How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

This is 2023. High school statistics are no longer adequate. We have a deep understanding of probability at this point. If you've never heard of Grainger causality then you don't know enough.

Kaz ran off because he couldn't back up his bullshit. I on the other hand, have been doing advanced statistical analysis (professionally) for 40 years. I program neural networks to automatically self organize into Grainger-causal information clusters. I can back up my bullshit because I work with this stuff every day. Wall Street used to pay me a TON of money to do stuff like this, but now I use it for my own.purposes.

One thing is abundantly clear: the voices that are telling us nothing's wrong, are LYING. Not only are they lying, those same voices are trying to suppress the dialog and prevent the dissemination of information. They will not succeed.
That’s why the Biden Regime put the 1/6 non-violent protestors in jail for years: the Dems plan to cheat their way to another win, and any American who protests against it will be imprisoned.

Sort of like the way North Korea would handle it.
As opposed to what? The huge lie that January 6th was a FBI hyped thing that entrapped hundreds of good patriotic innocent Americans who were wondering the halls or something?

Basically if you want to be happy. Don’t believe a thing the Right says.
J6 was a protest based on very obviously problematic election results.

Nothing more, nothing less.
J6 was a protest based on very obviously problematic election results.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Let’s compare and contrast. Let’s say that ANTIFA and BLM protesting in Seattle get everything they want. They destroy the city. Driving the Government out. What happens? Seattle goes the way of Detroit and nothing else. The nation continues. Even the State of Washington continues pretty much the same. A single city is destroyed.

Now. Let’s say the Jan 6 folks got their way. They stop the election certification for Biden. They kill the politicians they wanted to.

They install Trump as President.

What happens? The United States dies on that day. The Nation ends. We are no longer the Constitutional Republic we were. We are now just another shaky dictatorship.

Worst case scenario for Seattle or San Francisco going down the tubes? A lesson to the future. Worst case scenario for January 6th? The end of the nation.
Let’s compare and contrast. Let’s say that ANTIFA and BLM protesting in Seattle get everything they want. They destroy the city. Driving the Government out. What happens? Seattle goes the way of Detroit and nothing else. The nation continues. Even the State of Washington continues pretty much the same. A single city is destroyed.

Now. Let’s say the Jan 6 folks got their way. They stop the election certification for Biden. They kill the politicians they wanted to.

They install Trump as President.

What happens? The United States dies on that day. The Nation ends. We are no longer the Constitutional Republic we were. We are now just another shaky dictatorship.

Worst case scenario for Seattle or San Francisco going down the tubes? A lesson to the future. Worst case scenario for January 6th? The end of the nation.

You're nuts!

Do you seriously have THAT little confidence in our government?

Its ability to withstand the attempted installation of a dictator?

Leftard, that's why we have THREE branches of government instead of just one.

Besides, you idiots leftards would riot in the streets till things got straight.

Your fearmongering is ridiculous and hilarious. You gotta be totally fucking daffy to think a crowd of 600 with a grievance is going to overthrow our government. That's just fucking nuts. Which is understandable because you're a leftard and your masters have conditioned you to believe in stupid shit like this. That's why we call you lemmings.
BLM wasn't political movement that looked for support solely from Democrats..

BLM did avocate violence and was a non violent movement. I know you are going to have trouble wit that because the diet of media you ingest...
Black Lives Matter | Policy Commons

There was a lot of anger after the George Floyd's death but you have yet to show me that violence was orchestrated like the the one at the Capital...

The violence around the BLM protests were due to (93% had no violence) certain individuals and opportunists...

This was the message at the time and the Trump DOJ failed to show anything orchestrated by the BLM...
I believe you are shit poster.

BLM, now it seems with the money that went missing and the million dollar homes, BLM was nothing less than thugs. Certainly thugs lead by people who love Marxism for that is what they had written on their website, which was later removed.

It certainly is a clever name, Blacks Lives Matter. I dont see that they did anything for Black Lives. Protesting when criminals die while committing crimes, hardly helping the lives of blacks. Promoting Marxism, certainly will not help the lives of blacks. Violent protests, only teaches violence which is why the lives of many blacks is suffering.

Of course, BLM can not, and those who support BLM can not and will not tell the truth. How can they, nobody but radicals would give money to a violent gang of thugs. Which is what BLM is.
We can also use math to analyze all the excuses lefties have come up with for the F curve.

