How Many Times Did Putin Cast a Ballot in 2016?

Can someone show me evidence of how many timesVladimir Putin voted in the election of 2016? Photos, video, of him stuffings all those ballot boxes? Anyone? Then hey...all you conspiracy nuts...shut the fuck up and take a chill pill would ya? Let the man do his job. Putin is laughing at us. Thank's Democrats.
Russia: Is Putin 'laughing' at the US over Moscow controversies?
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in the last election
Can someone show me evidence of how many timesVladimir Putin voted in the election of 2016? Photos, video, of him stuffings all those ballot boxes? Anyone? Then hey...all you conspiracy nuts...shut the fuck up and take a chill pill would ya? Let the man do his job. Putin is laughing at us. Thank's Democrats.
Russia: Is Putin 'laughing' at the US over Moscow controversies?
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in the last election
Did they have good tans and speak Spanish?
Can someone show me evidence of how many timesVladimir Putin voted in the election of 2016? Photos, video, of him stuffings all those ballot boxes? Anyone? Then hey...all you conspiracy nuts...shut the fuck up and take a chill pill would ya? Let the man do his job. Putin is laughing at us. Thank's Democrats.
Russia: Is Putin 'laughing' at the US over Moscow controversies?
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in the last election
Can someone show me evidence of how many timesVladimir Putin voted in the election of 2016? Photos, video, of him stuffings all those ballot boxes? Anyone? Then hey...all you conspiracy nuts...shut the fuck up and take a chill pill would ya? Let the man do his job. Putin is laughing at us. Thank's Democrats.
Russia: Is Putin 'laughing' at the US over Moscow controversies?
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in the last election
Did they have good tans and speak Spanish?
Ask Putin
every breathing human in Russian Government voted for Trump.

why do you think he dropped his voter fraud rhetoric like a hot rock?
So why are you against Voter ID?
Surely that would stop the pesky Russians from voting for Hillary Clinton, NO?

And nothing about Voter Fraud has been dropped. In Terry McCauliff's state, they had to go through three court hearings to get him to turn over the voter registrations.

They found 5,000 Illegals registered to vote Illegally through Motor Voter Registration.
Of those 5,000 illegals, they found that many of them voted multiple times.

7,000 votes were cast by 5,000 illegals. Multiply that through every crooked Dem run state and you have Millions of Illegal and Illegitimate votes cast. And this was just in one large county they found this.

We need Voter ID, PERIOD!

So far for the last year the only people that we have found attempting to hack The Election.....the only evidence of people tampering with the election is all From THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

No wonder you douche bags want Amnesty, Motor Voter Registrations, and giving Illegals Driver Licenses and are opposed to Voter ID.

And how Hypocritical is it of The Left to want Illegals to Have Driver's Licenses to want to give them Amnesty, to want Open Borders, but not require Voter ID at the Polling Stations?
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Meanwhile, in Russia:

View attachment 132500

I know you guys are big fans of Vladimir because, well, nobody knows. He has 4,000 warheads pointed at your family and you guys worship him. It’s a mystery.

History reports though that despite his “laughing”, he can’t feed his own people. Some “leader” you guys have there.

I would guess his army of hackers probably eats better than the average Russia.

I think all you libs should move to Russia, you can solve all their problems with your tax increases and global warming crap.
Meanwhile, in Russia:

View attachment 132500

I know you guys are big fans of Vladimir because, well, nobody knows. He has 4,000 warheads pointed at your family and you guys worship him. It’s a mystery.

History reports though that despite his “laughing”, he can’t feed his own people. Some “leader” you guys have there.

I would guess his army of hackers probably eats better than the average Russia.

I think all you libs should move to Russia, you can solve all their problems with your tax increases and global warming crap.

Russia doesn't need those idiots, in fact nobody needs them, no country at all.

Would be nice if they join Cher with her promised trip on Mars (in case Trump wins). Could anybody tell be please, if she's on her way to Mars yet?
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every breathing human in Russian Government voted for Trump.

why do you think he dropped his voter fraud rhetoric like a hot rock?
So why are you against Voter ID?
Surely that would stop the pesky Russians from voting for Hillary Clinton, NO?

And nothing about Voter Fraud has been dropped. In Terry McCauliff's state, they had to go through three court hearings to get him to turn over the voter registrations.

They found 5,000 Illegals registered to vote Illegally through Motor Voter Registration.
Of those 5,000 illegals, there were 7,000 votes cast. Multiply that through every crooked Dem run state and you have Millions of Illegal and Illegitimate votes cast. And this was just in one large county they found this.

We need Voter ID, PERIOD!

So far for the last year the only people that we have found attempting to hack The Election.....the only evidence of people tampering with the election is all From THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

No wonder you douche bags want Amnesty, Motor Voter Registrations, and giving Illegals Driver Licenses and are opposed to Voter ID.

And how Hypocritical is it of The Left to want Illegals to Have Driver's Licenses but not require Voter ID at the Polling Stations?

As far as I know it was liberals' idea not to show ID: they just needed an additional way to cheat.

Technically, the rules for election should be created for:
1. Respecting the voters;
2. Counting each vote;
3. Protecting the voters from cheating.
Otherwise voting doesn't make any sense.

