How many times did Sessions state, "I don't recall"???

He learned well from Bubba, Cankles and Big Ears.

I'm sure that you ALSO "don't recall".....but the strategy was all Ronnie-baby's...

What did you have for supper on July 23, 2014?
Hardly the same thing.

What simply amazes me, is the fact that the Russian links between the Trump campaign wanting to LIFT sanctions imposed on Russia was a CRUCIAL part of the RNC platform..........That stated, how can ANY of the folks linked to Trump have FORGOTTEN when someone like Papadopolus or Page told Sessions that they were going to Russia to speak with Kremlin officials???
Yeah. That's almost as bad as Obama going to Germany to tell Merkel he was going to roll back the Bush Doctrine and get out of Iraq!

Explain to me how it is improper for a candidate of the opposite party of the incumbent to begin communicating what he is going to change if he is elected. Explain to me how it is improper for said candidate to meet with foreign leaders.
Well, that and the White House, Supreme Court, Senate, House, State Houses, Governorships.....

YES.....and what a "splendid" job those folks are doing in backing the orange clown......How many pieces of LEGISLATION have been passed?

....AND, regarding the SCOTUS, all that Trump has "achieved" is replacing the dearly beloved Scalia, with Gorsuch......Nothing gained......
Sessions never sat in a meeting about colluding with the Russians to interfere in our election.

That is a lie.

...and you know THIS based on Sessions' "I don't recall" responses????

Gee, who the hell knew.......
- US Uranium, especially 20% of the US supply, should never have been sold, especially to nations hostile to the US.

Whenever a snowflake tells you 'nothing to see here', notice how their hands are behind their back. It's because they have 'blood' all over their hands.

Morons....will ALWAYS remain morons....and you're the paragon of morons who refuse to face even hard facts......

Let me ask you a very simple question for your half brain to handle.......

Has ONE ounce of U.S. uranium reached Russia's hands?

What you........are actually "concluding" is that Russia is the worst of deal-makers since after "bribing"Clinton, they got CRAP in return....

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission assured Congress and the public the new owners couldn’t export any raw nuclear fuel from America’s shores.

“No uranium produced at either facility may be exported,” the NRC declared in a November 2010 press release that announced that ARMZ, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned Rosatom, had been approved to take ownership of the Uranium One mining firm and its American assets.

A year later, the nuclear regulator repeated the assurance in a letter to Sen. John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican in whose state Uranium One operated mines.

“Neither Uranium One Inc. nor AMRZ holds a specific NRC export license. In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the exports of uranium for use in reactor fuel,” then-NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko wrote to Barrasso.

The NRC never issued an export license to the Russian firm, a fact so engrained in the narrative of the Uranium One controversy that it showed up in The Washington Post’s official fact-checker site this week. “We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license, which Rosatom does not have,” the Post reported on Monday, linking to the 2011 Barrasso letter

You could be 100% correct and I could believe every word. The thing that puzzles me and everybody else is what about that 150 mil to the Clinton Foundation and the half mil to Bubba for his rambling speeches. WTH was that all about? The Russians don't give that kind of money away as a civic gesture. They want blood.
It was $145 million.

I just saw someone else pad it to $150 million. You must both be on the same Tard Facebook feed.

$131 million of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation WHILE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.

The person who donated that money left the company THREE YEARS BEFORE THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.

Now go ask your propaganda outlet why they have not told you that.

I'm betting you get back in line to have your piss cup refilled instead.
Sessions never sat in a meeting about colluding with the Russians to interfere in our election.

That is a lie.

...and you know THIS based on Sessions' "I don't recall" responses????

Gee, who the hell knew.......
Hey dipshit:

Here is the only one thing that matters:

He lied blatantly when he said he didn't recall a meeting where Trump's foreign advisory brought up collaborating with Russians and Sessions told him no-way-Jose!

How can Sessions recall a collusion meeting which he did not attend?
The meeting which Sessions sat in with George Papadopoulos was to discuss arranging a meeting between Putin and Trump.

It was not a meeting in which collusion with the Russians to interfere in our election was discussed.

