How Many Times Did Putin Cast a Ballot in 2016?

He managed to break into voting machines in over 3000 counties in fifty states without anyone in the FBI, NSA, CIA, or Homeland Security knowing about it.

The same stupid group of losers mind you that still believe 911 was organized and carried out by Cheney and Bush. Remember, they claimed they rigged the buildings with demolition charges over a 9 month period (that is at least how long it would take to rig all of the buildings) with a black ops team without anyone knowing about it. Not one person noticed the large amounts of C4 set to demolish lower Manhattan.

Meanwhile, not one of the thousands of microphones or cameras picked up the sounds of any demolition charges. Which makes a sound that reaches around 140 decibels. Which is a very distinct sound that can be heard from 5 miles away....clearly.

Then when confronted with that truth, they claim that the charges were "precision SILENT" charges.

It is the same group of people that still buy into the notion that Trump with NO access to government, Putin and Comey all colluded together to break into over 3000 counties and changed the votes. They did it so skillfully that they made it so hillary won the popular vote so as to not be so suspicious.

That is what we are debating folks. Unlike debating with actual 5 year old children, liberals are not cute and they are all pathetic. Petulant spoiled morons, and all pathetic.

I have as much proof that Putin broke in to voting machines in 3000 counties as Trump has proof that 3-5 million aliens voted for Hillary

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