How many will still believe there are 50 million uninsured after reading the FACTS?

In spite of reading the FACTS, doing your own research

  • I still BELIEVE (not THINK..) there are 50 million uninsured that WANT insurance!

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • I did believe that but now after reading the FACTS 50 million is a BIG MYTH!

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • I still don't understand the big deal whether 50 million or less

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Joseph Goebbels a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 is attributed to saying:"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"

Well in spite of these FACTS let's see via the following poll how many still believe this myth: "50 million people that have no health insurance that want insurance".

The importance of this myth is that it was the MAJOR factor in passage of Obamacare which in TURN has directly caused health insurance premiums to rise AND PER MEDICARE will cause people to spend more out of pocket for health!
(YOU REALLY should down load this document and become INFORMED!!!)

Page 1 of Medicare's National Health Expenditure Projections 2010-2020
says YOUR pocket costs will INCREASE 200% due to Obamacare!!!

"Out-of-pocket spending is projected to grow 3.9 percent in 2013, up from 1.8 percent in 2010, as growth in household incomes is expected to lead to more health care spending and as employers are anticipated to increase cost-sharing requirements in employer-sponsored insurance plans"

In laymen's terms BECAUSE of Obamacare insurance companies NOW have to exclude "pre-existing conditions".
This means for EXAMPLE...
smokers and non smokers alike are charged the same premium as smokers because the companies CAN'T ASSESS RISK!!!
If insurance companies can't assess risk i.e. "pre-existing conditions"
Rather then raise employer premiums..
EMPLOYERS are asking employees to pay MORE IN DEDUCTIBLES!!

Do you understand...OUT OF POCKET and that is what OBAMACARE DID!

AND idiots who believed that Obamacare would cover the mythical 50 million uninsured!
FALSE PREMISE.. there were NEVER 50 million "uninsured"!

From the US CENSUS....Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million counted as Uninsured earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!
42 million of 50 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!
The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

So in spite of the PROOF there are really less then 10 million "truly uninsured" that need to be covered.. THIS HUGE LIE (remember Goebbels??) I am confident there will be some who STILL believe IN SPITE of the above there are 50 million!!!

YOU are going to pay the price for your ignoring the FACTS!
This is why Obama MUST be NOT re-elected and Obamacare REPEALED!
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Your own source (The American Spectator, hardly a neutral analyst) doesn't dispute the accuracy of the numbers from the Census Bureau, calling them "highly misleading" rather than inaccurate or counterfactual.

The way that the study cited by the American Spectator arrives at a much lower number of "true uninsured" is rather silly. They throw out anyone who makes too little, under the assumption that they could qualify for government programs (I believe they throw out undocumented persons, on the assumption that we shouldn't care about them) and anyone who makes too much, under the assumption that they could get insurance if they wanted it (as though any subsequent health costs they might incur don't matter, simply because they could have been paid for. Thus, their "true uninsured" don't count the most vulnerable populations and consider only a narrow and somewhat arbitrary income range.
Too bad 6 million jews weren't around to see that failure!
Too bad for them there wasn't a Rush Limbaugh in Germany telling people he hoped Hitler's agenda would fail!
Hopefully for the future millions that because Obama /Democrats accepted $300 million from millionaire lawyers Obamacare was passed Obama won't be elected and Obamacare will be repealed!

Think about it.. Obamacare TAXED tanning salons because supposedly they caused Cancer!
In 2011 estimated tax revenue from tanning salons?
Using an April 2010 Indoor Tanning Association estimate, the IRS initially projected the tax would be due quarterly from roughly 25,000 stand-alone tanning salons, plus spas, health clubs and beauty parlors.

But the inspector general report found that actual tax returns filed for the first three quarters through March 31 averaged just above 10,300.

Tanning tax receipts for that nine-month period totaled $54.4 million, the report found. That was below projections by the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, which had estimated the tax would raise $50 million in the last three months of fiscal year 2010 and $200 million for the full 2011 fiscal year.
Underdone: Tanning tax revenue falls short

BUT think if the $100 billion a year lawyers make from the lawsuits was taxed 10%?
And that $10 billion was used to pay the premium for the truly 10 million uninsured?
THERE WOULD BE two positive affects:
1) Health insurance premiums would drop because $600 billion in defensive medicine costs reduced!
2) Emergency rooms would NOT have as many Uninsured , unreimbursed expenses that they pad and pass on to insurance companies!
Your own source (The American Spectator, hardly a neutral analyst) doesn't dispute the accuracy of the numbers from the Census Bureau, calling them "highly misleading" rather than inaccurate or counterfactual.

