How Lunatics Can Benefit From Assad's Alleged Chemo-Weapons? Russian Opposition?


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So if the case for a limited reprimand of the Syrian forces, loyal to the Assad regime, has basis in actually helping Assad keep his hands really on the Chemo-weapons. . . .?

Syria crisis: Assad regime asks UN to protect it from 'any aggression' from the West - Middle East - World - The Independent

The Russians and the Chinese seem able to note that the US and France don't seem to want even let their own people in on, "What do they know, and When did they Know it!"

Apparently the forces not loyal to Assad do not have the missile capability. No one seems to want to assert or deny if they had capability to suddenly have the missile capability.

All nations seem to agree that enough factions in the Syrian civil chaos have no interest in Syria whatsoever, but have more interest in what they can gain from the Syrian civil chaos.

And so official official Washington, D. C., wants to support the forces not loyal to Assad. Mostly the forces loyal to Assad would be said supporitive of a continued Syria. The Russians and the Chinese seem on board with that.

Then there McCain, Cantor, Boehner, now Pelosi, Reid and Obama, et. al. somehow not supportive of a continued Syria. Chaos taking over seems to make better sense, since Chemo-Weapons are involved.!

Kind of makes anyone want to stand up and yell, "Give Us. . .Barrabas. . .For the Love of Christ(?). . .Jesus!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The U.N. may likely find that Chemo-Weapons were used. The U. N. may likely be then able to chart a more defensible course!)
Anyone guesses that Secretary Kerry spent the weekend, climbing the fence, into the somebody's yard, to see if he could get his medals backl!

Chaos in Syria is for so long normal that any other new-normal has to be assessed before upsetting the current chaotic, state of affairs. The Catholic Holy Father could even tweet that chemo-weapons-use in fact is opposed, even at the Vatican(?). News to the world is more like that! The Holy Father managed to do that, more or less like Russia and China. . . .did the same thing. . .without baiting Syria. Going after Syria is not yet shown to have any basis, even in any facts. Official Syria is not yet shown itself to be directly involved in whatever it is--that is about to be shown, unless it is not shown at all. Not Russia, Not China, and not the Holy Father haver directly assailed official Syria, so far in the matter at hand. The U. N. is so far neutral.

It is one thing to have a polite little chaos, where lunatics are free to lunch with one another. It is not altogether wise foreign policy to set up a chemical weapons distribution center in the midst of it all. Likely even Syria is aware of that.

It may have already occurred to forces loyal to official Syria, that launching the missile may have given away more than had been intended. It is not clear that official Syria would not be victim of a chemo-attack. . .in the event of chemo-weapons distribution center at work in Syria.

The Russians and the Chinese, and easily the Vatican--are not suggesting any specifics of any wrong-doing, even so far.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many White Eyes find better sense in taking papoose out behind a tree, and launching against any fruity things in its hair(?)! Someone wrote a song, or an overture, about that kind of crap. . .adored by White Eyes! Sound make many young warriors--run like hell!)

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