How many times did Sessions state, "I don't recall"???

See, here's the thing with this "I don't recall" smokescreen fucking bullshit.

The Dems have ZERO evidence that Sessions was involved with collusion.

They have NOTHING.

But they are trying to make Sessions look guilty with innuendo.

They are planting in the minds of the rubes the idea that the reason Sessions is saying he doesn't recall something is because he is hiding something. And why would he hide something unless he was guilty of something.

This is a fucking railroad job, people. A total railroad job.
I don't know if it's a railroad job or the result of simple mystification. Even people who don't like ole Jeff's politics, generally didn't dislike him personally. There was something about him that caused even me to think maybe he'd been misjudged when up for the judicial nomination. He's an old white man from the South. People say things down here that sound odd elsewhere, but aren't intended as racist or bigoted, see e.g. Trent Lott.

But going into the Russia investigation, Sessions was the one guy in the early days Trump circle who I'd think would have had red lights and sirens going whenever a Trump campaign person suggested "let's go to Russia (or wikileaks)" Sessions seemed an honorable citizen who puts country first. It just doesn't add up, imo. I don't have an explanation for the facts as they appear.
Sessions rejected the idea of Trump meeting with Putin.

And that is to his CREDIT.

The media and the Democrats are trying to paint a completely false picture that Sessions was involved in collusion with Russia to interfere in our election, and that is total BULLSHIT.

And they know it is bullshit.

But they have a lot of rubes bleeving it.

You're PARTIALLY correct.......Sessions' blunders, however, is when he STATES that he was not aware of OTHERS on the team colluding with Russia.......
That is his mistake since he either knew about it, OR was completely out of the loop although his job was CRUCIAL on the campaign's foreign affairs' issues.
Show me a single shred of evidence Sessions was aware of other people colluding with Russia.

The media has deliberately conflated the discussion about a meeting between Trump and Putin, in which Sessions was present, with the entirely separate communications involving collusion with which Sessions was NOT involved.

They have manufactured bullshit into reality in your mind.
Sessions rejected the idea of Trump meeting with Putin.

And that is to his CREDIT.

The media and the Democrats are trying to paint a completely false picture that Sessions was involved in collusion with Russia to interfere in our election, and that is total BULLSHIT.

And they know it is bullshit.

But they have a lot of rubes bleeving it.

You're PARTIALLY correct.......Sessions' blunders, however, is when he STATES that he was not aware of OTHERS on the team colluding with Russia.......
That is his mistake since he either knew about it, OR was completely out of the loop although his job was CRUCIAL on the campaign's foreign affairs' issues.
Show me a single shred of evidence Sessions was aware of other people colluding with Russia.

Already did give you a nice fat shred, which you refuse to address and instead deflect.

Popadopolous pushing a meeting with Putin through his Russian contacts should have certainly precluded Sessions from testifying that he wasn't aware of any contacts with Russians during campaign.
Actually, I think Jeff Sessions is the only person in the entire Administration who is demonstrating total integrity.

I agree on 2 factors about Sessions' integrity....

His recusal to be part of the special counsel's investigation, AND
Sessions' telling Jim Jordan that there are NO facts to warrant a special counsel on the Uranium One deal.....

Otherwise, Session is nothing more than a spurned lover of Trump's.
Every time someone famous is caught in a scandal, the whoremongers like to post pictures of other famous people with the offender. It's a stupid, bullshit attempt to smear an innocent person with guilt by association.

Photos of Obama with Harvey Weinstein, for example. It never occurs to the tards to first check if there are photos of Trump with Weinstein, which there are.

This thing with Sessions is the same kind of smear job. He was found in the same room with George Papadopoulos, so gee, Sessions must be guilty by association.

You know what would have been MORE surprising? If Sessions had never been in the same room with Papadopoulos at any point during the campaign!

THINK, for chrissakes.
You could be 100% correct and I could believe every word. The thing that puzzles me and everybody else is what about that 150 mil to the Clinton Foundation and the half mil to Bubba for his rambling speeches. WTH was that all about? The Russians don't give that kind of money away as a civic gesture. They want blood.

Yet another UNINFORMED right winger chimes in.....

First, according to trump, it was $145 million
Second, of that amount, $141 million was from a Canadian donor
Third, what EXACTLY did Russia receive for that remaining $4 million???
So the defense for all the evidence proving all the Democrat scandal and crimes mentioned come down to, according to you, the amount of money the KGB Bank gave Hillary, not all the other proven crimes / money exchanging hands / collusion between Hillary-Russians, Bill-Russians, the Podestas-Russians, etc.... :p
Papadopoulos is guilty. He has pled guilty.

But the Democrats and their media lackeys are overreaching with Sessions and that is going to blow up in their faces.

If and when Trump survives all of this, he is going to bludgeon the Left to a pulp in the 2020 campaign.

The worst thing you can do when going up against Trump is attack him... and then failing.

One day, Trump is going to wheel about and come back with everything he's got, and it is not going to be pretty for the Left.

Or our country.
Someone just told me that Sessions....during his latest congressional inquiry......addressed thorny questions with the Reaganesque, "I don't recall" for a total of TWENTY-FIVE times....

