How Low Will Pres. Donald's Approval Numbers Go?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
President Trump's approval rating has dropped to the sub 40% range in several polls since the partially unredacted Mueller Report has been made available to the public. Even polls that normally favor the President are showing sharp decreases. Will our Liar in Chief ever reach even a modest 50% approval rating by more than one always favorable poll for a week or will his numbers continue to drop as more and more citizens accept the conclusion that he is an unacceptable dishonest buffoon unworthy of the Presidency.
President Trump's approval rating has dropped to the sub 40% range in several polls since the partially unredacted Mueller Report has been made available to the public. Even polls that normally favor the President are showing sharp decreases. Will our Liar in Chief ever reach even a modest 50% approval rating by more than one always favorable poll for a week or will his numbers continue to drop as more and more citizens accept the conclusion that he is an unacceptable dishonest buffoon unworthy of the Presidency.

Of course his poll numbers have dropped a little. The majority of polls are overwhelmingly liberal-biased and they're not too happy about the outcome of the Mueller report.

upload_2019-4-23_8-45-10.pngBusiness Insider › clinton-has-95-percent...
Web results
Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the election if it were held today - Business Insider

Aug 25, 2016 · If the US presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the presidency by a margin of 108 ...

Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning

Nov 7, 2016 · NEW YORK (Reuters) - With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. ... Trump’s chances rest with ...

upload_2019-4-23_8-45-10.pngRealClearPolitics › video › 2016/11/06
Matthew Dowd: Clinton Has 95% Chance To Win, Will Win By 5 Million Votes | Video | RealClearPolitics

Nov 6, 2016 · ABC News contributor Matthew Dowd predicts that Hillary Clinton will win by a larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.

upload_2019-4-23_8-45-10.pngThe New York Times › upshot › preside...
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times

Nov 8, 2016 · Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win. ... A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as the ...
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upload_2019-4-23_8-45-10.pngThe Independent › uk › ... › Americas
Survey finds Hillary Clinton has 'more than 99% chance' of winning election over Donald Trump | The Independent

Nov 5, 2016 · A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over
President Trump's approval rating has dropped to the sub 40% range in several polls since the partially unredacted Mueller Report has been made available to the public. Even polls that normally favor the President are showing sharp decreases. Will our Liar in Chief ever reach even a modest 50% approval rating by more than one always favorable poll for a week or will his numbers continue to drop as more and more citizens accept the conclusion that he is an unacceptable dishonest buffoon unworthy of the Presidency.

Of course his poll numbers have dropped a little. The majority of polls are overwhelmingly liberal-biased and they're not too happy about the outcome of the Mueller report.

As stated in OP, even his normally friendly polls are showing a sharp decrease.
President Trump's approval rating has dropped to the sub 40% range in several polls since the partially unredacted Mueller Report has been made available to the public. Even polls that normally favor the President are showing sharp decreases. Will our Liar in Chief ever reach even a modest 50% approval rating by more than one always favorable poll for a week or will his numbers continue to drop as more and more citizens accept the conclusion that he is an unacceptable dishonest buffoon unworthy of the Presidency.
With all the negative hype by the Lame Stream Media, you would think President Trump's approval ratings would be in the 10s but still in the low 40s. This again infuriates the libtardos, because they have tried everything they can at the President, you know Collusion, and they came up empty again. So now instead of the dumbass liberals(I know redundant statement) in Congress doing something to help US citizens have better lives, all they can do is try to get the IRS to weaponize and go after a sitting president. Such a sorry ass display of hatred and major butthurtness.

View attachment 257434Business Insider › clinton-has-95-percent...
Web results
Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the election if it were held today - Business Insider
Aug 25, 2016 · If the US presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the presidency by a margin of 108 ...

View attachment 257435Reuters
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning
Nov 7, 2016 · NEW YORK (Reuters) - With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. ... Trump’s chances rest with ...

View attachment 257436RealClearPolitics › video › 2016/11/06
Matthew Dowd: Clinton Has 95% Chance To Win, Will Win By 5 Million Votes | Video | RealClearPolitics
Nov 6, 2016 · ABC News contributor Matthew Dowd predicts that Hillary Clinton will win by a larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.

View attachment 257437The New York Times › upshot › preside...
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times
Nov 8, 2016 · Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win. ... A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as the ...
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View attachment 257438The Independent › uk › ... › Americas
Survey finds Hillary Clinton has 'more than 99% chance' of winning election over Donald Trump | The Independent
Nov 5, 2016 · A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over
Yes, we all know polls that were taken before our 2016 election counted on popular votes and ignored the Electoral College component of our election process. Hence, while polls were accurate when considering only popular votes, failure to include an Electoral College component made their overall predictions inaccurate.
President Trump's approval rating has dropped to the sub 40% range in several polls since the partially unredacted Mueller Report has been made available to the public. Even polls that normally favor the President are showing sharp decreases. Will our Liar in Chief ever reach even a modest 50% approval rating by more than one always favorable poll for a week or will his numbers continue to drop as more and more citizens accept the conclusion that he is an unacceptable dishonest buffoon unworthy of the Presidency.

