How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

Father is islamist too,,,,how dense are you...and if its no big deal why all the damage control........

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Well some these RWNJ's believe that the family members should be killed as some sort of over the top, collective punishment. You know, like the NAZIs did.

Oh wait that's what the GOP candidate wants too.
There goes another liberal bringing up 'Nazis' again.....


Didn't Mr. Trump think we should target family members of terrorist?
Didn't Mr. Trump think we should target family members of terrorist?

I thought that was YOU. :p

Not Eye.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said.
So............if a member of your family commits a terrorist act, and they haven't lived in your house for several years, because you're related to them, that makes you a terrorist as well?

Fuzzy logic at best.
Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!

Hypothetically, Dylann Roof's father attends a Trump rally. Would you ignore it like you do this since his father didn't do the church shooting in Charleston?

You and I both know the answer to the question for ALL Liberals.
I don't consider Dylan Roof's father to be a murderer.
There's your answer.
He openly says gays should be executed and he supports the Taliban.

The Orland gay club gunman's father has well-known anti-American views and is an ideological supporter of the Afghan Taliban.
A new message posted by the father on Facebook early Monday morning also makes it clear he could have passed anti-homosexual views onto his son.

What has the Orlando gunman's father said?

Ironic how a man is vilified for having anti- homosexual views in a thread full of cons who routinely express their anti-homosexual views.

Trump denounces David Duke, KKK
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK -

Too funny

Took his handlers three days to convince Trump to denounce Duke

-- and then when he got around to it he went full-amnesia on his usual fare of "loser" and "pathetic" and "disgrace" and "terrible" and "disgusting pig" and "rapist" --- those are reserved for real scum like Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly and entire ethnic groups. Duke only rated "bad person" :eek: because he knows where his base is.

He thought he could get away with "I don't know what you're even talking about" and it would go away, because he lives in a world of self-delusion where it's impossible to question his orange ass.
"Full amnesia"?? Like this?
Hillary Loses It - Momentary Blackout and Dizzy Spell

Ummmm..... no Hunior. That's called "video editing".

Like this?
Media Photoshops Hillary Crowd to Make Her Audience Look Bigger
View attachment 84866

Note you are looking at 171 people at the rally for Hillary.

View attachment 84867

Those photos aren't even the same venue.
Where is the backdrop from the top photo in the bottom one?

Father is islamist too,,,,how dense are you...and if its no big deal why all the damage control........

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Well some these RWNJ's believe that the family members should be killed as some sort of over the top, collective punishment. You know, like the NAZIs did.

Oh wait that's what the GOP candidate wants too.
There goes another liberal bringing up 'Nazis' again.....


Didn't Mr. Trump think we should target family members of terrorist?

Yep, if Hillary would have stabbed him, I might have respect for.her.....but only if she owned it
Father is islamist too,,,,how dense are you...and if its no big deal why all the damage control........

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Well some these RWNJ's believe that the family members should be killed as some sort of over the top, collective punishment. You know, like the NAZIs did.

Oh wait that's what the GOP candidate wants too.
There goes another liberal bringing up 'Nazis' again.....


Didn't Mr. Trump think we should target family members of terrorist?

Yep, if Hillary would have stabbed him, I might have respect for.her.....but only if she owned it

"Stabbed him" ---- for what? Just because you can't figure out that Seddique Mateen and Omar Mateen ---- are two different people? So someone should die for your ignorance?

Kind of a hefty price to pay doncha think? Why don't you just break a brain sweat and figure out that person A is not person B?
So............if a member of your family commits a terrorist act, and they haven't lived in your house for several years, because you're related to them, that makes you a terrorist as well?

Fuzzy logic at best.

Who said the father was also a terrorist?

Just read some of the posts further up the thread. They have said that because his son was a terrorist, he shouldn't have showed up at the rally.

It was open to the public, it was a political event, and the father hasn't been charged with a crime, so he should be able to participate politically as he sees fit.

There is no reason that his appearance should have any bearing on Hillary's campaign.
So............if a member of your family commits a terrorist act, and they haven't lived in your house for several years, because you're related to them, that makes you a terrorist as well?

Fuzzy logic at best.

Who said the father was also a terrorist?

