but there have been a couple of disturbing, suspicious things about him ..."

Infiltrators sometimes give themselves away: their grasp of our politics will be crude, mechanical, clumsy. Because they don't really believe it. Often they sound like a caricature of what a conservative is. They secretly think we're evil, and will sometimes claim to believe evil things because they think that's what we believe.

And ... they won't have a past. If your neighbor from down the block, your union brother or sister, your old army buddy or VFW lodge member, or Republican Party activist ... wants to join your patriotic group, they're probably sincere.

If a guy turns up whom no one knows, who has no political past, or who has just moved into your area from a thousand miles away ... be cautious with him.

And then, while not 'inside jobs', there are false flags. The Left wants to paint us as racists, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates. So they send people with the appropriate racist signs, or wearing a swastika, carrying a Confederate battle flag, whatever ... to our public demonstrations ... take some photos or videols of their guy ... and, hey presto! -- "See ... here's proof!"

It makes me smile, to see so many patriots with defiant slogans and memes, scary Spartan-helmet-with-a-skull-inside avatars ... and they're afraid to go to public meeting! It's all play-acting on their part.

There are two ways we can lose:
(1) to get trapped into being 'premature' in our actions, going for our guns right now ... it's this mentality that fueled 6 January. People get impatient, they see the Left working away steadily, destroying us bit by bit. So they want action, now! And go down in flames, and scare hell out of the broad middle.

(2) The other is to be paranoid, believing that 'they' already control everything, resistance is futile, all you can do is to try to save yourself, be a 'grey man', hide. Just as fatal as (1).

The enemy is far from invincible. He has lots of weaknesses, and inner contradictions.

We're winning elections to recall crazy DA's and ultra-PC school boards. The Left has moved too far, too fast to implement the Groomers' Agenda. Ordinary Democrats are repelled by it. Nor do they want to 'defund the Police'.

People change their minds about things under the impact of events. We can help ... we can be there, pointing things out, drawing lessons, talking to people, getting them drawn in to common actions with us. But it's events that will prove decisive. And then we have to have a good organization, with cool-headed leadership.

We've got to build that leadership, starting at the ground up.

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