How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

Yeah, it will be interesting to see how Liberals handle this one - Hillary giving a Rally with a known Taliban-supporting, LGBT-hating father of the terrorist who gunned down 49 LGBTs at a night club not long ago, him cheering her own.

My guess is the media will ignore it...'Nothing to see here'....

They might, but i don't think families of his son's victims will.

Great point....

Why the heck would she have a Taliban-supporting father of the terrorist who murdered LGBTs sitting in camera view behind her rather than the parents of some of the victims his son killed?! Hmmmm......
The Orlando shooters father condemned his actions

Trump refused to condemn the KKK


Trump denounces David Duke, KKK
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK -

Too funny

Took his handlers three days to convince Trump to denounce Duke

How do you know that? Where is your link? Or is this just a GUESS on your part.
See I put links so people can verify what I'm sharing. I've that much confidence. But people like you? You shoot off first then when proven wrong you blame the messenger!

OK... let's see how long it takes Hillary!
Trump’s David Duke Amnesia

For several days, Trump has had trouble handling questions about Duke, ever since Duke said on his radio show Feb. 24 that “voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage.” BuzzFeed on Feb. 25 reported Duke’s statement of support.

Why should Hillary denounce a shooters father?

Why would any one denounce a statement like that? OH... it is the MAKER of the statement that is denounced!
So using YOUR rationale...
Hillary should denounce Seddique Matteen NOT because he is the shooter's father BUT for WHAT he says!
Every one has a right including David Duke to go to the rallies...including Saddique! But using YOUR argument,
where is she denouncing WHAT Matteen has said:
The elder Mateen says he was saddened by his son's actions during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
He then adds: "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with."
The statement, and previous videos by Seddique Mateen, lend some insight into the environment in which his U.S.-born son was raised.
What has the Orlando gunman's father said?
Last edited:
He openly says gays should be executed and he supports the Taliban.


He has some sort of show. It's been reported that he openly calls for gays to be executed. And he's also been known to express support for the Taliban.

Ah, why didn't you say so. He "has some sort of show". "It's been reported". "Word on the street is...". My mechanic's sister's babysitter's cousin says..."

Well jeepers, that's some solid evidence to hang your hat on right there, can't counter that, nosiree Bob. I bow in awe.

The Orlando shooters father condemned his actions

Trump refused to condemn the KKK


Trump denounces David Duke, KKK
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK -

Too funny

Took his handlers three days to convince Trump to denounce Duke

-- and then when he got around to it he went full-amnesia on his usual fare of "loser" and "pathetic" and "disgrace" and "terrible" and "disgusting pig" and "rapist" --- those are reserved for real scum like Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly and entire ethnic groups. Duke only rated "bad person" :eek: because he knows where his base is.

He thought he could get away with "I don't know what you're even talking about" and it would go away, because he lives in a world of self-delusion where it's impossible to question his orange ass.
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.
That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
You are one sick lying c*nt.

the fart 'you lie' is the fart of a desperate person who WOULD state just what the 'lie' is if only he could manage to find one
That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
You are one sick lying c*nt.

the fart 'you lie' is the fart of a desperate person who WOULD state just what the 'lie' is if only he could manage to find one
You made it up, c*unt, and you know you did. Fuck you.
Yeah, it will be interesting to see how Liberals handle this one - Hillary giving a Rally with a known Taliban-supporting, LGBT-hating father of the terrorist who gunned down 49 LGBTs at a night club not long ago, him cheering her own.

My guess is the media will ignore it...'Nothing to see here'....

They might, but i don't think families of his son's victims will.

Great point....