Go ahead. Anyone of you go ahead and prove me wrong. And then I'll spank you.

Interference maybe was not discussed but CERTAINLY Sessions understood that this named adviser to campaign had Russian contacts and the whole thing concerned him enough to tell people to not talk about it again.

A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”

“It was a bad idea and the Senator didn’t want people to speak about it again,” he said.

Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos

This is not one of those things that would not resurface in your mind IMMEDIATELY once the whole Russian interference story blew up.
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Esmeralda wrote, "Karma is not about divine judgement."

Karma is about what goes around comes around..

You guys don't like that, I don't care.
No it isn't. Karma is not about what goes around comes around. It is not that simple, and it is not about vengence or paying for your deeds. You should read up on it.
- US Uranium, especially 20% of the US supply, should never have been sold, especially to nations hostile to the US.

Whenever a snowflake tells you 'nothing to see here', notice how their hands are behind their back. It's because they have 'blood' all over their hands.

Morons....will ALWAYS remain morons....and you're the paragon of morons who refuse to face even hard facts......

Let me ask you a very simple question for your half brain to handle.......

Has ONE ounce of U.S. uranium reached Russia's hands?

What you........are actually "concluding" is that Russia is the worst of deal-makers since after "bribing"Clinton, they got CRAP in return....

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission assured Congress and the public the new owners couldn’t export any raw nuclear fuel from America’s shores.

“No uranium produced at either facility may be exported,” the NRC declared in a November 2010 press release that announced that ARMZ, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned Rosatom, had been approved to take ownership of the Uranium One mining firm and its American assets.

A year later, the nuclear regulator repeated the assurance in a letter to Sen. John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican in whose state Uranium One operated mines.

“Neither Uranium One Inc. nor AMRZ holds a specific NRC export license. In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the exports of uranium for use in reactor fuel,” then-NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko wrote to Barrasso.

The NRC never issued an export license to the Russian firm, a fact so engrained in the narrative of the Uranium One controversy that it showed up in The Washington Post’s official fact-checker site this week. “We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license, which Rosatom does not have,” the Post reported on Monday, linking to the 2011 Barrasso letter

You could be 100% correct and I could believe every word. The thing that puzzles me and everybody else is what about that 150 mil to the Clinton Foundation and the half mil to Bubba for his rambling speeches. WTH was that all about? The Russians don't give that kind of money away as a civic gesture. They want blood.
It was $145 million.

I just saw someone else pad it to $150 million. You must both be on the same Tard Facebook feed.

$131 million of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation WHILE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.

The person who donated that money left the company THREE YEARS BEFORE THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.

Now go ask your propaganda outlet why they have not told you that.

I'm betting you get back in line to have your piss cup refilled instead.

Actually, I don't drink the piss. Just the Kool-Aid. Oh! I wont bicker about the puny little 5 mil. Probably went to finally pay for Chelsea's wedding.
You could be 100% correct and I could believe every word. The thing that puzzles me and everybody else is what about that 150 mil to the Clinton Foundation and the half mil to Bubba for his rambling speeches. WTH was that all about? The Russians don't give that kind of money away as a civic gesture. They want blood.

Yet another UNINFORMED right winger chimes in.....

First, according to trump, it was $145 million
Second, of that amount, $141 million was from a Canadian donor
Third, what EXACTLY did Russia receive for that remaining $4 million???
Yeah. That's almost as bad as Obama going to Germany to tell Merkel he was going to roll back the Bush Doctrine and get out of Iraq!

Explain to me how it is improper for a candidate of the opposite party of the incumbent to begin communicating what he is going to change if he is elected. Explain to me how it is improper for said candidate to meet with foreign leaders.

In other words, Germany is on the same scale as Russia as far as being a hostile nation toward US interests.......BTW, did Obama uphold that promise to get out of Iraq? Yes or No?
Yeah. That's almost as bad as Obama going to Germany to tell Merkel he was going to roll back the Bush Doctrine and get out of Iraq!

Explain to me how it is improper for a candidate of the opposite party of the incumbent to begin communicating what he is going to change if he is elected. Explain to me how it is improper for said candidate to meet with foreign leaders.

