How many pro-lifers are actually pro-life?

thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.
Not true


So, you believe that your reproduction is MY business?

You think I should have a say in whether or not you reproduce?
I believe that killing an unborn is murder
So does the law unless it is the mother doing it then magically it isn't.
thing is, what others choose is none of your business. so it isn't about *my* anything. although to be fair, lunatics talking about snowflake babies makes me sick.
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.
Not true


So, you believe that your reproduction is MY business?

You think I should have a say in whether or not you reproduce?
I believe that killing an unborn is murder

So you believe that I should have control over your reproductive choice?
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.
Not true


So, you believe that your reproduction is MY business?

You think I should have a say in whether or not you reproduce?
I believe that killing an unborn is murder

So you believe that I should have control over your reproductive choice?
I believe killing a viable unborn child is murder and I do not feel obligated to support the act
Wait a minute. You're cool with someone choosing to kill their baby at 8 months gestation but not ten and you call me a lunatic?

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.
Not true


So, you believe that your reproduction is MY business?

You think I should have a say in whether or not you reproduce?
I believe that killing an unborn is murder
So does the law unless it is the mother doing it then magically it isn't.

yes. because women only have late term abortions when the baby is going to die or the mothers life is in danger.

it's between a woman and her doctor. and, still, none of your business.
Not true


So, you believe that your reproduction is MY business?

You think I should have a say in whether or not you reproduce?
I believe that killing an unborn is murder

So you believe that I should have control over your reproductive choice?
I believe killing a viable unborn child is murder and I do not feel obligated to support the act

Okay, that's completely different.

So, are you saying that I don't have the right to control your reproduction any more than you have the right to control the reproduction of others?

The way you're dancing around this, my bet is that you want to control women but want men to still be able to walk away from their own responsibility in the making of a pregnancy.

Yep. Bet on it.
Okay, that's completely different.

So, are you saying that I don't have the right to control your reproduction any more than you have the right to control the reproduction of others?

The way you're dancing around this, my bet is that you want to control women but want men to still be able to walk away from their own responsibility in the making of a pregnancy.

Yep. Bet on it.
Called this reply yesterday:
I'm still learning the ins and outs of holding a conversation with liberals. Obviously many of their unique behaviors and tactics still baffle me. I've already posted about some of my previous observations, such as the tendency to change the subject without warning or the odd assumption that becoming a convinced believer of leftist political theory and education are synonymous. Another odd assumption I've run into enough to find noteworthy is that non-liberals aren't even honestly presenting their own beliefs.

When discussing the abortion issue, for instance, you generally only have to count the minutes until you're informed that you're not actually pro-life because you actually believe abortion is a euphemism for feticide and consider feticide murder. The real reason you oppose abortion must be that you hate women and want to enslave them with pregnancy. If the topic is immigration reform, it will inevitably be explained to you that you don't actually believe that a sovereign nation has the right to control entry into itself and restrict certain civil rights like voting to its citizens. You really just claim to believe these things as an excuse for racism and xenophobia. You can say that you simply believe that your nation is worth defending and its basic ideals and culture worth promoting. Unfortunately, you're really just a plastic patriot fascist with outdated ideas about outdated pieces of paper written by dead white men who probably wants to enslave everyone to a corporate dictatorship.

Is there a reason for this tendency beyond simple partisan good vs evil thinking? It caught me off guard when I first encountered it. I've since grown used to it to a degree and now just find it puzzling.
Why do liberals tend to assume that non-liberals aren t even sincere US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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