How Many Are Ready For Another RW TV Network?

Why is the radical left so hysterical about Fox and the possibility of another fair and balanced network? Nobody on the right was outraged over the sale of Al Gore's failing network to Shria dominated Al-Jazeera.
Why does information scare the left so much?

FoxNews...The Free Market will work it out.

MSNBC...Abortion and Same Sex Marriage are the two most important issues America faces.

Where is the information?

Clearly you don't watch MSNBC or Fox.

Fox has an entire litany of "hate Obama".

MSNBC covers:


Same Sex Marraige

and also

Unemploiyment benefits

Jobs bills



the Middle East

And Republicans in Office and how they want to screw the poor and middle class
Why is the radical left so hysterical about Fox and the possibility of another fair and balanced network? Nobody on the right was outraged over the sale of Al Gore's failing network to Shria dominated Al-Jazeera.

The two men who own Fox News:


Thought I would point that out.
Why is the radical left so hysterical about Fox and the possibility of another fair and balanced network? Nobody on the right was outraged over the sale of Al Gore's failing network to Shria dominated Al-Jazeera.

The two men who own Fox News:


Thought I would point that out.

Well which is Fox? Left wing or right wing? Even the bi-polar left can't have it both ways.
Why is the radical left so hysterical about Fox and the possibility of another fair and balanced network? Nobody on the right was outraged over the sale of Al Gore's failing network to Shria dominated Al-Jazeera.

The two men who own Fox News:


Thought I would point that out.

Well which is Fox? Left wing or right wing? Even the bi-polar left can't have it both ways.

Fox is most definitely Right Wing and "anti America". Saudi Prince Bin Talal even gave telethons for the families of suicide bombers. The families of the bombers, NOT the victims. Ensuring even more suicide bombers. He's not "pro America". Neither is Murdoch. Their goal is to flood America with misinformation and divide the country. And it's worked. The Republican Party has become an arm of radical Islamist. Look at what Republicans helped Iraq write into their constitution.

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

We had an army there. We could have insisted on "freedom of religion". We had guns.
I'll ignore it just like I do FOX. Maybe Jon Stewart will get some more material from it tho.
The basic difference between the left and the right is that the low information left would rather shut down opposition opinion rather than educate themselves.
The basic difference between the left and the right is that the low information left would rather shut down opposition opinion rather than educate themselves.

You mean we should admit what a success Iraq was?

All the jobs created by the Bush Tax Cuts?

How health care is a bad thing?
Are you referring to another "Fox" news channel - you know, the LEADER in all viewer ratings?
That one?

Actually, Fox News gets about 7-8 percent of all news viewers. That's according to Pew Research and Gallup.
A huge percentage of news viewers get their news from either their local TV channels or network news. And probably if they are really interested in news but want to avoid the real bias in that's in cable news, they probably watch some Sunday morning network chat show.
You know the nice part of that simplicity, is that they are probably getting the least biased news available on TV. :eusa_angel:
A couple of links for you folks.
How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project

TV Is Americans' Main Source of News


  • $5-Many-Americans-Consume-News-on-Two-Platforms.png
    7.3 KB · Views: 68
The basic difference between the left and the right is that the low information left would rather shut down opposition opinion rather than educate themselves.

You mean we should admit what a success Iraq was?

All the jobs created by the Bush Tax Cuts?

How health care is a bad thing?

Maybe, just maybe, consider that president Bush gave Saddam a year to comply with about a hundred UN sanctions and that 35% of congressional democrats voted for the mission and then sat back and pretended that they were spectators and undermined the mission like freaking traitors. Maybe consider that the Iraq mission was a resounding Military success and that Harry Truman did not consult congress when he lost 50,000 American Troops in his personal adventure in Korea in three years. Maybe consider that president Hussein extended the Bush tax cuts and the ironically named "affordable health care act" is the worst debacle of an administration.
The basic difference between the left and the right is that the low information left would rather shut down opposition opinion rather than educate themselves.

You mean we should admit what a success Iraq was?

All the jobs created by the Bush Tax Cuts?

How health care is a bad thing?

Maybe, just maybe, consider that president Bush gave Saddam a year to comply with about a hundred UN sanctions and that 35% of congressional democrats voted for the mission and then sat back and pretended that they were spectators and undermined the mission like freaking traitors. Maybe consider that the Iraq mission was a resounding Military success and that Harry Truman did not consult congress when he lost 50,000 American Troops in his personal adventure in Korea in three years. Maybe consider that president Hussein extended the Bush tax cuts and the ironically named "affordable health care act" is the worst debacle of an administration.

That's an awful lot of tap dancing.


But look at it seriously for a second. Remember, Bush Sr. was ASKED to move Saddam out of Kuwait. Do you think a man who had been a WWII officer, head of the CIA, Vice President and President would be so stupid that he would chase Saddam back to Iraq and fail to keep an eye on him afterwards? Why do right wingers think Bush Sr. was stupid. He knew enough to stay out of rebuilding Iraq. He surrounded Iraq. He put sanctions in place. He put satellites over head.
Bush Jr. knew all that. At least he would have if he had asked his father. Young George invaded Iraq for oil. It was all business.
If he was really concerned about the people of Iraq, he wouldn't have let two thirds of Christians living there be attacked, crucified and chased from their homeland. He did nothing to protect them. And we had an army. We were an occupying force that was never invited into that country. We could have protected them.

Think about it. Stay away from right wingnut talking points and look at the situation and facts and come to your own conclusion.
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I can't watch Faux News anymore. I gag at the lies and want to throw things when they allow their tame libtards to spew in public. It took me a month or so to break the Faux habit and now I watch One America exclusively. It will be easier to break their habit if I see them caving to the left.

I quit smoking, cold turkey, after 55 years, one day and I never had a craving. It was easier than quitting the Faux lies. Probably cause of the legs.
Why is the radical left so hysterical about Fox and the possibility of another fair and balanced network? Nobody on the right was outraged over the sale of Al Gore's failing network to Shria dominated Al-Jazeera.

The two men who own Fox News:


Thought I would point that out.

News flash for dipshit low information types....ALL shareholders own Fox, just like any other publicly traded company.

The Saudi dude owns like 7% of the company's total shares, and that translates to the low infos that he's somehow calling the shots at the network. Sure that's absurd to lots of us, but deany-type dumbbells will believe anything the lefty puppeteers tell them.
I can't watch Faux News anymore. I gag at the lies and want to throw things when they allow their tame libtards to spew in public. It took me a month or so to break the Faux habit and now I watch One America exclusively. It will be easier to break their habit if I see them caving to the left.

I quit smoking, cold turkey, after 55 years, one day and I never had a craving. It was easier than quitting the Faux lies. Probably cause of the legs.
In the vein of capitalism and anti-monopoly's isn't it about time we had another RW news network?

What say you?

Yay or nay?

i dropped direct tv some time ago

i dropped cable years ago

waste of money

in the day and age of internet

and internet tv

there is no reason to support these trashy tv networks like fox or cnn

look at the viewership 400 thousand a night

yet they get paid like they have millions of viewers

since they get a piece of the pie of every cable subscription

end that and you might MIGHT get a decent network
That's what I call dedication, digging up a five year old thread rather than starting a new one on the same topic.

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