How Long Will it Take Liberal Media to Spin the Debate Aftermath in Favor of Clinton?

Post debate spin will concentrate on bizarre explanations of what Trump really meant, distorting the English language and taking phrases out of context
Ohhhhhhh that's what unemployed American who lost his factory job to Mexico cares about. That damn distorting of the English language and taking statements out of context. No wonder your losing.

Scapegoating Mexicans while the super wealthy reap record profits is the reason you are struggling. Trump at his finest
How am I scapegoating? Have we not lost millions of jobs to Mexico?
And China and India, and Vietnam and Malasia.....
But those nations have nothing to do with NAFTA.
Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories.

One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.

Well....I don't know about anyone else....but I am sitting on the edge of my seat for your take on this debate. You, being a non-partisan independent will surely have an untainted point of view.

Of course, you are just a casual observer and are interested in this debate only for what it can add to your ongoing social experiment. You may not even watch it...right?

What are the odds that you come away from this debate thinking that neither candidate was the better performer? I wonder?
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Post debate spin will concentrate on bizarre explanations of what Trump really meant, distorting the English language and taking phrases out of context
Ohhhhhhh that's what unemployed American who lost his factory job to Mexico cares about. That damn distorting of the English language and taking statements out of context. No wonder your losing.

Scapegoating Mexicans while the super wealthy reap record profits is the reason you are struggling. Trump at his finest
How am I scapegoating? Have we not lost millions of jobs to Mexico?
And China and India, and Vietnam and Malasia.....
But those nations have nothing to do with NAFTA.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They will be lying before the debate ends. I vote within the first 3 minutes a real time major media lefty will be lying somewhere, even if just on twitter.

Mmm, no. I take that back. They will be lying about how things on going with the seating of Cuban and Flowers, before the candidates are even on the stage.

Really, when you talk about how quickly a lib lies, you need to be thinking about how long they can hold their breath.
Seating Flowers will reflect poorly on Trump and make Hillary look like the victim

It will backfire for Trump and highlight what a prick he is
Hillary stood by Slick Willie for decades as his dick "accidentally" fell into women after women. She is not a victim. anyone who thinks so is willfully ignorant of the facts.
“Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” Hillary Clinton on Bills bimbo eruptions
"Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported." Hillary Clinton.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They will be lying before the debate ends. I vote within the first 3 minutes a real time major media lefty will be lying somewhere, even if just on twitter.

Mmm, no. I take that back. They will be lying about how things on going with the seating of Cuban and Flowers, before the candidates are even on the stage.

Really, when you talk about how quickly a lib lies, you need to be thinking about how long they can hold their breath.
Seating Flowers will reflect poorly on Trump and make Hillary look like the victim

It will backfire for Trump and highlight what a prick he is
Hillary stood by Slick Willie for decades as his dick "accidentally" fell into women after women. She is not a victim. anyone who thinks so is willfully ignorant of the facts.
“Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” Hillary Clinton on Bills bimbo eruptions
"Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported." Hillary Clinton.
Many women stick by cheating husbands. It is her decision. It reflects more negatively on the cheating spouse than the victim

Trump, on the other hand, is a serial cheater. It has been documented in all the tabloids

It does not give Trump the moral high ground.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They will be lying before the debate ends. I vote within the first 3 minutes a real time major media lefty will be lying somewhere, even if just on twitter.

Mmm, no. I take that back. They will be lying about how things on going with the seating of Cuban and Flowers, before the candidates are even on the stage.

Really, when you talk about how quickly a lib lies, you need to be thinking about how long they can hold their breath.
Seating Flowers will reflect poorly on Trump and make Hillary look like the victim

It will backfire for Trump and highlight what a prick he is

Nope. It will remind everyone that HIllary is the exact opposite of a feminist, and that she enabled and at times led, the complete degradation and humiliation of innocent women.

Her Woman Card is in grave danger.

THe media, is of course, complete whores. But can they resent putting Flowers on screen?
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They will be lying before the debate ends. I vote within the first 3 minutes a real time major media lefty will be lying somewhere, even if just on twitter.

Mmm, no. I take that back. They will be lying about how things on going with the seating of Cuban and Flowers, before the candidates are even on the stage.

Really, when you talk about how quickly a lib lies, you need to be thinking about how long they can hold their breath.
Seating Flowers will reflect poorly on Trump and make Hillary look like the victim

It will backfire for Trump and highlight what a prick he is
Hillary stood by Slick Willie for decades as his dick "accidentally" fell into women after women. She is not a victim. anyone who thinks so is willfully ignorant of the facts.
“Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” Hillary Clinton on Bills bimbo eruptions
"Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported." Hillary Clinton.
Many women stick by cheating husbands. It is her decision. It reflects more negatively on the cheating spouse than the victim

Trump, on the other hand, is a serial cheater. It has been documented in all the tabloids

It does not give Trump the moral high ground.

More than cheating and more than just standing by.

And thus, it DOES give Trump the moral high ground.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.
Doesn't matter....people are tired of the media and don't trust them. They LOVED it when Trump trolled the shit out of the media a few weeks ago....that combined with getting news from alternate sources online will make sure the people know who really won.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They already are.

Debates don’t often change presidential races. Is 2016 the exception?
No I guess all of the media outlets liberal shit love so much are "fair and balanced since we NEVER see anyone from a centrist, or "right wing" person on them. I have yet to see a Republican on any channel except Trump there to try to have him say something they can distort, and make into a slur. If they have any person who does not support their murderous lying treasonous bitch, there are always at least three of the leftist for one right tight. Liberals had better get used to getting what they have given for sixty years (they just cant stand real equality) , because REAL AMERICANS are tired of the kingdom, and the kings. As for the debate, I don't think it will make any difference whatsoever. Both sides will say they won, the shit bitch already has the slant of the Electoral College and I still think over 500 just because of the libertarian igmo. Plus they are hedging their bet by granting citizenship, and voting rights to any illegal that says they will vote for da beech.

