How many reputations were ruined by close encounters of the Trump kind?

btw How is Biden and VP Harris doing?
You lefty liberals never seem to post about the current president.
Why is that? ... :dunno:
Well, he's been working hard, behind the scenes impervious to Trumper continual attacks on him.

Can you name any recent president that has gotten more legislation and agenda passed in their first 2 years in office??

Y'all have been too busy calling him names and throwing stones, while sleepy Joe dances circles around you! :lol:

Truly, he has accomplished a lot. It may not be, all of what some of us wanted, regardless, it shows that he's a do-er, not a slacker!
Rudy never ended up in Federal Avenatti did
His license to practice has been suspended. He want from the heights of glory to everlasting shame.

You would have to be a massively stupid cuck and a masochist to go to work for Trump now.
Consider all of Trump's "best people" who have gone to jail, and/or been publicly reviled (by Trump himself even) who would have been free and free of public disgrace if they had eschewed Trumpery - respected captains of industry, distinguished military brass, senior Republican politicians, famous athletes, Stormy Daniels...

- as well, of course, as previously obscure lowlifes too numerous to mention.

He has touched so many lives.

Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadoupolus, Steve Bannon, Tom Barrack, Elliot Broidy, George Nader, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, etc., etc., etc....​

We would be woefully remiss if we didn't acknowledge the hundreds and hundreds of clueless Trump goons, including Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc., who were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted for attacking our democratic process.

Anyone who voluntarily enters the orange orbit deserves whatever they get.

The only reason they would sell their soul to be around a con man like this is pure greed. Financial, political, professional greed.

Tough shit.
Anyone who voluntarily enters the orange orbit deserves whatever they get.

The only reason they would sell their soul to be around a con man like this is pure greed. Financial, political, professional greed.

Tough shit.
I have sympathy for a dedicated public servant, who has had a distinguished career in the military, erroneously entertaining the hope that he might mitigate the damage to the nation.

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Truly, he has accomplished a lot. It may not be, all of what some of us wanted, regardless, it shows that he's a do-er, not a slacker!
Secured the southern border?....No
Lowered violent crime in our major cities?....No
Curtailed the rate of fentanyl flooding the country killing citizens?... No
Lowered record breaking inflation?.... No
Made us energy independent like the previous administration did?...No

How many reputations were ruined by close encounters of the Trump kind?​

None. But see the nonsense idiots like Schitlapper worries about? Tragicomedy at its most degenerate.
I have sympathy for a dedicated public servant, who has had a distinguished career in the military, erroneously entertaining the hope that he might mitigate the damage to the nation.

I've heard that argument and I understand it, especially the "I felt that if I left they'd replace me with another MAGA nut".

I can believe that some of those people exist. I just imagine that they're outnumbered by the craven, greedy cowards, though.
Desperate attempt at diversion noted.
View attachment 736946
"Oh, yeah!
Well, whaddabout...?"
You are really confused aren't you Moon Bat? Must be the mental illness of TDS that is making you so sick in the mind.

After Potatohead stole the 2020 election Trump turned over a post Pandemic recovering economy complete with a vaccine and all we got from Potatohead was massive inflation, high cost of energy, decreased family income, higher taxes and millions of goddamn Illegals.

Just to show you how fucked up this administration is today that moron John Kerry said that Americans were going to have to pay "Environmental Reparations". That is all we need, huh? More money out of the pockets of Americans into somebody else's pocket.

Americans spend as much money for pollution control as the rest of the world combined but that piece of shit wants Americans to pay. Nothing about the Chinese having to pay seeing that they are biggest polluters in the world. Could it be he didn't mention them because they are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich? The Big Guy told him to leave his buddies alone?
I've heard that argument and I understand it, especially the "I felt that if I left they'd replace me with another MAGA nut".

I can believe that some of those people exist. I just imagine that they're outnumbered by the craven, greedy cowards, though.
Vastly outnumbered and confronted with obtuse incorrigibility. That was what frustrated any patriotic impulse to serve the nation via a well-meaning intervention.

General Kelly, General Mattis, General Millie, Admiral McRaven, General McChrystal, General Votel, and General Allen were among the patriots disgusted by Trump.

One can only imagine their horror at the titular Commander-in-Chief pleasuring himself for hours by watching his goons attack the U.S. Capitol.
That’s easy. Trump single-handedly destroyed the MSM, exposed the RINO swamp, and called out the NATO countries riding our back.
Vastly outnumbered and confronted with obtuse incorrigibility. That was what frustrated any patriotic impulse to serve the nation via a well-meaning intervention.

General Kelly, General Mattis, General Millie, Admiral McRaven, General McChrystal, General Votel, and General Allen were among the patriots disgusted by Trump.

One can only imagine their horror at the titular Commander-in-Chief pleasuring himself for hours by watching his goons attack the U.S. Capitol.
"One can only imagine", indeed.

As ugly as this has been for me to watch, those people have spent their lives in service to a country that he has used an old toy in his little sandbox.
"One can only imagine", indeed.

As ugly as this has been for me to watch, those people have spent their lives in service to a country that he has used an old toy in his little sandbox.
What is very encouraging for patriots is that the will of the People is again being respected by losers. Those who feared a flock of parrots echoing the whining of the Cry Baby Loser and crapping on democracy should be encouraged:
Mehmet Oz did something that used to be de rigueur: He called John Fetterman to concede the Pennsylvania Senate race...​
Blake Masters concedes his race for Ariz. Senate...​
Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate in Pennsylvania's gubernatorial race, conceded to his Democratic opponent...​
Adam Laxalt conceded in Nevada race...​
Don Bolduc and Karoline Leavitt concede graciously...​
Tudor Dixon Concedes Michigan Governor Race...​
Wisconsin's Governor's Race: Tim Michels Concedes...​
Leora Levy concedes to Richard Blumenthal...​

Few of the Loser's anointed spewed contempt for America's integrity.

Let's hope she resurrects the much ballyhooed CyberNinjas! I miss them.

I would as long as he paid in cash, in advance and he signed a paper that allows me to do my fucking job and him to sit there silently!

Otherwise no!

Don't be silly. A paper would make no difference. Trump would tie you up in court for a decade.
Only massively ignorant retards believe Biden caused the present inflation.
You mean intelligent informed people know it to be true. Deficit spending is what causes inflation. The government manufactures money out of thin air to cover the deficit.
"One can only imagine", indeed.

As ugly as this has been for me to watch, those people have spent their lives in service to a country that he has used an old toy in his little sandbox.
Hilarious. So says someone who voted for a fraud and a thief who is looting the treasury.
Well, he's been working hard, behind the scenes impervious to Trumper continual attacks on him.

Can you name any recent president that has gotten more legislation and agenda passed in their first 2 years in office??

Y'all have been too busy calling him names and throwing stones, while sleepy Joe dances circles around you! :lol:

Truly, he has accomplished a lot. It may not be, all of what some of us wanted, regardless, it shows that he's a do-er, not a slacker!
This is what lunacy looks like.

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