How Long Will it Take Liberal Media to Spin the Debate Aftermath in Favor of Clinton?

What has Trump or his campaign said that is anything of a viciousness or scale of hyperbole of claiming that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war?
Well Trump claimed that Hillary gave aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies....wait, no that was Hillary again.

Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories.

One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.
What do you think amounts to winning the debate?

Presenting the stronger Wonkish pile of fictional policies or just persuading more people to vote for you?

Hillary will do better with the first goal while Trump will win wildly with the second set of goals.

Hence why I say he will win, if he avoids a serious verbal fumble.
These goddamn things really don't tell us all that much. The biggest variables (and I could be missing some) are the behavior & tactics of the "moderator", whether the moderator turns it into a gotcha-fest instead of a serious issue debate, if any zingers of historical proportion happen, and then if either of the candidate just biffs it.

None of those are great indicators of which one would make the better President.

And then it depends on the viewer. I'm far more interested on their knowledge of the issues and specifically what they would do in office than I am about Trump's taxes or Hillary's emails.

THat's you.

HIllary and the media has been telling America (and the world) that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war.

If Trump can make those accusations look absurd, or if Hillary tries them in person when he can defend himself,

THAT could decide the election right there.

Because more people are resisting voting for Trump because of the panic mongering than because of any real policy issue.
Both parties have been shamelessly piling on the silly, insulting, embarrassing hyperbole.

Both candidates will have a chance to prove it wrong.

What has Trump or his campaign said that is anything of a viciousness or scale of hyperbole of claiming that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war?
Trump has been communicating almost exclusively in hyperbole since he first announced.

He has said this about Hillary: Trump Says Hillary Is ‘Evil’ [VIDEO]

And conservative media has called her pretty much everything, in abject hysterics.

Come on.
What do you think amounts to winning the debate?

Presenting the stronger Wonkish pile of fictional policies or just persuading more people to vote for you?

Hillary will do better with the first goal while Trump will win wildly with the second set of goals.

Hence why I say he will win, if he avoids a serious verbal fumble.
These goddamn things really don't tell us all that much. The biggest variables (and I could be missing some) are the behavior & tactics of the "moderator", whether the moderator turns it into a gotcha-fest instead of a serious issue debate, if any zingers of historical proportion happen, and then if either of the candidate just biffs it.

None of those are great indicators of which one would make the better President.

And then it depends on the viewer. I'm far more interested on their knowledge of the issues and specifically what they would do in office than I am about Trump's taxes or Hillary's emails.

THat's you.

HIllary and the media has been telling America (and the world) that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war.

If Trump can make those accusations look absurd, or if Hillary tries them in person when he can defend himself,

THAT could decide the election right there.

Because more people are resisting voting for Trump because of the panic mongering than because of any real policy issue.
Both parties have been shamelessly piling on the silly, insulting, embarrassing hyperbole.

Both candidates will have a chance to prove it wrong.

What has Trump or his campaign said that is anything of a viciousness or scale of hyperbole of claiming that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war?
Trump has been communicating almost exclusively in hyperbole since he first announced.

He has said this about Hillary: Trump Says Hillary Is ‘Evil’ [VIDEO]

And conservative media has called her pretty much everything, in abject hysterics.

Come on.

Some trash talking is not the same as seriously telling people that Trump is a Hitler who will kill them.

That has been the central theme of her campaign for some time now.

Trump's central theme is Trade.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

don't you mean how long BEFORE the debate will trump hacks try to make it seem like he could possibly win a debate?

i know...i know... let's make expectations so low for dumb donald that you can say he wins if he doesn't call hillary a bitch.

An expert on bitches, huh? I'll bet she drops over dead at the debate. I sure hope so. Then you skunts can blame Trump for that.
Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories.

One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.
What do you think amounts to winning the debate?

Presenting the stronger Wonkish pile of fictional policies or just persuading more people to vote for you?

Hillary will do better with the first goal while Trump will win wildly with the second set of goals.

Hence why I say he will win, if he avoids a serious verbal fumble.

This is Trump's chance to disprove the lies the Left has been spewing about him. It does not matter how well he does in the debate, if he can show that he is NOT, a Hilter that will start a nuclear war.

IF he can show that Hillary's panic mongering is nonsense, he wins far more than Hillary can hope to win.

Hillary has not such enormous lie that overcoming will bring great benefits to her.

IN her case the more the public gets a chance to truly know her, the worse that is for her chances.
I'd like to see Trump dispel the rumors

Behave himself
Show that he is inowlegeable about the issues
Provide details on his positions
Defend his past statements and positions
Look Presidential
What has Trump or his campaign said that is anything of a viciousness or scale of hyperbole of claiming that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war?
Well Trump claimed that Hillary gave aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies....wait, no that was Hillary again.

