How Many Times Does This Have to Happen Before We Enact Sensible Laws? We Need Tranny Control Now

Not just one…four. Plus Jeffery March’s trans mafia going after a Muslim woman and her children.

I’m sure there are others.

There have been 4 or 5 over the last year or so. But a tiny percentge of the 1.6 million trannies in the US.
There have been 4 or 5 over the last year or so. But a tiny percentge of the 1.6 million trannies in the US.
If they could just find a way to fix leftardism this would all go away overnight.

Leftards are the cause of this, not trannies.

Leftards are the ones lying to trannies and giving them false hope.

Which is then inevitably crushed, leading to suicide.
There have been 4 or 5 over the last year or so. But a tiny percentge of the 1.6 million trannies in the US.
No one is advocating rounding them all up. But investigating and declaring the fringe groups involved as domestic terrorists is a good start.
No one is advocating rounding them all up. But investigating and declaring the fringe groups involved as domestic terrorists is a good start.

I agree with that.

But there are people advocating rounding them up, and worse. At least 4 of our illustrious posters advocate ignoring the US Constitution, rounding up all trannies and either locking them in mental institutions or gassing them in concentration camps. One of the amended his preference for mental institutions when I pointed out the cost. Now he wants them gassed too.
I agree with that.

But there are people advocating rounding them up, and worse. At least 4 of our illustrious posters advocate ignoring the US Constitution, rounding up all trannies and either locking them in mental institutions or gassing them in concentration camps. One of the amended his preference for mental institutions when I pointed out the cost. Now he wants them gassed too.
That’s what happens when democrats let their violent fringe groups run rampant and unchecked. They create extremists on both sides…but then that is their goal obviously. Political power at the expense of citizens.
I agree with that.

But there are people advocating rounding them up, and worse. At least 4 of our illustrious posters advocate ignoring the US Constitution, rounding up all trannies and either locking them in mental institutions or gassing them in concentration camps. One of the amended his preference for mental institutions when I pointed out the cost. Now he wants them gassed too.
I'll tell you a story. Once upon a time, I went out with a true biological psychopath. We were in the middle of making love, she looked at me and said "sometimes I feel like I'm cursed", and we stopped on the spot. It took me 30 years to understand that behavior. This person literally could not help herself, she didn't understand why she did the things she did, they just kinda "came out of her", the same way a kid makes up lies to get out of a jam.

I can only imagine that trannies are the same way. They have no idea why their brains force them to think and behave the way they do. They know what they are, but they don't know why.

It really is a curse. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. In the case of a psychopath and a normie, it's a volatile mixture. Once the normie finds out the Easter bunny doesn't exist, the chances are good the psycho will get locked in a room and get the shit beaten out of her.

The same thing happens to trannies, yes?

I think it's very sad this type of stuff has to become a left-right issue. These people need help, and the saddest part of this whole equation is, there isn't any. You can no more fix a tranny than you can fix a psychopath. They're completely fucked, for life. They're incurable, and trying invariably makes it worse. It really is a curse - and the idea of cursed people prancing around going "look at me, I'm cursed" is a non-starter.

The best thi g these people can do is try to navigate through "normal society" as best they can. And transitioning will prevent that, or at least make it a dozen times more difficult.
If I need a tool to defend my family, I’ll take the gun.
"defend your family" from what? A Russian invasion? An Iraki weapon of mass destruction? Yes, yes, yes .... I know, you are referring to owning a deterrent. Like, what if someone has a gun and wants to take your life. Aren't the chances much greater of being hit by a car? And you ignore the fact that every confrontation you've ever had in your life was about a disagreement of opinion or the very worse .... a punch in the face or stealing your VCR. That's worth Jilling someone over or pulling out a gun to challenge him/her to a shootout, is it? That's no defense. That's provoking someone's death, including your family. Look out! Don't trip on the floorboard! :safetocomeoutff:
"defend your family" from what? A Russian invasion? An Iraki weapon of mass destruction? Yes, yes, yes .... I know, you are referring to owning a deterrent. Like, what if someone has a gun and wants to take your life. Aren't the chances much greater of being hit by a car? And you ignore the fact that every confrontation you've ever had in your life was about a disagreement of opinion or the very worse .... a punch in the face or stealing your VCR. That's worth Jilling someone over or pulling out a gun to challenge him/her to a shootout, is it? That's no defense. That's provoking someone's death, including your family. Look out! Don't trip on the floorboard! :safetocomeoutff:
You moron!

