How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

Now RW types will argue it was taxes and Democrats or whatever that drove the companies out. Or taxes and unions and democrats. The truth is that it was the auto companies that sealed their own fates in Detroit.

The auto industry was blindsided by the energy shortage of the 1970’s. Before you blame Carter remember it started under Nixon and Ford.
It was the energy shortage? There are many factors, many facts. One fact is that auto production under Nixon and Ford was still great. Under Carter it dropped to zero.

Either way, Detroit declined sharply after the 1967 Detroit Riots, Democrat Johnson comes to mind. Under Democrat Carter, we say the highest unemployment rates in Detroit. until Covid.

Who managed the government of the city of Detroit. Now we get into affirmative action and incompetence. So many things to consider.

Of course, some of the major Car Companies had folded under long before any of this, we then must go back to the 1950's.

The 1970's, how come you do not mention the environmental movement? Not in my backyard was a common theme when it came to build new factories. Taxes and lawsuits by the environmental movement drove business out of and away. Proof, we could look up the lawsuits, and the tax incentives other states gave the corporations to move.
American Companies discovered Minivans and SUV’s. So people still went to foreign automakers to get small cars and efficient cars.

But the SUV’s were American Copies of Land Rovers and Land Cruisers. The Escalade of fame and legend was a cheaper version of a Range Rover.

The government's new CAFE standards made it impossible to build station wagons so the Automakers found a way around the CAFE standards and built Light Trucks and SUVs.

CAFE standards created the SUV market, SUVs got worst mileage than station wagons.
First of all, it has nothing to do with probability.

What part of NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY is difficult for you to understand?

And secondly, even if it did, okay genius. Let's establish YOUR bonafides. Why don't you tell us the difference between Grainger causality and Sims causality, in your own words, without using Google.

You have the floor.

LOL, what a dumb ass. Morons like you who don't grasp that you know nothing about math are funny, tiger
He’s just a nasty leftist. They mock you when you make a valid point in order to get you to shut up in exasperation. It‘s another form of silencing.

True, but I'm the wrong one to try that on, I just mock them for their stupidity. I don't know why Democrats scream how stupid they are, but they do. And wow, they are right. They are seriously stupid. You have to be to believe politicians
There is NO way a big block of ballots can come in with 98% or 99% going for the Democrat. This simultaneous halt among six swing states where Trump was in the lead, only to reopen the next morning with Biden in the lead in all six, was obviously a pre-planned and coordinated action to take if Trump was ahead.

Yes, I understand and you're totally right, but keep in mind that Democrats have repeatedly proven they are utterly incapable of understanding when we give them two points at once, so I just talk down to them and give them one point at a time since they are just too stupid to handle anything more complex than that
I suspect something far worse than Jan 6th will go down, regardless of who wins.
I know what you post and the word you use, certainly those words come from a part of you that has a deep hatred.
And?!? :rolleyes:
Personal grievances? You really are emotionally attached to your comments. Personal? How does it get personal on the internet?
When I call you a magaturd, it seems to trigger you, because you self-identify. Can't get much more personal than that. :dunno: Maybe you're just dumb.
And all I am doing is responding to your comments.
No, you are gaslighting using the standard magaturd talking points.
How do you think people should respond to your comments.
By being honest.
mumbleweeds, you use derogatory terms, the same as the KKK used the "n" word.
False equivalence. You know it, I know it. :dunno: If you said something like the above ^^^^ to someone in RL, you'd get fucking wrecked, post haste. You likely know that too, but you're a partisan little micropeen hack and a coward. :auiqs.jpg:The least of my worries.
That is my observation based on what you choose to do. It is nothing personal. This is a message board. I dont go overboard and out of control like you. Many people do not, mostly the conservatives.
You don't say something like that to someone else and say it's 'nothing personal'. You just went overboard and out of control. Nothing about you is conservative. Fuck all the way off, :rolleyes: magatwat.
yet you and so many demoRATs cannot post one comment with using a derogatory slur, similar to the KKK using the "n" world.
I'm an independent with no fucks to give about your salty vagina problem because you can't handle being called bad names. :206: Freedom of speech, you human flotsam, catch it! :113:You'll either get over it, or you won't. :itsok:
What response do you expect? I guess you use these terms why? Because it makes you feel big hiding on the internet. Do you use these terms in public, or just here, where you can hide and be safe.
:auiqs.jpg:Safe from what?
mumblinweeds, you can dish it out, but you cannot take a cleverer response, and now you threaten me?
I told you not to make your grievances my problem. Not a threat, snowflake.