Trump supports Russia and his attacks on Islam are great tools in supporting a war on Islam
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

don't you mean how long BEFORE the debate will trump hacks try to make it seem like he could possibly win a debate?

i know...i know... let's make expectations so low for dumb donald that you can say he wins if he doesn't call hillary a bitch.

An expert on bitches, huh? I'll bet she drops over dead at the debate. I sure hope so. Then you skunts can blame Trump for that.

You're as disgusting and I hope. Ever to meet anyone as bike as you in real life.

You can return to being an internet bully now.
Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories.

One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.
What do you think amounts to winning the debate?

Presenting the stronger Wonkish pile of fictional policies or just persuading more people to vote for you?

Hillary will do better with the first goal while Trump will win wildly with the second set of goals.

Hence why I say he will win, if he avoids a serious verbal fumble.

This is Trump's chance to disprove the lies the Left has been spewing about him. It does not matter how well he does in the debate, if he can show that he is NOT, a Hilter that will start a nuclear war.

IF he can show that Hillary's panic mongering is nonsense, he wins far more than Hillary can hope to win.

Hillary has not such enormous lie that overcoming will bring great benefits to her.

IN her case the more the public gets a chance to truly know her, the worse that is for her chances.
I'd like to see Trump dispel the rumors

Behave himself
Show that he is inowlegeable about the issues
Provide details on his positions
Defend his past statements and positions
Look Presidential

Only one he really needs to crush, is HIllary's central theme, that Trump is a Hitler that is going to kill you.

If he can show how moronic and asshole anyone who pushes that is, like HIllary, then he brings into play a nice sized chunk of undecided and blue dog democrats, not to mention some portion of moderate republicans who have made the mistake of giving the media any credibility.

Issues, details, that is you lying. He doesn't need to do that. HE's done enough of that to show where he is coming from.

And nothing he does would EVER be enough for a dishonest troll like you have become to admit that he answered your questions.
What has Trump or his campaign said that is anything of a viciousness or scale of hyperbole of claiming that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war?
Well Trump claimed that Hillary gave aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies....wait, no that was Hillary again.

Trump supports Russia and his attacks on Islam are great tools in supporting a war on Islam

NOt sure what you mean by "supports".

NOt fuck with is good enough for me.

Any war with Islam is not Trump's fault.
Before it even begins!
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.
Liberals calling their opponents "hitler" is just about on par with racist, sexist, homophobe, islamaphobe, NAZI, and the new ALT RIGHT. Liberals try to belittle and label anyone who has any other viewpoint as stupid, evil, criminal and bigoted when it is they who epitomize all of those things. Trump just has to keep his cool and weigh the answers he gives to let the maggot queen destroy herself with her ruling class globalist agenda.
Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories.

One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.
What do you think amounts to winning the debate?

Presenting the stronger Wonkish pile of fictional policies or just persuading more people to vote for you?

Hillary will do better with the first goal while Trump will win wildly with the second set of goals.

Hence why I say he will win, if he avoids a serious verbal fumble.

This is Trump's chance to disprove the lies the Left has been spewing about him. It does not matter how well he does in the debate, if he can show that he is NOT, a Hilter that will start a nuclear war.

IF he can show that Hillary's panic mongering is nonsense, he wins far more than Hillary can hope to win.

Hillary has not such enormous lie that overcoming will bring great benefits to her.

IN her case the more the public gets a chance to truly know her, the worse that is for her chances.
I'd like to see Trump dispel the rumors

Behave himself
Show that he is inowlegeable about the issues
Provide details on his positions
Defend his past statements and positions
Look Presidential

Only one he really needs to crush, is HIllary's central theme, that Trump is a Hitler that is going to kill you.

If he can show how moronic and asshole anyone who pushes that is, like HIllary, then he brings into play a nice sized chunk of undecided and blue dog democrats, not to mention some portion of moderate republicans who have made the mistake of giving the media any credibility.

Issues, details, that is you lying. He doesn't need to do that. HE's done enough of that to show where he is coming from.

And nothing he does would EVER be enough for a dishonest troll like you have become to admit that he answered your questions.
I agree

Trump needs to come off as sane and Presidential

Can he pull it off?

He hasn't so far
What has Trump or his campaign said that is anything of a viciousness or scale of hyperbole of claiming that Trump is a Hitler that will start a nuclear war?
Well Trump claimed that Hillary gave aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies....wait, no that was Hillary again.

