How many Trump lies? Well he IS GOP...

:lol: Trump possibly lying has the left bent out of shape? Too freaking funny.

Obama and company have lied so many times the White House is now referred to in tourism brochures as THE HOME OF THE WHOPPER.
Hillary is trying to bring the liar crown back to the Clinton name.
Name one Hillary "lie", brainwashed functional moron. Something she knows is bs, and not stupid Pub gossip, something on POLITICS.
:lol: Trump possibly lying has the left bent out of shape? Too freaking funny.

Obama and company have lied so many times the White House is now referred to in tourism brochures as THE HOME OF THE WHOPPER.
Hillary is trying to bring the liar crown back to the Clinton name.
Name one Hillary "lie", brainwashed functional moron. Something she knows is bs, and not stupid Pub gossip, something on POLITICS.

Here's ten of 'em, you cunning runt........

List of 10 Verified Hillary Clinton Lies The North Coast Curmudgeon

All of sudden they care about someone LYING

at least he hasn't lied a NEW MONSTER government Entitlement onto our backs like Obama and his lying snakes (you have to pass it to see what's in it) in the Democrat party. Or lied to Steal 900 Billion dollars and called it a Stimulant to give to his Cronies in green energy that went Bankrupt and his union buddies in GM.

Hey Steph...

How do you know a republican is lying?

His lips are moving :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:
I guess they learned from the best, Obama! Liberals don't have the credibility anymore, to call out a lie.
If only CNN would fact check Mrs. Clinton or any of the other Democrats.
:lol: Trump possibly lying has the left bent out of shape? Too freaking funny.

Obama and company have lied so many times the White House is now referred to in tourism brochures as THE HOME OF THE WHOPPER.
Hillary is trying to bring the liar crown back to the Clinton name.
Name one Hillary "lie", brainwashed functional moron. Something she knows is bs, and not stupid Pub gossip, something on POLITICS.

Here's ten of 'em, you cunning runt........

List of 10 Verified Hillary Clinton Lies The North Coast Curmudgeon
#1 is total BS. Zeifman is the liar. see snopes. The rest is gossip. The definition of being under sniper fire in a war zone is difficult. And that "ceremony" took about 5 seconds. NONE of the above are lies like Trump and other Pubs brainwash you with...ONE FACTUAL LIE SHE REPEATS EVEN ONCE AFTER BEING CORRECTED? DOUCHEBAG hater dupe! lol. The New BS Lying GOP is a disgrace, and so are you braindead chumps who vote for them...
:lol: Trump possibly lying has the left bent out of shape? Too freaking funny.

Obama and company have lied so many times the White House is now referred to in tourism brochures as THE HOME OF THE WHOPPER.
Hillary is trying to bring the liar crown back to the Clinton name.
Name one Hillary "lie", brainwashed functional moron. Something she knows is bs, and not stupid Pub gossip, something on POLITICS.

Here's ten of 'em, you cunning runt........

List of 10 Verified Hillary Clinton Lies The North Coast Curmudgeon
#1 is total BS. Zeifman is the liar. see snopes. The rest is gossip. The definition of being under sniper fire in a war zone is difficult. And that "ceremony" took about 5 seconds. NONE of the above are lies like Trump and other Pubs brainwash you with...ONE FACTUAL LIE SHE REPEATS EVEN ONCE AFTER BEING CORRECTED? DOUCHEBAG hater dupe! lol. The New BS Lying GOP is a disgrace, and so are you braindead chumps who vote for them...

Benghazi was over a video, damnable lie by any standard.
:lol: Trump possibly lying has the left bent out of shape? Too freaking funny.

Obama and company have lied so many times the White House is now referred to in tourism brochures as THE HOME OF THE WHOPPER.
Hillary is trying to bring the liar crown back to the Clinton name.
Name one Hillary "lie", brainwashed functional moron. Something she knows is bs, and not stupid Pub gossip, something on POLITICS.

