How many times did Sessions state, "I don't recall"???

Uranium One is Trump's and the tards' attempt to toss a red herring onto the field to distract from the Trump Administration's swamp and its legal woes.

It isn't working.

Well, it IS working among the Trump CULT membership.....
Uranium One is Trump's and the tards' attempt to toss a red herring onto the field to distract from the Trump Administration's swamp and its legal woes.

It isn't working.

Well, it IS working among the Trump CULT membership.....
They are never leaving the Trump camp, so that makes no difference.

It's just a circle jerk. Masturbating each other.
Someone just told me that Sessions....during his latest congressional inquiry......addressed thorny questions with the Reaganesque, "I don't recall" for a total of TWENTY-FIVE times....

Now, this poor idiot either has serious recollection problems, or he's a lying piece of crap that has NO place to be called an attorney general.

Good Lord, even his orange boss doesn't like this clown.

He doesn't have a very good memory for things that happened just over a year ago
Someone just told me that Sessions....during his latest congressional inquiry......addressed thorny questions with the Reaganesque, "I don't recall" for a total of TWENTY-FIVE times....

Now, this poor idiot either has serious recollection problems, or he's a lying piece of crap that has NO place to be called an attorney general.

Good Lord, even his orange boss doesn't like this clown.

He doesn't have a very good memory for things that happened just over a year ago
As a senator who probably attends several meeting a day, how could he be expected to remember one which took place over a year ago which was virtually insignificant?

"cant recall"

thats what Sessions is reminding everyone to say, then toss out Hillary or two.
Sessions' telling Jim Jordan that there are NO facts to warrant a special counsel on the Uranium One deal.
I 100% agree....

If you take away all the existing evidence against Democrats, if you take away all the money that changed hands between the KGB bank and Hillary / the KGB Bank and Bill Clinton / the KGB Bank and John Podesta, her campaign manager / the KGB Bank AND the Russian Spy Agency and Fat Tony Podesta...

IF you take away the fact that Mueller, Holder, and Barry knew about the Russian intent, scandals, and crimes in 2009, hid them from the Committee, and did not do anything about them...until after the Uranium One deal went through....

I am 100% right there with you! Without those facts and supporting evidence there is NOTHING that justifies calling a Special Counsel being formed to investigate Uranium One, all of those players involved, the dollars/rubles that changed hands, the brother of a US Campaign manager for the DNC Presidential Candidate working for the KGB AND Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC...which Hillary 'BOUGHT' after Barry left it $24 Million in debt....

No reason to investigate. 'Nothing to see here'.


I concur with what Trey Gowdy said on Fox a couple hours ago. He said if a special counsel was appointed it would be a neutral person from outside the Justice System. His appointment would tie the hands of all the Justice Dept. lawyers and investigators most of whom already have ongoing investigations. Their investigations and evidence already collected would have to remain on hold and stood a chance of not being submitted until the special counsel's very expensive investigations were completed.
Esmeralda wrote, "Karma is not about divine judgement."

Karma is about what goes around comes around..

You guys don't like that, I don't care.
No it isn't. Karma is not about what goes around comes around. It is not that simple, and it is not about vengence or paying for your deeds. You should read up on it.
Yeah, it is. Have the last word so you can feel good.
Papadopoulos is guilty. He has pled guilty.

But the Democrats and their media lackeys are overreaching with Sessions and that is going to blow up in their faces.

If and when Trump survives all of this, he is going to bludgeon the Left to a pulp in the 2020 campaign.

The worst thing you can do when going up against Trump is attack him... and then failing.

One day, Trump is going to wheel about and come back with everything he's got, and it is not going to be pretty for the Left.

Or our country.

The question with Sessions is....what did he know?

He obviously knew a lot more than he is telling
I concur with what Trey Gowdy said on Fox a couple hours ago. He said if a special counsel was appointed it would be a neutral person from outside the Justice System. His appointment would tie the hands of all the Justice Dept. lawyers and investigators most of whom already have ongoing investigations. Their investigations and evidence already collected would have to remain on hold and stood a chance of not being submitted until the special counsel's very expensive investigations were completed.
Not in the slightest.

The DOJ investigations would take precedence over any House investigation, which would be on hold until the DOJ is done.
I concur with what Trey Gowdy said on Fox a couple hours ago. He said if a special counsel was appointed it would be a neutral person from outside the Justice System. His appointment would tie the hands of all the Justice Dept. lawyers and investigators most of whom already have ongoing investigations. Their investigations and evidence already collected would have to remain on hold and stood a chance of not being submitted until the special counsel's very expensive investigations were completed.
Not in the slightest.

The DOJ investigations would take precedence over any House investigation, which would be on hold until the DOJ is done.