Why the heck would she have a Taliban-supporting father of the terrorist who murdered LGBTs sitting in camera view behind her rather than the parents of some of the victims his son killed?! Hmmmm......

well Seddique Mateen is a PROMINENT member of the
muzzi community--------her adulation of that bag'o shit will
get her lots of votes
That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
You are one sick lying c*nt.

the fart 'you lie' is the fart of a desperate person who WOULD state just what the 'lie' is if only he could manage to find one
You made it up, c*unt, and you know you did. Fuck you.

what is "IT" ------bag'o shit licker?
This doesn't look too good for Clinton. She should speak on it. She should publicly disavow his support.
WHY?? that is the kind of support the bitch wants!! :up:

She did not disavow the BLM, NBP, KKK, etc...or their money. Liberals immediately responded by saying 'she shouldn't have to disavow every nut who endorses or supports her... to explain why she didn't....yet there sure are a lot of terrorists, militant racist organizations, and terrorist supporters behind her... '

That is true. They sure did jump all over Trump with their manufactured KKK scam. There seems to be a whole lotta dangerous folks supporting Clinton. It's disturbing.
That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
You are one sick lying c*nt.

the fart 'you lie' is the fart of a desperate person who WOULD state just what the 'lie' is if only he could manage to find one
You made it up, c*unt, and you know you did. Fuck you.

what is "IT" ------bag'o shit licker?
Everything I quoted, c*nt. You made it all up. Every word. You are a lying c*nt.
The Orlando shooters father condemned his actions

Trump refused to condemn the KKK


Trump denounces David Duke, KKK
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK -

Too funny

Took his handlers three days to convince Trump to denounce Duke

-- and then when he got around to it he went full-amnesia on his usual fare of "loser" and "pathetic" and "disgrace" and "terrible" and "disgusting pig" and "rapist" --- those are reserved for real scum like Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly and entire ethnic groups. Duke only rated "bad person" :eek: because he knows where his base is.

He thought he could get away with "I don't know what you're even talking about" and it would go away, because he lives in a world of self-delusion where it's impossible to question his orange ass.
"Full amnesia"?? Like this?
Hillary Loses It - Momentary Blackout and Dizzy Spell

Very creepy.

He openly says gays should be executed and he supports the Taliban.


He has some sort of show. It's been reported that he openly calls for gays to be executed. And he's also been known to express support for the Taliban.

Ah, why didn't you say so. He "has some sort of show". "It's been reported". "Word on the street is...". My mechanic's sister's babysitter's cousin says..."

Well jeepers, that's some solid evidence to hang your hat on right there, can't counter that, nosiree Bob. I bow in awe.


He then adds: "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with."

Punish homosexuals? Is that what Hillary agrees with?
The Orlando shooters father condemned his actions

Trump refused to condemn the KKK


Trump denounces David Duke, KKK
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK -

Too funny

Took his handlers three days to convince Trump to denounce Duke

-- and then when he got around to it he went full-amnesia on his usual fare of "loser" and "pathetic" and "disgrace" and "terrible" and "disgusting pig" and "rapist" --- those are reserved for real scum like Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly and entire ethnic groups. Duke only rated "bad person" :eek: because he knows where his base is.

He thought he could get away with "I don't know what you're even talking about" and it would go away, because he lives in a world of self-delusion where it's impossible to question his orange ass.
"Full amnesia"?? Like this?
Hillary Loses It - Momentary Blackout and Dizzy Spell

Ummmm..... no Hunior. That's called "video editing".
He openly says gays should be executed and he supports the Taliban.


He has some sort of show. It's been reported that he openly calls for gays to be executed. And he's also been known to express support for the Taliban.

Ah, why didn't you say so. He "has some sort of show". "It's been reported". "Word on the street is...". My mechanic's sister's babysitter's cousin says..."

Well jeepers, that's some solid evidence to hang your hat on right there, can't counter that, nosiree Bob. I bow in awe.


He then adds: "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with."

Punish homosexuals? Is that what Hillary agrees with?

And .... where does she say that? Hm? :popcorn:

And how would a politician's views on "God" be relevant to anything even if she had?
Yeah, they sure did jump on Trump with their manufactured KKK scam. There's a whole lotta dangerous folks supporting Hillary Clinton. It is disturbing.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee

Where is the MSM angst over this??
Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK -
Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan - POLITICO
Donald Trump Won't Condemn KKK, Says He 'Knows Nothing About ...

109,000 google results for "Trump won't denounce KKK"

So where is Hillary's denouncement???

What, exactly, should Hillary be denouncing? What terrible beliefs or acts does the father espouse?

Take your time.

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