How long should the so-called oath keepers have to go to jail for? what about the BLM rioters?

I am not interested in your hyper-partisan distortion of American jurisprudence.

I support law enforcement and fair and impartial adjudication.

E.g., Trump has brayed that his being indicted will increase his support. That may well be true, but our judiciary cannot consider that a factor in whether to prosecute.
Well, wonderful. You're saying that we should uphold the Rule of Law, and not have selective prosecution based on political beliefs. I agree 100%. The Rule of Law is a precious conquest of civilization, and absent in many countries.

When the George Floyd riots took place in the summer of 2020, most of the Left were silent, or apologized for them. (I'm not talking here of the extreme Left, like the people at It's Going Down, or AntiFa, who took part in them.) Kamala Harris urged people to send bail money.` And she's far from being on the left end of the liberal/progressive spectrum.

Why did the Left have this attitude, instead of demanding "fair and impartial adjudication"? Because they saw the rioters as motivated by a desire for justice, they saw them as their own. They may have been embarrassed by the violence and looting -- as well as knowing it would be a political liability -- but they were still not neutral as between the rioters and the police. We on the Right and the 6 January rioters, same same. Let the law take its course, but be fair.

However, the reality is, the legal system is not some objective, impartial quasi-mathematical function: drop in a crime, out comes a punishment. What people get charged with a crime, and at what level, or released without being charged is a subjective -- and on occasion-- political decision. Judges take into account "mitigating factors". Was the rioter motivated by misguided idealism, or just a thug looking for some action?

Progressive DA's don't want to set bail for Black shoplifters unless they've really stolen a lot. And progressives have managed to raise the limit legally, in many states -- what was a felony is no longer, thanks to our friends on the Left -- with predictable consequences [ Why shoplifting is soaring across the US — and will only get worse ]

We can expect that progressive judges and progressive juries will have the same attitude. It would be naive to think they wouldn't. (White judges and juries in the South certainly didn't apply the law equally, a few decades ago.)

In fact, the Left came up with the concept of "Critical Legal Theory" a few decades ago, to attack the whole idea of 'impartial justice' in the US, and their ideas have metastisized throughout our body politic, especially in the educational system. [ critical legal theory ]

But even before that, the Left's attitude towards the law was summed up in Anatole France's famous observation that the law forbids both the rich and the poor from sleeping under bridges. So contempt for the Rule of Law is baked into leftist ideology.

This is just political reality, and it's going to get worse as our country slowly disintegrates.
Interesting! You know a LOT more about ancient Rome than I do. It's been a big gap in my knowledge, and a friend of mine (a retired Classics teacher) recommended the book by Beard. I'll try to get The Storm Before the Storm and read it. (I had held a prejudice against Mary Beard, ever since, afte 9/11, she said the Americans were just experiencing the chickens coming home to roost. But her book is well written -- the part I've read so far. She knows the limits of the historian trying to understand a different culture that existed two thousand years ago.)

As for the Gracchi's, etc. ... I'll withhold judgement until I read more. But ... when you get extremes of wealth, and in particular a lot of landless men who have been soldiers ... watch out! In the modern era, this usually ends badly for the wealthy landowners.

The British and American governments were smart, and initiated land redistribution (with compensation for the owners) in Ireland (the British) and in Taiwan and South Korea (the Americans). That's another area I need to learn more about.

Small landowners are the most conservative people on the planet. The French Revolution created a lot of them, and they've been a bulwark against communism in France ever since. It's the landless, the poor, the industrial workers being sweated for minimum wages who can't buy their own home ... that's the social base of leftwing radicalism.

Or it used to be. Today's Left couldn't care less about the workers, they actually have snobbish contempt for them.

Okay ... I would be grateful for more reading suggestions (any topic) and links to interesting websites.
If you read The Storm Before the Storm I bet you love it. It's quite a prelude to introduce the end of the Republic some few years later. But those Gracchi brothers! And people think we have a problem with Trump. What I particularly like is how Tiberius Gracchus drove the distinguished senators so crazy that finally they just took out after him through the Forum, togas and all, breaking chairs and table legs all the way so they'd have weapons, led by the Senate's Pontifex Maximus (chief priest) IN costume, looking in my imagination exactly like our Jan. 6 Antler Guy.

