How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

God forbid we do anything about gun violence !

The action of MATEEN was not "gun violence"-----it was
islam in action. There is no possible way of making it
IMPOSSIBLE for such people to get guns or bombs------
terrorists always have sources..
Hillary is doing an excellent job of advertising HERSELF.
1) corrupt lawyer
2) fraudulent claim to chocolate chip cookie maker
3) defender of sexual assault against vulnerable, silly
chicks by old men
4) Supporter of mass murderers and their childhood
5) idiot who "MISTAKENLY" exposes state
secrets to enemies of the USA

hungry now----I'll be back after snack
His Terrorist son was a registered Democrat too. This is some sad bizarre stuff.

He has said God will punish gays. Supported Taliban

Like Father, Like Son: Orlando Terrorist’s Father Expressed Support For Afghan Taliban

Seddique Mateen, father of the Orlando shooter, immediately disclaimed the connection between Islam and his son’s massacre of 50 people, but it turns out that Seddique has supported the Afghan Taliban.

Seddique hosts a program called the “Durand Jirga Show”...

Read more: Like Father, Like Son: Orlando Terrorist’s Father Expressed Support For Afghan Taliban
Hillary sold her soul to the devil back at the Mena airport when two little boys saw the planes off loading the drugs. The Clinton's were active 'players' in the drug smuggling ring. Everyone in town knew about the Clintons involvement. Everyone was also shit-scared to ever tell the truth about how the little boys were murdered to stop them from talking.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee

Where is the MSM angst over this??
Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK -
Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan - POLITICO
Donald Trump Won't Condemn KKK, Says He 'Knows Nothing About ...

109,000 google results for "Trump won't denounce KKK"

So where is Hillary's denouncement???

Of course she won't. Democrats are in league with the Islamists.
The media needs to be outraged over this picture as they were with Paula Deen
Jihadists <3 Hillary.

She gave Jihadists more prime Middle East real estate than even 100 bin Laden dared to dream possible
This is a silly story.

Which is the silly story?

The story that is the subject of this thread. It is as silly as the KKK endorses trump stories. People have a right to vote or participate. The only drug found in the Orlando Shooter's body was a nutritional supplement common among weight lifters. All Weight-lifters now are tied to ISIL. Why is the MSM not reporting this link between US gyms and terrorism!!!!

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