How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)


That's just creepy.

YIKES! :ack-1:
Pretty obvious the media is totally in the tank for Cankles. Short of her actually dying, you'll hear nothing bad about her, not even from Fox.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee

Where is the MSM angst over this??
Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK -
Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan - POLITICO
Donald Trump Won't Condemn KKK, Says He 'Knows Nothing About ...

109,000 google results for "Trump won't denounce KKK"

So where is Hillary's denouncement???

What, exactly, should Hillary be denouncing?

Research and check out the asshole's own words. He hates gays and loves the Taliban.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee

Where is the MSM angst over this??
Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK -
Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan - POLITICO
Donald Trump Won't Condemn KKK, Says He 'Knows Nothing About ...

109,000 google results for "Trump won't denounce KKK"

So where is Hillary's denouncement???

What, exactly, should Hillary be denouncing?

That she has a supporter who is openly anti-gay and wishes gay people dead?

I dunno, I guess not tjat big of a deal.... oh, unless he was a Trump supporter. But since he supports your girl, it's OK.
The shooter was an American, like it or not. An American with mental problems obviously.

How rare is that? Not very.

Uh it's not just that, his dad did some fag bashing of his own...and supported the you tell me. American my ass.

There was a time the US supported the Taliban as well. He was an American, get over it.

penny is right-----in the 1980s the USA made a HUGE MISTAKE------(the big mistake included the fact that the
white house did not ask me) The USA bought the claim
that the purpose of the erstwhile Mujahadeen who moved
into Afghanistan were there ONLY to expel the Russians----
DUPED White House officials FUNDED THE jihadist dogs.
Then all hell broke loose-----they allied with penny's hero
OSAMA BIN LADEN and impose the stink and filth of Shariah
on Afghanistan. The TALIBAN dogs became rejected by
the USA in the 1990s ( a bit too little and a bit too late)
and then------into the 2000s----Pakistan began to get nervous when the Taliban forces began to impose the stench of shariah
----ie VERY STRICT SHARIAH in Pakistan. Today Taliban =
Isis-----by the mid 90s my Pakistani colleagues were----sorta
---reluctantly ----repudiating some of the activities of the
TALIBAN------that repudiation became adamant---only recently.
We asked what went into his decision to go to the event right near Orlando, where the Pulse nightclub shooting happened.

" 'I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS. That would be much better,' he said.

Yeah, Hillary should so denounce that!
Pretty obvious the media is totally in the tank for Cankles. Short of her actually dying, you'll hear nothing bad about her, not even from Fox.

Absolutely. She's the NWO Globalist Elite pick. Globalists hate Trump. I mean, talkin all that mess about putting Americans first again? NWO Globalists ain't having that stuff. Clinton's a member of the club. Trump isn't. Simple as that.
That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
You are one sick lying c*nt.

the fart 'you lie' is the fart of a desperate person who WOULD state just what the 'lie' is if only he could manage to find one
You made it up, c*unt, and you know you did. Fuck you.

what is "IT" ------bag'o shit licker?
Everything I quoted, c*nt. You made it all up. Every word. You are a lying c*nt.

really? All I did was correctly describe the demeanor of
Seddique Mataan ---father of Omar Mataan as Hillary
discussed the actions of Omar in Orlando------you observed
something that contradicts that description?
"I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS. That would be much better."

Oh my god! What a horrible thing to say!
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.

Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.
penny is right.

Once upon a time America supported the idea of a law that allowed people to kill a native American on sight as well.....NOT ANY MORE!

So you and Penny are trying to JUSTIFY Hillary having a Taliban-supporting, 'homophobic' father of the terrorist who murdered 49 Americans 'in her corner'?! Is that the gist of your 2 posts?
This doesn't look too good for Clinton. She should speak on it. She should publicly disavow his support.
WHY?? that is the kind of support the bitch wants!! :up:

She did not disavow the BLM, NBP, KKK, etc...or their money. Liberals immediately responded by saying 'she shouldn't have to disavow every nut who endorses or supports her... to explain why she didn't....yet there sure are a lot of terrorists, militant racist organizations, and terrorist supporters behind her... '

That is true. They sure did jump all over Trump with their manufactured KKK scam. There seems to be a whole lotta dangerous folks supporting Clinton. It's disturbing.

too tired to google-----off the top of my head Trump made a very bland answer to putative support by david duke------something like "I don't know him"------which is probably true. You guys are into WAY WAY OVER THE TOP "interpretation"
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.

Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.

Based on Liberal logic Hillary supports terrorism against Americans.
What!?!?! He gets to vote?!?!?!?! Outrageous!!!!!!!

Clearly, since the shooter was from Orlando, then nobody in Orlando should vote, or attend political rallies. Actually make it Florida. Actually make it anywhere that starts with the letter O.

OP's logic. I just enforce it.
Looks like even the Government/Corporate Media is getting a little disturbed over this one.

What has the Orlando gunman's father said?

The Orland gay club gunman's father has well-known anti-American views and is an ideological supporter of the Afghan Taliban. A new message posted by the father on Facebook early Monday morning also makes it clear he could have passed anti-homosexual views onto his son.

Seddique Mir Mateen, father of Orlando gunman Omar Mateen, who died in a shootout with police after killing at least 49 people early Sunday morning, regularly attended Friday prayers at a Florida mosque with his son.

In the video posted early Monday, Seddique Mateen says his son was well-educated and respectful to his parents, and that he was "not aware what motivated him to go into a gay club and kill 50 people."

He then adds: "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with."


What has the Orlando gunman's father said?
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Hillary could pull a handgun out during one of her rallies; empty a high-capacity magazine directly into a crowd of her supporters, on live TV; and everyone would have voted for her before the shooting would still vote for her. Even the dead ones...

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