How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

So instead of inviting the grieving parents of the VICTIMS of the Orlando terrorist attack, Hillary invites the pro-Taliban homophobe father of the terrorist who murdered 49 LGBT.

:clap: Nice job, Hillary.

Nope. Clinton did not invite Mateen.

Try again, parrot.
"I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS. That would be much better." - Seddique Mateen
Liberals seem to think that a Taliban-supporting homophobe and father of the terrorist who killed 49 Americans just wandered in off the street, right past the police & Secret Service, & right up into the VIP seats behind Hillary.

Yeah...that's EXACTLY what happend.

"I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS. That would be much better." - Seddique Mateen
I wish I could teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony...

Yup - gotta be true because he said it. :p
"I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS. That would be much better." - Seddique Mateen
I wish I could teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony...

Yup - gotta be true because he said it. :p
Oh my god, the irony. You tards have been parroting the total lie he was invited by Clinton ALL DAY!

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Maybe the Trump campaign paid him some money to attend, and made sure to get him prominent seating.

Oh sorry, having a Dale Smith moment.
Rush has a theory that Crooked Hillary, her corrupt crew in coordination with the MSM put the Muslim Terrorist associate there to try to bait The Donald into saying commenting. They figure they could get another week obsessing about a Donald quote taken out of context instead of covering the vast array of Crooked Hillary topics that prove she should be locked up.
Clinton just demonstrating her profoundly racist nature again.


Rush has a theory that Crooked Hillary, her corrupt crew in coordination with the MSM put the Muslim Terrorist associate there to try to bait The Donald into saying commenting. They figure they could get another week obsessing about a Donald quote taken out of context instead of covering the vast array of Crooked Hillary topics that prove she should be locked up.
I'm sure Rush was right but this time it backfired on Hillary because she lied about how he was able to sit in the VIP section.
Orlando Terrorist's Father Cheers at Hillary Clinton Rally; Calls For Gun Control - Breitbart

Ah no surprise here Trump wanna to kill terrorists Hillary invites them to her rallies Obama had Ayers Clinton has her pet terrorist as well sure this will go over like a lead balloon with the homosexuals
So, let's see how this works ....

The day - the DAY - after Hillary was appointed Secretary of State, Bill's speaking fees for two speeches in the Middle East jumped from $80K to $500,000.

Hillary consciously chose to ignore requests for increased security at an embassy, and that led to the death of four Americans.

Hillary lied to the parents of the dead, claiming it wasn't terrorists, it was just people upset about a video.

Hillary intentionally processed classified information on unsecured computers, which resulted in the capture and execution of an Iranian who was assisting the United States.

Hillary claimed that Hassan (Fort Hood) was just workplace violence.

Hillary invited the Washington DC legal representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, a lawyer who has publicly said that our laws are secondary to Sharia, to speak at her convention.

Hillary invites a person to sit right behind her at the rally who has said that his son shouldn't have had to killed all those gays, the government should have done it, a person who is an self-admitted member of Taliban, a person who has run for President of Afghanistan, and the father of a terrorist and killer of 49 people (and has tried several times to excuse his son's actions.)

Guess there's really no question which side she is on.
Rush has a theory that Crooked Hillary, her corrupt crew in coordination with the MSM put the Muslim Terrorist associate there to try to bait The Donald into saying commenting. They figure they could get another week obsessing about a Donald quote taken out of context instead of covering the vast array of Crooked Hillary topics that prove she should be locked up.

Join the nuthouse with Ray. Yer a nut.
Liberals seem to think that a Taliban-supporting homophobe and father of the terrorist who killed 49 Americans just wandered in off the street, right past the police & Secret Service, & right up into the VIP seats behind Hillary.

Yeah...that's EXACTLY what happend.


Liberals will believe any made-up story that makes their candidate look better.
This is how the weirdos like trump view life. They have no ability to discern complex things. Trump said we should go after the families of terrorists as well.

Guilt by association. Look back at the worst tyrants of all time and they held this same conviction. Stalin, Adolph, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Un, Saddam Hussein.

What Trump was getting at is these families know well in advance their family member is about to participate in a terrorist act. Yet they say nothing to authorities and are guiltless because you can't prove they knew anything.

Maybe if we did start holding these families responsible, they might alert authorities before the terrorist act is committed.

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