Just read some of the posts further up the thread. They have said that because his son was a terrorist, he shouldn't have showed up at the rally.

It was open to the public, it was a political event, and the father hasn't been charged with a crime, so he should be able to participate politically as he sees fit.

There is no reason that his appearance should have any bearing on Hillary's campaign.

Exactly And when we ask 'em to essplain the logic they wet their pants and melt into emotional little puddles.

Basically they want to take the acts of the son and visit them onto the father so they can have their little tantrum. Kinda like deciding you don't like gays and acting on it by spraying gunfire on innocent gays who had nothing to do with your hangup.
Orlando Terrorist's Father Cheers at Hillary Clinton Rally; Calls For Gun Control - Breitbart

Ah no surprise here Trump wanna to kill terrorists Hillary invites them to her rallies Obama had Ayers Clinton has her pet terrorist as well sure this will go over like a lead balloon with the homosexuals
So, let's see how this works ....

The day - the DAY - after Hillary was appointed Secretary of State, Bill's speaking fees for two speeches in the Middle East jumped from $80K to $500,000.

Hillary consciously chose to ignore requests for increased security at an embassy, and that led to the death of four Americans.

Hillary lied to the parents of the dead, claiming it wasn't terrorists, it was just people upset about a video.

Hillary intentionally processed classified information on unsecured computers, which resulted in the capture and execution of an Iranian who was assisting the United States.

Hillary claimed that Hassan (Fort Hood) was just workplace violence.

Hillary invited the Washington DC legal representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, a lawyer who has publicly said that our laws are secondary to Sharia, to speak at her convention.

Hillary invites a person to sit right behind her at the rally who has said that his son shouldn't have had to killed all those gays, the government should have done it, a person who is an self-admitted member of Taliban, a person who has run for President of Afghanistan, and the father of a terrorist and killer of 49 people (and has tried several times to excuse his son's actions.)

Guess there's really no question which side she is on.

GOP Theme Song.

Snarky, and childish, responses do not qualify as contributing to the discussion.

Grow the hell up.
So............if a member of your family commits a terrorist act, and they haven't lived in your house for several years, because you're related to them, that makes you a terrorist as well?

Fuzzy logic at best.

Who said the father was also a terrorist?

Just read some of the posts further up the thread. They have said that because his son was a terrorist, he shouldn't have showed up at the rally.

It was open to the public, it was a political event, and the father hasn't been charged with a crime, so he should be able to participate politically as he sees fit.

There is no reason that his appearance should have any bearing on Hillary's campaign.

Exactly And when we ask 'em to essplain the logic they wet their pants and melt into emotional little puddles.

Basically they want to take the acts of the son and visit them onto the father so they can have their little tantrum. Kinda like deciding you don't like gays and acting on it by spraying gunfire on innocent gays who had nothing to do with your hangup.

Another example of intentionally misdirected logic with no foundation in reality.

Where, exactly, has any conservative said Mateen's father should be killed? No one has tried to "visit" the acts of the son on the father ... he has his own sins to answer for. It was Mr. Mateen who said that his son was doing the government's work, and that the government should have killed the gays so he didn't have to.

It has a bearing because .... Mr. Mateen was invited to sit in the VIP section. Some will tell you that it is because they wanted to showcase diversity, not for the actions of his son. Wonderful ... except that, in itself, demonstrates the Clinton campaign not interested in real diversity, only showcasing people of color, and a particular religious appearance, so they can garner votes. More specifically, they wanted to use him because he looked like a Muslim, not because he WAS a Muslim. Ask yourself one simple question .... how did Mr. Mateen end up in the tightly controlled (for optics) VIP section? Are we supposed to believe that he just wandered in and sat down?

In addition, even though the Clinton campaign denies it, Mr. Mateen claims he was invited to the rally. Given that the campaign controls the rally, it would seem logical to decide that Mateen was invited by the campaign.

Oh, btw --- I checked. I didn't wet my pants ... what a childish thing to say. It would seem that intelligent, adult, and responsible disagreement is beyond you. Maybe you should just sit quietly while the adults talk.

(essplain? A cute, smarmy little dig at the Hispanic community? You should be ashamed.)
Father is islamist too,,,,how dense are you...and if its no big deal why all the damage control........

