How many Democrat primary debates will be canceled once the crazy policies promoted become public

There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
Except many liberal policies are very popular: social security, healthcare, etc. What you (hopefully) won't hear is investigation and impeachment.
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.

The ideas already are public. Reparations all the way.
They are but not really broadcast to the public. 20 goofballs on stage for a couple hours all trying to out left each other is a good way to turn off average voters.

Kind of like how California shot down free healthcare for senior citizens but passed it for illegal aliens.
They are but not really broadcast to the public. 20 goofballs on stage for a couple hours all trying to out left each other is a good way to turn off average voters.
Kind of like how California shot down free healthcare for senior citizens but passed it for illegal aliens.

Few realize this yet......but all these candidates are probably just paving the way for HILLARY in 2020.
They know they have no chance. Sacrificial lambs.

So when Hillary rides in on a white horse late and announces her candidacy, she will be seen as a God send to Leftists.
She doesn't need to campaign long and hard....she did that prior to 2016. In fact, jumping in last minute is a good strategy for her.
I believe that's the Democrats strategy. They WANT everyone to believe it's a free for all. For now.

Hillary in the White House in 2020?
God help us.

Why is she "soft campaigning" now? Why hasn't she ruled out 2020?

Hillary for prison 2020 is what I would vote for given the chance.

Yet go apesh*t when Pelosi says it for Trump....
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
Except many liberal policies are very popular: social security, healthcare, etc. What you (hopefully) won't hear is investigation and impeachment.


These social polices are working great in other countries... The Problem is that the Republicans run on Government doesn't work and as soon as they get in they do there best to make sure Government doesn't work.

Democrat are trying to get Government to work but if the GOP have any say they just destroy or stop anything.

It is far easier to teardown than to build up....
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
Except many liberal policies are very popular: social security, healthcare, etc. What you (hopefully) won't hear is investigation and impeachment.


These social polices are working great in other countries... The Problem is that the Republicans run on Government doesn't work and as soon as they get in they do there best to make sure Government doesn't work.

Democrat are trying to get Government to work but if the GOP have any say they just destroy or stop anything.

It is far easier to teardown than to build up....
Grampa says: it is far easier to see the world through an ideology than it is to deal with reality.
I'll disagree on this one. While I agree with the sentiment, I just can't imagine any significant number of people being all that interested to pay them attention.
That's my guess. This could be another referendum on Trump & Trumpism. People's views on him are pretty solid at this point.

Unfortunately you are right... There was a time when a US President candidate would be discounted on the spot if he took help from your enemy..

Now we got this:

That won't cost him a single vote... That is very sad and is indicative of what is going on...

Imagine if any other President be it Republican or Democrat said this... His own party would string him up...

I think the US might get rid of Trump just because they are sick of the endless scandals, they actually want to go back to reality tv and car chases...

Where were you when it was discovered that hilary and the DNC used a former agent of the British MI-6, who used actual Russians, to put together the fake Steele Dossier, which was used to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump.......

Actual foriegn agents used by hilary and obama to go after Trump...

Where were you when they did that?

One Hillary had a commercial deal with Fusion GPS to continue an investigation started by a GOP candidate in Trump. Fusion GPS, an American Company, approached the Clinton Campaign...

What is Fake in the Dossier... There is a lot unverified and some verified... But could you tell us actual fake?

It has been said time and time again that Dossier didn't start the FISA warrants:
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This' -

You also mentioned Obama... Could you show us proof of Obama's involvement?

Note: I know it is great just to throw out unfounded allegations but you look stupid when they are easily refuted... Could you try and refute me using actual fact check websites...

You didn't refute anything lol. You gave an OPINION.

The only one looking stupid is you
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
Except many liberal policies are very popular: social security, healthcare, etc. What you (hopefully) won't hear is investigation and impeachment.
We already have social security so that is a moot point.
Mediacam for all is not healthcare, it is tax theft and LONG LINES to see a doctor
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
None.....want to bet?
If you're eager to risk some stupid avatar or leaving the board just do it. I have no interest in your childish games or being your entertainment
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
Which ones?
These social polices are working great in other countries..


Working great for American doctors and hotels maybe. They're working so good people fly around the globe for our healthcare system.

Besides you people always point to countries with populations smaller than New York City. Most of which have no military expenses thanks to us.
We already have social security so that is a moot point.
Mediacam for all is not healthcare, it is tax theft and LONG LINES to see a doctor
We have it now but the GOP would love to overhaul it into an early grave. Same with Medicare and Medicaid.

Healthcare is probably the best issue the Dems have since the GOP are ideologically opposed to it while most people want it easily available. They see the GOP has no plan to put forth, the only thing the GOP did when they had the congress and the white house was to try to end Obamacare and replace it with nothing.
We already have social security so that is a moot point.
Mediacam for all is not healthcare, it is tax theft and LONG LINES to see a doctor
We have it now but the GOP would love to overhaul it into an early grave. Same with Medicare and Medicaid.

Healthcare is probably the best issue the Dems have since the GOP are ideologically opposed to it while most people want it easily available. They see the GOP has no plan to put forth, the only thing the GOP did when they had the congress and the white house was to try to end Obamacare and replace it with nothing.
Scare tactic nonsense lol
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
None.....want to bet?
If you're eager to risk some stupid avatar or leaving the board just do it. I have no interest in your childish games or being your entertainment have no interest in betting.....color me surprised by that.
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.


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There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.

The ideas already are public. Reparations all the way.
They are but not really broadcast to the public. 20 goofballs on stage for a couple hours all trying to out left each other is a good way to turn off average voters.

Kind of like how California shot down free healthcare for senior citizens but passed it for illegal aliens.

Surprisingly, I have to agree with Gator on this one, none will be cancelled, just candidates.

What we probably SHOULD expect is----------->moderators AND candidates going after the moderates, 1 by 1. The ONLY non-moderate on the board they will go after is Bernie.


Because he is an independent, and has uttered the S word, (Socialism) which means that at least they know that if their crazy ideas mirror the Bern, they too will be labeled as such. I know, I know, but young people love it!

You want 97% of people eligible to vote that are over 40, register to INSURE they can vote, then vote against you? If so, claim you are a SOCIALIST, and unabashedly so! You see my younger readers of this post-----------------> College teaches you how to be learned, or maybe even EXPERT, in the things you study. Someone who went to college for 4 years can design, construct, then test things far better than I, or any of us over 40 who are not engineers. That does NOT mean they know anything else, lol.

Some of the dumbest people I/we know, are YOUNG, COLLEGE, GRADUATES! They are expert in their field, incompetent in most everything else. These are the people behind the Bern, not people over 40, and there is NOT enough of them for the Bern to win.

Noooooooooooo, for the Democrats to win, they need a liar, and one thing about the Bern, he may be misguided on policy, but he does not lie about who/whom/what he is. This will sink him, and without him, and everyone else including the Democratic base screwing Biden, if you can bet, take the field over these 2, they are DOA!
Scare tactic nonsense lol
Maybe but undeniably effective. Just look at Trump and immigration.
Except there is a MAJOR problem at our southern border.

See, undeniably effective, thanks for proving my point. I wonder how many Americans thought there was a MAJOR problem at our southern border before Trump ran?
All of them with a fucking brain.

Our border has been a mess for DECADES.
There is NO WAY the left can afford to have their absurd policies promoted publicly over and over to the masses.

Once the light is shined brightly upon the cockroaches the TV cameras will scatter.
They are going to be so much fun to watch. Each one trying to out “free” shit the other.

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