How many new wars has Trump started?

How many did Obama start? 5
Liberals are the war mongers.

Obama killed hundreds of thousands of brown people.

That’s racist if you ask me.

Four of those were American citizens. They were involved in terroristic activities, but were US citizens.
So far Trump has been at war 3 1/2 years less than the Obamunist. The leftists gave Ears the NPP and he was at war all 8 years of his presidency. You can't make this stuff up.
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...

Those 200 dead Russian mercenaries who died on that bridge in Syria would disagree with you.

Or did your "news" agencies not tell you about that?
That was a war?

You could say that. It was part of the global coalition to counter ISIS in Syria, that Obama announced in September of 2014.

Except it took Trump before we were successful at it.
Remember when the Kenyan Klown got the nobel peace prize and then shit all over it by setting the record by any POTUS for the most countries bombed back to the Stone Age at...... count 'em...... 7

Including bombing wedding parties and a shit-ton of innocent brown people.

That was awesome, wasn't it? He's a soulless fuck.
Remember TDS incident # 5134?

When Trump killed Soleimani and the left and the media was hoping so badly that it would start WWIII?

Such chicken littles.

Has anything the left predicted come true?

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