How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

Open point to every Democrat here every fellow Democrat. So if you support BLM, you are racist. Because BLM is very adamant about their idea That white folks are born privileged. So there you have it.
Are you calling Liz Cheney a racist?
Are you calling Liz Cheney Anti-American.

Liz Cheney was NOT in any way a RINO, before she took a stance against a con man and FOR America, and now you RWI's label her a RINO, a traitor, anti-American, etc.

You think Liz Cheney is Racist and Anti-American.
Just shows how low and how indoctrinated you have become. SAD.
At the very least, Liz Cheney is a moneygrubbing opportunist. She ought to be ashamed of herself for what she did I think Liz Cheney is racist by association. Or maybe not … she sat on the commission with other racists like that black guy who complained about being black in America …the head of the January 6 commission whatever his name is, he’s a disgrace to Africa. He got up there started talking about slavery in America, as if there was never slavery in Africa. I just go by common sense man. The head of the January 6 commission a man with tons of money while tons of Black people and white people in America have nothing. That’s a terrible way for the head of the January 6 committee to talk.

The whole January 6 committee what is a disgrace, sir. They didn’t do anything about the hundreds of BLM riots. And that’s also something I criticize Republicans for.

All of the beautiful people in Africa, the Christians and Muslims of Africa would orderly reject everyone of the far left wingers on this thread most especially the racist im2 …. It’s a commonly accepted fact that huge portions of Africa reject the extreme is LGBT and BLM rhetoric. They even turn down money from western countries to that try and brainwash there people. God bless the people of Africa.
You think you know math
Give us a demonstration of your skills.

How dare you challenge me on math. lol :p

I'll slap you down so hard and so fast it'll make your head spin. :lmao:

We are talking about the statistics of causality. I asked a pertinent question. You can answer if you wish.
So how is it you can't stay on topic in your own OP?

I say when Trump loses in November you guys should go for it.
Fewer MAGATS makes everyone's life better.
It’s a great part of this topic. Why is there a January 6 committee or at least why was there a January 6 committee but nothing for the Black Lives Matter riots, which war of course logically fire fireworks nobody in their right mind to deny that. You’re talking about Jenry sex with nobody was killed nobody shot anybody there were some fist fights with cops and broken windows compared to the BLM riots when government buildings were burned to the ground entire businesses were burned in looted 25 people were murdered thousands were injured billions of dollars worth of damage. It’s called Hypocrisy and that’s what our politicians give us. Much of the US government is a disgrace to the great men and women, black and white who built America.
It’s a great part of this topic. Why is there a January 6 committee or at least why was there a January 6 committee but nothing for the Black Lives Matter riots, which war of course logically fire fireworks nobody in their right mind to deny that. You’re talking about Jenry sex with nobody was killed nobody shot anybody there were some fist fights with cops and broken windows compared to the BLM riots when government buildings were burned to the ground entire businesses were burned in looted 25 people were murdered thousands were injured billions of dollars worth of damage. It’s called Hypocrisy and that’s what our politicians give us. Much of the US government is a disgrace to the great men and women, black and white who built America.
Still can't stay on topic in your own thread.
Trump most likely has no chance.
The endless persecution on television, radio, internet, and newspapers is devastating. How can any man overcome the power of the Democratic party where they are embedded in so many places. The Democratic party have members embedded into the richest financial institutions in the world. It is over for us.

The 2020 election showed us no amount of votes can stop the power of the Democratic party, they got truck loads of vote, waiting, until we go to bed.

The Democratic party jailed the Trump supporters, put them in prison and solitary confinement before trail, for years, some still have not gone to trail.

How do we beat such power, we were shown that we cant by using elections.

