How many think the science is decided???

Just more fodder for THIS thread >>>

Even Im a bit shocked......would think it would be a little bit more. But it indeed does go to show......nobody cares about global warming in 2014. Of course, the AGW internet climate crusading k00k care......but few others. w0w.....think of all the effort over the last 20 years or so by the k00ks!! This shit is laughed at now!!!
20% s0ns!!!!!!

Exactly 20% >>> Only 20% Think Debate About Global Warming Is Over - Rasmussen Reports?

So.....who exactly is the "cult" in here??:fu::up::fu::up::fu::up::fu::up:

For the math challenged AGW k00ks, 20% = NOBODY

Ask me how hard Im laughing at the moment?:D

20% sounds about right. Among "climate scientists in a survey on that question today Though --- It's probably closer to 40% :lmao: If your job and salary DEPENDS on the climate science being settled --- It's probably closer to 80%..

Only about 8% of the population agrees with the denier kooks here. 8%. That's how marginalized the denier kook losers are.

And that's just 8% in the USA. It's much smaller in the rest of the world. Being that denier kooks only hang out with other denier kooks (as the cult commands), they tend to have no idea of what a tiny lunatic fringe they really are.

So, enjoy your futures as laughingstocks, kooks. You all richly deserve the humiliation you've signed on for.
Only about 8% of the population agrees with the denier kooks here. 8%. That's how marginalized the denier kook losers are.

And that's just 8% in the USA. It's much smaller in the rest of the world. Being that denier kooks only hang out with other denier kooks (as the cult commands), they tend to have no idea of what a tiny lunatic fringe they really are.

So, enjoy your futures as laughingstocks, kooks. You all richly deserve the humiliation you've signed on for.

Says who, the government funded university, you ought to ask Mcdonald s who has the best hamburger or ask chevy who makes the car.

Only a kook plays google like a deck of cards.
I heard if you waste enough money, the temperature magically goes down.

Yes, your cult tells its members that. And since denier cultists are almost always a few cans short of a sixpack, they believe anything the cult tells them.
If we waste $70 trillion on "green energy" will the temperature really be 0.1 degrees lower in 2080 than if we save our money?
Only about 8% of the population agrees with the denier kooks here. 8%. That's how marginalized the denier kook losers are.

And that's just 8% in the USA. It's much smaller in the rest of the world. Being that denier kooks only hang out with other denier kooks (as the cult commands), they tend to have no idea of what a tiny lunatic fringe they really are.

So, enjoy your futures as laughingstocks, kooks. You all richly deserve the humiliation you've signed on for.

Great paper chief.. Unfortunately, you really need to read it or you lack the skills to interpret simple data.. I suspect BOTH..

30% of respondents are categorized as Dismissive, Doubtful or Disengaged. Another 25% are Cautious.. Cautious implies to me that they are NOT CONVINCED the facts are in.. In terms of the question in THIS OP ====== For a GRAND TOTAL of AT LEAST 55%..

Why did you lie ??? Was it ignorance or just spite???
The giant el nino that was supposed to prevent Arthur may have dissipated. The reports I've seen so far leave me unconvinced that it has yet become la nina but evidence is accumulating in that direction.
20% s0ns!!!!!!

Exactly 20% >>> Only 20% Think Debate About Global Warming Is Over - Rasmussen Reports?

So.....who exactly is the "cult" in here??:fu::up::fu::up::fu::up::fu::up:

For the math challenged AGW k00ks, 20% = NOBODY

Ask me how hard Im laughing at the moment?:D

20% sounds about right. Among "climate scientists in a survey on that question today Though --- It's probably closer to 40% :lmao: If your job and salary DEPENDS on the climate science being settled --- It's probably closer to 80%..


And you are full of shit. I have yet to meet an active professor or researcher in this area that does not accept the fact of AGW. Some debate on the speed and severity of the problem, none on the fact that it exists and will cause us major problems.
The giant el nino that was supposed to prevent Arthur may have dissipated. The reports I've seen so far leave me unconvinced that it has yet become la nina but evidence is accumulating in that direction.

Drought-busting El Niño status announced Thursday |

AUSTIN (KXAN) — The end to our drought could be just months away, as NOAA is scheduled to announce the status of this year’s potential El Niño on Thursday.

The development of this significant weather pattern could bring at least a temporary reprieve from our extended Central Texas drought, but the welcome rain often comes with dangerous side effects.

This orange area in the Pacific detailed in the video below shows warmer than normal water, a telltale sign an El Niño is developing.

El Niño Could Make U.S. Weather More Extreme during 2014 - Scientific American

Unusual weather across the U.S. and other parts of the world just became more likely for this summer and autumn. That’s because the chances have gone up that El Niño—an atmospheric pattern driven by water temperature changes in the Pacific Ocean—will develop during that time, according to the nation’s leading climate experts. When El Niño settles in, it has major effects on weather conditions nationally and globally.

Scientists speaking at a press conference yesterday afternoon said the odds that El Niño will develop during the summer have risen from 65 to 70 percent. The prediction comes in a new monthly report from the U.S. National Weather Service and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University. The experts also said there is up to an 80% chance that El Niño will develop during the fall and winter

So, where do you get your information?
The giant el nino that was supposed to prevent Arthur may have dissipated. The reports I've seen so far leave me unconvinced that it has yet become la nina but evidence is accumulating in that direction.

Drought-busting El Niño status announced Thursday |

AUSTIN (KXAN) — The end to our drought could be just months away, as NOAA is scheduled to announce the status of this year’s potential El Niño on Thursday.

The development of this significant weather pattern could bring at least a temporary reprieve from our extended Central Texas drought, but the welcome rain often comes with dangerous side effects.

This orange area in the Pacific detailed in the video below shows warmer than normal water, a telltale sign an El Niño is developing.

El Niño Could Make U.S. Weather More Extreme during 2014 - Scientific American

Unusual weather across the U.S. and other parts of the world just became more likely for this summer and autumn. That’s because the chances have gone up that El Niño—an atmospheric pattern driven by water temperature changes in the Pacific Ocean—will develop during that time, according to the nation’s leading climate experts. When El Niño settles in, it has major effects on weather conditions nationally and globally.

Scientists speaking at a press conference yesterday afternoon said the odds that El Niño will develop during the summer have risen from 65 to 70 percent. The prediction comes in a new monthly report from the U.S. National Weather Service and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University. The experts also said there is up to an 80% chance that El Niño will develop during the fall and winter

So, where do you get your information?

haahahahahaaahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha....................hahahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahaha...stop it please.......OMG.oh....oh.whew......
Only about 8% of the population agrees with the denier kooks here. 8%. That's how marginalized the denier kook losers are.

And that's just 8% in the USA. It's much smaller in the rest of the world. Being that denier kooks only hang out with other denier kooks (as the cult commands), they tend to have no idea of what a tiny lunatic fringe they really are.

Did that number come out of your ass with a hairball admiral?

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