The way that the study cited by the American Spectator arrives at a much lower number of "true uninsured" is rather silly. They throw out anyone who makes too little, under the assumption that they could qualify for government programs (I believe they throw out undocumented persons, on the assumption that we shouldn't care about them) and anyone who makes too much, under the assumption that they could get insurance if they wanted it (as though any subsequent health costs they might incur don't matter, simply because they could have been paid for. Thus, their "true uninsured" don't count the most vulnerable populations and consider only a narrow and somewhat arbitrary income range.

So you have no problem that:
1) 10 million counted as "uninsured" NOT citizens??

AND would you FORCE 18 million people to buy something they don't need?

Or DO you have a problem ACCEPTING THE FACT that 14 million people are already covered by Medicaid and they just haven't registered?

Seriously when you add 10 +18 + 14 = 42 million that are not citizens, don't want to buy and are already covered..
THAT LEAVES 8 million of the supposedly 50 million!

DO you have a problem with simple arithmetic?
14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!

In order to be eligible for Medicaid/CHIP, one must have minor children living with him/her, be established disabled by the SSA, or aged 65 or older. Adults who don’t meet this criteria are not covered.

So in spite of the PROOF there are really less then 10 million "truly uninsured" that need to be covered…

That’s 10 million too many, and unacceptable in this great Nation – we are better than that.
Your own source (The American Spectator, hardly a neutral analyst) doesn't dispute the accuracy of the numbers from the Census Bureau, calling them "highly misleading" rather than inaccurate or counterfactual.

The way that the study cited by the American Spectator arrives at a much lower number of "true uninsured" is rather silly. They throw out anyone who makes too little, under the assumption that they could qualify for government programs (I believe they throw out undocumented persons, on the assumption that we shouldn't care about them) and anyone who makes too much, under the assumption that they could get insurance if they wanted it (as though any subsequent health costs they might incur don't matter, simply because they could have been paid for. Thus, their "true uninsured" don't count the most vulnerable populations and consider only a narrow and somewhat arbitrary income range.

So you have no problem that:
1) 10 million counted as "uninsured" NOT citizens??

AND would you FORCE 18 million people to buy something they don't need?

Or DO you have a problem ACCEPTING THE FACT that 14 million people are already covered by Medicaid and they just haven't registered?

Seriously when you add 10 +18 + 14 = 42 million that are not citizens, don't want to buy and are already covered..
THAT LEAVES 8 million of the supposedly 50 million!

DO you have a problem with simple arithmetic?

The reason I chose to address the Census Bureau's numbers rather than yours (yours being 42 and 50 million) is because I have no idea where yours come from. I cannot connect to your CMS link, and your CPS link goes to their main page, which of course does not contain the information to which you allude.

I do not have a problem with listing undocumented American residents who are uninsured as uninsured. It is factually accurate, and it is relevant because:

1) They consume American medical resources.

2) They are human beings and I'd like them to receive efficient medical care.

As to forcing people to buy something they don't think they need, this is perhaps regrettable but certainly necessary, in general. Taxes are used to force people to buy things they don't want all the time. Very few people who pay taxes are happy about funding both the NEA and the invasion of Iraq, yet I don't favor eliminating taxation altogether.

As for counting people who are eligible for Medicaid, I believe this is again correct. Some of these people may face substantial barriers to enrollment, including perhaps not knowing they are eligible. Further, if they aren't enrolled then they certainly aren't receiving medical care through the program. This means that they aren't receiving preventative treatments that could save money in the long run.

In any event, the morality of the health care laws are rather far afield from your original topic, which was the factual accuracy of the number of uninsured people.
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Joseph Goebbels a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 is attributed to saying:"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"

Well in spite of these FACTS let's see via the following poll how many still believe this myth: "50 million people that have no health insurance that want insurance".

The importance of this myth is that it was the MAJOR factor in passage of Obamacare which in TURN has directly caused health insurance premiums to rise AND PER MEDICARE will cause people to spend more out of pocket for health!
(YOU REALLY should down load this document and become INFORMED!!!)