What damage control? You mean the responses of the rational to y'all hair-on-fire wackaloons making NINE different derangement-syndrome threads about the fact that the shooter's FATHER -- not the shooter but his FATHER --- goes to a political rally?

Apparently the answer to my question is "very".

Well some these RWNJ's believe that the family members should be killed as some sort of over the top, collective punishment. You know, like the NAZIs did.

Oh wait that's what the GOP candidate wants too.

"some do ..." "they said ..." "I heard ... " Statements pulled out of the ether ---- or your nether --- designed to put forth an opinion without a single iota of validation.

"some do ..." "they said ..." "I heard ... " The tools of the illiterate left who seem to be unable to construct a coherent, cogent argument, so instead, they try to demean and defame the opposition.
Just read some of the posts further up the thread. They have said that because his son was a terrorist, he shouldn't have showed up at the rally.

It was open to the public, it was a political event, and the father hasn't been charged with a crime, so he should be able to participate politically as he sees fit.

There is no reason that his appearance should have any bearing on Hillary's campaign.

Saying somebody shouldn't have been at a rally and saying somebody is a terrorist are two different things.

Democrats and MSM have vilified Trump because he said some things about a man that attacked him. They said he should't have done that because the mans son died in Iraq. Even though it was explained repeatedly that Trump did not attack the mans son, he attacked the man, it didn't make a difference because of what his son did.

Now that we have the father of a terrorist, forget about his relationship with his son. In this situation, it doesn't matter what his son did. That only applied in the Khan situation. That's liberal hypocrisy for you.

Liberals love using guilt by association politics until they are on the other end of it.
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Just read some of the posts further up the thread. They have said that because his son was a terrorist, he shouldn't have showed up at the rally.

It was open to the public, it was a political event, and the father hasn't been charged with a crime, so he should be able to participate politically as he sees fit.

There is no reason that his appearance should have any bearing on Hillary's campaign.

Saying somebody shouldn't have been at a rally and saying somebody is a terrorist are two different things.

Democrats and MSM have vilified Trump because he said some things about a man that attacked him. They said he should't have done that because the mans son died in Iraq. Even though it was explained repeatedly that Trump did not attack the mans son, he attacked the man, it didn't make a difference because of what his son did.

Now that we have the father of a terrorist, forget about his relationship with his son. In this situation, it doesn't matter what his son did. That only applied in the Khan situation. That's liberal hypocrisy for you.

Liberals love using guilt by association politics until they are on the other side of it.

Way too much logic in that ... you need to cut it down. The liberals won't be able to keep up. Maybe you can break down into 3 or 4 posts, so 10% of them can keep up.
Orlando Terrorist's Father Cheers at Hillary Clinton Rally; Calls For Gun Control - Breitbart

Ah no surprise here Trump wanna to kill terrorists Hillary invites them to her rallies Obama had Ayers Clinton has her pet terrorist as well sure this will go over like a lead balloon with the homosexuals
So, let's see how this works ....

The day - the DAY - after Hillary was appointed Secretary of State, Bill's speaking fees for two speeches in the Middle East jumped from $80K to $500,000.

Hillary consciously chose to ignore requests for increased security at an embassy, and that led to the death of four Americans.

Hillary lied to the parents of the dead, claiming it wasn't terrorists, it was just people upset about a video.

Hillary intentionally processed classified information on unsecured computers, which resulted in the capture and execution of an Iranian who was assisting the United States.

Hillary claimed that Hassan (Fort Hood) was just workplace violence.

Hillary invited the Washington DC legal representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, a lawyer who has publicly said that our laws are secondary to Sharia, to speak at her convention.

Hillary invites a person to sit right behind her at the rally who has said that his son shouldn't have had to killed all those gays, the government should have done it, a person who is an self-admitted member of Taliban, a person who has run for President of Afghanistan, and the father of a terrorist and killer of 49 people (and has tried several times to excuse his son's actions.)

Guess there's really no question which side she is on.

GOP Theme Song.

Snarky, and childish, responses do not qualify as contributing to the discussion.

Grow the hell up.

It' obvious from your post, in each and every paragraph where you claim intent ,or are fear where none exists, that you're living in a land of Make Believe.

I like the Moody Blues. So sue me........

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