MSNBC has a 3 hour morning show hosted by conservative Republican Joe Scarborough despite MSNBC being labeled as ultra liberal.
There are all kinds of conservatives working at MSNBC. Michael Steele who was one of the best party managers the GOP has ever had, total Trump supporter and super conservative Hugh Hewitt, Steve Schmidt who worked closely with Bush, McCain and Palin, Nicolle Wallace former press manager and enormous admirer for George Bush and many more.

It's Republicans who try to say MSNBC is the opposite of Fox. And it is, but not in the way they want. Fox is the idiot fact free network. Over the top and dangerous. MSNBC is the opposite.

Republicans like to think Fox is conservative and thoughtful and it's MSNBC who is wildly liberal and out of control. They even attack the stable of MSNBC conservatives as NOT really conservative. Hugh? Michael? Nicole? Steve? Not conservative???? Too ridiculous for words.
How Long Will it Take Liberal Media to Spin the Debate Aftermath in Favor of Clinton?

This is what will happen immediately after the debate.

Trump Supporters - "Trump owned her ass! That was epic!"

Hillary Supporters - "Clinton destroyed Trump! That was embarrassing!"

Wash, rinse, repeat....
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They will be lying before the debate ends. I vote within the first 3 minutes a real time major media lefty will be lying somewhere, even if just on twitter.

Mmm, no. I take that back. They will be lying about how things on going with the seating of Cuban and Flowers, before the candidates are even on the stage.

Really, when you talk about how quickly a lib lies, you need to be thinking about how long they can hold their breath.
Seating Flowers will reflect poorly on Trump and make Hillary look like the victim

It will backfire for Trump and highlight what a prick he is

Nope. It will remind everyone that HIllary is the exact opposite of a feminist, and that she enabled and at times led, the complete degradation and humiliation of innocent women.

Her Woman Card is in grave danger.

THe media, is of course, complete whores. But can they resent putting Flowers on screen?
Forgiving a cheating husband offends feminists?

What do they think of a known cheater like Trump?
conservative Republican Joe Scarborough

I think CNN already announced Hillary was the winner?

That would not surprise me, Trump will have to score a overwhelming knock out punch just to get the lying lowlife scum MSM to score it a tie. Even then it would be a tie, but with Hillary is super fantastic spin. Hillary is a liar and so is the MSM.

THINK! Hanging chads. Like blue balls hanging on a vine. :laugh:
Gore couldn't win his home state. Cost him the election.

What's Trump's home state?

As your momma.
How Long Will it Take Liberal Media to Spin the Debate Aftermath in Favor of Clinton?

This is what will happen immediately after the debate.

Trump Supporters - "Trump owned her ass! That was epic!"

Hillary Supporters - "Clinton destroyed Trump! That was embarrassing!"

Wash, rinse, repeat....
But what will mainstream media communicate to voting public?
Trump has been apologizing ahead of time for his debate performance and trying to blame his assininity on others even before it happens. That the cow-dung flingers here are also apoligizing for him is no surprise.

They are all on the apology tour. The pre-emptive apology tour. Or PAT. Here's Pat.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They will be lying before the debate ends. I vote within the first 3 minutes a real time major media lefty will be lying somewhere, even if just on twitter.

Mmm, no. I take that back. They will be lying about how things on going with the seating of Cuban and Flowers, before the candidates are even on the stage.

Really, when you talk about how quickly a lib lies, you need to be thinking about how long they can hold their breath.
Seating Flowers will reflect poorly on Trump and make Hillary look like the victim

It will backfire for Trump and highlight what a prick he is

Nope. It will remind everyone that HIllary is the exact opposite of a feminist, and that she enabled and at times led, the complete degradation and humiliation of innocent women.

Her Woman Card is in grave danger.

THe media, is of course, complete whores. But can they resent putting Flowers on screen?
Forgiving a cheating husband offends feminists?

What do they think of a known cheater like Trump?
Not much, he has never been POTUS and never got knob jobs there while his wife was in the executive residence.
Trump has been apologizing ahead of time for his debate performance and trying to blame his assininity on others even before it happens. That the cow-dung flingers here are also apoligizing for him is no surprise.

They are all on the apology tour. The pre-emptive apology tour. Or PAT. Here's Pat.
Trump will best her. I shall dredge this post up and beat you about the head and body with it exactly one minute after the debate.
The Washington Post was happy to declare Romney the winner of the first 2012 debate,

lol, will any of you RW'ers accept their assessment of the upcoming debate as fair?

Six reasons Mitt Romney won the first debate
Mitt Romney did win the first debate in a sense. He changed his positions on every position he ran on for the entire race up until them. Obama was flustered. Obama prepared for the first Mitt Romney, not the Mitt Romney that showed up on the debate with all the reversed positions.

Hillary's problem is that Trump will change his position two or three times in a single sentence. How can you fact check that?
How Long Will it Take Liberal Media to Spin the Debate Aftermath in Favor of Clinton?

This is what will happen immediately after the debate.

Trump Supporters - "Trump owned her ass! That was epic!"

Hillary Supporters - "Clinton destroyed Trump! That was embarrassing!"

Wash, rinse, repeat....
But what will the undecided and the people just tuning in think?

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