How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Correct. The left certainly didn't make a big deal when Trump was supported by a KKK member. They didn't make a peep wouldn't you know it?
What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Correct. The left certainly didn't make a big deal when Trump was supported by a KKK member. They didn't make a peep wouldn't you know it?
The statement hitlery made about wanting gays murdered was loud and clear.....
Amazing the Dims didn't seem to mind this guy would be sitting in a prime spot right behind Hillary.
It's also amazing this guy would want to show himself in public like this.
The Hillary campaign was asked if she would reject his endorsement: "No Comment"

Seriously? You were just endorsed by the Taliban-supporting homophobe father of the terrorist who murdered 49 Americans who you had sitting in the VIP section right behind you, on camera, during your rally...and you won't say you reject his endorsement?!

This is a 'no brainer', but she couldn't / wouldn't do it. Add that to the fact that she hasn't rejected the endorsements (or money) of the black racist terrorist group BLM, the black racist militant group the NBP, the white racist group the KKK, or the Muslim nations that support terrorism and who oppress / mutilate / kill women (for being raped) & who kill homosexuals....

Is there any scumbags from whom she won't take endorsements and cash?

(For the libs, don't say 'the GOP' because she has already reached out to them for their support, too. :p )
The Hillary campaign was asked if she would reject his endorsement: "No Comment"

Seriously? You were just endorsed by the Taliban-supporting homophobe father of the terrorist who murdered 49 Americans who you had sitting in the VIP section right behind you, on camera, during your rally...and you won't say you reject his endorsement?!

This is a 'no brainer', but she couldn't / wouldn't do it. Add that to the fact that she hasn't rejected the endorsements (or money) of the black racist terrorist group BLM, the black racist militant group the NBP, the white racist group the KKK, or the Muslim nations that support terrorism and who oppress / mutilate / kill women (for being raped) & who kill homosexuals....

Is there any scumbags from whom she won't take endorsements and cash?

(For the libs, don't say 'the GOP' because she has already reached out to them for their support, too. :p )

You are behind the times again, chief.

Hillary Clinton ‘Disavows’ Support of Orlando Terrorist’s Father
can u just imagine if those two characters from Sesame St(the old guys on the balcony} sat behind Bernie?
You would think they would screen people better

That's the problem, they did this jerkwad end up seated right behind her?
Hillary was just pandering to the muslims for their votes.
No one should be surprised.
Hillary knows every fucking muslim in the country secretly supports radical islamists.
They can't do anything else if they are 'true believers' after all.
NO ONE sits behind Hillary when she is giving a campaign speech who hasn't been invited by her campaign staff to do so.
Her SS detail KNEW who this asshole is and they were TOLD by Hillary's campaign staff to have him sit as DIRECTLY behind Hillary ass possible while still being seen by the TV cameras.
ALL VERY carefully choreographed.
The bitch would position fucking Charlie Manson behind her if she thought it would ensure the butcher knife manufacturers would vote for her.
Yes. It's that fucking bad!
You would think they would screen people better

That's the problem, they did this jerkwad end up seated right behind her?
Hillary was just pandering to the muslims for their votes.
No one should be surprised.
Hillary knows every fucking muslim in the country secretly supports radical islamists.
They can't do anything else if they are 'true believers' after all.

Yer a nut.

Why would anyone other than Trump feel the need to try and get Muslim Americans to vote for them?

Do you think there are any American Muslims who are planning to vote for Trump? Do you think their votes are being fought for?

Ya dumb shit.

Outstanding! kudos to Clinton....but it appears she only did so when the backlash started to hit for his being right behind her during the rally. When she was 1st asked her campaign responded by saying 'No Comment'. There should have been no delay...but at least in the end she did the right thing.



Outstanding! kudos to Clinton....but it appears she only did so when the backlash started to hit for his being right behind her during the rally. When she was 1st asked her campaign responded by saying 'No Comment'. There should have been no delay...but at least in the end she did the right thing.

