How Lovely: Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee (Was Invited)

Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.

Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.
Nobody said he shouldn't be allowed to attend the Vag-fest. I just think he's an idiot for thinking Hips will do anything except continue the same policies that caused ISIS to be a thriving, international terrorist network that recruited his evil son.

Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

Then what's your point here, pretzel-boy?
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.

Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.
Nobody said he shouldn't be allowed to attend the Vag-fest. I just think he's an idiot for thinking Hips will do anything except continue the same policies that caused ISIS to be a thriving, international terrorist network that recruited his evil son.

Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

Then what's your point here, pretzel-boy?
That he's an idiot for cheering for the best friend of Islamic terrorists.
Hillary invites them to her rallies

The Clinton campaign said today in a statement, "The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public. This individual wasn't invited as a guest, and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event."

Father of Orlando Nightclub Shooter Attends Hillary Clinton Rally
So her Secret Service lets just anyone walk in and sit so close to Hillary? Why am I NOT believing that at all?

This is a person and whose campaign in the past has been revealed to have STAGED people who will be on camera, ensuring there is an appropriate mix of all different colors of people. They don't leave anything to chance, and neither does the Secret Service.
That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
You are one sick lying c*nt.

the fart 'you lie' is the fart of a desperate person who WOULD state just what the 'lie' is if only he could manage to find one
You made it up, c*unt, and you know you did. Fuck you.

Ahhhh.... there's the self-proclaimed Christian!!!

My God, you're such a a phony.
Hillary invites them to her rallies

The Clinton campaign said today in a statement, "The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public. This individual wasn't invited as a guest, and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event."

Father of Orlando Nightclub Shooter Attends Hillary Clinton Rally
And you believe her! That's scary lol

I posted no belief, just what was in an article. Do you know the meaning of open door event?

If they knew who he was, should he have been banned?
Hillary invites them to her rallies

The Clinton campaign said today in a statement, "The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public. This individual wasn't invited as a guest, and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event."

Father of Orlando Nightclub Shooter Attends Hillary Clinton Rally
So her Secret Service lets just anyone walk in and sit so close to Hillary? Why am I NOT believing that at all?

This is a person and whose campaign in the past has been revealed to have STAGED people who will be on camera, ensuring there is an appropriate mix of all different colors of people. They don't leave anything to chance, and neither does the Secret Service.

That's freedom I guess. Surely they had some kind of metal detectors the crowd had to pass through.
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.

Now........imagine if this guy had show up within 10 miles of a Trump rally.......the news coverage would be 24/7 how Trump hates gays...supports the killing of gays.........

Yet.....the father of the guy who murdered 49 gays, a supporter of the Taliban, actively supports hilary.......who wants to bring in unvetted muslims from terrorist supporting countries......

and not a peep.............and don't tell me a 5 second mention in a 30 minute news show is coverage....Trump would have 24/7....and he would be asked every time he was anywhere in public to denounce the guy, and comment on the killer.....
Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.
Nobody said he shouldn't be allowed to attend the Vag-fest. I just think he's an idiot for thinking Hips will do anything except continue the same policies that caused ISIS to be a thriving, international terrorist network that recruited his evil son.

Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

Then what's your point here, pretzel-boy?
That he's an idiot for cheering for the best friend of Islamic terrorists.

uh HUH. So your concern is an altruistic empathy for this obviously patriotic American. Is it.

I can't believe the guy did that. The only time this guy should be appearing anywhere is to apologize for his son.

He's already done that. At least as far as it's possible to "apologize" on somebody else's behalf.

>> My name is Seddique Mateen, and I am very sad, and very mad and emotionally disturbed with what my son did. This is a horrible act, and I don’t agree [with] what he did. It was very bad behavior, bad act, and in the past two days my love and my emotion, and my condolences to those people – they lost their family.

Their family got injured, and I am saddened, and I wish there is anything I can do. The only thing I can do is I share the pain. You are my family, and the same that I feel the loss of my son, that’s the same way I feel the loss of 50 people [that] they passed away. More even – the loss of those people – I’m more saddened than the loss of my son.

Because if my son didn’t do this, this would not have happened. So this is a very sad day for the whole United States, for the whole American people. They are my family, and I do this [interview on a] volunteer basis to get my message out, to all those families that they got affected in a very horrible way.

I wish this happened to me, happened to my son – none of this happened to any father. Any father is not going to wish such a day that I had.

What for? Why?

I wish he was alive. I would ask him, why did he do this? I wish I had indication that he was going to do [this], I would have arrested him myself.