Of course his poll numbers have dropped a little. The majority of polls are overwhelmingly liberal-biased and they're not too happy about the outcome of the Mueller report.

As stated in OP, even his normally friendly polls are showing a sharp decrease.

And your statement is based on what? Rasmussen and Fox News polls are only showing a one point drop since last month. While Gallup is showing a six point increase.

Not hardly a "sharp decrease" by any standards.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
View attachment 257434Business Insider › clinton-has-95-percent...
Web results
Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the election if it were held today - Business Insider
Aug 25, 2016 · If the US presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the presidency by a margin of 108 ...

View attachment 257435Reuters
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning
Nov 7, 2016 · NEW YORK (Reuters) - With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. ... Trump’s chances rest with ...

View attachment 257436RealClearPolitics › video › 2016/11/06
Matthew Dowd: Clinton Has 95% Chance To Win, Will Win By 5 Million Votes | Video | RealClearPolitics
Nov 6, 2016 · ABC News contributor Matthew Dowd predicts that Hillary Clinton will win by a larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.

View attachment 257437The New York Times › upshot › preside...
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times
Nov 8, 2016 · Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win. ... A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as the ...
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View attachment 257438The Independent › uk › ... › Americas
Survey finds Hillary Clinton has 'more than 99% chance' of winning election over Donald Trump | The Independent
Nov 5, 2016 · A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over
Yes, we all know polls that were taken before our 2016 election counted on popular votes and ignored the Electoral College component of our election process. Hence, while polls were accurate when considering only popular votes, failure to include an Electoral College component made their overall predictions inaccurate.

No. Stop making the Popular vote relevant or even an issue. ALL the pollsters since the beginning of polling have known the ELECTORAL VOTE elects Presidents as States elect Presidents NOT PEOPLE.

The polls were just purely biased for Hillary Clinton in the hopes of suppressing Republican vote as they wanted people to think Hillary was going to win no matter what.
View attachment 257434Business Insider › clinton-has-95-percent...
Web results
Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the election if it were held today - Business Insider
Aug 25, 2016 · If the US presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the presidency by a margin of 108 ...

View attachment 257435Reuters
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning
Nov 7, 2016 · NEW YORK (Reuters) - With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. ... Trump’s chances rest with ...

View attachment 257436RealClearPolitics › video › 2016/11/06
Matthew Dowd: Clinton Has 95% Chance To Win, Will Win By 5 Million Votes | Video | RealClearPolitics
Nov 6, 2016 · ABC News contributor Matthew Dowd predicts that Hillary Clinton will win by a larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.

View attachment 257437The New York Times › upshot › preside...
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times
Nov 8, 2016 · Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win. ... A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as the ...
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View attachment 257438The Independent › uk › ... › Americas
Survey finds Hillary Clinton has 'more than 99% chance' of winning election over Donald Trump | The Independent
Nov 5, 2016 · A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over
Yes, we all know polls that were taken before our 2016 election counted on popular votes and ignored the Electoral College component of our election process. Hence, while polls were accurate when considering only popular votes, failure to include an Electoral College component made their overall predictions inaccurate.
President Donald Trump’s approval rating plunged to below 40% after Thursday’s release of a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, according to two new polls.

A Reuters/Ipsos survey, conducted Thursday afternoon to Friday morning, found that Trump’s approval rating had dropped to 37% ― a decline of 3 percentage points from a similar poll days earlier. Reuters described the new rating as the president’s lowest of 2019.

A poll jointly conducted by Politico and Morning Consult Friday through Sunday found 39% of voters approved of Trump’s job performance — a 5-point drop from the previous week. That equaled Trump’s lowest-ever approval rating in Politico/Morning Consult polls, which he received in August 2017 following the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville.
Very few voters actively like Trump. If the Ds had sane, decent and competent candidates Trump's negatives would be a problem. But given the loony toons normal behavior Trump will win big in 2020.
View attachment 257434Business Insider › clinton-has-95-percent...
Web results
Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the election if it were held today - Business Insider
Aug 25, 2016 · If the US presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the presidency by a margin of 108 ...

View attachment 257435Reuters
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning
Nov 7, 2016 · NEW YORK (Reuters) - With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. ... Trump’s chances rest with ...

View attachment 257436RealClearPolitics › video › 2016/11/06
Matthew Dowd: Clinton Has 95% Chance To Win, Will Win By 5 Million Votes | Video | RealClearPolitics
Nov 6, 2016 · ABC News contributor Matthew Dowd predicts that Hillary Clinton will win by a larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.

View attachment 257437The New York Times › upshot › preside...
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times
Nov 8, 2016 · Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win. ... A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as the ...
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View attachment 257438The Independent › uk › ... › Americas
Survey finds Hillary Clinton has 'more than 99% chance' of winning election over Donald Trump | The Independent
Nov 5, 2016 · A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over
Yes, we all know polls that were taken before our 2016 election counted on popular votes and ignored the Electoral College component of our election process. Hence, while polls were accurate when considering only popular votes, failure to include an Electoral College component made their overall predictions inaccurate.
President Donald Trump’s approval rating plunged to below 40% after Thursday’s release of a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, according to two new polls.

