How many traitors in Congress will vote for Obama’s nuke deal with Iran?

Senators Bob Casey and Chris Coons turn traitor to support Obama’s nuke deal

Obama Gains Support of Two Senators for Iran Nuclear Deal

”WASHINGTON — Two Democratic senators threw crucial support behind the Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday, almost assuring that President Obama would have the votes to overcome congressional opponents seeking to derail the landmark accord.

The announcements by the senators, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Chris Coons of Delaware, came a week before the Senate returned to formally debate a Republican resolution disapproving the accord among Iran and six world powers.”

It is absolutely stunning to see so many who are elected by the American People, and sent to Washington to insure the General Welfare of the United States is attended to, have turned their backs on the American People and are now agreeing to serve the nefarious interests of the leaders of a terrorist government by helping them to build a nuclear arsenal.


Obama’s nuke deal, if finalized, will guarantee our children and grandchildren will live under the fear of nuclear war like America did under the cold war with the Soviet Union.
That our senators actually put the safety of the US and the peoples of the world before the neo-cons' hysteria amazes and startles right thing people. Good on them.
That our senators actually put the safety of the US and the peoples of the world before the neo-cons' hysteria amazes and startles right thing people. Good on them.

It's absolutely amazing that you support a deal under which Obama agrees to protect the nuclear program of a terrorist government.


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?

The Iranians are going to do the program, regardless of us, and if this slows them down five or more years, good.

We are not going to put another American army in the ME.
When was the last time the UN inspectors checked on the US nuclear stockpile?
can anyone name one.., just one fucking thing this hateful O'Husseinbama regime has done FOR America ?????

Well, he successfully has given morons like you ulcers and a kick to your sorry asses....something that was very much needed. LOL
...not in the best interests of America...

can anyone name one.., just one fucking thing this hateful O'Husseinbama regime has done FOR America ????? :up:

Obama has added more to the national debt than any other president;

He has given aid and comfort to our enemies by releasing them from GITMO;

He has attempted to strike a deal with a hostile foreign nation behind closed doors and without the consent of the United State Senate being required as commanded by our Constitution;

He is allowing a thousand Islamic "refugees" into the U.S. each month without a requirement to renounce their allegiance to their country of origin, and swear an allegiance to the United States:

He has transferred America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile Islamic leaders [the Islamic Brother Hood];

He has stood by and allowed an Islamic terrorist state to move forward with producing the component parts for a nuclear arsenal;

He has allowed our southern border to be invaded by the poverty stricken populations of Mexico and Central America;

He has decided to prop up the communist government of Cuba by normalizing relations, which in turn will yield a needed infusion of money to strengthen this government’s iron fist around the necks of its citizens;

He has released thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our nation’s population;

He is responsible for undermining our election process by making it easy for ineligible persons to vote;

He has interfered with our nation’s ability to develop our natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel our economy;

He has worked to stifle America’s agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity;

He has intentionally sabotaged our nation’s health care delivery system:

He has blatantly impinged upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs;

He is responsible for a dramatic increase in the number of people receiving food stamps;

He is responsible for a dramatic drop in fulltime employment;

He is responsible for a dramatic increase in the unemployment rate of our nation’s Black youth;

He has used the force of our federal government to tax the paychecks of hard working people living in our nation’s inner cities and then transferred $ billions from our federal treasury to his inner circle friends under the guise of “green energy” [Solyndra/Chevy Volt/Fisker, Exelon, etc.];

He has repeatedly circumvented our Republican Form of Government by issuing Executive Orders and memorandums;

He has stood by and allowed his Administration to use the force of the federal government to attack "conservatives" who dare to exercise their right to freedom of speech;

Who can truthfully deny Obama is intentionally attempting to destroy America from within?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?
...not in the best interests of America...

can anyone name one.., just one fucking thing this hateful O'Husseinbama regime has done FOR America ????? :up:

Obama has added more to the national debt than any other president;

He has given aid and comfort to our enemies by releasing them from GITMO;

He has attempted to strike a deal with a hostile foreign nation behind closed doors and without the consent of the United State Senate being required as commanded by our Constitution;

He is allowing a thousand Islamic "refugees" into the U.S. each month without a requirement to renounce their allegiance to their country of origin, and swear an allegiance to the United States:

He has transferred America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile Islamic leaders [the Islamic Brother Hood];

He has stood by and allowed an Islamic terrorist state to move forward with producing the component parts for a nuclear arsenal;

He has allowed our southern border to be invaded by the poverty stricken populations of Mexico and Central America;

He has decided to prop up the communist government of Cuba by normalizing relations, which in turn will yield a needed infusion of money to strengthen this government’s iron fist around the necks of its citizens;

He has released thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our nation’s population;

He is responsible for undermining our election process by making it easy for ineligible persons to vote;

He has interfered with our nation’s ability to develop our natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel our economy;

He has worked to stifle America’s agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity;

He has intentionally sabotaged our nation’s health care delivery system:

He has blatantly impinged upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs;

He is responsible for a dramatic increase in the number of people receiving food stamps;

He is responsible for a dramatic drop in fulltime employment;

He is responsible for a dramatic increase in the unemployment rate of our nation’s Black youth;

He has used the force of our federal government to tax the paychecks of hard working people living in our nation’s inner cities and then transferred $ billions from our federal treasury to his inner circle friends under the guise of “green energy” [Solyndra/Chevy Volt/Fisker, Exelon, etc.];

He has repeatedly circumvented our Republican Form of Government by issuing Executive Orders and memorandums;

He has stood by and allowed his Administration to use the force of the federal government to attack "conservatives" who dare to exercise their right to freedom of speech;

Who can truthfully deny Obama is intentionally attempting to destroy America from within?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?