Here's ten of 'em, you cunning runt........

List of 10 Verified Hillary Clinton Lies The North Coast Curmudgeon
#1 is total BS. Zeifman is the liar. see snopes. The rest is gossip. The definition of being under sniper fire in a war zone is difficult. And that "ceremony" took about 5 seconds. NONE of the above are lies like Trump and other Pubs brainwash you with...ONE FACTUAL LIE SHE REPEATS EVEN ONCE AFTER BEING CORRECTED? DOUCHEBAG hater dupe! lol. The New BS Lying GOP is a disgrace, and so are you braindead chumps who vote for them...

Benghazi was over a video, damnable lie by any standard.
The CIA STILL thinks the video triggered the attack, just like it did about 40 other protests and attacks earlier that day across the ME, brainwashed functional shyttehead. The fundie islamic Rush Limbaugh of Cairo called for them, before you go into any more RW idiocy. IDIOT.
Hillary is trying to bring the liar crown back to the Clinton name.
Name one Hillary "lie", brainwashed functional moron. Something she knows is bs, and not stupid Pub gossip, something on POLITICS.

Here's ten of 'em, you cunning runt........

List of 10 Verified Hillary Clinton Lies The North Coast Curmudgeon
#1 is total BS. Zeifman is the liar. see snopes. The rest is gossip. The definition of being under sniper fire in a war zone is difficult. And that "ceremony" took about 5 seconds. NONE of the above are lies like Trump and other Pubs brainwash you with...ONE FACTUAL LIE SHE REPEATS EVEN ONCE AFTER BEING CORRECTED? DOUCHEBAG hater dupe! lol. The New BS Lying GOP is a disgrace, and so are you braindead chumps who vote for them...

Benghazi was over a video, damnable lie by any standard.
The CIA STILL thinks the video triggered the attack, just like it did about 40 other protests and attacks earlier that day across the ME, brainwashed functional shyttehead. The fundie islamic Rush Limbaugh of Cairo called for them, before you go into any more RW idiocy. IDIOT.

This is about as bad of condemnation one will ever get of the administration from

Benghazi Timeline

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

But, at this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack, and they downplayed reports that it might have been.

What follows is a timeline of events that we hope will help put the incident into perspective. We call attention in particular to these key facts:
Name one Hillary "lie", brainwashed functional moron. Something she knows is bs, and not stupid Pub gossip, something on POLITICS.

Here's ten of 'em, you cunning runt........

List of 10 Verified Hillary Clinton Lies The North Coast Curmudgeon
#1 is total BS. Zeifman is the liar. see snopes. The rest is gossip. The definition of being under sniper fire in a war zone is difficult. And that "ceremony" took about 5 seconds. NONE of the above are lies like Trump and other Pubs brainwash you with...ONE FACTUAL LIE SHE REPEATS EVEN ONCE AFTER BEING CORRECTED? DOUCHEBAG hater dupe! lol. The New BS Lying GOP is a disgrace, and so are you braindead chumps who vote for them...

Benghazi was over a video, damnable lie by any standard.
The CIA STILL thinks the video triggered the attack, just like it did about 40 other protests and attacks earlier that day across the ME, brainwashed functional shyttehead. The fundie islamic Rush Limbaugh of Cairo called for them, before you go into any more RW idiocy. IDIOT.

This is about as bad of condemnation one will ever get of the administration from

Benghazi Timeline

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

But, at this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack, and they downplayed reports that it might have been.

What follows is a timeline of events that we hope will help put the incident into perspective. We call attention in particular to these key facts:
It was planned, the video probably triggered it DUH. Like all the other protests and attacks earlier that day that Fox etc won't talk about. NO LIE.
The New BS GOP is bsed on total bs and hater dupes. No lie. In the whole world, only the GOP believes the video factor is a hoax, or global warming, a fence wiill cure the illegals problem, or every stupid insuance proposal means the sky is falling. NOT ANY MORE, under O-Care, shytteheads.

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