First they said it was a counting error, then they said someone entered an extra digit... they said all kinds of stuff.
Trump was an ineffective president, thanks for that...
Only if you ignore, it was the Governors that ordered their respective states shutdown.
Only if you ignore it was Fauci that was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab
Only if you ignore that Fauci flip Flopped on if Covid was bad or not, or is it Corona? So many flips, flops.
Only if you ignore that prices of energy dropped dramatically.
Only if you ignore that Trump was working hard against Democrats and Republicans to secure the border.
Only if you ignore that Trump was a very effective peace maker, peace treaties between Israel and the Arabs
Only if you ignore that Trump negotiated a cease fire in Afghanistan.
Only if you ignore that Trump is an expert negotiater.
Only if you ignore that Trump was talking with North Korea, historic!
Only if you ignore that there were no new wars
Only if you ignore that Trump pulled troops out of Iraq and Syria
Only if you ignore that Trump was aware of corruption in Washington and wanted to fix it.
Only if you ignore that Trump lowered everyone's Federal tax by 33%, give or take dependent on tax bracket
Only if you ignore that unemployment dropped to the lowest level ever, for African Americans and so many others
Only if you ignore that Trump was bringing manufacturing back to the USA
Only if you ignore that Trump eliminated a massive amount of burdensome, needless regulations


I'm still trying to address the OP.

If there's not to be another J6 we have to address the ROOT of the problem, otherwise the senseless back and forth just continues.

The lefties want "evidence" for what is self evident to others. What it is, they need an education in statistics, and they don't want to hear it. They don't WANT the truth. They'd rather have a club to apply to the political opposition.
There is a vast secret conspiracy consisting of millions of people (who all keep the secret) who are in the Deep State, Media Elite,.... We are talking about millions including the Doctors that faked the COVID deaths, nurses who helped them, Teachers who are liberal indoctrinating kids of the future, Big Corporations (e.g Disney, Google,.....)

Trump is a shit President

Which do you believe?
Secret conspiracy, not at all, they do the dirty trick right in front of our eyes. No secret about it.

Millions, it does not take doctors faking covid deaths, it takes one bureaucrat at the CDC changing how one defines what a death is related to. Not millions.

Teachers, there are not 100's if not 1000's of teachers that actively taught common core? Or as some nut will say, common core was not books, it was simply standards.

Yes, it is conspiracy, and it is not hidden. The conspiracy was seen on the tarmac in Phoenix and the announcement that Clinton would not be charged for taking a hammer to cell phones and hard drives.

What do I believe, your google searched and dictated comment or my own eyes and ears?
You're nuts!

Do you seriously have THAT little confidence in our government?

Its ability to withstand the attempted installation of a dictator?

Leftard, that's why we have THREE branches of government instead of just one.

Besides, you idiots leftards would riot in the streets till things got straight.

Your fearmongering is ridiculous and hilarious. You gotta be totally fucking daffy to think a crowd of 600 with a grievance is going to overthrow our government. That's just fucking nuts. Which is understandable because you're a leftard and your masters have conditioned you to believe in stupid shit like this. That's why we call you lemmings.

I said compare and contrast. I specifically said worst case scenario and you rush around screaming that I am spreading fear.

I took the argument if the Right. The insane argument that the protests in cities like Portland were exactly the same. I showed that simply wasn’t true. I was successful because you immediately rush out screaming I’m wrong.

That is what has you so outraged. You wanted to use false equivalency and failed.
I said compare and contrast. I specifically said worst case scenario and you rush around screaming that I am spreading fear.

I took the argument if the Right. The insane argument that the protests in cities like Portland were exactly the same. I showed that simply wasn’t true. I was successful because you immediately rush out screaming I’m wrong.

That is what has you so outraged. You wanted to use false equivalency and failed.
The ANTIFA savages who took over a section of Portland and declared it no longer American land are the true insurrectionists. They were so subhuman they wouldn’t even allow medics in to save dying people.

Are all of them in jail? Did the DOJ throw its full weight in locating and prosecuting them?
Where are all the arrests of BLM savages attacking hundreds of cops during the entire summer, and in multiple cities throughout the country? The BLM terror reign was much worse, and lasted much longer, and impacted more cities. Yet I doubt even 10% of them are in prison.
I agree, but we have to start somewhere yes? Antifa fals flaggers who smear poop in the Capitol and attempt to murder police need serious jail time, yes?
I agree, but we have to start somewhere yes? Antifa fals flaggers who smear poop in the Capitol and attempt to murder police need serious jail time, yes?
Let’s focus on things in order of how serious they are. Burning down buildings, taking over parts of cities and declaring it no longer America, and ACTUALLY murdering 30 people is more much dangerous than smeared poop and attempted murder.

IOW, why start with adolescent pranks like smearing poop instead of going after violent thugs who caused 30 people to lose their lives and $2 billion in property damage?
Let’s compare and contrast. Let’s say that ANTIFA and BLM protesting in Seattle get everything they want. They destroy the city. Driving the Government out. What happens? Seattle goes the way of Detroit and nothing else.
Your first mistake is you are calling riots, a protest. I say they are terrorist insurrections. You admit as much when you clarify they did want to drive out the government from cities.

Your second mistake is erroneous stating the government was driven out of Detroit. It was not.

Your third mistake is assuming that nothing would happen if BLM and ANTIFA are successful at destroying the government of a city thus taking over and being in power. First Seattle, then Oregon, obviously Detroit must be included after all you claim there is no government in Detroit. Then of course they take over the Twin Cities, Baltimore, Atlanta.