Now, don't forget to wipe carefully, flush and wash your hands thoroughly...LOL
By the way, right wingers.......Obama HAS the necessary votes to veto any opposition from the AIPAC-coerced and bought senators......
So the deal WILL PASS...bitch and moan all you want....
You LOST!!!
"How many traitors in Congress will vote for Obama’s nuke deal with Iran?"

How many conservatives will attempt to propagate this moronic lie.
"How many traitors in Congress will vote for Obama’s nuke deal with Iran?"

How many conservatives will attempt to propagate this moronic lie.

What moronic lie?

If the senators that signed the letter are traitors, the senators voting FOR the deal are traitors.
The deal offers us a SLIM chance that in the lull period of 10-15 years, the Iranian nut jobs will be cast aside.

Hardliners in the Iranian government retain power in part by depicting the West and United States as 'threats,' a perception bolstered by years of bellicose rhetoric from dullard republicans, and the incompetence of GWB in particular ('axis of evil'); with the accord the perception of the West as a 'threat' is undermined, weakening the hardliners' position.

The Iranian people want to interact with the West again.

Hardliners in the Iranian government retain power in part by depicting the West and United States as 'threats,' a perception bolstered by years of bellicose rhetoric from dullard republicans, and the incompetence of GWB in particular ('axis of evil'); with the accord the perception of the West as a 'threat' is undermined, weakening the hardliners' position.

The Iranian people want to interact with the West again.

...and I also fully agree.....You bring up 2 very important and often overlooked factors.

a. As Iran's fear-mongers maintain their power, so do the war-mongering Israeli politicians maintain their boot over the average Israeli citizen through abject fear mongering....and,

b. When the "sweetheart" GWB read what someone else wrote for him about the "axis of evil", he then attacked the WEAKEST of that axis and failed miserably; is it then any wonder that the other 2 in that axis show open belligerence?
By the way, right wingers.......Obama HAS the necessary votes to veto any opposition from the AIPAC-coerced and bought senators......
So the deal WILL PASS...bitch and moan all you want....
You LOST!!!
The American People have lost and have been sold out. How much did Obama and the leaders of Iran pay to buy these votes?


Obama’s nuke deal, if finalized, will guarantee our children and grandchildren will live under the fear of nuclear war like America did under the cold war with the Soviet Union.

Obama’s nuke deal, if finalized, will guarantee our children and grandchildren will live under the fear of nuclear war like America did under the cold war with the Soviet Union.

Well, remember to "duck and cover your head"......LOL
Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley is the latest to announce he will vote in favor of Obama’s nuke deal with the terrorist government of Iran.

The deal does not stop Iran’s government from uranium enrichment.

Iran also gets to use its own inspectors to make sure it isn’t cheating, and gets a 24 day notice before outside inspections can take place.

The deal does not require Iran’s government to shut down its heavy-water reactor or plutonium production at Arak, nor will its Fordow enrichment facility by shut down as originally intended.

In addition, the terrorist government of Iran gets an immediate $150 billion to fund its ongoing terrorist activities and the terrorist activities of is partners in terrorism.

In five years, Iran will be able to purchase conventional arms and the ban on ballistic missiles ends in eight years.

Finally, part of Obama's nuke deal requires the United States to use its force to protect Iran's nuclear program!

These are just a few of the menacing particulars which Sen. Merkley will be agreeing to that are not in the best interests of America or peaceful countries which surround Iran. In fact, Merkley’s vote will be encouraging the terrorist government of Iran to move forward with its expansion of a nuclear arsenal and its terrorist activities.


Obama’s nuke deal if finalized will guarantee our children and grandchildren will live under the fear of nuclear war like America did under the cold war with the Soviet Union.
Why would they be traitors if they are following the Constitution?

They are not following the Constitution.
They are elected to represent their voters and the majority of this nation is against this policy.
It goes across the board. Republicans, Democrats and Independents are against it.
When 71% are against it that is not following the Constitution.
They are not following the Constitution.
They are elected to represent their voters and the majority of this nation is against this policy.
It goes across the board. Republicans, Democrats and Independents are against it.
When 71% are against it that is not following the Constitution.

Which shows the "power" of AIPAC money in shaping popular opinion.......

What exactly would happen if the US rejects the deal????

Sanctions will be lifted by all the other countries involved in the negotiations....

Iranian funds currently held in Chinese, Indian and Japanese banks WILL be released to Iran....

Do we declare war unilaterally on Iran as encouraged by Netanyahu ??

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