How Many Times Does This Have to Happen Before We Enact Sensible Laws? We Need Tranny Control Now

Oh brother.

Look man, the problem is not that they're biologically different. That's not even a problem, unless you're a chick competing against a man.

The PROBLEM is they're leftards! If they weren't leftards they wouldn't be doing that stupid shit.
Exactly......this guy wouldn't have posted a pic of all of these guns and then later went and murdered a bunch of wetbacks at Walmart if he wasn't a leftist...

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And this guy wouldn't have been pointing his gun at the camera in a threatening manner -- and then went and shot up a church full of people if he wasn't a radical leftist....


I mean for God's sake.....this radical leftist even filmed himself murdering people when he went into a grocery store....can you imagine if a conservative did that?....when are we going to fight back against the left?

And advocating beating up or murdering blacks and trannies should be?
I am stating a policy position that was firmly in place back when America was truly great...

Are you saying Jim Crow didn't keep real Americans safe?

If folks were honest, they would vote to implement that policy against trannies and uppity darkies in a second....but are too afraid of the woke left to do it
Considering I have argued with two posters here who think all trannies should be put in concentration camps and gassed, the response makes sense.
No, Trannies should be put in concentration camps and gassed, they should be put into insane asylums where they can be cared for so they dont hurt themselves or others, as was proven just recently with Tenn shooting. But you Marxists/Democrats have an agenda to disarm law abiding citizens so criminals like you can rob them blind without any resistance.
The real problem is they have a whole network of support to continue to be like that instead of folks sayin' to them "WTF is wrong with you?" on a regular basis.
That is why we need a larger network who will support those of us who wants to round up these trannies and put them in concentration camps or if need be, take them out entirely...

But too many people are afraid of the woke left....

If God is on our side, why are we so afraid of the gays and trannies?
So you ID three shootings out of 25000 over at least 9 months allegedly committed by trans people and your "solution" is to get rid of trans people which might have approximately a 0.012% impact.


Bigotry shows its ignorance once again.
So health treatment = kill them?
Funny, you sound like me describing the clot shots.

25000 what in 9 months? Mass shootings? Murders? Sexual assaults on your furry?
I don't think even you are that stupid but feel free to prove me wrong.
I've lost money by overestimating the intelligence of progbots before.

Your ignorance is showing like a fat man's ass crack :slap:
No, Trannies should be put in concentration camps and gassed, they should be put into insane asylums where they can be cared for so they dont hurt themselves or others, as was proven just recently with Tenn shooting. But you Marxists/Democrats have an agenda to disarm law abiding citizens so criminals like you can rob them blind without any resistance.
Whoahh! Winterborn ain't that guy.
I am stating a policy position that was firmly in place back when America was truly great...

Are you saying Jim Crow didn't keep real Americans safe?

If folks were honest, they would vote to implement that policy against trannies and uppity darkies in a second....but are too afraid of the woke left to do it

Because most of us know too many ignorant, violent whites and too many good, upstanding black citizens of this nation.

I bet you have no problem drafting black to go fight in wars, huh?
^See my last post above.
From what I'm reading? Yes, he is that guy.

^Apologist comparatives and a red-herring added to the discussion... and with atrocious composition.

No, it is questioning whether you think an entire group should be judged on the actions of an extremely small percentage of their number.
No, it is questioning whether you think an entire group should be judged on the actions of an extremely small percentage of their number.
Yes, it is a red-herring and an apologist comparative since 'just one did it and so you can't blame them all" is that minimization strategy of apologist comparatives.

You completely and conveniently disregarded the 'call to arms' for that same reason. :thup:



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