How Many Of You Actually Are Afraid Of A Repeat Of Jan 6th?

So you believe that Trump Supporters actually staged an insurrection on Jan 6th

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Jul 21, 2009
I know everyone is tired of the left's claims about Jan 6th.....but are there actually people out there that still believe that there will be a repeat of Jan 6th?

Just exactly how delusional have you become that you believe not only that 5 people (not the 2 that were really killed there by Capital Police) were killed on Jan 6th at the Capital....and that 800 unarmed Trump Supporters thought they could take down the government?

On April 7th, the Medical Examiner gave a report on 4 of the deaths associated with events of that day, including Boyland’s.

It claimed: ‘Roseanne Boyland, 34, died of acute amphetamine intoxication’ (Fox23)


But the Medical Examiner in this situation has himself been shrouded in controversy even before looking at the Boyland case. ASHLI BABBITT: Why Did The Chief Medical Examiner Try To Order A Rushed Cremation?

Roseanne’s sister, Lonna Cave, has been taking up the fight to find out what really happened to Roseann. But she’s getting stonewalled. They are refusing to issue a copy of the full autopsy.

According to Cave, she and her parents have been trying for over ten months to obtain information from the government as to what really happened to their daughter that day. They have been met with roadblocks and complete non-transparency on the part of the government.
“We have been denied her full autopsy report with investigative data,” said her mother Cheryl Boyland. “They initially told us we would be able to get it but now they are withholding it from us. They are telling us we have to get an attorney to sue for it. That we can’t have our own daughter’s full autopsy and medical records from that day.” —GatewayPundit

Why would they possibly doubt an official autopsy report?

Well, would you consider a Medical Examiner completely changing his original findings a compelling reason to second-guess it?

“We always knew 100 percent Rosanne did not die of a drug overdose, she was completely clean,” said her father Bret Boyland. “She ran a sobriety meeting for her friends just the night before on January 5th before she left for Washington DC.”
The medical examiner originally told the Boyland family that Rosanne more than likely succumbed to a fentanyl overdose. This made no sense too and broke the heart of the Boyland family, who were very close to Rosanne and were positive she was not using fentanyl. It took them over four months to get the final toxicology reports from the DC Medical Examiner, which showed no fentanyl in Boyland’s blood. Rather, the only thing in her system was her regular prescription medications she had taken for years. Those prescriptions were Adderall (used for Attention Deficit Disorder), a light antidepressant and an average amount of caffeine. The Medical examiner then made the decision to dub Boyland’s death as an “amphetamine overdose”, capitalizing on the fact that the prescription drug Adderall contains amphetamine salts as its main ingredient. —GatewayPundit

The thing that supposedly killed her didn’t show up in the toxicology report four months later. Seems like a pretty serious discrepancy. What accounts for the change?

When they filed a FOIA for the bodycam footage of the officer in that video, her request was denied. GatewayPundit goes into greater detail about timeline discrepancies and the failure of Capitol Police to render aid here.

Kudos to the sister for doggedly demanding the truth behind Roseann’s death.

How many of you expect a continuous stream of riots and street demonstrations by the left after Republicans take back Congress?

I expect it will certainly happen in democrat run shitholes. If they try and move it out to more normal areas I think there will be a lot of dead antifart people.
I know everyone is tired of the left's claims about Jan 6th.....but are there actually people out there that still believe that there will be a repeat of Jan 6th?

Just exactly how delusional have you become that you believe not only that 5 people (not the 2 that were really killed there by Capital Police) were killed on Jan 6th at the Capital....and that 800 unarmed Trump Supporters thought they could take down the government?

On April 7th, the Medical Examiner gave a report on 4 of the deaths associated with events of that day, including Boyland’s.

It claimed: ‘Roseanne Boyland, 34, died of acute amphetamine intoxication’ (Fox23)

View attachment 583962
But the Medical Examiner in this situation has himself been shrouded in controversy even before looking at the Boyland case. ASHLI BABBITT: Why Did The Chief Medical Examiner Try To Order A Rushed Cremation?

Roseanne’s sister, Lonna Cave, has been taking up the fight to find out what really happened to Roseann. But she’s getting stonewalled. They are refusing to issue a copy of the full autopsy.

Why would they possibly doubt an official autopsy report?

Well, would you consider a Medical Examiner completely changing his original findings a compelling reason to second-guess it?

The thing that supposedly killed her didn’t show up in the toxicology report four months later. Seems like a pretty serious discrepancy. What accounts for the change?

When they filed a FOIA for the bodycam footage of the officer in that video, her request was denied. GatewayPundit goes into greater detail about timeline discrepancies and the failure of Capitol Police to render aid here.