Page 1 of Medicare's National Health Expenditure Projections 2010-2020
says YOUR pocket costs will INCREASE 200% due to Obamacare!!!

"Out-of-pocket spending is projected to grow 3.9 percent in 2013, up from 1.8 percent in 2010, as growth in household incomes is expected to lead to more health care spending and as employers are anticipated to increase cost-sharing requirements in employer-sponsored insurance plans"

In laymen's terms BECAUSE of Obamacare insurance companies NOW have to exclude "pre-existing conditions".
This means for EXAMPLE...
smokers and non smokers alike are charged the same premium as smokers because the companies CAN'T ASSESS RISK!!!
If insurance companies can't assess risk i.e. "pre-existing conditions"
Rather then raise employer premiums..
EMPLOYERS are asking employees to pay MORE IN DEDUCTIBLES!!

Do you understand...OUT OF POCKET and that is what OBAMACARE DID!

AND idiots who believed that Obamacare would cover the mythical 50 million uninsured!
FALSE PREMISE.. there were NEVER 50 million "uninsured"!

From the US CENSUS....Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million counted as Uninsured earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!
42 million of 50 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!
The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

So in spite of the PROOF there are really less then 10 million "truly uninsured" that need to be covered.. THIS HUGE LIE (remember Goebbels??) I am confident there will be some who STILL believe IN SPITE of the above there are 50 million!!!

YOU are going to pay the price for your ignoring the FACTS!
This is why Obama MUST be NOT re-elected and Obamacare REPEALED!

You're saying that a health insurance policy that cost, let's say, $5000 a year in 2010 will cost 15,000 a year by 2020?

I'm not seeing that.
14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!

In order to be eligible for Medicaid/CHIP, one must have minor children living with him/her, be established disabled by the SSA, or aged 65 or older. Adults who don’t meet this criteria are not covered.

So in spite of the PROOF there are really less then 10 million "truly uninsured" that need to be covered…

That’s 10 million too many, and unacceptable in this great Nation – we are better than that.

BUT why should 95% of US be penalized when the FACTS are:
1) There are NOT 50 million as was used to PASS ObamaCare!
2) ObamaCare is destroying health services AND raising COSTS!

YOU DON"T know evidently HOW POORLY run Medicare is as I do!
For example are you aware that MEDICARE gladly pays hospitals 6,000% more then the hospitals costs in many cases?

From two hospitals in Sacramento,Ca.
hospital service claims billed cost markup
Sutter Memorial- Level IV Stereotactic Radio - 53 @$52,841 $1,517 3483%
Sutter Memorial Level V Drug Administration 1,033 $912 $28 3257%
Davis Medical Non-Myocardial (PET) imaging 537 $2,894 $105 2756%
Davis Medical Computed Tomography 2,901 $3,202 $232 1380%

AND YOU want that extremely POOR management to handle ALL YOUR health care?

MY business since 2005 has helped Medicare providers over 11 million times find out if they will be paid by Medicare! So I KNOW what I'm writing about!
14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!

In order to be eligible for Medicaid/CHIP, one must have minor children living with him/her, be established disabled by the SSA, or aged 65 or older. Adults who don’t meet this criteria are not covered.

So in spite of the PROOF there are really less then 10 million "truly uninsured" that need to be covered…

That’s 10 million too many, and unacceptable in this great Nation – we are better than that.

BUT why should 95% of US be penalized when the FACTS are:
1) There are NOT 50 million as was used to PASS ObamaCare!
2) ObamaCare is destroying health services AND raising COSTS!

YOU DON"T know evidently HOW POORLY run Medicare is as I do!
For example are you aware that MEDICARE gladly pays hospitals 6,000% more then the hospitals costs in many cases?

From two hospitals in Sacramento,Ca.
hospital service claims billed cost markup
Sutter Memorial- Level IV Stereotactic Radio - 53 @$52,841 $1,517 3483%
Sutter Memorial Level V Drug Administration 1,033 $912 $28 3257%
Davis Medical Non-Myocardial (PET) imaging 537 $2,894 $105 2756%
Davis Medical Computed Tomography 2,901 $3,202 $232 1380%

AND YOU want that extremely POOR management to handle ALL YOUR health care?