Makes me happy. :)
Whoa!!!!!!!!! You were in SDS??? In the National HQ???? Ha. So was I --- in SDS I mean, not the National Office -- (but as a Marxist, doing 'entry work' for the little sect of which I was a member). I went to the National Convention in 1967, in Ann Arbor. But I missed the really important convention, in 1969, where the Stalinist Progressive Labor Party fought it out with the 'National Office', who then destroyed the organization, and themselves split into varous kinds of Maoist/crazy -- from Venceremos, to the Weathermen, to the October League, and the Revolutionary Union.

The FBI had one guy in the faction that became the Weathermen, but stupid J. Edgar Hoover surfaced him early, to show Congress how on the case the FBI was ... so when the Weathermen began bombing things -- including themselves, in New York City -- there was no agent inside. (I read his biography, and ... he was OBVIOUSLY an agent ... they should have been able to spot him as one from a hundred yards. Like your guy. Maybe he was your guy.)

Accidents of history. Had PL been able to take over SDS, which had 100 000 members then and was growing ... who knows where they could have taken it. Fortunately, they had a politically-incorrect line on Black Nationalism (they were against it, as it divides the working class), so the National Office opportunists were able to rally a lot of support within the organization against them, with the help of the Black Panthers, who turned up at the convention and threatened to 'deal with' SDS if they didn't endorse Black Nationalism.

The Left, then, destroyed itself from within. First by faction fighting, and then, for the people who were against PL, by going off and gettng involved in crazy adventurism -- for which some of them paid with their lives (the clumsy bomb makers in New York who blew themselves up with the bomb they were intending for a dance at Fort Dix), or with very long prison sentences (the ones who got drawn into robberies and murders by opportunist Black criminals who realized that naive little white kids, especially the girls, were easy to con).

Lots of lessons here for our side: Unity, unity, unity. Reach out to the masses, don't isolate yourselves. Organize, both yourselves, and others. Don't get involved in romantic violence. Exercise your 2A rights, but remain legal and peaceful (until conditions make this impossible, of course). Rambo is not reality. (Most people "learn" how the world works from Hollywood. Thus all the crazy conspiracy theories and paranoid fantasies that circulate on the Right. The world as a James Bond movie.)

One other lesson from that period: the John Birch Society. Founded by a brilliant man (a child prodigy in his youth), who had studied the CPUSA and how it worked, and formed a patriotic equivalent. Excellent! Exactly right. A dedicated hard core, that does 'mass work'.

And then.... he decided that President Eisenhower was "a conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy". And that was the end of the Birchers as a serious force. They're still around today, God bless 'em, and do some good work, but they're mainly an object lesson for patriots in the importance of common sense.

Yes, events are the big educator. But we most definitely need to 'DO' things: if we are not ready, with a serious organization ... things won't turn out well. We could get fascism -- that's not an impossibility -- or something else almost as bad. Look at Latin America for lots of bad examples, both 'left wng' and 'right wing'. A political vacuum will always be filled.

Rebuilding a Constitutional Republic on the ruins, with whatever part of America we can do it in, requires conscious, organized effort -- just as the American Revolution did. Sitting passively is almost as bad as going out and doing something stupid that gets you arrested.
Wonderful history, Doug1943. What time travellers we all are!! You remind me of what I need to remember when college kids say unbelievably stupid things --- that we do grow out of all that, we figure things out. Neither of us are leftwing today. I actually met nearly all of the famous names of that near-revolution, because of where I went to school. Indeed, you refer above twice to a notorious one who was in my dorm, one class above me. Well, she's dead now, so I'd better not say, but one of the things I well remember was that we throw around the word "communist," but these kids actually WERE communists, and proud of it and said so, often, through bullhorns. They were the real deal, bombs and all.

I went to all the marches, Joan Baez singing in front of the Washington Monument, it was indeed all very romantic. But then life occurred and I did not get to that big and quasi-violent Pentagon march, which was really the last one. I was married and having babies and stuff. After that march Congress figured it out, that 133% of the marchers were college-educated, and that they were on the edge of losing the country. I didn't myself figure that out for 15 years, when I suddenly one day realized what a near thing it had been. They got Teddy Kennedy to publicize that they were stopping the draft (he was supposed to be our ideal youth figure, as if!) and that was it -------------- the protests turned off like a water tap.