Kudos to the sister for doggedly demanding the truth behind Roseann’s death.

I am certain that those "peaceful" protesters were simply there to admire the nation's capitol and were not involved in the melee in any way. Poor babies! Maybe they should not have inserted themselves into the mob scene, because the police had no way of knowing who was doing what.
If they just innocent bystanders, they should have gotten the hell out of there asap. Instead, they were enjoying the "love fest".
I am certain that those "peaceful" protesters were simply there to admire the nation's capitol and were not involved in the melee in any way.
Pretty good guess. Too bad your MSM is hiding 90% of what really took place there that day. Look at all those bloodthirsty insurrectionist killers!

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because the police had no way of knowing who was doing what.
They could try opening their eyes and LOOKING.
I want to see another one. With helicopter rides after the fact.

Tomorrow? Nope.

When trump loses again? Probably.

Well, Trump is likely not going to run again. If he does, you're probably on to something.

But, as with life, the thing that is problematic usually isn't the unicorn but the folks who come after and want to pass themselves off as the unicorn. Now "problematic" is a matter of degrees--not all "problematic" things are deadly or even serious. Look at Parler compared to Twitter for example. The latter is used by like a billion people every month; they curate their content, provide a good experience. The former started as some sort of "safe place" for racists and white nationalists and were quickly de-platformed for good reason. Look at the USFL compared to the NFL. There are documented stories of players racing one another to the bank to get their paychecks cashed before the team was insolvent. Look at the crypto landscape compared to Bitcoin. I'm not super well-versed in it but the "investment opportunity of a lifetime" is sure to have its own legacy of scandals. Whomever plays the "I was robbed" card next on the right wing side of the ledger is trying to tap into the same hate and outrage.

The difference is that at the State level the scenario is much more easy to manipulate. Who controls the State police, the state national guard, the funding for the capitol security in Georgia for example? A bunch of republicans who are likely to lose an election to a black woman in 10 months. Now, it's unlikely that they will play the "I was robbed" card this go-round given the public interactions with the blob and the 2020 election..but what about other states?

That would be bad. What would be worse? Biden's reaction to this would be to do what Ike did in Little Rock...have the 101st Airborne escorting the newly elected governor to the podium so she/he can be sworn in.
How do you think the hicks are going to like that? Probably not too much.

Essentially the right wing terrorists in our midst are going to be angling to create the same national hatred that ISIS/Al Queda did in Iraq and Afghanistan. They wanted the US to go over there and drive up their membership. And it worked. When you see federal troops (aka infidels in Dixie) occupying the State House in Birmingham... that is going to drive up hate with a certain segment of the population.
I know everyone is tired of the left's claims about Jan 6th.....but are there actually people out there that still believe that there will be a repeat of Jan 6th?

Just exactly how delusional have you become that you believe not only that 5 people (not the 2 that were really killed there by Capital Police) were killed on Jan 6th at the Capital....and that 800 unarmed Trump Supporters thought they could take down the government?

On April 7th, the Medical Examiner gave a report on 4 of the deaths associated with events of that day, including Boyland’s.

It claimed: ‘Roseanne Boyland, 34, died of acute amphetamine intoxication’ (Fox23)

View attachment 583962
But the Medical Examiner in this situation has himself been shrouded in controversy even before looking at the Boyland case. ASHLI BABBITT: Why Did The Chief Medical Examiner Try To Order A Rushed Cremation?

Roseanne’s sister, Lonna Cave, has been taking up the fight to find out what really happened to Roseann. But she’s getting stonewalled. They are refusing to issue a copy of the full autopsy.

Why would they possibly doubt an official autopsy report?

Well, would you consider a Medical Examiner completely changing his original findings a compelling reason to second-guess it?

The thing that supposedly killed her didn’t show up in the toxicology report four months later. Seems like a pretty serious discrepancy. What accounts for the change?

When they filed a FOIA for the bodycam footage of the officer in that video, her request was denied. GatewayPundit goes into greater detail about timeline discrepancies and the failure of Capitol Police to render aid here.

Kudos to the sister for doggedly demanding the truth behind Roseann’s death.


Ask the question the week before President-Elect DeSantis is sworn in.
How many of you expect a continuous stream of riots and street demonstrations by the left after Republicans take back Congress?
It's possible. I think we won't see any more mass lootings or riots untl close to the election. Then to stir up hate and turnout we'll see an over reaction to something and the BLM will give the word for their street sargants to start it up again. They never cared one cent for Floyd, his death was just a convienent trigger, the actions of the summer of 2020 had been planned and choreograpghed for a long time. It coud have happened in 19 or it could have happened in 23. It could have been anything, Smollet wanted himself to be the trigger, but he wanted to be around for his "glory". But it's not just BLM, either the me2 hystericals will dig up something a guy said 40 years ago and have a nation wide rampage, or the alphabet people will do the same. Anything they can do to stir up hate and division in order to GOTV.