There are 2.5 million home burglaries annually in the US, a full HALF of them are home invasion robberies.
And what gives you the right to decide for the rest of us what tools we are allowed to own? That's an extremely authoritarian attitude.
Yeah, I am an extremely authoritarian wanna-be who also thinks that homicide should be punishable by law that only qualified and licensed citizens should be allowed to operate a motor vehicle in traffic, and that it should be illegal to dump your trash over your balcony. I must be a Fascist brute. :aargh:
Do you think if you could magically make the law abiding gun owners guns disappear,
Hmmmm, how can a gun owner be considered ‘law abiding’ if it were illegal to own firearms? It’s high time for you to open a dictionary.
... the criminals would hand in their illegal weapons?
Shall I assume you think no guns at all would be turned in? Are you awake right now?
Would the govt start respecting our rights again?
Do you know what a “right” is? It’s a matter of law. And do you know what the terms Constitution - Amendment - and Repeal mean?
That genie is out of the bottle & it ain't going back in.
Well, there’s the main problem, yes, but that applies to anything illegal. Yes or no?
You need a criminal to commit a crime & they are the ones perpetrating the gun crimes.
Feel free to tell them your philosophy & maybe you'll get them to turn them all in & eliminate the problem.
You’ve turned yourself into a pretzel now with this all-or-nothing idea. Would you not be in favour of decreasing the homicide rate? Your attitude indicates that you would not. But you do think enforced speed limits & DWI on the road are worth something positive to the safety of “your family” …… yes? Or maybe no? I personally believe a decrease in homicide would be a wonderful thing. But I get the impression that you are willing to allow it to increase. I thought you said you are concerned about your family's safety. Maybe that was someone else. :eusa_think:
"defend your family" from what? A Russian invasion? An Iraki weapon of mass destruction? Yes, yes, yes .... I know, you are referring to owning a deterrent. Like, what if someone has a gun and wants to take your life. Aren't the chances much greater of being hit by a car? And you ignore the fact that every confrontation you've ever had in your life was about a disagreement of opinion or the very worse .... a punch in the face or stealing your VCR. That's worth Jilling someone over or pulling out a gun to challenge him/her to a shootout, is it? That's no defense. That's provoking someone's death, including your family. Look out! Don't trip on the floorboard! :safetocomeoutff:

I have to disagree with you. I have guns in my house that are loaded and securely stored. Not to protect my big tv or my computer. But to protect the sanctity of my home.

If someone decides to invade my home, I am certainly not going to put my life and my family's life on the line in the hopes they mean us no harm.

I'll tell you a story about a friend. He is a nice guy. He and his g/f were over for dinner one night, and we ended up having a drink in the backyard around the fire pit. It was a nice evening. Anyway, Carl was talking about a home invasion that happened to him 4 or 5 years earlier. Apparently it was pretty brutal. Two guys broken in, beat him up, dragged him around his house threatening to kill him. They left without doing anyting life threatening. But it messed with him a lot.

So Carl moved to a nicer, more expensive neighborhood. he replaced all the locks on the doors and windows with more secure locks. Got an alarm system. And he bought a gun, took classes and went to the range often enough. He did all the right things.

I asked him after he moved and took all those precautions, how long was it before he felt safe at him. My dear friend stared into the fire for a minute, looked me dead in the eye and said "I'll let you know".

That is why we have guns loaded in our home. That is why I will pull the trigger.
controlling trans people will be tough but trump can get it done for sure

Controlling trans people? How? Other than imprisoning them, how do you control them?

It isn't Trump or the lack of his Cheetoness that is the problem. It is a little thing called the US Constitution that prevents control of a segment of the population of American citizens from being controlled.
"defend your family" from what? A Russian invasion? An Iraki weapon of mass destruction? Yes, yes, yes .... I know, you are referring to owning a deterrent. Like, what if someone has a gun and wants to take your life. Aren't the chances much greater of being hit by a car? And you ignore the fact that every confrontation you've ever had in your life was about a disagreement of opinion or the very worse .... a punch in the face or stealing your VCR. That's worth Jilling someone over or pulling out a gun to challenge him/her to a shootout, is it? That's no defense. That's provoking someone's death, including your family. Look out! Don't trip on the floorboard! :safetocomeoutff:

You lost the argument point nerd.

Deal with it.
"defend your family" from what? A Russian invasion? An Iraki weapon of mass destruction? Yes, yes, yes .... I know, you are referring to owning a deterrent. Like, what if someone has a gun and wants to take your life. Aren't the chances much greater of being hit by a car? And you ignore the fact that every confrontation you've ever had in your life was about a disagreement of opinion or the very worse .... a punch in the face or stealing your VCR. That's worth Jilling someone over or pulling out a gun to challenge him/her to a shootout, is it? That's no defense. That's provoking someone's death, including your family. Look out! Don't trip on the floorboard! :safetocomeoutff:

Like, what if someone has a gun and wants to take your life. Aren't the chances much greater of being hit by a car?

If someone has a gun and wants to take my life, my chances are greater I’ll be hit by a car?

No, if someone has a gun and wants to take my life, my chance of getting hit by a car is nearly zero. My chance of death from the guy shooting me is pretty damn high.

Let me guess, you’re a catcher?
You're gonna have a lot more such deaths now, you sick fucks have called it down, and its coming, shit like this doesn't help one bit,

Yeah, in yer wet wild dreams chickenshit boy. I suggest you people stop terrorizing trans people and marking them for special treatment that violates their rights.

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