How Long to FIX the Damage From OLD Joe?

Here you go loser.

The economy you are seeing is from actions taken last year because economies don't function at the drop of a dime.
Like lets make it worse Brandon attacking energy from day one. Yeah that really helped. Took lawsuits to get drilling agwin. Obama 2.0
Like lets make it worse Brandon attacking energy from day one. Yeah that really helped. Took lawsuits to get drilling agwin. Obama 2.0
Energy suffered its worse year under Trump since the great depression but you want to blame Biden, yeah, you keep on supporting that inept son of a bitch.
Energy suffered its worse year under Trump since the great depression but you want to blame Biden, yeah, you keep on supporting that inept son of a bitch.
When you have nothing...............

ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Energy suffered its worse year under Trump since the great depression but you want to blame Biden, yeah, you keep on supporting that inept son of a bitch.
When you shut down the whole world for the Kung Flu that shit happens. Worst Nazis here are from Blue dnc asshole states
When you shut down the whole world for the Kung Flu that shit happens. Worst Nazis here are from Blue dnc asshole states
Blue states were not the only ones to shut down in states or the federal govt. But, keep yer head firmly up the GOP's ass to hide the truth.
I am glad you can finally get yer head out of Trump's ass long enough to see that he sucks just like Biden sucks..
When you have nothing...............

ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy you are seeing is from actions taken last year because economies don't function at the drop of a dime.
Confidence levels do. Biden messed with the border and didn’t fix the supply chain issue and won’t for another 18 Mos. He sucks and you voted for him.
It will take a while. The money for the border wall will have to be reallocated. If Trump wins in 2024 he will have to start over draining the swamp. Trump will have to do some work to get Congress to repeal Obamacare.
4 more years will certainly get it done, when he couldn't do it in the first 4 years.

Likely never.......RINOs don't roll back laws because by and by they will use them the same as the dems do to beat you about the head and shoulders with. They are not called the Uniparty for nothing.

About the best you can hope for is to have any of Tater's EOs and marching orders to the regulatory agencies rolled back like Tater's string pullers are currently doing to Trump's but I don't suspect it will be on the same scale.

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