How many of you would have fired General Patton

...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.

You Snowflakes are really stretching, aren't you?

Patton was a military genius, a devoted historian, and one of the greatest generals in our nation's history. He saw war as a nasty business where the goal was to win. He was held back by Ike whose job was political and had to keep a coalition together under difficult situations.

We elected President Trump to be "intemperate" and to speak our minds for us. He's doing exactly what we elected hi to do.
...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.

You Snowflakes are really stretching, aren't you?

Patton was a military genius, a devoted historian, and one of the greatest generals in our nation's history. He saw war as a nasty business where the goal was to win. He was held back by Ike whose job was political and had to keep a coalition together under difficult situations.

We elected President Trump to be "intemperate" and to speak our minds for us. He's doing exactly what we elected hi to do.

intemperate - adj./having or showing a lack of self-control; immoderate.
synonyms: immoderate, excessive, undue, inordinate, extreme, unrestrained, uncontrolled

Oh, great; that's all we need is some half cocked jackass with his hand on the nuclear codes.

Anyone that believes that is the type of personality required for POTUS should have their right to vote removed.
Wait...did someone just compare Donald Trump to General Patton?!?

(reaches for glasses)


...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.
I would have given him all the fuel he needed and told him to drive the Russians back across their borders.

I would have then demanded that the international boundaries be returned to their original positions before the war, except for Germany's. Divvying up nations like they were the spoils of war caused so many problems and cost so many lives....

...and UN, for all the good intentions, has become a POS do-nothing international country club....
Anyone that believes that is the type of personality required for POTUS should have their right to vote removed.

Spoken like a true fascist.

some people are just to stupid to vote; sad but true
EXAMPLE: remember the lady that told John McCain that Obama was an Arab? WTF?
Yes; some people are just too f***ing dumb to vote, period.

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...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.

"Intemperate remarks" such as?

I ain't firing anybody just because some message board wag says "he said intemperate remarks". I need something sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly more tangible.

From Wikipedia:

Patton developed an ability to deliver charismatic speeches.[80] He used profanity heavily in his speech, which generally was enjoyed by troops under his command, but it offended other generals, including Bradley.[203] The most famous of his speeches were a series he delivered to the Third Army prior to Operation Overlord.[204] When speaking, he was known for his bluntness and witticism; he once said, "The two most dangerous weapons the Germans have are our own armored halftrack and jeep. The halftrack because the boys in it go all heroic, thinking they are in a tank. The jeep because we have so many God-awful drivers. "[205] During the Battle of the Bulge, he famously remarked that the Allies should "let the sons-of-bitches [Germans] go all the way to Paris, then we'll cut them off and round them up."[205] He also suggested facetiously that his Third Army could "drive the British back into the sea for another Dunkirk."[205]

As media scrutiny on Patton increased, his bluntness stirred controversy. These began in North Africa when some reporters worried that he was becoming too close to former Vichy officials with Axis sympathies.[206] His public image was more seriously damaged after word of the slapping incidents broke.[207] Another controversy occurred prior to Operation Overlord when Patton spoke at a British welcoming club at Knutsford in England, and said, in part, "since it is the evident destiny of the British and Americans, and of course, the Russians, to rule the world, the better we know each other, the better job we will do." The next day news accounts misquoted Patton by leaving off the Russians.[208]

On a visit home after the war he again made headlines when he attempted to honor several wounded veterans in a speech by calling them "the real heroes" of the war, unintentionally offending the families of soldiers who had been killed in action.[181] His final media blowup occurred in September 1945, when goaded by reporters about denazification, he said "[d]enazification would be like removing all the Republicans and all the Democrats who were in office, who had held office or were quasi-Democrats or Republicans and that would take some time." This caused Eisenhower to relieve Patton from command of the Third Army.[209]

I don't see anything objectionable there. Other than the bowdlerization of his quote.
Russia was too big to conquer in a conventional war.

The world in 1945 was tired of War. The Japs had been fighting
since 1937. Europe and the Germans since 1939. The Americans
since 1941. People wanted war to end.

The American people would have never gone along with an Invasion
of Russia. Just like Desert Storm. We kicked the Iraqi's out of Kuwait
and Iraq was ours for the taking. The problem we faced was we had nobody
around to govern Iraq. Hussien was the proper tyrant to run that shithole.
You just had to keep him within his own borders. And we did after Desert
Storm. Only Tyrants can govern Middle East countries properly. 2,000
years of history will tell you that.

Patton had the foresight that Russia was going to be our next enemy, but
the world was war weary.

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