How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

I don't think J6 was bad. They didn't kill anyone. They broke some windows. Big whoop. But what's important is they got the message across that we don't blindly accept a false government.
Brother, you’re falsely saying the “storming of the capital” nobody died on January 6. There was a handful of fistfight with cops and broken windows. No massive damage or Looting

There are over a thousand convictions so far that prove the courts (the law) disagree with you.
The Capitol was stormed by domestic terrorists in an attempt to overturn the will of the American people.

but you’re not saying anything about the racist BLM riots. The billions of dollars of damage they cost dozens of murders hundreds if not, thousands of people injured

Apples and oranges.
Two completely different issues.
I don't think J6 was bad. They didn't kill anyone. They broke some windows. Big whoop. But what's important is they got the message across that we don't blindly accept a false government.
And the government sent the message that we don't tolerate domestic terrorists attacking our fair and legitimate elections.
There are over a thousand convictions so far that prove the courts (the law) disagree with you.
The Capitol was stormed by domestic terrorists in an attempt to overturn the will of the American people.

Apples and oranges.
Two completely different issues.
I’m on your side. I’m a Democrat I’m a liberal, and I champion equality among man

Those are politically motivated prosecutions . Logic, humanity, Christian values, any kind of value system tells us the only people who should’ve gone to jail are those who got on the fist fights with cops, or who broke windows or vandalized building. Maybe give those who walked around the building like a week in jail, that’s it man.

If you’re talking about January 6, you’re talking about people who literally enter the building and some of those folks, are you go to jail for that. There’s plenty of cases throughout history of a few people who got out of control after elections around the world and they try and do something nothing happens, unless they have the support of a military.

Yes, the comparisons are different. The BLM riots were brutal violent you’re talking about 25 murders no one with any logic my friend can compare that to January 6.

And look at what politicians have done to good people like you to get you to come to your end result here. In a country where there are millions of white people, and Black people who are homeless or living with a very low wage those are our brothers and sisters and no one is really is talking about them. That should be the number one concern.
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Everything’s on topic. Practically every American sees this hypocrisy.
Yes. They can see your hypocrisy in equating a violent attempt to overthrow the US government with protests against the ongoing murder of unarmed Black people by the government.

But you're still off topic in your own thread, Fred.
As I look back, you addressed that so-called question to Kaz.
And then I said you could answer it too.

Looks like Kaz ran off.

The Grainger method is industry standard determination of causality.
Everything’s on topic. Practically every American sees this hypocrisy.
But the lefties are correct, proof is important.

That's where math comes in.

Math lets us translate intuitions into equations.

For example - look at the two F curves I posted. Take a postcard or business card, and cover up the F portion of the curve on the right. NOW what do you see?

Look at the blue line relative to the red. What you see there is called a TREND (same vocabulary as the stock market, because we're dealing with a time series). TRENDS can be quantified (wall street is expert at quantifying trends).

You see the blue line and the red line diverging by increasing amounts. DIVERGENCE can also be quantified, quite handsomely using Renyi entropy and other information theoretic means.

Once we have a model of the generators and moments, we can use math to figure out the LIKELIHOOD of the F portion of the curve. How likely is it that such an event will occur, given what we know about the trends?

My question to you, and Kaz, and all the doubters is this: have you ever seen such an analysis?

No, I don't think you have. (If you have, please point us to it).

Because the powers that be are deliberately obfuscating this discussion and leading us away from the answers.
Firstly, because the January 6 protesters shot nobody…. practically every American knows the difference between January 6 compared to the hundreds of different Black Lives Matter riots in 2020.

The Black Lives Matter rioters kill 25 people causing billions of dollars of damage setting government buildings on fire, including burning down a police station. Trump supporters never did anything like that not even close to it.

What percentage of democrats believe this type of propaganda that there’s going to be another “January 6” if trumps not elected in 2024? ….I’d say it’s under 10%.

Many of us lack confidence in the elections and I don’t think most Democrats buy into the racist propaganda we see on CNN and MSNBC and from practically every Democrat in Congress and the Senate.

The sincere question is what type of drugs do far left Democrats use to get to the type of insane points that they get to?

As opposed to what? The huge lie that January 6th was a FBI hyped thing that entrapped hundreds of good patriotic innocent Americans who were wondering the halls or something?

Basically if you want to be happy. Don’t believe a thing the Right says.
BLM did try to overturn the election, it is all the riots across the country perpetrated to make it look like Trump had no control, was not liked, and was an ineffective president.

If Trump is president again, I will stand with Trump when he sends out the military to arrest BLM rioting, or when BLM pushes back violently, I will stand with Trump while the military puts them down, with those there dam AR style rifles.
BLM wasn't political movement that looked for support solely from Democrats..

Trump was an ineffective president, thanks for that...

BLM did avocate violence and was a non violent movement. I know you are going to have trouble wit that because the diet of media you ingest...
Black Lives Matter | Policy Commons

There was a lot of anger after the George Floyd's death but you have yet to show me that violence was orchestrated like the the one at the Capital...

The violence around the BLM protests were due to (93% had no violence) certain individuals and opportunists...

This was the message at the time and the Trump DOJ failed to show anything orchestrated by the BLM...

The problem you have is the diet of news you consume... I know you are going to try and dismiss anything that doesn't come from your News Bubble but think about that...
Your options are simple:

There is a vast secret conspiracy consisting of millions of people (who all keep the secret) who are in the Deep State, Media Elite,.... We are talking about millions including the Doctors that faked the COVID deaths, nurses who helped them, Teachers who are liberal indoctrinating kids of the future, Big Corporations (e.g Disney, Google,.....)

Trump is a shit President

Which do you believe?
As I look back, you addressed that so-called question to Kaz.
This is 2023. High school statistics are no longer adequate. We have a deep understanding of probability at this point. If you've never heard of Grainger causality then you don't know enough.

Kaz ran off because he couldn't back up his bullshit. I on the other hand, have been doing advanced statistical analysis (professionally) for 40 years. I program neural networks to automatically self organize into Grainger-causal information clusters. I can back up my bullshit because I work with this stuff every day. Wall Street used to pay me a TON of money to do stuff like this, but now I use it for my own.purposes.

One thing is abundantly clear: the voices that are telling us nothing's wrong, are LYING. Not only are they lying, those same voices are trying to suppress the dialog and prevent the dissemination of information. They will not succeed.

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