MY business since 2005 has helped Medicare providers over 11 million times find out if they will be paid by Medicare! So I KNOW what I'm writing about!

Been to the ABC board lately?
So if there are really that many fewer uninsured, it means either that Obamacare is working, or that the cost of universal coverage is going to be alot less than estimated.
18 millions Americans who don't want insurance.


Can't afford it?

BIG difference.

Ron Paul's campaign manager from the last election had no insurance. He got cancer. Then died. I wonder if Ron Paul told him that Obamacare might have saved his life, but it was better he died "full of liberty"?

Course, to me, there's "liberty" and then there is "stupid". They aren't the same thing. At least not to liberals.
Your own source (The American Spectator, hardly a neutral analyst) doesn't dispute the accuracy of the numbers from the Census Bureau, calling them "highly misleading" rather than inaccurate or counterfactual.

The way that the study cited by the American Spectator arrives at a much lower number of "true uninsured" is rather silly. They throw out anyone who makes too little, under the assumption that they could qualify for government programs (I believe they throw out undocumented persons, on the assumption that we shouldn't care about them) and anyone who makes too much, under the assumption that they could get insurance if they wanted it (as though any subsequent health costs they might incur don't matter, simply because they could have been paid for. Thus, their "true uninsured" don't count the most vulnerable populations and consider only a narrow and somewhat arbitrary income range.

So you have no problem that:
1) 10 million counted as "uninsured" NOT citizens??

AND would you FORCE 18 million people to buy something they don't need?

Or DO you have a problem ACCEPTING THE FACT that 14 million people are already covered by Medicaid and they just haven't registered?

Seriously when you add 10 +18 + 14 = 42 million that are not citizens, don't want to buy and are already covered..
THAT LEAVES 8 million of the supposedly 50 million!

DO you have a problem with simple arithmetic?

The reason I chose to address the Census Bureau's numbers rather than yours (yours being 42 and 50 million) is because I have no idea where yours come from. I cannot connect to your CMS link, and your CPS link goes to their main page, which of course does not contain the information to which you allude.
I apologize for the bad link!!!

Try the below and follow the download...

I do not have a problem with listing undocumented American residents who are uninsured as uninsured. It is factually accurate, and it is relevant because:

1) They consume American medical resources.

2) They are human beings and I'd like them to receive efficient medical care.

As to forcing people to buy something they don't think they need, this is perhaps regrettable but certainly necessary, in general. Taxes are used to force people to buy things they don't want all the time. Very few people who pay taxes are happy about funding both the NEA and the invasion of Iraq, yet I don't favor eliminating taxation altogether.

As for counting people who are eligible for Medicaid, I believe this is again correct. Some of these people may face substantial barriers to enrollment, including perhaps not knowing they are eligible. Further, if they aren't enrolled then they certainly aren't receiving medical care through the program. This means that they aren't receiving preventative treatments that could save money in the long run.

In any event, the morality of the health care laws are rather far afield from your original topic, which was the factual accuracy of the number of uninsured people.

Again.. the ACCURACY is simple!
10 million counted as UNINSURED ARE NOT CITIZENS!
18 million do NOT want nor NEED to have health insurance coverage!
Many of them pay what is called "OUT of POCKET" some actually get better deals,
i.e. tell a hospital you are willing to pay cash.. they discount costs in some cases large!
WHY?? Because the hospital gets the money quicker..
And you evidently NEVER heard about clearinghouses and the fees they charge???

So those 18 million counted as UNINSURED DON"T want it so why are they forced to pay? AND forced to pay MORE as the above report indicates!

Finally the 14 million that are already covered?
5.4 million are KIDS! KIDS who's parents ONLY need to register with SCHIP!

9 million people who answered on CENSUS SAID they were UNINSURED yet when further researched FOUND out they were COVERED by Medicaid!

MY whole POINT is you and many misinformed people think that national health care is the way to go!
WE ALREADY HAVE IT for 97% of Americans.. Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance covers 97% of Americans!

YET OBAMA forced the extremely complicated, idiotic Obamacare ON the premise there were 50 million UNINSURED!!!

Shouldn't that be enough of a warning sign that if it required LIES to pass it is NOT good!