Worst case scenario, the cities where millions of people live, are no longer safe, thousands die across the nation.

Worst case scenario, the only become Detroit, yes Detroit! Only that, where rape and murdered ruled the city for decades. Where corruption stole billions. Yes the country moves on, the people die. Worst case scenario, a repeat of the 1967 riots in Detroit, which was extremely under-reported. Hundreds did beyond the official record. Buildings destroyed..

Detroit was the 6th largest economy in the world. One city, that rich. The buildings were the best in the world. Marble and granite imported from Italy to build them. Magnificent. All destroyed.

Detroit was the murder capitol of the world!

and you act as if it is no big deal if that is repeated all across the United States?
Your first mistake is you are calling riots, a protest. I say they are terrorist insurrections. You admit as much when you clarify they did want to drive out the government from cities.

Your second mistake is erroneous stating the government was driven out of Detroit. It was not.

Your third mistake is assuming that nothing would happen if BLM and ANTIFA are successful at destroying the government of a city thus taking over and being in power. First Seattle, then Oregon, obviously Detroit must be included after all you claim there is no government in Detroit. Then of course they take over the Twin Cities, Baltimore, Atlanta.

Worst case scenario, the cities where millions of people live, are no longer safe, thousands die across the nation.

Worst case scenario, the only become Detroit, yes Detroit! Only that, where rape and murdered ruled the city for decades. Where corruption stole billions. Yes the country moves on, the people die. Worst case scenario, a repeat of the 1967 riots in Detroit, which was extremely under-reported. Hundreds did beyond the official record. Buildings destroyed..

Detroit was the 6th largest economy in the world. One city, that rich. The buildings were the best in the world. Marble and granite imported from Italy to build them. Magnificent. All destroyed.

Detroit was the murder capitol of the world!

and you act as if it is no big deal if that is repeated all across the United States?

It isn’t. The businesses that financed the boom in Detroit was the Auto Industry. They moved much of their manufacturing to Mexico. That was the final nail in the coffin for Detroit. If there is a lesson it is don’t bet the house on one thing.

Now RW types will argue it was taxes and Democrats or whatever that drove the companies out. Or taxes and unions and democrats. The truth is that it was the auto companies that sealed their own fates in Detroit.

The auto industry was blindsided by the energy shortage of the 1970’s. Before you blame Carter remember it started under Nixon and Ford.

This made imports look like a valid option. Cars that had struggled to gain a foothold were inexpensive and fuel economical. Datsun, Toyota, Honda, and Volkswagen led the charge.

Then the people buying these cars found they were reliable to boot. They didn’t fall apart after fifty thousand miles. They were not built with planned obsolescence in the design.

Cars could last more than four or five years. In the ‘80’s the automakers tried to adapt. But they had a problem. When a buyer thought of getting a small economical car they thought foreign. So American made small economical cars didn’t sell as well. Why go for a copy when you can get an original for the same price or even less?

American realized they needed to go the same way as the Japanese. Robots to do much of the work. But the old factories wouldn’t handle it. So they built new, and abandoned the old. Most new factories were still in Union States run by Democrats so that wasn’t the problem of Detroit.

American Companies discovered Minivans and SUV’s. So people still went to foreign automakers to get small cars and efficient cars.

But the SUV’s were American Copies of Land Rovers and Land Cruisers. The Escalade of fame and legend was a cheaper version of a Range Rover.

What happened to Detroit is the same thing that happened do dozens of towns in the old West. They popped up from a mine, usually Silver or Gold, and when the mine ran out, the town just died. Detroit lasted longer and grew bigger because the single source boom lasted much longer. But when the automakers left there wasn’t anything else to drive the economy.

It is what will happen to Houston when the Oil market collapses. When Oil is useful for lubricants and plastics alone. I’m sure the Right will blame the Left, or Unions, or someone.
Let’s focus on things in order of how serious they are. Burning down buildings, taking over parts of cities and declaring it no longer America, and ACTUALLY murdering 30 people is more much dangerous than smeared poop and attempted murder.

IOW, why start with adolescent pranks like smearing poop instead of going after violent thugs who caused 30 people to lose their lives and $2 billion in property damage?
Do both. But you have to be supportive of the Feds finally going after those Antifa/BLMers! We can't have redflaggers threatening Cruz and MTG and our rightful Vice President like they did.
It isn’t. The businesses that financed the boom in Detroit was the Auto Industry. They moved much of their manufacturing to Mexico. That was the final nail in the coffin for Detroit. If there is a lesson it is don’t bet the house on one thing.
Sav...mann, you state, "It isn't". Then go on to say that NAFTA was the final nail? Sure, the final nail, but what about the 100's of nails before.

So many things led to the decline of the auto industry in Detroit. To argue with me about it, shows your ignorance. You did not disprove a thing I stated.

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