And the lessons of the failed Vietnam War held for fully 30 years ---- don't DO losing wars in places not in our national interests! But then came Bush, Jr. Ah, well, losing war after losing war since, and probably another in Ukraine soon. I hope not.
Wonderful history, Doug1943. What time travellers we all are!! You remind me of what I need to remember when college kids say unbelievably stupid things --- that we do grow out of all that, we figure things out. Neither of us are leftwing today. I actually met nearly all of the famous names of that near-revolution, because of where I went to school. Indeed, you refer above twice to a notorious one who was in my dorm, one class above me. Well, she's dead now, so I'd better not say, but one of the things I well remember was that we throw around the word "communist," but these kids actually WERE communists, and proud of it and said so, often, through bullhorns. They were the real deal, bombs and all.

I went to all the marches, Joan Baez singing in front of the Washington Monument, it was indeed all very romantic. But then life occurred and I did not get to that big and quasi-violent Pentagon march, which was really the last one. I was married and having babies and stuff. After that march Congress figured it out, that 133% of the marchers were college-educated, and that they were on the edge of losing the country. I didn't myself figure that out for 15 years, when I suddenly one day realized what a near thing it had been. They got Teddy Kennedy to publicize that they were stopping the draft (he was supposed to be our ideal youth figure, as if!) and that was it -------------- the protests turned off like a water tap.

And the lessons of the failed Vietnam War held for fully 30 years ---- don't DO losing wars in places not in our national interests! But then came Bush, Jr. Ah, well, losing war after losing war since, and probably another in Ukraine soon. I hope not.
Ha! Were you in Washington in 1963, for the famous March, with MLK's speech? So was I! Five of us stuffed ourselves into a little VW bug and drove all the way there from Austin, Texas. I even saw Joan Baez and Bob Dylan at a party my then-organization (the Socialist Party, or more precisely, its youth group) organized afterwards. (Then I went to Chicago as an invited guest at the Young Socialist Alliance convention, a far more leftwing group than the rather mild democratic socialist organization I was in.)

Yes, I keep telling myself that, as Marx liked to say "the Owl of Minerva [wisdom] flies only at dusk.". The thing is, yes, some of us became conservatives ...although it took me about 30 years to do so. You probably know that supposed Churchill quote, "If you're not a socialist at 20, you have no heart; if you're still one at 40, you have no brain."

And a number of my former comrades have become conservative as well. But I think the majority of those young people became ... hard to find a word for it, but basically, people who were fundamentally cynical about America. Leftwing sympathies and impulses, but minus an ideology. (I'm not talking about that entire generation, just the few hundred thouand activists, most of whom became 'intelligentsia' -- teachers, professors, journalists, lawyers, government employees.)

Socialism was a busted flush, especially by the time of Reagan when the Third World Revolution had fizzled (or been drowned in blood), Russia was boring, China going capitalist... so they didn't become, or stay, socialists in any real sense of the term. But they weren't pro-American.

(And then, some did remain true to the Faith. I have two friends who are both still active hard-core Trotskyists. And the fellow who was my partner when we were doing voter registration in Freedom Summer remained a serious Marxist all his life. He had about twice my IQ, so it shows ... well, it shows there is a difference between intelligence and wisdom.)

And that generation were the people who taught the next generation, who went on from there, until you've now got this generation of young people -- I'm talking about the 'elite' part of the college-educated -- who are deeply cynical about the country. And of course Mr Bush's overseas adventures just confirmed them in this.

A lot of them, probably most, were fundamentally decent people. Whether you can say that about the ranks of AntiFa, I'm not so sure. They seem much more me-me-me oriented. And they despise their own working class -- although the New Left of the 60s was also a lot more ambivalent about the white working class than the previous generation of Communists and Socialists had been. They have no vision of a better society, a better world -- they're not anarchists in the sense that the anarchists of the late 19th and early 20th Century were. They're no Sacco and Vanzettis.

And some our contemporaries were rotters. I despise Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. They were little dictators inside the Weatherman group, and they forced their members to engage in homosexual acts, to 'smash monogamy'. One of the Weatherman leaders, a good man, one Mark Rudd, wrote his memoirs and if you read them, you'll come away loathing Ayers and Dohrn. They were spoiled rich kids who were used to getting their way.