All that said, I am sick of the s**t from both parties.
I'm not afraid of a repeat of January 6 in the same way I'm not afraid of someone hijacking an airplane successfully ever again. The gloves are off where the police are concerned....
There will not be a repeat of January 6th events. If there is an attempt they will be faced with armed resistance and there will be bodies on the steps outside.
I know everyone is tired of the left's claims about Jan 6th.....but are there actually people out there that still believe that there will be a repeat of Jan 6th?

Just exactly how delusional have you become that you believe not only that 5 people (not the 2 that were really killed there by Capital Police) were killed on Jan 6th at the Capital....and that 800 unarmed Trump Supporters thought they could take down the government?

On April 7th, the Medical Examiner gave a report on 4 of the deaths associated with events of that day, including Boyland’s.

It claimed: ‘Roseanne Boyland, 34, died of acute amphetamine intoxication’ (Fox23)

View attachment 583962
But the Medical Examiner in this situation has himself been shrouded in controversy even before looking at the Boyland case. ASHLI BABBITT: Why Did The Chief Medical Examiner Try To Order A Rushed Cremation?

Roseanne’s sister, Lonna Cave, has been taking up the fight to find out what really happened to Roseann. But she’s getting stonewalled. They are refusing to issue a copy of the full autopsy.

Why would they possibly doubt an official autopsy report?

Well, would you consider a Medical Examiner completely changing his original findings a compelling reason to second-guess it?

The thing that supposedly killed her didn’t show up in the toxicology report four months later. Seems like a pretty serious discrepancy. What accounts for the change?

When they filed a FOIA for the bodycam footage of the officer in that video, her request was denied. GatewayPundit goes into greater detail about timeline discrepancies and the failure of Capitol Police to render aid here.

Kudos to the sister for doggedly demanding the truth behind Roseann’s death.

I know everyone is tired of the left's claims about Jan 6th.....but are there actually people out there that still believe that there will be a repeat of Jan 6th?

Just exactly how delusional have you become that you believe not only that 5 people (not the 2 that were really killed there by Capital Police) were killed on Jan 6th at the Capital....and that 800 unarmed Trump Supporters thought they could take down the government?

On April 7th, the Medical Examiner gave a report on 4 of the deaths associated with events of that day, including Boyland’s.

It claimed: ‘Roseanne Boyland, 34, died of acute amphetamine intoxication’ (Fox23)

View attachment 583962
But the Medical Examiner in this situation has himself been shrouded in controversy even before looking at the Boyland case. ASHLI BABBITT: Why Did The Chief Medical Examiner Try To Order A Rushed Cremation?

Roseanne’s sister, Lonna Cave, has been taking up the fight to find out what really happened to Roseann. But she’s getting stonewalled. They are refusing to issue a copy of the full autopsy.

Why would they possibly doubt an official autopsy report?

Well, would you consider a Medical Examiner completely changing his original findings a compelling reason to second-guess it?

The thing that supposedly killed her didn’t show up in the toxicology report four months later. Seems like a pretty serious discrepancy. What accounts for the change?

When they filed a FOIA for the bodycam footage of the officer in that video, her request was denied. GatewayPundit goes into greater detail about timeline discrepancies and the failure of Capitol Police to render aid here.

Kudos to the sister for doggedly demanding the truth behind Roseann’s death.

The thing I don't like is even recognition of the coined date "January 6". That's a technique of the Marxist left to give the date an infamy. As if it's as bad as 9-11 or Dec 7, 1941. I refuse to play that game. Instead we should refer to "August 29" over and over. That's the infamous date in which Aaron Danielson, a peaceful Trump supporter was gunned down in cold blood by Antifa thugs in Portland. Where are the hearings on "August 29"?
Seems to me a similar protest by democrats opposed to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh was allowed to happen and there were no investigations or summary executions. The hypocrisy of the left is unbelievable.
The thing I don't like is even recognition of the coined date "January 6". That's a technique of the Marxist left to give the date an infamy. As if it's as bad as 9-11 or Dec 7, 1941. I refuse to play that game. Instead we should refer to "August 29" over and over. That's the infamous date in which Aaron Danielson, a peaceful Trump supporter was gunned down in cold blood by Antifa thugs in Portland. Where are the hearings on "August 29"?

Danielson was killed by Michael Reinoehl. Authorities went after Reinoehl and finally located him. Reinoehl pointed a gun at the authorities and they shot him dead.

The perpetrator of the crime was killed while they attempted to arrest him. What would you propose hearings about?

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