I only know what Gowdy told Fox.
Papadopoulos is guilty. He has pled guilty.

But the Democrats and their media lackeys are overreaching with Sessions and that is going to blow up in their faces.

If and when Trump survives all of this, he is going to bludgeon the Left to a pulp in the 2020 campaign.

The worst thing you can do when going up against Trump is attack him... and then failing.

One day, Trump is going to wheel about and come back with everything he's got, and it is not going to be pretty for the Left.

Or our country.

The question with Sessions is....what did he know?

He obviously knew a lot more than he is telling
What is obvious is your desire to believe Sessions knew something.

And that is what the Democrats and the liberal media are exploiting.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises

Clinton foundation received up to $81m from clients of controversial HSBC bank

Hillary under siege as new details emerge about foundation donors | Daily Mail Online

Clinton Foundation Spent Barely 6 Percent On Charitable Grants In 2014
-- "Clinton Foundation defenders say the total amount of its charitable grants is irrelevant and argue that the bulk of the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work is done by salaried employees. A review of the organization’s tax filings and statements from its own executives about the group’s “commercial proposition,” however, suggests that this may not be the case."

Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars, according to a review of IRS documents,
A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as “other expenses".


At least she put that more than $100 MILLION in RUSSIAN MONEY to 'good' use.

Sessions' telling Jim Jordan that there are NO facts to warrant a special counsel on the Uranium One deal.
I 100% agree....

If you take away all the existing evidence against Democrats, if you take away all the money that changed hands between the KGB bank and Hillary / the KGB Bank and Bill Clinton / the KGB Bank and John Podesta, her campaign manager / the KGB Bank AND the Russian Spy Agency and Fat Tony Podesta...

IF you take away the fact that Mueller, Holder, and Barry knew about the Russian intent, scandals, and crimes in 2009, hid them from the Committee, and did not do anything about them...until after the Uranium One deal went through....

I am 100% right there with you! Without those facts and supporting evidence there is NOTHING that justifies calling a Special Counsel being formed to investigate Uranium One, all of those players involved, the dollars/rubles that changed hands, the brother of a US Campaign manager for the DNC Presidential Candidate working for the KGB AND Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC...which Hillary 'BOUGHT' after Barry left it $24 Million in debt....

No reason to investigate. 'Nothing to see here'.


I concur with what Trey Gowdy said on Fox a couple hours ago. He said if a special counsel was appointed it would be a neutral person from outside the Justice System. His appointment would tie the hands of all the Justice Dept. lawyers and investigators most of whom already have ongoing investigations. Their investigations and evidence already collected would have to remain on hold and stood a chance of not being submitted until the special counsel's very expensive investigations were completed.

So snowflakes were rabidly for a Special Counsel to investigate a non-crime against the President but are equally rabidly against appointing a Special Counsel to investigate the crimes exposed by existing evidence against Democrats?!

That makes sense.

The On-going investigations being conducted are being conducted by Obama / Hillary Loyalists, a Special Counsel Lead who was exposed 2 weeks ago as having hidden Russian crimes in 2009, and his hand-picked Liberal 'Hit Squad' that includes Hillary / DNC donors and the Clinton Foundation Lawyer at the time the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation over $100 million.....

....and we surely would not want to disrupt their cover-up of Democrat crimes, as exposed by Comey writing Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was even over.


According to the US AG there are 27 On-Going investigations of the 'Investigators' who have illegally leaked info and worked to undermine the current administration....

...but rather than appoint a REAL objective Independent Counsel we should allow these criminals / leakers / loyalists to continue their work. Yeah, that makes real good f*ing sense.

(Do you REALLY think the agency responsible for criminal leaks leading to 27 difference investigations of crimes perpetrated by ITSELF is REALLY going to solve these crimes and result in indictments / charges? REALLY? Bwuhahaha..... And if you like your plan / doctor you can keep them. )
At some point EVERYONE must come to terms that NOTHING will come of this Russian "collusion" business, whether it's the Democrats or Republicans.

ALL of it is exaggerated. Do I think the Clintons and leading dems. are dirty? Fuck yeah I do. Do I think the Trump campaign had contact with Russians? Fuck yeah I do, but again, it's exaggerated and NOTHING will come of it.

They're just playing politics and on our minds. Plain and simple. Waste of time and effort, yet somehow we SUGGEST our govt. is wasteful. Well, so is the public.
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What would they do without Media Matters? Did Eric Holder recall that at least one of the weapons he authorized to be shipped to Mexican drug cartels was used to kill an American Border Patrol Officer? Did his A.G. replacement remember the meeting with Hillary's husband on the tarmac in a busy airport before the election? Barry Hussein's IRS chief didn't get to say "I don't remember" punishing political enemies because Barry invoked "executive privilege" to keep her from testifying.

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