How many people in real life do you know actually support Obama enthusiastically?

How many people in real life do you know that proclaim their devotion to Obama and/or his policies.

  • Total voters
Remember this poll is not asking how many people do you know are Democrats, or people that voted for Obama, but rather, how many people do you know that still argue vehemently on his behalf.

I can think of about 11 to 12 people (including somewhat distant aquaintances) that actually like Obama. I remember it used to be nearly 1/2 of the people I know. I barely know of any men who like him now (about 3) and only 9 females come to mind.

People either despise him, or are too embarrassed to elucidate their allegiance to his policies and/or worldview.

Oh yeah, and other than rabid anti-gun activists, I don't know too many people that actually care about gun control (for or against). I live in New York with my immediate family being liberals. And only one of these liberals actually still proclaims their devotion to Obama.
A hell of a lot more than Romney or any Con you can come up with.

Seeing that Romney win, only an insane man would boast about his achievements.

Although many cons don't like Romneycare and his equally corrupt crony vulture corporatism. Btw, Obama's bailouts were the ULTIMATE form of vulture corporatism. At least Romney had the skill, cunning and guile (a true chameleon) to do it without the force of government. The same cannot be said for our Jihadist sympathizing Affirmative Action Usurper.
When you point out how he has led the country from the destruction caused by GOP policies, it's amazing how much they like him.

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