Remember Obama's Medicare SAID out of pocket costs are going to climb AND THAT FIGURE WAS NEVER SHARED with Congress when the bill was passed!
Projection of 2010 % of $2.55 trillion spent on health care
Government pays providers 46.37%
Medicare $ 864,000,000,000 33.82%
Medicaid 321,000,000,000 12.56%
Private Insurance 879,000,000,000 34.40%
Out of pocket 298,000,000,000 11.66%
Other 193,000,000,000 7.55%
2010 data from The 2012 Statistical Abstract: Health Expenditures
This means for EXAMPLE...
smokers and non smokers alike are charged the same premium as smokers because the companies CAN'T ASSESS RISK!!!

Smokers and non-smokers won't be charged the same premium. Perhaps you should start checking your "facts."

Is smoking a "pre-existing condition"?
If the insurance company can't assess risk because they KNOW smokers get cancer and have higher claims therefore higher costs how will they collect premium based on risks?

The only recourse is to charge more for everyone!

-- In February of 2009, the average monthly premium for individual policies was $161
-- In February of 2010, the average monthly premium for individual policies was $167
-- Average premiums for individual policies increased 3.7 percent over that time.
Average Premiums for Individual and Family Non-Group Health Insurance Policies in February 2010 / eHealth

Obamacare Has Increased Cost of Health Insurance, Says Kaiser Foundation | – According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study of employer-provided health insurance plans, the ObamaCare health reform law could have accounted for as much as 50 percent of the spike in insurance premiums in 2011.

The Employer Health Benefits Survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which specializes in health care issues,
found that health insurance premiums had jumped by 9 percent in 2011, up from a 5 percent annual increase since 2007.

Drew Altman, president and CEO of Kaiser, first said that the premium
increase was not because of ObamaCare but then went on to say that the
ObamaCare law probably accounted for 1 to 2 percentage points of that increase,
which he further explained in a column today (see below).
Health insurance premiums shot up 9 percent this year, nearly three times the rate of inflation and the most since 2005, a new study shows

This year, the annual premiums paid out for employer-sponsored programs topped $15,000, according to Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Educational Trust, which conducts an annual health benefits survey.

Average health care premiums rose to $10,944 for employers and $4,129 for workers for a total of $15,073.
Joseph Goebbels a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 is attributed to saying:"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"

Well in spite of these FACTS let's see via the following poll how many still believe this myth: "50 million people that have no health insurance that want insurance".

The importance of this myth is that it was the MAJOR factor in passage of Obamacare which in TURN has directly caused health insurance premiums to rise AND PER MEDICARE will cause people to spend more out of pocket for health!
(YOU REALLY should down load this document and become INFORMED!!!)

Page 1 of Medicare's National Health Expenditure Projections 2010-2020
says YOUR pocket costs will INCREASE 200% due to Obamacare!!!

"Out-of-pocket spending is projected to grow 3.9 percent in 2013, up from 1.8 percent in 2010, as growth in household incomes is expected to lead to more health care spending and as employers are anticipated to increase cost-sharing requirements in employer-sponsored insurance plans"

In laymen's terms BECAUSE of Obamacare insurance companies NOW have to exclude "pre-existing conditions".
This means for EXAMPLE...
smokers and non smokers alike are charged the same premium as smokers because the companies CAN'T ASSESS RISK!!!
If insurance companies can't assess risk i.e. "pre-existing conditions"
Rather then raise employer premiums..
EMPLOYERS are asking employees to pay MORE IN DEDUCTIBLES!!

Do you understand...OUT OF POCKET and that is what OBAMACARE DID!

AND idiots who believed that Obamacare would cover the mythical 50 million uninsured!
FALSE PREMISE.. there were NEVER 50 million "uninsured"!

From the US CENSUS....Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million counted as Uninsured earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!
42 million of 50 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!
The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

So in spite of the PROOF there are really less then 10 million "truly uninsured" that need to be covered.. THIS HUGE LIE (remember Goebbels??) I am confident there will be some who STILL believe IN SPITE of the above there are 50 million!!!

