How many people secretly agree with Trump but are afraid to admit it because of the MSM?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I am 100% confident that there are MORE people that agree with Trump then admit that they would vote for him. All the pundits have put down the thousands of Trump rally visitors as "yea... but will they vote for him"!

"Trump’s unexpected and sustained popularity has, at least in part, been fueled by his appeal to a voting bloc that seems to be emerging: blue-collar workers without college degrees who are slightly younger than the traditional Republican voter. Many say they haven’t cared about politics until now, as they flock to Trump rallies like groupies to a rock concert, read his books, buy his products, quote his jokes and follow his social-media accounts.

But is their devotion to Trump deep enough to vote?

For those who don’t regularly vote in primaries, doing so for the first time is a hurdle — especially in Iowa, which uses a caucus system that can intimidate first-timers.

Trump’s fans are excited to rally, but will they vote?

For that reason I'm concerned that JUST like Obama was able to use his race to embarrass people in Iowa who had to stand up for Obama. With microphones/reporters asking Iowans why aren't you standing for Obama, are you a racist?" this same mentality of the MSM that pushes Democrats will do the same to the Iowa Republicans who will have to "stand" for Trump. These same biased MSM will ask "why are you standing for Trump...he hates women!"

So unless people realize this MSM bias will embarrass Iowan voters who aren't confident enough to
combat the inherent "inferiority complex" Iowans have they won't stand for Trump!
"Presidential preference on the Republican side is done with a straw vote of those attending the caucus. This vote is sometimes done by a show of hands or by dividing themselves into groups according to candidate."
How Iowa Caucus Works » 2016 Iowa Caucus Presidential Election
Secretly? That's kinda presumptuous. I agree with some things he says and disagree with others. In fact, there's no human on Earth I agree with all the time. I do, however, have to admire the way Trump got into the media's head. He saved himself a sizable fortune and got tons of free coverage.
To the OP: very few.

Yes, Trump has masterfully used the media, indeed.
Secretly? That's kinda presumptuous. I agree with some things he says and disagree with others. In fact, there's no human on Earth I agree with all the time. I do, however, have to admire the way Trump got into the media's head. He saved himself a sizable fortune and got tons of free coverage.

As a former Iowan I know about their "inferiority complex". I mean Iowa is part of the disdained intellectual elite's "fly over country"! Iowans are perceived as dumb farmers. And so during 2008 with MSM just looking for dumb hick racist farmers NOT choosing Obama because he was black, these Iowans literally stood up in the caucuses for him!

So too then in 2016. Reporters asking Iowan GOP caucus goers why are you standing for that racist Trump. That guy that hates women and immigrants. This is the
MSM's meme about Trump. Remember Ali's 132 word statement and how NBC said and I quote:NBC reports: "Muhammad Ali Hits at Trump and 'Misguided Murderers' Sabotaging Islam"
YET Ali did NOT mention Trump! Not one single word.
"I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.
We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda. They have alienated many from learning about Islam. True Muslims know or should know that it goes against our religion to try and force Islam on anybody.
Speaking as someone who has never been accused of political correctness, I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people's views on what Islam really is.

Where in those 132 words did he mention Trump?

So this MSM will poke and prod some Iowans standing for Trump and accuse them of being racist by standing for Trump. It will happen! It has happened! That's
why Obama was elected with less then 3 years experience as a Senator! NO EXECUTIVE experience. Never hired/fired people. But remember Obama told everyone
he was black and don't you forget it!
To the OP: very few.

Yes, Trump has masterfully used the media, indeed.

Very few what? Agree with Trump? Or secretly agree but won't admit it? There is a BIG difference between those two options!
Again... I and more people like me are agreeing with Trump's statements. I am am even MORE sure there are MORE people that are afraid of being labeled as you label me and others that do agree with Trump.
I just ask you to remember this:

Trump first brought up building a wall to protect the USA just as China did with their great wall. Ridiculed! Opposed! Accepted!
Trump first brought up banning Muslims from entering the USA. Just as FDR/Truman barred Japanese,Germans,etc. Trump Ridiculed! Opposed! Accepted!
hm, you don't get it, anymore than shootspeeders.

