How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

Hillary was all set to name him father of the year before she spazzed out again and forgot where and who she was

That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
Sorry folks----I learned lots about south east Asian and
middle east and even specific Islamic custom and more's in my long life. By his behavior and in accordance with his "RELIGION AND CULTURE" Seddeque Mateen is spitting
and shitting in the faces of the kin of his victims and the victims and the USA.. Seddique (ironically the name means
'righteous person' ) is not suffering ---he will be the hero of the mosque for life------likely they will name parks and schools and highways in honor of his "holy" name in Pakistan. His sons
murder spree is the best thing that happened to him ----in reference to his mosques and his community. Parents of children who do bad things in HIS WORLD------hide for years----they have trouble MARRYING THEIR DAUGHTERS is a real stain that does not easily go away

And there is no plausible deniability. He on TV preaching night and day about his love for Sharia, hatred for the west and hatred for gays.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee

Where is the MSM angst over this??
Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK -
Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan - POLITICO
Donald Trump Won't Condemn KKK, Says He 'Knows Nothing About ...

109,000 google results for "Trump won't denounce KKK"

So where is Hillary's denouncement???

It's Hillary's way of reassuring her Middle East owners that she stands with them
The shooter was an American, like it or not. An American with mental problems obviously.

How rare is that? Not very.

That is the thing he should never have been allowed to become an American. No Muslim should. It would be like inviting he NAZIs in during WWII. Islam states all Muslims must follow the xenophobic Sharia law. Sharia law is incapable with free western society.
Hillary was all set to name him father of the year before she spazzed out again and forgot where and who she was

That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
Sorry folks----I learned lots about south east Asian and
middle east and even specific Islamic custom and more's in my long life. By his behavior and in accordance with his "RELIGION AND CULTURE" Seddeque Mateen is spitting
and shitting in the faces of the kin of his victims and the victims and the USA.. Seddique (ironically the name means
'righteous person' ) is not suffering ---he will be the hero of the mosque for life------likely they will name parks and schools and highways in honor of his "holy" name in Pakistan. His sons
murder spree is the best thing that happened to him ----in reference to his mosques and his community. Parents of children who do bad things in HIS WORLD------hide for years----they have trouble MARRYING THEIR DAUGHTERS is a real stain that does not easily go away

And there is no plausible deniability. He on TV preaching night and day about his love for Sharia, hatred for the west and hatred for gays.

Different guy, dumbass. And that guy (Khan) isn't doing that either.
This doesn't look too good for Clinton. She should speak on it. She should publicly disavow his support.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee

Where is the MSM angst over this??
Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK -
Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan - POLITICO
Donald Trump Won't Condemn KKK, Says He 'Knows Nothing About ...

109,000 google results for "Trump won't denounce KKK"

So where is Hillary's denouncement???

What the fuck for? Are people not allowed to attend political rallies of politicians you don't like now? :wtf:

This ain't Norf Korea, Dim Dung.
His Terrorist son was a registered Democrat too. This is some sad bizarre stuff.

He has said God will punish gays. Supported Taliban

Like Father, Like Son: Orlando Terrorist’s Father Expressed Support For Afghan Taliban

Seddique Mateen, father of the Orlando shooter, immediately disclaimed the connection between Islam and his son’s massacre of 50 people, but it turns out that Seddique has supported the Afghan Taliban.

Seddique hosts a program called the “Durand Jirga Show”...

Read more: Like Father, Like Son: Orlando Terrorist’s Father Expressed Support For Afghan Taliban

Guy seems pretty dangerous too. I hope Homeland Security's on him. This doesn't look too good for Clinton.
He openly says gays should be executed and he supports the Taliban. It's easy to see why his son was so deranged. This is probably very upsetting to families of those murdered by his son. Clinton has to speak on this. She should publicly disavow his support.
Hillary was all set to name him father of the year before she spazzed out again and forgot where and who she was

That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
Sorry folks----I learned lots about south east Asian and
middle east and even specific Islamic custom and more's in my long life. By his behavior and in accordance with his "RELIGION AND CULTURE" Seddeque Mateen is spitting
and shitting in the faces of the kin of his victims and the victims and the USA.. Seddique (ironically the name means
'righteous person' ) is not suffering ---he will be the hero of the mosque for life------likely they will name parks and schools and highways in honor of his "holy" name in Pakistan. His sons
murder spree is the best thing that happened to him ----in reference to his mosques and his community. Parents of children who do bad things in HIS WORLD------hide for years----they have trouble MARRYING THEIR DAUGHTERS is a real stain that does not easily go away

And there is no plausible deniability. He on TV preaching night and day about his love for Sharia, hatred for the west and hatred for gays.

Different guy, dumbass. And that guy (Khan) isn't doing that either.

Khan is a scumbag.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee

Where is the MSM angst over this??
Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK -
Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan - POLITICO
Donald Trump Won't Condemn KKK, Says He 'Knows Nothing About ...

109,000 google results for "Trump won't denounce KKK"

So where is Hillary's denouncement???

What the fuck for? Are people not allowed to attend political rallies of politicians you don't like now? :wtf:

This ain't Norf Korea, Dim Dung.
I guess you didn't read closely. Remember when the MSM jumped all over Trump for the KKK???
So where are they on this guy who killed gays! Sad the MSM is so biased! That's the point which I guess went WAY over your head!
The Orlando shooters father condemned his actions

Trump refused to condemn the KKK
Hillary was all set to name him father of the year before she spazzed out again and forgot where and who she was

That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
Sorry folks----I learned lots about south east Asian and
middle east and even specific Islamic custom and more's in my long life. By his behavior and in accordance with his "RELIGION AND CULTURE" Seddeque Mateen is spitting
and shitting in the faces of the kin of his victims and the victims and the USA.. Seddique (ironically the name means
'righteous person' ) is not suffering ---he will be the hero of the mosque for life------likely they will name parks and schools and highways in honor of his "holy" name in Pakistan. His sons
murder spree is the best thing that happened to him ----in reference to his mosques and his community. Parents of children who do bad things in HIS WORLD------hide for years----they have trouble MARRYING THEIR DAUGHTERS is a real stain that does not easily go away

And there is no plausible deniability. He on TV preaching night and day about his love for Sharia, hatred for the west and hatred for gays.
Sounds like a perfect political commercial for trump. This guy preaching his hatred for 15-20 seconds and then it fades into him sitting behind Hillary at a dem rally.
The Orlando shooters father condemned his actions

Trump refused to condemn the KKK


Trump denounces David Duke, KKK
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK -

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