The Democratic party will do whatever they want, and they do so with the support of many of the Republic
I see the future as a zero-sum tech race. Not to jump on the AI bandwagon but I want to get into machine learning. It breaks down how logic works and how people think. I watch people get kneejerk reactions to sensationalist stories like they're trained monkeys. Stop being manipulated. It's so banal. We have to be above it. The Left bamboozles society with advanced technology and the only way to fight back is to develop our own tech. For example, if you have a Facebook account, delete it now and never use Facebook again. So many people are tech illiterate and being led around by their smartphones. COVID was the turning point, evidence that the masses can be manipulated by news stories because they look at their phones more than at the reality around them. We now inhabit clown world. This "X" thing by Elon is kind of inspiring. Demonstrating and protesting is a waste of the time. Instead, get smart.
It’s a great part of this topic. Why is there a January 6 committee or at least why was there a January 6 committee but nothing for the Black Lives Matter riots, which war of course logically fire fireworks nobody in their right mind to deny that. You’re talking about Jenry sex with nobody was killed nobody shot anybody there were some fist fights with cops and broken windows compared to the BLM riots when government buildings were burned to the ground entire businesses were burned in looted 25 people were murdered thousands were injured billions of dollars worth of damage. It’s called Hypocrisy and that’s what our politicians give us. Much of the US government is a disgrace to the great men and women, black and white who built America.
What’s Jenry sex? I’m not too old to learn a new trick.
Still can't stay on topic in your own thread.
Oh, it is on topic and if you don’t wanna respond to it that’s your funeral buddy 😁😆😆😆

If you want to criticize January 6, but say nothing about the BLM riots, that’s the definition of political Hypocrisy its political persecution.
How dare you challenge me on math. lol :p

I'll slap you down so hard and so fast it'll make your head spin. :lmao:

We are talking about the statistics of causality. I asked a pertinent question. You can answer if you wish.
Challenge the ENTIRE board by asking a math question that you believe you are superior at solving which others are not.
OK….but I still cant figure out what you were trying to say there.
I’m basically saying that January 6 was an event where some windows were broken there were fist fights with police officers. And that was wrong. But it hails in comparison to the political riots that we know as the BLM riots of the summer of 2020. Dozens of people were murdered billions of dollars of damage was caused government buildings are set on fire.
More than likely the DNC is already prepping their BLM/ANTIFA riot fund accounts.
Why was there not BLM riots when that black kid was beat to death by five black cops. ? I mean the writing is on the wall here there’s clearly something going on with Democrats and their funding and support of BLM and how they selectively influence riots.
Challenge the ENTIRE board by asking a math question that you believe you are superior at solving which others are not.
You can ask me one if you wish.

Unless it's one of Landau's problems or something. :p
That totally misses the point. That they were all solid Trump and all barely flipped is just way too much of a coincidence. It's not that they were all saw the same movie, it's that they were all in the same seat
Michigan and Nevada had a margin of victory of over 2%. Pennsylvania was over 1%. Narrow margins but not really barely winning.

Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia were less than 1%.

In Arizona, Biden was ahead early and nearly lost in the end. In Nevada, Biden had a narrow early lead and kept it stable after the rest of the votes were counted.

But don’t forget North Carolina where Biden had an early lead but Trump took the lead and got a narrow victory in the end, the opposite of what you’re saying.

But the real point is that these “solid” leads that Trump supposedly had weren’t real. They just looked solid because in some states (four out of the six you mentioned) because they first counted votes that were more likely to go to Trump.
Until these animals get out of the cult, you wont be able to convince them of anything. Their minds are gone.
Brother, if you support BLM you support racism so I wouldn’t be talking if I was you. That is only if you support BLM.

The problem is practically every Democrat does things like take a knee or wear a T-shirt that says I can’t breathe so they’re all a part of the problem. It’s the same Democrats that are hypocrites for going after the January 6 protesters.
I addressed you disagree

Yes such a terrible person, Trump is, building the world's best hotels, resorts, golf courses, and even an ice skating rink. As president he lowered the price of food, ended and stopped wars, was bringing our troops home.

The Democrats, started a war in the Ukraine and are now responsible for thousands of children being murdered by the Russian military.

A Democrat president, ran us out of baby food, of course the democrats support killing babies, abortion, so it is not surprising they would attempt to starve babies.

Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 our Ambassador is murdered while Biden/Obama were leading, what was the response in Benghazi? Retreat, same as Afghanistan.

Terrible Trump kicks the Democrats ass.

You think the Democrats will keep the babies fed the rest of this Democrat Presidency?
This right here. It is undeniable and indisputable that the food prices, the home prices, the interest rates on loans and the gas prices were lower under Trump compared to now. And this is something that is such an important thing for the working class in America. That’s why Biden’s going to lose in 2024.
Brother, if you support BLM you support racism so I wouldn’t be talking if I was you. That is only if you support BLM.

The problem is practically every Democrat does things like take a knee or wear a T-shirt that says I can’t breathe so they’re all a part of the problem. It’s the same Democrats that are hypocrites for going after the January 6 protesters.
I'm not your brother, you piece of shit.

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