... I can’t forgive him. Why did he do that? Instead of going to college, getting the master’s degree, become a doctor, make a lot of money. Why did he do that? Benefit who? Just bring sharp, sorrow, sad news to the whole community. <<

You are a disingenuous ass...had he been anywhere near Trump it would be 24/7 news coverage and they would hound Trump and his spokespeople to explain why Trump wants support from a gay killer..........they wouldn't mention this letter, they wouldn't mention that Trump had nothing to do with the guy.....

And there this guy an actual convention behind hilary...................and you know they are not going to hound her.........she will get a pass.............and she will be protected.......

David Duke....who has nothing to do with Trump or the Republican constantly thrown at Trump and Republicans.....and used to attack them........this guys kid murdered 49 gays...he himself supports the Taliban.......

That bag'o,shit sat PROUDLY as Helldegard spoke about
the murder spree committed by his son for the glory of allah.
A little smile played about his lips----and his head was HIGH.
You are one sick lying c*nt.

the fart 'you lie' is the fart of a desperate person who WOULD state just what the 'lie' is if only he could manage to find one
You made it up, c*unt, and you know you did. Fuck you.

Ahhhh.... there's the self-proclaimed Christian!!!

My God, you're such a a phony.

you know something about g and a few hundred? He claimed Christianity? How intriguing
I can't believe the guy did that. The only time this guy should be appearing anywhere is to apologize for his son.

He's already done that. At least as far as it's possible to "apologize" on somebody else's behalf.

>> My name is Seddique Mateen, and I am very sad, and very mad and emotionally disturbed with what my son did. This is a horrible act, and I don’t agree [with] what he did. It was very bad behavior, bad act, and in the past two days my love and my emotion, and my condolences to those people – they lost their family.

Their family got injured, and I am saddened, and I wish there is anything I can do. The only thing I can do is I share the pain. You are my family, and the same that I feel the loss of my son, that’s the same way I feel the loss of 50 people [that] they passed away. More even – the loss of those people – I’m more saddened than the loss of my son.

Because if my son didn’t do this, this would not have happened. So this is a very sad day for the whole United States, for the whole American people. They are my family, and I do this [interview on a] volunteer basis to get my message out, to all those families that they got affected in a very horrible way.

I wish this happened to me, happened to my son – none of this happened to any father. Any father is not going to wish such a day that I had.

What for? Why?

I wish he was alive. I would ask him, why did he do this? I wish I had indication that he was going to do [this], I would have arrested him myself.

... I can’t forgive him. Why did he do that? Instead of going to college, getting the master’s degree, become a doctor, make a lot of money. Why did he do that? Benefit who? Just bring sharp, sorrow, sad news to the whole community. <<

You are a disingenuous ass...had he been anywhere near Trump it would be 24/7 news coverage and they would hound Trump and his spokespeople to explain why Trump wants support from a gay killer..........they wouldn't mention this letter, they wouldn't mention that Trump had nothing to do with the guy.....

And there this guy an actual convention behind hilary...................and you know they are not going to hound her.........she will get a pass.............and she will be protected.......

David Duke....who has nothing to do with Trump or the Republican constantly thrown at Trump and Republicans.....and used to attack them........this guys kid murdered 49 gays...he himself supports the Taliban.......


When all you got is lame speculation fallacy fantasies --- all you got is nothing.
Actually you were most ahead in this thread before you posted anything.

would hound Trump and his spokespeople to explain why Trump wants support from a gay killer

This isn't the "gay killer" DUMBASS. It's the father.
It's also not a "convention".
Where the fuck did you learn to read?
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.

Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.
Nobody said he shouldn't be allowed to attend the Vag-fest. I just think he's an idiot for thinking Hips will do anything except continue the same policies that caused ISIS to be a thriving, international terrorist network that recruited his evil son.

Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

it wasn't clear to me-------he said "I am saddened"------then he tried to blame the fact that his son was ARMED to the teeth on a PISTOL he was given by his job. Just how dimwitted
are you? --------all he had was work pistol? ----like a 38 calibre thing? little dainty pocket pistol? A father
which ADULATES the Taliban and its penchant for mass
murder on school children was Omar's problem
Nobody said he shouldn't be allowed to attend the Vag-fest. I just think he's an idiot for thinking Hips will do anything except continue the same policies that caused ISIS to be a thriving, international terrorist network that recruited his evil son.

Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

Then what's your point here, pretzel-boy?
That he's an idiot for cheering for the best friend of Islamic terrorists.

uh HUH. So your concern is an altruistic empathy for this obviously patriotic American. Is it.

I think he would better honor the victims of his evil son by supporting Trump.
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate | Fox News

In a startling appearance Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.”

Seddique Mateen’s presence was first noticed by WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Though Mateen claimed he had been “invited” to the Kissimmee, Fla., rally outside of Orlando, he also suggested the invitation may have come in the form of a mass email.

Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.
Nobody said he shouldn't be allowed to attend the Vag-fest. I just think he's an idiot for thinking Hips will do anything except continue the same policies that caused ISIS to be a thriving, international terrorist network that recruited his evil son.

Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

it wasn't clear to me-------he said "I am saddened"------then he tried to blame the fact that his son was ARMED to the teeth on a PISTOL he was given by his job. Just how dimwitted
are you? --------all he had was work pistol? ----like a 38 calibre thing? little dainty pocket pistol? A father
which ADULATES the Taliban and its penchant for mass
murder on school children was Omar's problem
Clearly English is his second language. His statement was confusing on every level. But it seems he was grieved at the loss of life caused by his jihadi son.
Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!
Fathers of terrorist should be labeled just as bad as them, just like Trump said. The families should be
targeted as well.

So you agree with all the rest of the RWnuts on this board who said the child of the Orlando shooter should be put to death.
Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!
Fathers of terrorist should be labeled just as bad as them, just like Trump said. The families should be
targeted as well.

So you agree with all the rest of the RWnuts on this board who said the child of the Orlando shooter should be put to death.
Really? Who said that?

Stop lying, Leftists!
Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

Then what's your point here, pretzel-boy?
That he's an idiot for cheering for the best friend of Islamic terrorists.

uh HUH. So your concern is an altruistic empathy for this obviously patriotic American. Is it.

I think he would better honor the victims of his evil son by supporting Trump.

I think Khyzir Khan already done figgered that one out.

Let's see, I'm Irish Catholic, so if some candy came up spewing that we had to deport Irish Catholics and stamp us with some kind of "Juden" tattoo, that's who I should support -- right?

Oh wait -- they actually did that a century and a half ago. They were called the Know Nothings. Rump's ideological forebears.
Fourth thread on this already. Not one of which has figured out a way to justify itself.

So let's just recycle the same response from the last time --- what, are people not allowed to attend political rallies in your world if you don't like the candidate? A bit fascistic don't you think? Or do you call it "PC"?

This country don't work that way Dim Dung. Go back to Norf Korea.
Nobody said he shouldn't be allowed to attend the Vag-fest. I just think he's an idiot for thinking Hips will do anything except continue the same policies that caused ISIS to be a thriving, international terrorist network that recruited his evil son.

Soooooo ---- you started this thread to make the point that "he's an idiot" if he thinks "Hips" will do anything except further the Jihadi fantasies you've contrived to hang on him anyway huh?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

No that's not what I said either. Clearly he detests the actions of his son. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, is it?

it wasn't clear to me-------he said "I am saddened"------then he tried to blame the fact that his son was ARMED to the teeth on a PISTOL he was given by his job. Just how dimwitted
are you? --------all he had was work pistol? ----like a 38 calibre thing? little dainty pocket pistol? A father
which ADULATES the Taliban and its penchant for mass
murder on school children was Omar's problem
Clearly English is his second language. His statement was confusing on every level. But it seems he was grieved at the loss of life caused by his jihadi son.

I doubt it------I understand Pakistani English-----I have lots of
experience with it. In fact <with a self pat> I recognized
the KHAN gold star couple as Pakistani as soon as the lady
opened her mouth------in any case----there were subtitles when he spoke in whatever he spoke----probably Urdu.. (??) No doubt Seddique is upset over the death of his son...... Did you know that good muslims are not permitted to grieve over the deaths of Kaffirin? They ABSOLUTELY cannot follow the
dead body of a kaffir to the cemetary----it's kinda against
shariah law
Trump can use this. What better image to use in a campaign ad, Hillary Clinton, palling around with terrorists

Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee
Is his father a terrorist?!!!
Fathers of terrorist should be labeled just as bad as them, just like Trump said. The families should be
targeted as well.

So you agree with all the rest of the RWnuts on this board who said the child of the Orlando shooter should be put to death.
Really? Who said that?

Stop lying, Leftists!

Trump advised examining the FAMILIES of terrorists----
a good idea especially if they get PAID OFF-----by supporters of international terrorism ------like Iran-----etc etc etc

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