A Reuters/Ipsos survey, conducted Thursday afternoon to Friday morning, found that Trump’s approval rating had dropped to 37% ― a decline of 3 percentage points from a similar poll days earlier. Reuters described the new rating as the president’s lowest of 2019.

A poll jointly conducted by Politico and Morning Consult Friday through Sunday found 39% of voters approved of Trump’s job performance — a 5-point drop from the previous week. That equaled Trump’s lowest-ever approval rating in Politico/Morning Consult polls, which he received in August 2017 following the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville.
His supporters in this rhread prefer using older polls taken before zhe Mueller report was made available. Trumpers are stuck in denial.
View attachment 257434Business Insider › clinton-has-95-percent...
Web results
Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the election if it were held today - Business Insider
Aug 25, 2016 · If the US presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the presidency by a margin of 108 ...

View attachment 257435Reuters
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning
Nov 7, 2016 · NEW YORK (Reuters) - With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. ... Trump’s chances rest with ...

View attachment 257436RealClearPolitics › video › 2016/11/06
Matthew Dowd: Clinton Has 95% Chance To Win, Will Win By 5 Million Votes | Video | RealClearPolitics
Nov 6, 2016 · ABC News contributor Matthew Dowd predicts that Hillary Clinton will win by a larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.

View attachment 257437The New York Times › upshot › preside...
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times
Nov 8, 2016 · Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win. ... A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as the ...
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View attachment 257438The Independent › uk › ... › Americas
Survey finds Hillary Clinton has 'more than 99% chance' of winning election over Donald Trump | The Independent
Nov 5, 2016 · A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over
Yes, we all know polls that were taken before our 2016 election counted on popular votes and ignored the Electoral College component of our election process. Hence, while polls were accurate when considering only popular votes, failure to include an Electoral College component made their overall predictions inaccurate.
President Donald Trump’s approval rating plunged to below 40% after Thursday’s release of a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, according to two new polls.

A Reuters/Ipsos survey, conducted Thursday afternoon to Friday morning, found that Trump’s approval rating had dropped to 37% ― a decline of 3 percentage points from a similar poll days earlier. Reuters described the new rating as the president’s lowest of 2019.

A poll jointly conducted by Politico and Morning Consult Friday through Sunday found 39% of voters approved of Trump’s job performance — a 5-point drop from the previous week. That equaled Trump’s lowest-ever approval rating in Politico/Morning Consult polls, which he received in August 2017 following the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville.
His supporters in this rhread prefer using older polls taken before zhe Mueller report was made available. Trumpers are stuck in denial.
View attachment 257434Business Insider › clinton-has-95-percent...
Web results
Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the election if it were held today - Business Insider
Aug 25, 2016 · If the US presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would have a 95% chance of winning the presidency by a margin of 108 ...

View attachment 257435Reuters
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning
Nov 7, 2016 · NEW YORK (Reuters) - With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. ... Trump’s chances rest with ...

View attachment 257436RealClearPolitics › video › 2016/11/06
Matthew Dowd: Clinton Has 95% Chance To Win, Will Win By 5 Million Votes | Video | RealClearPolitics
Nov 6, 2016 · ABC News contributor Matthew Dowd predicts that Hillary Clinton will win by a larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.

View attachment 257437The New York Times › upshot › preside...
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times
Nov 8, 2016 · Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win. ... A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as the ...
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View attachment 257438The Independent › uk › ... › Americas
Survey finds Hillary Clinton has 'more than 99% chance' of winning election over Donald Trump | The Independent
Nov 5, 2016 · A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over
Yeah yeah, we know you only believe polls that are favorable to tRump.
President Trump's approval rating has dropped to the sub 40% range in several polls since the partially unredacted Mueller Report has been made available to the public. Even polls that normally favor the President are showing sharp decreases. Will our Liar in Chief ever reach even a modest 50% approval rating by more than one always favorable poll for a week or will his numbers continue to drop as more and more citizens accept the conclusion that he is an unacceptable dishonest buffoon unworthy of the Presidency.

Of course his poll numbers have dropped a little. The majority of polls are overwhelmingly liberal-biased and they're not too happy about the outcome of the Mueller report.

As stated in OP, even his normally friendly polls are showing a sharp decrease.

And your statement is based on what? Rasmussen and Fox News polls are only showing a one point drop since last month. While Gallup is showing a six point increase.

Not hardly a "sharp decrease" by any standards.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Bullshit, Gallup is not showing a 6 point increase since Barr released the Mueller report. Gallup has yet to conduct a job approval rating poll since Barr released it.

Reuter’s released one however and Trump was rated lower than on any other previous Reuter’s poll.
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Depends on how the media tries to manipulate the data. If they do all their polls at Berekley University and then act surprised when the election is held and Trump sweeps every state but Commiefornia don't come crying about Martians rigging the elections.

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