That's OK. There is a place for you as well.
The election will answer that question. President Trump, get used to it dems and libs.
If Trump actually is able to become president, I think the "dems and libs" will have just as easy a time dealing with it as the rest of the nation.

The neo-cons and libertarians might have a hard time dealing with it, but I think middle of the road Democrats and classical liberals won't chaff too much.
It's PC and trendy to be a Trump fan now.

Hence, the number of Trump fans is over-represented. Once they lose that PC protection and it's no longer "cool", the numbers will drop.
It's PC and trendy to be a Trump fan now.

Hence, the number of Trump fans is over-represented. Once they lose that PC protection and it's no longer "cool", the numbers will drop.
PC protection LMAO
If Trump becomes president, he will be as effective as Carter, meaning not very.
I am 100% confident that there are MORE people that agree with Trump then admit that they would vote for him. All the pundits have put down the thousands of Trump rally visitors as "yea... but will they vote for him"!

"Trump’s unexpected and sustained popularity has, at least in part, been fueled by his appeal to a voting bloc that seems to be emerging: blue-collar workers without college degrees who are slightly younger than the traditional Republican voter. Many say they haven’t cared about politics until now, as they flock to Trump rallies like groupies to a rock concert, read his books, buy his products, quote his jokes and follow his social-media accounts.

But is their devotion to Trump deep enough to vote?

For those who don’t regularly vote in primaries, doing so for the first time is a hurdle — especially in Iowa, which uses a caucus system that can intimidate first-timers.

Trump’s fans are excited to rally, but will they vote?

For that reason I'm concerned that JUST like Obama was able to use his race to embarrass people in Iowa who had to stand up for Obama. With microphones/reporters asking Iowans why aren't you standing for Obama, are you a racist?" this same mentality of the MSM that pushes Democrats will do the same to the Iowa Republicans who will have to "stand" for Trump. These same biased MSM will ask "why are you standing for Trump...he hates women!"

So unless people realize this MSM bias will embarrass Iowan voters who aren't confident enough to
combat the inherent "inferiority complex" Iowans have they won't stand for Trump!
"Presidential preference on the Republican side is done with a straw vote of those attending the caucus. This vote is sometimes done by a show of hands or by dividing themselves into groups according to candidate."
How Iowa Caucus Works » 2016 Iowa Caucus Presidential Election

Let's see, there's Moonglow, Jake Starkey, Issac Newton, Guno, Sealybobo, JimH52, Lakota, just to name a few.
I am 100% confident that there are MORE people that agree with Trump then admit that they would vote for him. All the pundits have put down the thousands of Trump rally visitors as "yea... but will they vote for him"!

"Trump’s unexpected and sustained popularity has, at least in part, been fueled by his appeal to a voting bloc that seems to be emerging: blue-collar workers without college degrees who are slightly younger than the traditional Republican voter. Many say they haven’t cared about politics until now, as they flock to Trump rallies like groupies to a rock concert, read his books, buy his products, quote his jokes and follow his social-media accounts.

But is their devotion to Trump deep enough to vote?

For those who don’t regularly vote in primaries, doing so for the first time is a hurdle — especially in Iowa, which uses a caucus system that can intimidate first-timers.

Trump’s fans are excited to rally, but will they vote?

For that reason I'm concerned that JUST like Obama was able to use his race to embarrass people in Iowa who had to stand up for Obama. With microphones/reporters asking Iowans why aren't you standing for Obama, are you a racist?" this same mentality of the MSM that pushes Democrats will do the same to the Iowa Republicans who will have to "stand" for Trump. These same biased MSM will ask "why are you standing for Trump...he hates women!"

So unless people realize this MSM bias will embarrass Iowan voters who aren't confident enough to
combat the inherent "inferiority complex" Iowans have they won't stand for Trump!
"Presidential preference on the Republican side is done with a straw vote of those attending the caucus. This vote is sometimes done by a show of hands or by dividing themselves into groups according to candidate."
How Iowa Caucus Works » 2016 Iowa Caucus Presidential Election

Let's see, there's Moonglow, Jake Starkey, Issac Newton, Guno, Sealybobo, JimH52, Lakota, just to name a few.