YOU are going to pay the price for your ignoring the FACTS!
This is why Obama MUST be NOT re-elected and Obamacare REPEALED!
Not only that, but one projection of the millions who are not citizens and have no intention of ever being US citizens have a strong desire to expropriate the entire southwest of the United States in order to give our success to their real homeland as follows:


photo credits

They are targeting our successful country to push our sovereignity to the sidelines. That's not my idea of a good neighbor making plans to take America away from the people who made it a good and successful place to raise a family.

If Mexico wants what we have, they need to share the wealth around and take care of and develop their own citizens instead of holding guns of failure and hunger to their heads and sending them across the border.
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So you have no problem that:
1) 10 million counted as "uninsured" NOT citizens??

AND would you FORCE 18 million people to buy something they don't need?

Or DO you have a problem ACCEPTING THE FACT that 14 million people are already covered by Medicaid and they just haven't registered?

Seriously when you add 10 +18 + 14 = 42 million that are not citizens, don't want to buy and are already covered..
THAT LEAVES 8 million of the supposedly 50 million!

DO you have a problem with simple arithmetic?

The reason I chose to address the Census Bureau's numbers rather than yours (yours being 42 and 50 million) is because I have no idea where yours come from. I cannot connect to your CMS link, and your CPS link goes to their main page, which of course does not contain the information to which you allude.
I apologize for the bad link!!!

Try the below and follow the download...

I do not have a problem with listing undocumented American residents who are uninsured as uninsured. It is factually accurate, and it is relevant because:

1) They consume American medical resources.

2) They are human beings and I'd like them to receive efficient medical care.

As to forcing people to buy something they don't think they need, this is perhaps regrettable but certainly necessary, in general. Taxes are used to force people to buy things they don't want all the time. Very few people who pay taxes are happy about funding both the NEA and the invasion of Iraq, yet I don't favor eliminating taxation altogether.

As for counting people who are eligible for Medicaid, I believe this is again correct. Some of these people may face substantial barriers to enrollment, including perhaps not knowing they are eligible. Further, if they aren't enrolled then they certainly aren't receiving medical care through the program. This means that they aren't receiving preventative treatments that could save money in the long run.

In any event, the morality of the health care laws are rather far afield from your original topic, which was the factual accuracy of the number of uninsured people.

Again.. the ACCURACY is simple!
10 million counted as UNINSURED ARE NOT CITIZENS!
18 million do NOT want nor NEED to have health insurance coverage!
Many of them pay what is called "OUT of POCKET" some actually get better deals,
i.e. tell a hospital you are willing to pay cash.. they discount costs in some cases large!
WHY?? Because the hospital gets the money quicker..
And you evidently NEVER heard about clearinghouses and the fees they charge???

So those 18 million counted as UNINSURED DON"T want it so why are they forced to pay? AND forced to pay MORE as the above report indicates!

Finally the 14 million that are already covered?
5.4 million are KIDS! KIDS who's parents ONLY need to register with SCHIP!

9 million people who answered on CENSUS SAID they were UNINSURED yet when further researched FOUND out they were COVERED by Medicaid!

MY whole POINT is you and many misinformed people think that national health care is the way to go!
WE ALREADY HAVE IT for 97% of Americans.. Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance covers 97% of Americans!

YET OBAMA forced the extremely complicated, idiotic Obamacare ON the premise there were 50 million UNINSURED!!!

Shouldn't that be enough of a warning sign that if it required LIES to pass it is NOT good!

Remember Obama's Medicare SAID out of pocket costs are going to climb AND THAT FIGURE WAS NEVER SHARED with Congress when the bill was passed!
Projection of 2010 % of $2.55 trillion spent on health care
Government pays providers 46.37%
Medicare $ 864,000,000,000 33.82%
Medicaid 321,000,000,000 12.56%
Private Insurance 879,000,000,000 34.40%
Out of pocket 298,000,000,000 11.66%
Other 193,000,000,000 7.55%
2010 data from The 2012 Statistical Abstract: Health Expenditures

I think this will be my last post in this thread, since I can't even tell if you're reading them. You still haven't explained where you're getting your numbers. A few points:

- Some life-saving medical procedures are quite expensive. A middle-class person who tries to self-insure will not be able to pay for them. If that person plans to pay "out of pocket", then they will either be denied vital medicine, or their costs will be passed on to others.

- Given that I acknowledged that some of the people without health insurance in this country are non-citizens (I'm not sure who is disputing that) I don't understand why you need to repeat that assertion with all-caps and exclamation points.

