How Many Times Does This Have to Happen Before We Enact Sensible Laws? We Need Tranny Control Now

Yes, I want the entire group of seriously mentally ill victims of gender dysphoria to be excluded from legally buying or owning a gun.
That includes Bruce Jenner & all the rest of the trannies.

Which side wants to pretend a dude in a dress or a chick chopping her boobs off is normal?
It's already illegal for the mentally ill to own guns.

Federal law prohibits the possession or purchase of firearms by certain individuals who have been adjudicated as mentally ill (18 U.S.C. 922),

WTF? Why are you looking for my nuts ya perv?
Please respect fellow board members & keep our clothes when using your imagination.


Deviants are sooo pushy!
No, trans are exhibiting mental instability and since they are far more likely to Jill themselves than any other group, their own personal safety should exclude them.
Yes, and by their overt conduct, it seems obvious that trans people enjoy Jilling not only themselves but even chance meetings with just about anyone, particularly inside of public conveniences.
Yes, I want the entire group of seriously mentally ill victims of gender dysphoria to be excluded from legally buying or owning a gun.
That includes Bruce Jenner & all the rest of the trannies.
If you don't cut out that sort of thinking "you'll go home in an ambulance".
I don't understand what you are trying to say.

You are conflating the purpose of guns and hammers as "tools"? Allow me to point you in the right direction >

HAMMERS: manufactured for the purpose of banging nails into wood.
GUNS: manufactured for the purpose of killing things.
Sorry, I had to go take care of the horses & didn't finish my post.

Yes, they are both tools despite the difference in purpose, usage & emotional responses.
One can drive metal into an object from close up while the other can do it from further away. Still tools.
That's why guns are also known as shooting irons
Yes, they are both tools despite the difference in purpose, usage & emotional responses.
It's that difference that makes the difference and that's why guns need to be under (1) strict control, (2) limited production, or even (3) banned entirely. Every home needs a hammer. Very few (VERY few) need a gun.
The problem at hand is twofold:

1). Free reign gender dysphoria running amok.
2). Access to weapons created for the purpose of killing.

* Put a stop to both of them.
Yes, and by their overt conduct, it seems obvious that trans people enjoy Jilling not only themselves but even chance meetings with just about anyone, particularly inside of public conveniences.

Aren’t you the silliest thing?
I don't understand what you are trying to say.

You are conflating the purpose of guns and hammers as "tools"? Allow me to point you in the right direction >

HAMMERS: manufactured for the purpose of banging nails into wood.
GUNS: manufactured for the purpose of killing things.

If I need a tool to defend my family, I’ll take the gun.

But it was a valiant effort.
It's that difference that makes the difference and that's why guns need to be under (1) strict control, (2) limited production, or even (3) banned entirely. Every home needs a hammer. Very few (VERY few) need a gun.
And what gives you the right to decide for the rest of us what tools we are allowed to own?
That's an extremely authoritarian attitude.

Do you think if you could magically make the law abiding gun owners guns disappear, the criminals would hand in their illegal weapons? Would the govt start respecting our rights again?
That genie is out of the bottle & it ain't going back in.

I'm of the exact opposite philosophy- every home should have a gun & we all need guns to protect ourselves from criminals & as a check on govt tyranny. I think everyone should be properly trained to use a gun.
Our crime rates would shrink drastically if that was the case.
Everybody I know owns guns & none of them have ever been used in any crime.
I have owned multiple guns for decades. Not once has one ever jumped up & attempted to commit a crime because it's a tool.

You need a criminal to commit a crime & they are the ones perpetrating the gun crimes.
Feel free to tell them your philosophy & maybe you'll get them to turn them all in & eliminate the problem.

Problem solved... unless you're just pathologically fearful of a tool?
My family can see when you're being hyperbolic. They have God given BS detection of the highest caliber.
So your boyfriend knows you’re full of shit and a cowardly heterophobe? Going to threaten to beat up Trump supporters again while hiding under mommy’s bed?
You're the loons screaming gun laws... I mentioned a good start and suddenly you're all pro 2A!

Amazing how when it’s brought up to take guns away from these mentally ill trannies, the left all of a sudden remembers the Second Amendment. Then again they do have that “day of vengeance” coming this weekend.
And how many posts on these forums can you read straight white people calling for a civil war because they don't like the results of election?
Not relevant. This violence is planned for this weekend by trannies. Not straight white people.
Not relevant. This violence is planned for this weekend by trannies. Not straight white people.

And here I thought I was using your ilk's tactic.

If law enforcement ignore the threat they are idiots. But arresting 1.6 million trannies because some of them are advocating violence is simply wrong and unconstitutional.

To arrest someone they need to have committed a crime.
And here I thought I was using your ilk's tactic.

Not even close.

If law enforcement ignore the threat they are idiots.

We've known that for a while now.

Uvalde, and kneeling for commies.

But arresting 1.6 million trannies because some of them are advocating violence is simply wrong and unconstitutional.

Not prosecuting them when they commit violence is also wrong and unconstitutional.

To arrest someone they need to have committed a crime.
Inciting violence IS a crime.

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