"to name a few" of what?
I am 100% confident that there are MORE people that agree with Trump then admit that they would vote for him. All the pundits have put down the thousands of Trump rally visitors as "yea... but will they vote for him"!

"Trump’s unexpected and sustained popularity has, at least in part, been fueled by his appeal to a voting bloc that seems to be emerging: blue-collar workers without college degrees who are slightly younger than the traditional Republican voter. Many say they haven’t cared about politics until now, as they flock to Trump rallies like groupies to a rock concert, read his books, buy his products, quote his jokes and follow his social-media accounts.

But is their devotion to Trump deep enough to vote?

For those who don’t regularly vote in primaries, doing so for the first time is a hurdle — especially in Iowa, which uses a caucus system that can intimidate first-timers.

Trump’s fans are excited to rally, but will they vote?

For that reason I'm concerned that JUST like Obama was able to use his race to embarrass people in Iowa who had to stand up for Obama. With microphones/reporters asking Iowans why aren't you standing for Obama, are you a racist?" this same mentality of the MSM that pushes Democrats will do the same to the Iowa Republicans who will have to "stand" for Trump. These same biased MSM will ask "why are you standing for Trump...he hates women!"

So unless people realize this MSM bias will embarrass Iowan voters who aren't confident enough to
combat the inherent "inferiority complex" Iowans have they won't stand for Trump!
"Presidential preference on the Republican side is done with a straw vote of those attending the caucus. This vote is sometimes done by a show of hands or by dividing themselves into groups according to candidate."
How Iowa Caucus Works » 2016 Iowa Caucus Presidential Election

How many? About 1/10th the number of those who don't really agree with Trump on probably half of what he supports but have just jumped on the bandwagon because he's ahead.
If Trump becomes president, he will be as effective as Carter, meaning not very.

It's not worth seeing him as president, but it would be fun to see him try to cope with the limitations that come with being president, thinking he's been made CEO where what he says goes.
Congress would be the Board of Directors from hell for him. The leaders behind closed doors with him would say, "Fuck you, Don, where is the beer?"
I am 100% confident that there are MORE people that agree with Trump then admit that they would vote for him. All the pundits have put down the thousands of Trump rally visitors as "yea... but will they vote for him"!

"Trump’s unexpected and sustained popularity has, at least in part, been fueled by his appeal to a voting bloc that seems to be emerging: blue-collar workers without college degrees who are slightly younger than the traditional Republican voter. Many say they haven’t cared about politics until now, as they flock to Trump rallies like groupies to a rock concert, read his books, buy his products, quote his jokes and follow his social-media accounts.

But is their devotion to Trump deep enough to vote?

For those who don’t regularly vote in primaries, doing so for the first time is a hurdle — especially in Iowa, which uses a caucus system that can intimidate first-timers.

Trump’s fans are excited to rally, but will they vote?

For that reason I'm concerned that JUST like Obama was able to use his race to embarrass people in Iowa who had to stand up for Obama. With microphones/reporters asking Iowans why aren't you standing for Obama, are you a racist?" this same mentality of the MSM that pushes Democrats will do the same to the Iowa Republicans who will have to "stand" for Trump. These same biased MSM will ask "why are you standing for Trump...he hates women!"

So unless people realize this MSM bias will embarrass Iowan voters who aren't confident enough to
combat the inherent "inferiority complex" Iowans have they won't stand for Trump!
"Presidential preference on the Republican side is done with a straw vote of those attending the caucus. This vote is sometimes done by a show of hands or by dividing themselves into groups according to candidate."
How Iowa Caucus Works » 2016 Iowa Caucus Presidential Election

Let's see, there's Moonglow, Jake Starkey, Issac Newton, Guno, Sealybobo, JimH52, Lakota, just to name a few.

"to name a few" of what?

Don't have any idea of what the theme of the OP is? You must be one of those highly educated Liberals.
health myths is about as bright as shootspeeders and the_human_being.

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