How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

Father is islamist too,,,,how dense are you...and if its no big deal why all the damage control........

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Well some these RWNJ's believe that the family members should be killed as some sort of over the top, collective punishment. You know, like the NAZIs did.

Oh wait that's what the GOP candidate wants too.

"some do ..." "they said ..." "I heard ... " Statements pulled out of the ether ---- or your nether --- designed to put forth an opinion without a single iota of validation.

"some do ..." "they said ..." "I heard ... " The tools of the illiterate left who seem to be unable to construct a coherent, cogent argument, so instead, they try to demean and defame the opposition.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said.

Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families' -

Perhaps he meant to take them out for dinner and a show?

Maybe he'd take them out to a titty bar?
He openly says gays should be executed and he supports the Taliban.

The Orland gay club gunman's father has well-known anti-American views and is an ideological supporter of the Afghan Taliban.
A new message posted by the father on Facebook early Monday morning also makes it clear he could have passed anti-homosexual views onto his son.

What has the Orlando gunman's father said?

Ironic how a man is vilified for having anti- homosexual views in a thread full of cons who routinely express their anti-homosexual views.
I couldn't care less what someone wants to do with their genitals.
The fucking muslim terrorist father has been on his own TV show for a couple of years screaming about how Sharia Law must replace the US Constitution..
He's a well known radical islamofascist both in Pakistan and in the US.
Someone in the Hillary campaign made a conscious decision to seat the rag head sub-human scum behind Hillary.
It was NOT an OPEN seating event!
You LIB Hillary ass lickers really ought to wise up!
So............if a member of your family commits a terrorist act, and they haven't lived in your house for several years, because you're related to them, that makes you a terrorist as well?

Fuzzy logic at best.

Who said the father was also a terrorist?

Just read some of the posts further up the thread. They have said that because his son was a terrorist, he shouldn't have showed up at the rally.

It was open to the public, it was a political event, and the father hasn't been charged with a crime, so he should be able to participate politically as he sees fit.

There is no reason that his appearance should have any bearing on Hillary's campaign.
So is that why the Hillary campaigned "disavowed" his support?
You REALLY need to get your tongue out of Hillary's asshole pal!

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