the "m" word, no different than the "n" word, proving that the democrats just changed their coat, what we see on the outside, the democrats remain the same people that they were when they were the KKK, aint it funny how there are three letters in KKK, and BLM
Go cry to a democrat.
One thing is for sure, no matter if Trump wins, Christie, Scott or whomever, the demafascsit will order their brownshirts to riot again, like they did in 2016
And?!? :rolleyes:

When I call you a magaturd, it seems to trigger you, because you self-identify. Can't get much more personal than that. :dunno: Maybe you're just dumb.

No, you are gaslighting using the standard magaturd talking points.

By being honest.

False equivalence. You know it, I know it. :dunno: If you said something like the above ^^^^ to someone in RL, you'd get fucking wrecked, post haste. You likely know that too, but you're a partisan little micropeen hack and a coward. :auiqs.jpg:The least of my worries.

You don't say something like that to someone else and say it's 'nothing personal'. You just went overboard and out of control. Nothing about you is conservative. Fuck all the way off, :rolleyes: magatwat.

I'm an independent with no fucks to give about your salty vagina problem because you can't handle being called bad names. :206: Freedom of speech, you human flotsam, catch it! :113:You'll either get over it, or you won't. :itsok:

:auiqs.jpg:Safe from what?

I told you not to make your grievances my problem. Not a threat, snowflake.

Go cry to a democrat.
oh, wow,, that really hurt, you exposing your hatred, you showing how that the democratic party always attracts the worst of the human race

independent, hahahahaha, you sound just like a democrat wanna be kkk member

talking about triggering emotions, you certainly came apart, with your cowardly threats, like I am worried about you, blowing smoke out your ass, on the internet.

are you about done coming around sniffing my ass like an old dog? Doubtful, you think you are a big boy with your petty insults

I had forgotten all about you, but like every coward, every limp wristed wanna be man on the internet, you gotta have the last insult.

go ahead, give us all another example of how the democrats and you, mizz independent, are the kkk bigots of the world

independent? a dog whistle for coward
oh, wow,, that really hurt, you exposing your hatred, you showing how that the democratic party always attracts the worst of the human race

independent, hahahahaha, you sound just like a democrat wanna be kkk member

talking about triggering emotions, you certainly came apart, with your cowardly threats, like I am worried about you, blowing smoke out your ass, on the internet.

are you about done coming around sniffing my ass like an old dog? Doubtful, you think you are a big boy with your petty insults

I had forgotten all about you, but like every coward, every limp wristed wanna be man on the internet, you gotta have the last insult.

go ahead, give us all another example of how the democrats and you, mizz independent, are the kkk bigots of the world

independent? a dog whistle for coward
Mission accomplished. You are now my magaturd bitch. :cool: I will have demands. Stay tuned.
Still not the topic. You really just want to talk about me. :itsok:


So are you going to man up and admit that all I'm doing is doing back to you what you kept doing to me, so when you say things like that, you're slamming yourself and admitting that you should think about that before you do it again in the future. You're not going to man up, are you? That's my prediction. So you tell me, am I right or wrong? Saying I'm wrong then not manning up would be so you
LOL, what a dumb ass. Morons like you who don't grasp that you know nothing about math are funny, tiger
You ran away from the math.

You were unable to answer a simple industry standard question.

You're a poseur

Shut up and get out of here, fucktard.
You ran away from the math.

You were unable to answer a simple industry standard question.

You're a poseur

Shut up and get out of here, fucktard.

You can make up whatever you want, but I'll give you one serious answer. If you want me to engage you in a real discussion on this, you have to convince me of two things:

1) You understand the math

2) You aren't just a Democrat zombie who will automatically reject whatever I say because you actually care about the truth, not just blowing Democrats.

I'd love to have a real discussion, but I've wasted way too much effort on leftists who would have failed both those tests

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