In Russia:
1. every citizen’s vote matters equally way regardless of the area he (she) lives.
2. there are no middlemen ( an additional subject for fraud as we all are witnessing this year) between voters and their candidates.
3. to vote Russian citizens are required to show their ID (passport).

Presidential Elections in the United States and Russia
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Meanwhile, in Russia:

View attachment 132500

I know you guys are big fans of Vladimir because, well, nobody knows. He has 4,000 warheads pointed at your family and you guys worship him. It’s a mystery.

History reports though that despite his “laughing”, he can’t feed his own people. Some “leader” you guys have there.

I would guess his army of hackers probably eats better than the average Russia.
No we would like a president to work with him, so we won't have to worry about those war heads. Obama screwed the pooch with russia, now Trump will fix it.

Working with the former director of the KGB.
Should we “work with” the Korean dictator as well?
Nobody works with Putin except for shared threat of terrorism.

You should respond to jknowgood and tell him that. Me, I’ll check in later.

Maybe you should've told Hillary and Obama that also.

They were treating them like any other nation. On March 25, 2014, he called them a “regional threat” because of their invasion of Crimea.
Meanwhile, in Russia:

View attachment 132500

I know you guys are big fans of Vladimir because, well, nobody knows. He has 4,000 warheads pointed at your family and you guys worship him. It’s a mystery.

History reports though that despite his “laughing”, he can’t feed his own people. Some “leader” you guys have there.

I would guess his army of hackers probably eats better than the average Russia.
And you wanting to make him stronger by attempting to delegitimize the leader of the free is a mystery to me? But liberals supported the communist during Vietnam war when USSR had even more missiles pointed at us.

How does investigating Trump make Putin “stronger”…please tell us.

He delegitimized himself when he obstructed justice and as it looks more and more, colluded with Russian hackers to win an election; your child-like OP not withstanding.
Your trying to overturn a valid election with innuendo and bullshit.

The investigations continue. They will evaluate the evidence and see if there is anything to the multiple scandals that are enveloping the Trump presidency. Surely, you want the truth to come out, do you not?

Meanwhile, nearly everyone who has looked at the evidence concludes that Russia tried to influence our election in 2016. Even Trump says as much.

While such attempts were being made, the Trump Administration had meetings with Russian officials. One top advisor, Roger Stone, even admits to having contact with the hackers themselves. He tweeted about Jon Podesta being hacked six weeks before Wikileaks releasing Mr. Podesta’s hacked e-mails.

This is not innuendo.
This is not bullshit.
It's all politics.

No. That was Benghazi. This is what a responsible nation does…sees where the evidence leads.
If Putin shot Trump with a high powered rifle, Bush92 would start a topic, "Can Anyone Show Me How Many Times Putin Stabbed Trump?"
If Putin shot Trump with a high powered rifle, Bush92 would start a topic, "Can Anyone Show Me How Many Times Putin Stabbed Trump?"
How many times did Putin vote? Because Trump had nothing to do with it. Look to Hillary and Podesta. They business deals with Putin. Using unsecured email. Got fucked over by the Pooty-Poot.
Can someone show me evidence of how many timesVladimir Putin voted in the election of 2016? Photos, video, of him stuffings all those ballot boxes? Anyone? Then hey...all you conspiracy nuts...shut the fuck up and take a chill pill would ya? Let the man do his job. Putin is laughing at us. Thank's Democrats.
Russia: Is Putin 'laughing' at the US over Moscow controversies?

Here's a question that a poof like you will never answer:

What's the difference between murder and attempted murder?
Democratic party leaders are desperate to explain to their donors how they spent $1.2 billion dollars of their money and still got their ass beat by Trump. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You got that right !

Would you donate more money to Dem's after the beating they suffered? I wouldn't.
They are out of touch with working class Americans

And instead of focusing on the working class, they are busy trying to come up with some excuse for losing. Trust me on this ITS ALL ABOUT THEIR DONORS hence they won't stop harping about how its Russia's fault.
Democratic party leaders are desperate to explain to their donors how they spent $1.2 billion dollars of their money and still got their ass beat by Trump. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You got that right !

Would you donate more money to Dem's after the beating they suffered? I wouldn't.
They are out of touch with working class Americans

And instead of focusing on the working class, they are busy trying to come up with some excuse for losing. Trust me on this ITS ALL ABOUT THEIR DONORS hence they won't stop harping about how its Russia's fault. of the wealthy.
Meanwhile, in Russia:

View attachment 132500

I know you guys are big fans of Vladimir because, well, nobody knows. He has 4,000 warheads pointed at your family and you guys worship him. It’s a mystery.

History reports though that despite his “laughing”, he can’t feed his own people. Some “leader” you guys have there.

I would guess his army of hackers probably eats better than the average Russia.
I bet the picture has been taken either in 90-s in any post Soviet Republic or in Ukraine after the 2014 coup.

From the Guardian:

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 4.43.20 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 4.44.38 PM.png

And smutsite

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 4.48.47 PM.png

Tell you buddy vladdy that I got the last laugh.

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