Finally saying something for purely cynical political reasons as Hillary has done isn't the 'right thing'.
I 100% guarantee you if the public reaction had been positive instead of negative Hillary would be yelling how "inclusive" she and her party are.
"Outstanding kudos"?
Go stick your tongue back up Hillary's ass now.
The Hillary campaign was asked if she would reject his endorsement: "No Comment"

Seriously? You were just endorsed by the Taliban-supporting homophobe father of the terrorist who murdered 49 Americans who you had sitting in the VIP section right behind you, on camera, during your rally...and you won't say you reject his endorsement?!

This is a 'no brainer', but she couldn't / wouldn't do it. Add that to the fact that she hasn't rejected the endorsements (or money) of the black racist terrorist group BLM, the black racist militant group the NBP, the white racist group the KKK, or the Muslim nations that support terrorism and who oppress / mutilate / kill women (for being raped) & who kill homosexuals....

Is there any scumbags from whom she won't take endorsements and cash?

(For the libs, don't say 'the GOP' because she has already reached out to them for their support, too. :p )

You are behind the times again, chief.

Hillary Clinton ‘Disavows’ Support of Orlando Terrorist’s Father

I don't believe her.
Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!

Hypothetically, Dylann Roof's father attends a Trump rally. Would you ignore it like you do this since his father didn't do the church shooting in Charleston?

You and I both know the answer to the question for ALL Liberals.
Finally saying something for purely cynical political reasons as Hillary has done isn't the 'right thing'.
I 100% guarantee you if the public reaction had been positive instead of negative Hillary would be yelling how "inclusive" she and her party are.
"Outstanding kudos"?
Go stick your tongue back up Hillary's ass now.
Ya don't read 'sarcasm' well, do ya?! :p

Hillary FINALLY did the 'politically expedient' thing - 'appeasement'. You are absolutely right - as many have already pointed out, NO ONE sits directly behind the candidates, who are going to be on TV AND so close to the candidates without being invited / allowed to sit there and after the SS knows exactly who they are. He was not there by accident.

When the campaign was asked if she would reject his endorsement and they paused - 'No Comment' - they were waiting, reading the signs....When the victims, parents of the murdered 49, and others began to express outrage then and only then did she reject the endorsement.

It was the right thing to do, but everything about him being there and how she was forced to do the right thing was wrong...
Finally saying something for purely cynical political reasons as Hillary has done isn't the 'right thing'.
I 100% guarantee you if the public reaction had been positive instead of negative Hillary would be yelling how "inclusive" she and her party are.
"Outstanding kudos"?
Go stick your tongue back up Hillary's ass now.
Ya don't read 'sarcasm' well, do ya?! :p

Hillary FINALLY did the 'politically expedient' thing - 'appeasement'. You are absolutely right - as many have already pointed out, NO ONE sits directly behind the candidates, who are going to be on TV AND so close to the candidates without being invited / allowed to sit there and after the SS knows exactly who they are. He was not there by accident.

When the campaign was asked if she would reject his endorsement and they paused - 'No Comment' - they were waiting, reading the signs....When the victims, parents of the murdered 49, and others began to express outrage then and only then did she reject the endorsement.

It was the right thing to do, but everything about him being there and how she was forced to do the right thing was wrong...
My apologies for missing your sarcasm.
No one in the Hillary campaign takes a leak without first checking which way the political wind is blowing.
Each morning I check online whether Hillary has dropped out for 'health reasons'. One day soon she will.

Very creepy.
So, he's NOT seated right behind her. He's at least 15 feet behind her in the third row at a public rally. What a surprise....the op is a liar. It's probably not even him
Ah, you live in TV land.
Maybe that's your porblem.

TV will milk whatever it can for viewers. When it's a slow news day the milking machine kicks into overdrive.
Doesn't make it "news".
Until it's about Trump ...... lllmmaaaoooo

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