How many people in real life do you know actually support Obama enthusiastically?

How many people in real life do you know that proclaim their devotion to Obama and/or his policies.

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Remember this poll is not asking how many people do you know are Democrats, or people that voted for Obama, but rather, how many people do you know that still argue vehemently on his behalf.

I can think of about 11 to 12 people (including somewhat distant aquaintances) that actually like Obama. I remember it used to be nearly 1/2 of the people I know. I barely know of any men who like him now (about 3) and only 9 females come to mind.

People either despise him, or are too embarrassed to elucidate their allegiance to his policies and/or worldview.

Oh yeah, and other than rabid anti-gun activists, I don't know too many people that actually care about gun control (for or against). I live in New York with my immediate family being liberals. And only one of these liberals actually still proclaims their devotion to Obama.
Depends on what the definition of "know" is.

Relatives (that you see at least once a year), people you work with, people that are in non-political groups you're a part of (like a chess club).

Basically, someone who you see regular enough on a yearly basis and know a few personal things about them through conversation with them.

A third definition or expansion could be: People you interact with in the flesh and blood that affect your decisions or personal environment.
Just about every person I know.

But, remember, most people I know are affiliated with a university and well educated. That means they don't get their news from Fox, Brietbart and Limbaugh.

It's interesting how the ODS crowd is extremely concerned about defining the exact political beliefs of everyone they know, and doesn't understand how that's not normal.

Of course, they're basically just fantasizing about the political beliefs of everyone around them. They go off on a kook ODS rant, everyone around politely ignores them, so they take that to mean everyone agrees with them.
they're basically just fantasizing about the political beliefs of everyone around them.

If I had delusions about the subject, I wouldn't be taking a poll, I would already assume it was 0-15 for all persons without asking.

Remember, I voted for Obama in 2008 when I thought it was cool, and so did more than half the American population. What used to easily be 40+ people has dropped to about 11 or 12 people to me. And of those 11-12, only three came immediately to mind, I had to think about all my other frequent acquaintances extract another handful.
Just about every person I know.

But, remember, most people I know are affiliated with a university and well educated. That means they don't get their news from Fox, Brietbart and Limbaugh.

Devry online University doesn't exactly count.

Harvard Ideas on Health Care Hit Home, Hard
"WASHINGTON — For years, Harvard’s experts on health economics and policy have advised presidents and Congress on how to provide health benefits to the nation at a reasonable cost. But those remedies will now be applied to the Harvard faculty, and the professors are in an uproar.

Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the heart of the 378-year-old university, voted overwhelmingly in November to oppose changes that would require them and thousands of other Harvard employees to pay more for health care. The university says the increases are in part a result of the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act, which many Harvard professors championed.

The faculty vote came too late to stop the cost increases from taking effect this month, and the anger on campus remains focused on questions that are agitating many workplaces: How should the burden of health costs be shared by employers and employees? If employees have to bear more of the cost, will they skimp on medically necessary care, curtail the use of less valuable services, or both?

“Harvard is a microcosm of what’s happening in health care in the country,” said David M. Cutler, a health economist at the university who was an adviser to President Obama’s 2008 campaign. But only up to a point: Professors at Harvard have until now generally avoided the higher expenses that other employers have been passing on to employees. That makes the outrage among the faculty remarkable, Mr. Cutler said, because “Harvard was and remains a very generous employer.”

I used to have lots of friends that were very supportive of it, and I think there were lots of member here at USMB that were too. I see now that many have changed their tune and understand now that this was never a policy that was intended to help Americans.

Now, EVERYONE realizes it was always intended to help the drug manufacturers, the monopolies, the transnational corporations and the insurance industry.
In liked him for his change-nonsense but then he turned out to be an Islamist terrorist.
But most people in my environment still like him.
Enthusiasm is subjective.

The mans poll numbers are going to go up as long as the economy continues to improve. Over 62 million people voted for him in 2012. I think he'd do just as well today.

He's done a good job given the circumstances. That is hardly even debatable at this point.
I'm going to dinner with my only very liberal family members tonight. I should ask. As far as I know, they aren't very enthusiastic about the job he has done so far.

Voters are like that with just about every president/candidate. They nominate the same old liars and thieves as last time, then complain when they turn out to be liars and thieves. :rolleyes-41:
Just about every person I know.

But, remember, most people I know are affiliated with a university and well educated. That means they don't get their news from Fox, Brietbart and Limbaugh.


So, your friends are affiliated with them liberal indoctrination centers? Well, I don't need no stinkin' book learnin'. :D
Depends on what the definition of "know" is.

Relatives (that you see at least once a year), people you work with, people that are in non-political groups you're a part of (like a chess club).

Basically, someone who you see regular enough on a yearly basis and know a few personal things about them through conversation with them.

A third definition or expansion could be: People you interact with in the flesh and blood that affect your decisions or personal environment.

In that case...I don't know a single human being, relative or otherwise that enthusiastically (or otherwise) supports that sorry LIAR.
Remember this poll is not asking how many people do you know are Democrats, or people that voted for Obama, but rather, how many people do you know that still argue vehemently on his behalf.

I can think of about 11 to 12 people (including somewhat distant aquaintances) that actually like Obama. I remember it used to be nearly 1/2 of the people I know. I barely know of any men who like him now (about 3) and only 9 females come to mind.

People either despise him, or are too embarrassed to elucidate their allegiance to his policies and/or worldview.

Oh yeah, and other than rabid anti-gun activists, I don't know too many people that actually care about gun control (for or against). I live in New York with my immediate family being liberals. And only one of these liberals actually still proclaims their devotion to Obama.
A hell of a lot more than Romney or any Con you can come up with.

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