How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)


Very creepy.
So, he's NOT seated right behind her. He's at least 15 feet behind her in the third row at a public rally. What a surprise....the op is a liar. It's probably not even him
"It's probably not even him"?
So Hillary has "disavowed" the father's support but you claim the fucking radical islamofascist the Hillary campaign seated behind get the muslim vote obviously, was in fact not the shooter's father.
You're an imbecile Hillary ass licker.

Very creepy.
So, he's NOT seated right behind her. He's at least 15 feet behind her in the third row at a public rally. What a surprise....the op is a liar. It's probably not even him
It's him, and I have a dare...

Attend a Hillary rally...

Don't tell them who you are...

Go on the stage, and sit right behind her...

Then post the pics of you underneath at least a dozen Secret Service agents!!!

I'm eagerly awaiting the opportunity to post pictures of another example of "Liberal Insanity"!!!

Either you take the dare, or admit that he was there with the lunatic bitch's full knowledge and consent...
Funny how the usual RWnuts say Captain Khan's father had nothing to do with his son's heroism and sacrifce,

but the Orlando shooter's father has to be assumed as guilty as the son.
Funny how the usual RWnuts say Captain Khan's father had nothing to do with his son's heroism and sacrifce,

but the Orlando shooter's father has to be assumed as guilty as the son.
Khan is a well known radical muslim islamofascist who makes money sneaking wealthy muslims into the US.
He tried to stop his son from enlisting to fight the muslims.
He's a filthy piece of sub-human shit who is a real known Clinton asslicker.
The shooter's father has repeatedly called for Sharia law to replace the US Constitution. And for the extermination of all gays. I thought Hillary was 'all-in' for the gay lifestyle. I mean we only have to watch those dewy-eyed looks she is always giving Huma.
He too is a fucking sub-human piece of shit Clinton supporter!
Go fuck yourself!
Don't worry.....the media is covering Trump saying something dumb......they will never let this pandering to a muslim extremist whose son murdered democrat voters get any traction with voters...........dead gays.......not muslim immigrant democrat voters....very, very important....
Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!

Hypothetically, Dylann Roof's father attends a Trump rally. Would you ignore it like you do this since his father didn't do the church shooting in Charleston?

You and I both know the answer to the question for ALL Liberals.

This is a thread about Hillary. Stop deflecting. I have thoughts on your question. It needs a new thread.
Funny how the usual RWnuts say Captain Khan's father had nothing to do with his son's heroism and sacrifce,

but the Orlando shooter's father has to be assumed as guilty as the son.

Who said that? I didn't read anybody posting the father is as guilty as the son.
Funny how the usual RWnuts say Captain Khan's father had nothing to do with his son's heroism and sacrifce,

but the Orlando shooter's father has to be assumed as guilty as the son.
The guy supports the Taliban and is a self-proclaimed 'homophobe'.....he son doesn't need to be any part of this story to prove this guy should not be sitting behind Hillary. Your argument is moot.

Very creepy.
So, he's NOT seated right behind her. He's at least 15 feet behind her in the third row at a public rally. What a surprise....the op is a liar. It's probably not even him
The Hillary campaign decides who will sit behind her.
Wise up asshole!
Don't cover up one lie with another one, retard.
G might have a point - if Hillary handles her own security like she handled the security for Ambassador Stevens then she has no idea who is sitting behind her or around her, anyone can just walk in off the street, and she probably didn't have enough security anyway. :p
Trump has had protesters reach the stage. He's had them in front, to the side, and behind him.

I guess he invited all of them, right? Right?

Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!

Hypothetically, Dylann Roof's father attends a Trump rally. Would you ignore it like you do this since his father didn't do the church shooting in Charleston?

You and I both know the answer to the question for ALL Liberals.

This is a thread about Hillary. Stop deflecting. I have thoughts on your question. It needs a new thread.

It fits well within this thread but if you're too much of a fucking pussy to answer, I understand. I'll take it as you would use the typical double standard and not ignore my scenario while covering for the vagina. Thanks. You're failure to answer actually did.
Trump has had protesters reach the stage. He's had them in front, to the side, and behind him.

I guess he invited all of them, right? Right?

Protestors who run from the crowd and make it to the stage are different than Taliban-supporting homophobes who have been invited to sit behind candidates where they know the cameras will show them. But you already knew that...

Are you arguing that Hillary is as careless with the people who sit behind her during rallies as she is with her e-mails and security (according to FBI Director Comey)?

Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!

Hypothetically, Dylann Roof's father attends a Trump rally. Would you ignore it like you do this since his father didn't do the church shooting in Charleston?

You and I both know the answer to the question for ALL Liberals.

This is a thread about Hillary. Stop deflecting. I have thoughts on your question. It needs a new thread.

It fits well within this thread but if you're too much of a fucking pussy to answer, I understand. I'll take it as you would use the typical double standard and not ignore my scenario while covering for the vagina. Thanks. You're failure to answer actually did.

I've not covered for anyone in this thread. I wonder why you must bring up a fake scenerio about Trump when yoiu want to discuss Hillary. Is it a memtal disorder?
Trump has had protesters reach the stage. He's had them in front, to the side, and behind him.

I guess he invited all of them, right? Right?


No he didn't... that's why he throws them out.
Father is islamist too,,,,how dense are you...and if its no big deal why all the damage control........

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Well some these RWNJ's believe that the family members should be killed as some sort of over the top, collective punishment. You know, like the NAZIs did.

Oh wait that's what the GOP candidate wants too.
Father is islamist too,,,,how dense are you...and if its no big deal why all the damage control........

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Well some these RWNJ's believe that the family members should be killed as some sort of over the top, collective punishment. You know, like the NAZIs did.

Oh wait that's what the GOP candidate wants too.
There goes another liberal bringing up 'Nazis' again.....

Orlando Terrorist's Father Cheers at Hillary Clinton Rally; Calls For Gun Control - Breitbart

Ah no surprise here Trump wanna to kill terrorists Hillary invites them to her rallies Obama had Ayers Clinton has her pet terrorist as well sure this will go over like a lead balloon with the homosexuals
So, let's see how this works ....

The day - the DAY - after Hillary was appointed Secretary of State, Bill's speaking fees for two speeches in the Middle East jumped from $80K to $500,000.

Hillary consciously chose to ignore requests for increased security at an embassy, and that led to the death of four Americans.

Hillary lied to the parents of the dead, claiming it wasn't terrorists, it was just people upset about a video.

Hillary intentionally processed classified information on unsecured computers, which resulted in the capture and execution of an Iranian who was assisting the United States.

Hillary claimed that Hassan (Fort Hood) was just workplace violence.

Hillary invited the Washington DC legal representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, a lawyer who has publicly said that our laws are secondary to Sharia, to speak at her convention.

Hillary invites a person to sit right behind her at the rally who has said that his son shouldn't have had to killed all those gays, the government should have done it, a person who is an self-admitted member of Taliban, a person who has run for President of Afghanistan, and the father of a terrorist and killer of 49 people (and has tried several times to excuse his son's actions.)

Guess there's really no question which side she is on.

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