In other words, Germany is on the same scale as Russia as far as being a hostile nation toward US interests.......BTW, did Obama uphold that promise to get out of Iraq? Yes or No?
It is well known around here how I feel about Trump's submissive infatuation with Putin.

However, it was his prerogative to meet with Putin if he so desired.
The meeting which Sessions sat in with George Papadopoulos was to discuss arranging a meeting between Putin and Trump.

It was not a meeting in which collusion with the Russians to interfere in our election was discussed.

Go ahead. Anyone of you go ahead and prove me wrong. And then I'll spank you.

Interference maybe was not discussed but CERTAINLY Sessions understood that this named adviser to campaign had Russian contacts and the whole thing concerned him enough to tell people to not talk about it again.
Sessions rejected the idea of Trump meeting with Putin.

And that is to his CREDIT.

The media and the Democrats are trying to paint a completely false picture that Sessions was involved in collusion with Russia to interfere in our election, and that is total BULLSHIT.

And they know it is bullshit.

But they have a lot of rubes bleeving it.
I believe Jake, Sessions needs to go!
I agree. Moreover, I believe that 45 showed extremely poor judgement by appointing him in the FIRST place.

So much for his bogus "I'll only get the best people" claim.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
See, here's the thing with this "I don't recall" smokescreen fucking bullshit.

The Dems have ZERO evidence that Sessions was involved with collusion.

They have NOTHING.

But they are trying to make Sessions look guilty with innuendo.

They are planting in the minds of the rubes the idea that the reason Sessions is saying he doesn't recall something is because he is hiding something. And why would he hide something unless he was guilty of something.

This is a fucking railroad job, people. A total railroad job.
I was called for a deposition a few years ago involving a business lawsuit. I answered almost every question with "I can't recall".

I won that lawsuit.

Lawyers are slippery, lying, scumbags who twist words and infer meaning where none exists.

Only fools answer their questions.

Regardless of my opinion of Sessions, Clinton, or anyone else, they are smart to say "I can't recall".

Yes, because SWEARING on a Bible and then lying by saying "I don't recall" is the PERFECT way to uphold evangelical doctrine.....correct?
It's how white evangelicals roll.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
I believe Jake, Sessions needs to go!
I agree. Moreover, I believe that 45 showed extremely poor judgement by appointing him in the FIRST place.

So much for his bogus "I'll only get the best people" claim.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Actually, I think Jeff Sessions is the only person in the entire Administration who is demonstrating total integrity.
Sessions rejected the idea of Trump meeting with Putin.

And that is to his CREDIT.

The media and the Democrats are trying to paint a completely false picture that Sessions was involved in collusion with Russia to interfere in our election, and that is total BULLSHIT.

And they know it is bullshit.

But they have a lot of rubes bleeving it.

You're PARTIALLY correct.......Sessions' blunders, however, is when he STATES that he was not aware of OTHERS on the team colluding with Russia.......
That is his mistake since he either knew about it, OR was completely out of the loop although his job was CRUCIAL on the campaign's foreign affairs' issues.
The meeting which Sessions sat in with George Papadopoulos was to discuss arranging a meeting between Putin and Trump.

It was not a meeting in which collusion with the Russians to interfere in our election was discussed.

Go ahead. Anyone of you go ahead and prove me wrong. And then I'll spank you.

Interference maybe was not discussed but CERTAINLY Sessions understood that this named adviser to campaign had Russian contacts and the whole thing concerned him enough to tell people to not talk about it again.
Sessions rejected the idea of Trump meeting with Putin.

And that is to his CREDIT.

The media and the Democrats are trying to paint a completely false picture that Sessions was involved in collusion with Russia to interfere in our election, and that is total BULLSHIT.

And they know it is bullshit.

But they have a lot of rubes bleeving it.

NOPE, the charge was not that Sessions was involved in collusion but that he KNEW of Trump administration members being in contact with Russians during campaign, yet categorically denying this knowledge during his confirmation hearing.

If he was forthcoming he would disclose that he did see at least one person in contact with Russians that was attempting to get Trump-the-candidate to take a meeting with Putin.

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