- I'm not sure what I said that led you to conclude that I'd never heard of clearinghouses. I have, of course.

- It's absurd to suggest that Obama didn't tell Congress that rates would rise. Obama said publicly that the ACA would control rates (IE, that it would slow their increase), not that it would lower them.

- You still haven't identified any lies. You haven't quoted Obama or anyone else, and you haven't provided any evidence disputing any assertions.
Same thread you posted a couple weeks ago - and several other times at that. You could always go back to your original threads and make your arguments there instead of reposting ad nauseum.

And I thought people claimed during the health care debate that it was in the 30's (million) uninsured. You sure you didnt inflate their claim to 50 all on your own to sensationalize?
Joseph Goebbels a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 is attributed to saying:"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"

Well in spite of these FACTS let's see via the following poll how many still believe this myth: "50 million people that have no health insurance that want insurance".

The importance of this myth is that it was the MAJOR factor in passage of Obamacare which in TURN has directly caused health insurance premiums to rise AND PER MEDICARE will cause people to spend more out of pocket for health!
(YOU REALLY should down load this document and become INFORMED!!!)

Page 1 of Medicare's National Health Expenditure Projections 2010-2020
says YOUR pocket costs will INCREASE 200% due to Obamacare!!!

"Out-of-pocket spending is projected to grow 3.9 percent in 2013, up from 1.8 percent in 2010, as growth in household incomes is expected to lead to more health care spending and as employers are anticipated to increase cost-sharing requirements in employer-sponsored insurance plans"

In laymen's terms BECAUSE of Obamacare insurance companies NOW have to exclude "pre-existing conditions".
This means for EXAMPLE...
smokers and non smokers alike are charged the same premium as smokers because the companies CAN'T ASSESS RISK!!!
If insurance companies can't assess risk i.e. "pre-existing conditions"
Rather then raise employer premiums..
EMPLOYERS are asking employees to pay MORE IN DEDUCTIBLES!!

Do you understand...OUT OF POCKET and that is what OBAMACARE DID!

AND idiots who believed that Obamacare would cover the mythical 50 million uninsured!
FALSE PREMISE.. there were NEVER 50 million "uninsured"!

From the US CENSUS....Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million counted as Uninsured earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!
42 million of 50 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!
The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

So in spite of the PROOF there are really less then 10 million "truly uninsured" that need to be covered.. THIS HUGE LIE (remember Goebbels??) I am confident there will be some who STILL believe IN SPITE of the above there are 50 million!!!

YOU are going to pay the price for your ignoring the FACTS!
This is why Obama MUST be NOT re-elected and Obamacare REPEALED!

How many times does Healthmyths get caught lying on this subject, well as I have corrected this poster three other times, this makes it now the 4th time. Healthmyths is truly are good name for this poster because this poster's posts are friggen myths!

From Healthmyths post: " 14 million In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated of uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP. THEY ARE covered already!!!"

From the actual Census Bureau report:

What Is Health Insurance Coverage?
The Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement
(CPS ASEC) asks about health insurance coverage in the previous calendar
year. Specifically, the survey asks separate questions about the major
types of health insurance. People who answer “no” to each of the coverage
questions are then asked to verify that they were, in fact, not covered
by any type of health insurance. For reporting purposes, the U.S. Census
Bureau broadly classifies health insurance coverage as private coverage or
government coverage. Private health insurance is a plan provided through
an employer or a union or purchased by an individual from a private
company. Government health insurance includes such federal programs
as Medicare, Medicaid, and military health care; the Children’s Health
Insurance Program (CHIP); and individual state health plans.* People were
considered “insured” if they were covered by any type of health insurance
for part or all of the previous calendar year. They were considered “uninsured”
if, for the entire year, they were not covered by any type of health

So in other words, those 14 million were counted as having health care insurance.

Now, I'm no fan of "Obamacare" and I hope the Supreme Court throws out the "mandate" portion of the bill. No to Obamamcare, yes to one-payer. But Healthmyths blaming the cost of Obamacare for the increase in health care premiums is nothing but ignorance partisanship. The cost of health care in the US has been skyrocketing for decades and for the last 30 plus years has seriously outpaced inflation as the below chart clearly shows.
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