Trump supports Russia and his attacks on Islam are great tools in supporting a war on Islam

NOt sure what you mean by "supports".

NOt fuck with is good enough for me.

Any war with Islam is not Trump's fault.

Radical know, the ones Republicans want everyone to denounce wants nothing more than to show that America hates Islam and wants to destroy it

Trump is just what they want
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

Not as quickly as the RWnuts will poison the well (as you are doing here) to try to claim that any media that declares Clinton the winner will only do so because it's biased.

Everyone knows the MSM isn't biased. LMFAO!
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They already are.

Debates don’t often change presidential races. Is 2016 the exception?
No I guess all of the media outlets liberal shit love so much are "fair and balanced since we NEVER see anyone from a centrist, or "right wing" person on them. I have yet to see a Republican on any channel except Trump there to try to have him say something they can distort, and make into a slur. If they have any person who does not support their murderous lying treasonous bitch, there are always at least three of the leftist for one right tight. Liberals had better get used to getting what they have given for sixty years (they just cant stand real equality) , because REAL AMERICANS are tired of the kingdom, and the kings. As for the debate, I don't think it will make any difference whatsoever. Both sides will say they won, the shit bitch already has the slant of the Electoral College and I still think over 500 just because of the libertarian igmo. Plus they are hedging their bet by granting citizenship, and voting rights to any illegal that says they will vote for da beech.

MSNBC has a 3 hour morning show hosted by conservative Republican Joe Scarborough despite MSNBC being labeled as ultra liberal.

Joe and MIka and their crew of LWNJ'S spend 2 hours dissing Trump and an hour praising Hillary every morning. Watch it, you'll like it.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They already are.

Debates don’t often change presidential races. Is 2016 the exception?
No I guess all of the media outlets liberal shit love so much are "fair and balanced since we NEVER see anyone from a centrist, or "right wing" person on them. I have yet to see a Republican on any channel except Trump there to try to have him say something they can distort, and make into a slur. If they have any person who does not support their murderous lying treasonous bitch, there are always at least three of the leftist for one right tight. Liberals had better get used to getting what they have given for sixty years (they just cant stand real equality) , because REAL AMERICANS are tired of the kingdom, and the kings. As for the debate, I don't think it will make any difference whatsoever. Both sides will say they won, the shit bitch already has the slant of the Electoral College and I still think over 500 just because of the libertarian igmo. Plus they are hedging their bet by granting citizenship, and voting rights to any illegal that says they will vote for da beech.

MSNBC has a 3 hour morning show hosted by conservative Republican Joe Scarborough despite MSNBC being labeled as ultra liberal.

Joe and MIka and their crew of LWNJ'S spend 2 hours dissing Trump and an hour praising Hillary every morning. Watch it, you'll like it.

I do watch MSNBC a fair amount at night, but Morning Joe? Pffft. Their Republican mask is ill fitting

At least Matthews, Maddow and O'Donnell are honest in their idiocy.
Trump has been apologizing ahead of time for his debate performance and trying to blame his assininity on others even before it happens. That the cow-dung flingers here are also apoligizing for him is no surprise.

They are all on the apology tour. The pre-emptive apology tour. Or PAT. Here's Pat.
Trump will best her. I shall dredge this post up and beat you about the head and body with it exactly one minute after the debate.

You dredge things up? Do posts here get buried under layers of mud. I think not, update your 1800's memes to at least 1900's memes.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

don't you mean how long BEFORE the debate will trump hacks try to make it seem like he could possibly win a debate?

i know...i know... let's make expectations so low for dumb donald that you can say he wins if he doesn't call hillary a bitch.

An expert on bitches, huh? I'll bet she drops over dead at the debate. I sure hope so. Then you skunts can blame Trump for that.

You're as disgusting and I hope. Ever to meet anyone as bike as you in real life.

You can return to being an internet bully now.

Looks like the little skunt can't spell coherently. Must be thinking about dead hillary.
How Long Will it Take Liberal Media to Spin the Debate Aftermath in Favor of Clinton?

This is what will happen immediately after the debate.

Trump Supporters - "Trump owned her ass! That was epic!"

Hillary Supporters - "Clinton destroyed Trump! That was embarrassing!"

Wash, rinse, repeat....
But what will the undecided and the people just tuning in think?

They will probably consider suicide
They'll start the second she goes down. I can hear it now....

She just tripped
It wouldn't have happened if she wasn't forced to stand on a stool
Standing for 90mins is impossible for anyone
She still has pneumonia
Trump pushed her

I'm sure her handlers and supporters will come up with some unique excuses. lol

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