Now, this poor idiot either has serious recollection problems, or he's a lying piece of crap that has NO place to be called an attorney general.

Good Lord, even his orange boss doesn't like this clown.

35 times fewer than Hillary did?
Already did give you a nice fat shred, which you refuse to address and instead deflect.

Popadopolous pushing a meeting with Putin through his Russian contacts should have certainly precluded Sessions from testifying that he wasn't aware of any contacts with Russians during campaign.

Sessions would have been "correct" had he stated......"Some within the campaign staff DID want for Trump to meet with Putin.......but I thought that such would have been inappropriate.......If these staffers went on and did it anyway, they were acting either on their own initiative or with approval by others than myself."
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I agree with nat4900 that Swamp Rat Sessions needs to go! We need an AT who will pursue justice and go after Crooked Hillary, not protect her!

Session is going to drill down on the Clinton Foundation -- to check if they properly signed their IRS 990 in 2013!!
Sessions' telling Jim Jordan that there are NO facts to warrant a special counsel on the Uranium One deal.
I 100% agree....

If you take away all the existing evidence against Democrats, if you take away all the money that changed hands between the KGB bank and Hillary / the KGB Bank and Bill Clinton / the KGB Bank and John Podesta, her campaign manager / the KGB Bank AND the Russian Spy Agency and Fat Tony Podesta...

IF you take away the fact that Mueller, Holder, and Barry knew about the Russian intent, scandals, and crimes in 2009, hid them from the Committee, and did not do anything about them...until after the Uranium One deal went through....

I am 100% right there with you! Without those facts and supporting evidence there is NOTHING that justifies calling a Special Counsel being formed to investigate Uranium One, all of those players involved, the dollars/rubles that changed hands, the brother of a US Campaign manager for the DNC Presidential Candidate working for the KGB AND Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC...which Hillary 'BOUGHT' after Barry left it $24 Million in debt....

No reason to investigate. 'Nothing to see here'.

Every time someone famous is caught in a scandal, the whoremongers like to post pictures of other famous people with the offender. It's a stupid, bullshit attempt to smear an innocent person with guilt by association.

Photos of Obama with Harvey Weinstein, for example. It never occurs to the tards to first check if there are photos of Trump with Weinstein, which there are.

This thing with Sessions is the same kind of smear job. He was found in the same room with George Papadopoulos, so gee, Sessions must be guilty by association.

You know what would have been MORE surprising? If Sessions had never been in the same room with Papadopoulos at any point during the campaign!

THINK, for chrissakes.

Wrong again, deflection again.

I think that Sessions knew Papadopolous had Russian contacts and was interested in setting up a meeting between Trump and Putin through those contacts during the campaign.

I think when Sessions testified before congress he lied that he didn't know of anyone in the campaign communicating with Russians.

What am I wrong about?
Sessions would have been "correct: had he stated......"Some within the campaign staff DID want for Trump to meet with Putin.......but I thought that such would have been inappropriate.......If these staffers went on and did it anyway, they were acting either on their own initiative or with approval by others than myself."
THAT I agree on.

It would have also been appropriate to mention Bill Clinton tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Program officials, could not, and just decided to meet with Putin himself...which he talk about grandkids, I'm sure.... :p

(Had Trump done this, again, snowflakes / Democrats would have Trump not only Impeached right now but in prison.)
Here's what I just cannot understand.

5 key moments from Jeff Sessions' testimony before House Judiciary Committee

On the subject of meetings attended by Papadopoulos and campaign aide Carter Page, Sessions said he "had no recollection" of the meetings until he saw recent news reports. He previously told the Senate Judiciary Committee he was "not aware" of attempts by the campaign to communicate with Russia.

"I do now recall the March 2016 meeting at the Trump Hotel that Mr. Papadopoulos attended, but I have no clear recollection of the details of what he said at that meeting," Sessions said. "After reading his account, and to the best of my recollection, I believe that I wanted to make clear to him that he was not authorized to represent the campaign with the Russian government or any other foreign government, for that matter."

He continued that he "gladly would have reported it," had he remembered it. Sessions said he "pushed back" against what he thought was an improper suggestion by Papadopoulos — that Trump meet with Putin.
I don't see how he "forgot" Pap and Jr. It's not like his 62nd anniversary or something. My guess is he's not telling the entire story, and somewhere he warned the top dog these contacts weren't a good idea, and he personally chose not to partake in them, but he's being a good soldier and isn't going to be link between the Oranguton and collusion.
t would have also been appropriate to mention Bill Clinton tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Program officials, could not, and just decided to meet with Putin himself...which he talk about grandkids, I'm sure.

Try.....JUST FOR ONCE......"defending this corrupt administration WITHOUT mentioning the Clintons.......Make it a "personal challenge" for you.
Uranium One is Trump's and the tards' attempt to toss a red herring onto the field to distract from the Trump Administration's swamp and its legal woes.

It isn't working.
t would have also been appropriate to mention Bill Clinton tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Program officials, could not, and just decided to meet with Putin himself...which he talk about grandkids, I'm sure.

Try.....JUST FOR ONCE......"defending this corrupt administration WITHOUT mentioning the Clintons.......Make it a "personal challenge" for you.
They can't do it.

It is literally impossible for them.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

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