How long until Harris is sworn in as President?

How long until Joe steps down or is forced out?

  • 1 month

  • Several months

  • 6 months to a year

  • After the midterms

  • He will serve his full term

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I find it funny not funny that she dropped out because nobody wanted her. Not even her own party. Yet now she slimed in as vp and will be potus IF and WHEN the fat lady sings.
Ironic, isn't it?
It is crazy.

I still have no idea why Biden named her as the VP. She is a terrible option disliked by virtually everyone with nary a principled bone in her body. It is the black version of Hillary. She is willing to say or do anything whatsoever to gain power yet is utterly unable to sell it as genuine.

Impeachment insurance. The same reason Obama picked a useless turd like Joe Biden.
You spelled McCain AND Sarah Palin wrong.

Sorry, didn't realize I needed to specify "people who won elections" for the dummies here.
Sorry, didn't realize I needed to point out that when he picked her he hadn't won yet...for the dummies here.

That avatar is right up your alley. The dumbest woman in politics.

Wingnuts always claim that and then can't back up their slander. Meanwhile, she continues to eviscerate every Republican who thinks she's stupid. CSPAN has the receipts.

Her stupidity is evident. If you can't see it, well, I think you know what that means...
You can't name it. Your stupidity is very evident.
If he does not fully embrace the far left socialist agenda they will get rid of him.
No, he's safe. But 2022 establishment Democrats will get primaries.

There is no love for Joe in the Dim Party.
81,282,376 American citizens say you're full of shit. And, being one of them, I voted for Joe in 1988, 2008, and 2020.

No one in the Dim Party wants a moderate centrist.
Joe is a progressive. He just makes you think he's a moderate. And on some issues, I'm sure, he's conservative. Like banking, foreign policy, and a few others. But he's more progressive than Obama felt comfortably being, publicly.
There is no reason to think otherwise.
Not sure this will post correctly, still trying to figure that out about quoting, cutting out all the in-between if any, and I'm not there yet.

There are several reasons that come to mind: 1. people have openly stated that "Biden did his job getting elected, now let him go be old somewhere and let Harris take over" I'm paraphrasing another USMB poster btw from a few weeks ago, maybe the day after election. Whoa. Regardless of one's opinion of Biden (mine isn't a good one) that is just low. Some people can really go low it seems without worries.
2. Why didn't Time magazine give their 2020 recognition to Biden without Harris? Think about that. He wasn't good enough alone and they knew it. With her he's worse, but that's my opinion.
3. Unless you haven't watched Biden in action for the past year at least, he's suffering from significant mental decline. When one refers to black people as "roaches", he was either revealing a horrible thought or switched up mid-sentence to talk about roaches....many other recordings just like that.

I can't guess when, but he's already out and likely doesn't know it yet even if they told him.
And if he doesn't finish his first term, no big deal. President Harris will make a fine POTUS.
I strongly suspect that, like most intelligent people, and unlike the buffoon currently in the White House, she would grow into the position at a good pace. Also unlike the buffoon currently in the White House, her administration would be moderate, thoughtful and appropriate.

She won't have to grow into the position. That kind of power is what she's been aiming for since the first time she sucked an old man's dick for a job.
There is no reason to think otherwise.
Not sure this will post correctly, still trying to figure that out about quoting, cutting out all the in-between if any, and I'm not there yet.
Simplest way, slect the text you want to quote as though you were going to copy it and then press the reply button. Only the selected text will appear in the reply box at the bottom :D
There are several reasons that come to mind: 1. people have openly stated that "Biden did his job getting elected, now let him go be old somewhere and let Harris take over" I'm paraphrasing another USMB poster btw from a few weeks ago, maybe the day after election. Whoa. Regardless of one's opinion of Biden (mine isn't a good one) that is just low. Some people can really go low it seems without worries.
Sure, some people may have said such things. Biden, however, has not said anything like that and he is the one holding all the cards. He is the one with almost complete power in this regard. ALL of the methods to 'git rid' of Biden, like article II or impeachment, would end is an absolute political disaster for the democrat party and are simply not options on the table.

There is also no doubt that Biden desperately wants this. He has been trying to get into the oval office for a long time now.
2. Why didn't Time magazine give their 2020 recognition to Biden without Harris? Think about that. He wasn't good enough alone and they knew it. With her he's worse, but that's my opinion.
Irrelevant as Time Magazine has absolutely nothing to do with who is president.

The media will not stoop to anything even remotely close to how they treated Trump with Biden. Not even in the same ballpark. It did not chase Trump from the office and the kid gloves they are going to handle Biden with is not going to chase him out of the office. The better question, to be perfectly honest, is why the hell Time Magazine was giving anyone their nod. Almost the entire media finally outing themselves as democrat shills was rather surprising considering the number of years they have been outright lying about it.
3. Unless you haven't watched Biden in action for the past year at least, he's suffering from significant mental decline. When one refers to black people as "roaches", he was either revealing a horrible thought or switched up mid-sentence to talk about roaches....many other recordings just like that.

I can't guess when, but he's already out and likely doesn't know it yet even if they told him.
He is not nearly as sharp as in the past, if sharp is something that could ever be applicable here, but his decline is nothing that resembles something that will remove him from office. The constant exaggerations and doomsyaing that goes on during the election does not even have a passing resemblance with reality.
And if he doesn't finish his first term, no big deal. President Harris will make a fine POTUS.
I strongly suspect that, like most intelligent people, and unlike the buffoon currently in the White House, she would grow into the position at a good pace. Also unlike the buffoon currently in the White House, her administration would be moderate, thoughtful and appropriate.

She won't have to grow into the position. That kind of power is what she's been aiming for since the first time she sucked an old man's dick for a job.
Well, planning & preparation are good!
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will serve his full term as the 46th President and then leave amidst the thanks of the American people for having helped heal the nation after a most contentious presidential election.

To predict otherwise is, IMHO, indecorous.
Simplest way, slect the text you want to quote as though you were going to copy it and then press the reply button. Only the selected text will appear in the reply box at the bottom :D
Thanks so much and simple works well for me!
ALL of the methods to 'git rid' of Biden, like article II or impeachment, would end is an absolute political disaster for the democrat party and are simply not options on the table.
What do you think about the odds of the legal aspect taking Biden out of the seat? Knowing Harris wouldn't beat Trump, the DNC figured to go safe with Biden being more of a moderate than Harris. The other segment supporting left of left measures wanting Harris all along were appeased to get her in office through the backdoor. The trickery! This reminds me way too much of the cunning and calculating moves performed by the conniving Hillary! lol

The FBI's intentional delay of releasing info after the election is another element. Prior to election, with their statement that they couldn't confirm nor deny having possession of Hunter's laptop was surely taken out of Charles Ponzi's playbook- Deceptive Tactics 101. If our government's "domestic security system" is controlled by a political party, things really are worse than I knew. I've read/heard many say this, that the FBI was politicized and has been for years. I just hoped otherwise and assumed these assessments were based upon the actions of a few (those two agents come to mind who texted anti-Trump messages) but I am sure that could easily extend to many sharing the same political opinions and acting/or not acting on them.
There are so many media leaks out now about the Biden family (Joe, his son, his brother, his sis-in-law to date mentioned) legal documents, taped recordings, money trail etc. for it to not amount to something. Interesting times to say the least.

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