And then there were the abolute idiots who got conned into taking part in robberies by Black hustlers, ex-cons, who exerted a magnetic attraction on these naive, soft white kids, especially the women. You probably remember the Symbionese Liberation Army, just one example. I think some of them are still in prison.
And then there were the abolute idiots who got conned into taking part in robberies by Black hustlers, ex-cons, who exerted a magnetic attraction on these naive, soft white kids, especially the women. You probably remember the Symbionese Liberation Army, just one example. I think some of them are still in prison.
No. . . . they both died, not too long ago. Their son, raised by Dohrn and Ayres, was that California prosecutor who didn't prosecute nobody, and was recalled by voters. I never met either Dohrn or Ayres, may have seen Mark Rudd, can't be sure.

More later.
Well, wonderful. You're saying that we should uphold the Rule of Law, and not have selective prosecution based on political beliefs. I agree 100%. The Rule of Law is a precious conquest of civilization, and absent in many countries.

When the George Floyd riots took place in the summer of 2020, most of the Left were silent, or apologized for them. (I'm not talking here of the extreme Left, like the people at It's Going Down, or AntiFa, who took part in them.) Kamala Harris urged people to send bail money.` And she's far from being on the left end of the liberal/progressive spectrum.
Please identify "the Left," and explain how you have determined that "most of them were silent."

Bail, under law, allows the liberty of a person under arrest on security given for their appearance when required, and does not imply guilt or innocence.

Why did the Left have this attitude, instead of demanding "fair and impartial adjudication"? Because they saw the rioters as motivated by a desire for justice, they saw them as their own. They may have been embarrassed by the violence and looting -- as well as knowing it would be a political liability -- but they were still not neutral as between the rioters and the police.
You ascribe an "attitude" to your "Left" and make up whatever serves your agenda. I am unaware of any responsible person who does not endorse law and order, or who defends rioting. In fact, multiple documented statements confirm otherwise. E.g.,

I can find no instances of any elected officials defending or excusing rioting.If you can cite any, please provide a reliable source.

We on the Right and the 6 January rioters, same same. Let the law take its course, but be fair.

However, the reality is, the legal system is not some objective, impartial quasi-mathematical function: drop in a crime, out comes a punishment. What people get charged with a crime, and at what level, or released without being charged is a subjective -- and on occasion-- political decision. Judges take into account "mitigating factors". Was the rioter motivated by misguided idealism, or just a thug looking for some action?

Progressive DA's don't want to set bail for Black shoplifters unless they've really stolen a lot. And progressives have managed to raise the limit legally, in many states -- what was a felony is no longer, thanks to our friends on the Left -- with predictable consequences (Why shoplifting is soaring across the US - and will onlt get worse) [

We can expect that progressive judges and progressive juries will have the same attitude. It would be naive to think they wouldn't. (White judges and juries in the South certainly didn't apply the law equally, a few decades ago.)

In fact, the Left came up with the concept of "Critical Legal Theory" a few decades ago, to attack the whole idea of 'impartial justice' in the US, and their ideas have metastisized throughout our body politic, especially in the educational system. [critical legal theory.0

But even before that, the Left's attitude towards the law was summed up in Anatole France's famous observation that the law forbids both the rich and the poor from sleeping under bridges. So contempt for the Rule of Law is baked into leftist ideology.

This is just political reality, and it's going to get worse as our country slowly disintegrates.
Republican officeholders who lied about the Trump goon attack upon outnumbered police defending democracy by claiming that the Trump goons were "antifa" or that the savage attack was "a normal tourist visit," or the instigator of the attempt to pervert democracy indicating that he would pardon those goons are responsible or consistent with America's system of jurisprudence.
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Please identify "the Left," and explain how you have determined that "most of them were silent."

Bail, under law, allows the liberty of a person under arrest on security given for their appearance when required, and does not imply guilt or innocence.

You ascribe an "attitude" to your "Left" and make up whatever serves your agenda. I am unaware of any responsible person who does not endorse law and order, or who defends rioting. In fact, multiple documented statements confirm otherwise. E.g.,

I can find no instances of any elected officials defending or excusing rioting.If you can cite any, please provide a reliable source.

