How many on here still believe 5 people were killed during the Capitol Protest?

Somebody still needs to get a memo to the Justice Department about the so-called insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 because it has yet to charge anyone with that offense. All I is see is a range of criminal offenses like disorderly conduct, assault, trespass, illegal gun possession, and “conspiracy” to commit these types of offenses. (Question: How come no one ever accuses the Justice Department of being a “conspiracy theorist,” given the countless times it charges people with conspiracy?) Yet, all we continue to hear from the mainstream press and the liberal (i.e., progressive, leftist, socialist) establishment is that the protestors were hell bent on taking control of Congress.

How can anyone really buy into this nonsense, especially when the Justice Department and its grand juries are not? It’s like these people live in an alternative universe in which they convince themselves of a false reality and then all reinforce it to each other.

By now, we are all accustomed to what happens when someone wants to kill people. He takes a high-powered rifle or a handgun and starts shooting people. Columbine comes to mind. So does Las Vegas. There are many other examples.
Democrats and their butt boys in the MSM lie about everything. Their followers always believe what they're told because they're too stupid to figure anything out by themselves. Truth be told, the biggest agitators and the greatest number of rioters were antifa-BLM assholes posing as Trump supporters. But if the MSM says it was Trumpers, stupid Democrats will always believe it. CNN-MSNBC should be shut down for inciting revolution.
I get in here and they're trying to deny zip tie guy existed

lol zip tie guy was there for the revolution. of all the people i saw tehre, he was the only one 100% you could tell that from just from a single picture.
Somebody still needs to get a memo to the Justice Department about the so-called insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 because it has yet to charge anyone with that offense. All I is see is a range of criminal offenses like disorderly conduct, assault, trespass, illegal gun possession, and “conspiracy” to commit these types of offenses. (Question: How come no one ever accuses the Justice Department of being a “conspiracy theorist,” given the countless times it charges people with conspiracy?) Yet, all we continue to hear from the mainstream press and the liberal (i.e., progressive, leftist, socialist) establishment is that the protestors were hell bent on taking control of Congress.

How can anyone really buy into this nonsense, especially when the Justice Department and its grand juries are not? It’s like these people live in an alternative universe in which they convince themselves of a false reality and then all reinforce it to each other.

By now, we are all accustomed to what happens when someone wants to kill people. He takes a high-powered rifle or a handgun and starts shooting people. Columbine comes to mind. So does Las Vegas. There are many other examples.
How about charges of capital murder against the capitol police for murdering an unarmed US veteran who was taking pictures? I want them charged the same as the cops who were accused of killing Floyd and Taylor.
I wonder how these so called journalists can go home and face their family after spending the day concocting lies? Do they have a conscience? Are they willing to harm America just in order to keep getting a big paycheck?

Yes. They are swine and their piglet family's would no way in hell give up their standard of living! Off to Ivy League schools the piglets go!!
I wonder how these so called journalists can go home and face their family after spending the day concocting lies? Do they have a conscience? Are they willing to harm America just in order to keep getting a big paycheck?
Anderson Cooper just goes home and sucks another dic
I wonder how these so called journalists can go home and face their family after spending the day concocting lies? Do they have a conscience? Are they willing to harm America just in order to keep getting a big paycheck?
Anderson Cooper just goes home and sucks another dic

bwaaaaaaaaaaaa whatever happened to one from fox news....shepard smith?
I wonder how these so called journalists can go home and face their family after spending the day concocting lies? Do they have a conscience? Are they willing to harm America just in order to keep getting a big paycheck?
Anderson Cooper just goes home and sucks another dic

bwaaaaaaaaaaaa whatever happened to one from fox news....shepard smith?

Shep is bordering on becoming the midnite DJ at WOLD..D...D...D....
I wonder how these so called journalists can go home and face their family after spending the day concocting lies? Do they have a conscience? Are they willing to harm America just in order to keep getting a big paycheck?
I can only believe that they are deep state or compromised or zealots. To lie like that is shameful and lacks any integrity in a profession we were all lead to believe was honorable to get the truth. We now know they have mostly lied all these years and decades even when they hid their true allegiances a lot more.
They've been trained to believe lies. This is similar to people dying of lung cancer they pin COVID as cause of death.

The left NEVER tells the truth. They did the same things to generate protests and riots by lying about the circumstances, and tailoring the videos over the Floyd & Brooks incidences.

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