Republican officeholders who lied about the Trump goon attack upon outnumbered police defending democracy by claiming that the Trump goons were "antifa" or that the savage attack was "a normal tourist visit," or the instigator of the attempt to pervert democracy indicating that he would pardon those goons are responsible or consistent with America's system of jurisprudence.
Elected Democrats -- who want to get re-elected -- are not stupid enough to openly endorse violent rioting. "Go attack that police station! Burn down that courthouse!" Of course not. They're not dumb.

On the other hand, their base includes a significant number of serious hardcore Leftists to whom they must cater.

So they have to send out ambiguous signals.

Kamala Harris urged people to send bail money for the arrested violent rioters ... she wouldn't have done that for the 6 January rioters. She wanted to signal her sympathy for the rioters.

As for violence or the threat of violence, Democrat Maxine Waters urged her followers to, whenever they saw a Trump cabinet member in a restaruant, to gather and 'get in their face'. What do you think that means? Handing them a petition?

Democratic Representative Ayanna Pressley called for 'unrest in the streets'. Now, of course, if I were her lawyer, I'd say, oh, she just meant peaceful protest. But if that was really what she meant, she would have said peaceful protests. If there had been only peaceful protests, then the word 'unrest' would have had to apply to them. When riots are going on, the word 'unrest' is filled with a different content.

Political reality, especially in the US, has run far ahead of the vocabulary we have at hand to describe it.

I use the term "the Left" loosely ... necessarily so. Sometimes I mean everyone who is not a conservative ... from the most tepid liberal, all the way out to the Democratic Precinct Chairman who is also head of the Communist Party in his city, or the Leninists inside the Democratic Socialists of America

Sometimes I mean people who want to see the US fundamentally transformed into some sort of socialism, whatever that means nowadays -- most of whom are in, or support, the Democrats, although only a few are elected officials at the national level at the moment.. (And even if we restrict 'the Left' to 'the socialist left', we're not talking about a monolithic bloc -- some of them are small-d democrats, others not.)

I hope it's clear from context each time -- trying to go into detail to make it clear which currents in the Left I'm talking about would add even more words to what is usually a too-long screed anyway.

So ... did any elected national Democrats 'stay silent' on the riots? I doubt it. They're not stupid, and know that riots, like the demand to 'defund the police', are election losers.

But that 'the Left' -- its most consciously-Left components -- had and has a very different attitude to the 2020 rioters, compared to their attitude to the 6 January rioter, shouldn't be controversial. (You can find Leftists on this very board, maybe this thread, justifying the violence of the riots.)

As for local Democratic politicians, the New York Post put it this way:

Across the country, BLM and Antifa were coddled. Portland allowed them to set up an autonomous zone in the middle of the city for months, and police and politicians did nothing.

In liberal cities, politicians told cops to back off and pushed for more lawbreakers to be released without bail or no charges
[ Liberal amnesia about last summer’s riots ]

And the Center for Security Policy noted this about Democrats in Congress:

Most Americans favor a genuine investigation into the political violence that erupted during the summer of 2020. A National Police Association/Rasmussen Reports Poll showed that 66 percent of Americans want the Summer 2020 Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots investigated, in results that transcend both racial and partisan lines.

Yet congressional Democrats have staunchly refused to address the riots which resulted in more than $2 billion in damages and dozens of lives lost, preferring instead to focus solely on a single incident in which one person, protester and U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, was killed by a police officer.

We are unlikely to get a real investigation of those riots, however, because the data available isn’t friendly to the Democrats’ narrative, or more particularly those who offered full-throated support of BLM protest organizers and are now baying for the blood of January 6 protestors.

[ Why Congress won’t investigate the 2020 summer riots - Center for Security Policy ]

So, sorry, your side is not at all impartial. Your attitude to 'Left wing' riots is very different to your attitude to 'Right wing' riots. Neither is my side impartial.

I'm not condemning you for this. That's the way it is in a war. No side punishes its own soldiers who commit war crimes.
One side protested over their ignoring of their civil rights being violated for years while the other side protected over the lies of a poor loser.

Yes, one side is defendable.
100% true and shows what scum balls you creeps are.
That proof would have put the icing on the cake for your partisan TV production.....why wasn't there video of at least the claims of feces and urine in their report?

Because there was none, only hearsay reports from staffers........with no actual proof.
That proof would have put the icing on the cake for your partisan TV production.....why wasn't there video of at least the claims of feces and urine in their report?

Because there was none, only hearsay reports from staffers........with no actual proof.
It was there where Capitol Police order Snow and others to drop to the ground, the records state. Snow followed those orders and was later seen in a hallway appearing to exit the building.

When interviewed by federal agents, the court records stated that Snow admitted to entering the building. The records also state that Snow told agents he later came back in the Capitol building and urinated on a column in an area he thought to be a cafeteria before again leaving.

It was there where Capitol Police order Snow and others to drop to the ground, the records state. Snow followed those orders and was later seen in a hallway appearing to exit the building.

When interviewed by federal agents, the court records stated that Snow admitted to entering the building. The records also state that Snow told agents he later came back in the Capitol building and urinated on a column in an area he thought to be a cafeteria before again leaving.

So it's hearsay then?
That proof would have put the icing on the cake for your partisan TV production.....why wasn't there video of at least the claims of feces and urine in their report?

Because there was none, only hearsay reports from staffers........with no actual proof.
You are a lying worm
They took a dump on American democracy — literally.

Some of the unhinged pro-Trump rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday defecated inside the historic building and “tracked” their feces in several hallways, the Daily News has learned.

MAGA mob rioters smeared their own feces throughout the Capitol and 'tracked brown footprints' in several hallways during violent siege​

  • Senator Chuck Schumer's staffers found out on Thursday that some rioters had defecated in the Capitol, a source says
  • They are believed to have defecated in one of the bathrooms after breaching the Capitol before 'tracking' their excrement in multiple hallways in the building
  • Brown footprints were found in parts of the Capitol hallways
That proof would have put the icing on the cake for your partisan TV production.....why wasn't there video of at least the claims of feces and urine in their report?

Because there was none, only hearsay reports from staffers........with no actual proof.
This guy is a piece of shit just like the shit that was left in the hallways at the capital by people just like this piece of shit.

DNA Test on Poop Smeared in Capitol Hallways? Theory Surfaces as Search For Rioters​

View attachment 732717

Pictured Above is Jessica Watkins who is a so-called insurrectionist. So she is going to take our country over? So that’s it, those are the big bad wolf? We’re supposed to be scared of them? Come on now looks more like she and her cohorts had some mental issues. Appears that some of these “insurrectionists” couldn’t handle a job at McDonald’s let alone take over a country.

This can’t be reality right folks. I would hope that we could all see that the idea that these few dozen people had any sort of an ability to overturn the election is fraudulent. Bc in order to overtake a country one needs tanks and jets, A military. The idea that these “oath keepers “were somehow capable of overthrowing the election is absurd. They are about as much of a threat as the angry old white man who is still racist against blacks…

She faces a 20 year maximum prison sentence that she’s already been convicted guilty of the crime she was charged with. As far as I know she illegally walked into the Capitol building on Jan . I don’t think she attacked anyone. As a Catholic the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Maybe she should get a few weeks in jail?

What about the BLM rioters burn down the Minnesota police station? That’s a government building it’s the same thing folks it is a official government building. And that was literally burn down. But guess what a January 6 the government building was not burned down. So what’s going on here this is clearly hypocrisy where are the trials for the BLM rioters?

The other end of it was considering some sort of a blanket immunity for BLM rioters and the January 6 rioters. Thinking of a way to bring the country together. Have Donald Trump and Joe Biden shake hands with each other. Seriously it’s about unity it’s about common sense the most violent offenders where the BLM rioters or January 6 rioters who are for example in fist fights with cops violently attacking people they should go to jail for more than a year but simply entering a government building illegally that does not warrant a 20 year prison sentence.

How long should the so-called oath keepers have to go to jail for? what about the BLM rioters?​

You are a lying worm
They took a dump on American democracy — literally.

Some of the unhinged pro-Trump rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday defecated inside the historic building and “tracked” their feces in several hallways, the Daily News has learned. physical i said, J6 would have had a field day with proof.

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