How many years would it take to mine enough lithium to make enough batteries to replace all of the internal combustion engines in the world?

Says the girl

NOT FEMALE, again for like the 15th time.


You do it literally ALL THE TIME. Learn.

who can't come to grips with reality. I am telling you the resource requirement needed to replace internal combustion engines with lithium ion batteries. It's just math.

And as I noted when cars first came on the road the number of oil wells was rather small and they were focused only on different cuts of the petroleum.

It's just history.
You can't afford gas? Buy an electric car!

I did. It cost me almost exactly what a similarly sized and tricked out ICE vehicle costs.

Now I drive for free for the last 3 years. Charge at home on the solar and I pay nothing.

Sounds pretty sweet from where I'm sitting. But at least you guys can still bitch about the price of gas which is something I haven't had to even THINK about for 3 years now.
Again you try to defend your greenie pipe dreams by gaslighting.
Do you actually know the meaning of any of the words you use?

Get back to me when you can contradict the fact we are many decades away from this as a remote possibility & have a plan for the real the environmental damage it will cause.
Like I said, ignorance & an EV won't get you far

300 miles on a full charge.
The minute you say something meaningful. Or marginally valuable.

Just shut up. No one really cares what you are screeching from the cheap seats.

LOL, then you have no answer to offer for the bold threads headline statement thank you for your admission.

NO ONE is surprised if the Li mining is currently less than some future forecast that is higher.
Correct. And no one should be surprise that current lithium metal prices are 280% higher than Jan. 2021. Your Utopian vision of replacing 88 million barrels of oil per day with low energy density battery technology can't be done.

It's just math.
300 miles on a full charge.
Which is great if your Utopian vision is you driving 300 miles in a battery operated electric vehicle, but not great if your Utopian vision is replacing 88 million barrels per day of oil. And that is your goal, right?
NOT FEMALE, again for like the 15th time. Please STOP DERAILING ALL THREADS INTO DISCUSSIONS OF MY GENITALS. You do it literally ALL THE TIME. Learn.
Calm down, ma'am.
And as I noted when cars first came on the road the number of oil wells was rather small and they were focused only on different cuts of the petroleum. It's just history.
Yes, that is just history. And history recorded that a readily available high density energy source that can flow from subsurface reservoirs to surface facilities using its own energy at high rates is perfectly suitable for powering machines on a global scale.

Your problem is that you are trying to replace 88 million barrels of a high density energy source with a low energy density rechargeable battery that only lasts 7 to 10 years. History will show that that technology is not practical on a global scale because it requires 8 cubic miles of water to mine 17 trillion kg of lithium metal every 7 to 10 years. That is not practical economically or environmentally.
Correct. And no one should be surprise that current lithium metal prices are 280% higher than Jan. 2021. Your Utopian vision of replacing 88 million barrels of oil per day with low energy density battery technology can't be done.

It's just math.


You, presumably, made your living from the very same "math" for an entire career.

YOU helped exploit a natural resource at ever-accelerating rates, now suddenly no one else can exploit a resource????

I am really surprised at that level of hypocrisy. ESPECIALLY since Li mining at least has the POSSIBILITY of resulting in recyclable materials. Gasoline is NOT that.

How did you make it through your economic geology class?
OHMY GOSH! You mean something that has found a use in a different market now has more value????


Why do you guys hate technology and economics so much?
I love technology and economics. Which is why I feel compelled that your Utopian vision of replacing 88 million barrels of oil per day with a low energy density technology isn't economic to do.

You, presumably, made your living from the very same "math" for an entire career.

YOU helped exploit a natural resource at ever-accelerating rates, now suddenly no one else can exploit a resource????

I am really surprised at that level of hypocrisy. ESPECIALLY since Li mining at least has the POSSIBILITY of resulting in recyclable materials. Gasoline is NOT that.

How did you make it through your economic geology class?
"economic geology class"???
Don't recall ever taking that....or even knowing it existed.
Calm down, ma'am.

OK, now I get it. You're trolling. (Unfortunately it makes you look like you have a learning disability but I get it. You think chicks are "less than" and so you think this is somehow a "hit". You really seem fractally fucked up.)

Yes, that is just history. And history recorded that a readily available high density energy source that can flow from subsurface reservoirs to surface facilities using its own energy at high rates is perfectly suitable for powering machines on a global scale.

Interesting viewpoint there. Of course the first oil wells were not pumped, that had to be developed later on. The first oil exploration was largely guessing based on seeps and the first economic exploitation probably destroyed more oil fields by overpumping or placing too many rigs next to each other pumping out of the same formation...

No, but I guess in your imagination the full field of Oil E&P just "sprang into existence" overnight.

You should know better than that.

Your problem is that you are trying to replace 88 million barrels of a high density energy source with a low energy density rechargeable battery that only lasts 7 to 10 years.

19 million barrels of oil are consumed each day in the US. That's 19 million barrels a DAY (7 BILLION barrels each year). And most of that burns away INSTANTANEOUSLY upon being used in the car. So that 88 million barrels of oil a day lasts about 5 days.

Hmmmmmmm....7 to 10 years vs 5 days.

Gosh that sounds tough to justify. We should definitely forget about EVs....they don't waste enough material fast enough!

History will show that that technology is not practical on a global scale because it requires 8 cubic miles of water to mine 17 trillion kg of lithium metal every 7 to 10 years. That is not practical economically or environmentally.
I love technology and economics. Which is why I feel compelled that your Utopian vision of replacing 88 million barrels of oil per day with a low energy density technology isn't economic to do.

you really need to learn the difference between a fuel and energy storage medium.

LOL. You, presumably, made your living from the very same "math" for an entire career. YOU helped exploit a natural resource at ever-accelerating rates, now suddenly no one else can exploit a resource???? I am really surprised at that level of hypocrisy. ESPECIALLY since Li mining at least has the POSSIBILITY of resulting in recyclable materials. Gasoline is NOT that. How did you make it through your economic geology class?
Yes, I did make a living using math. Yes I did help produce a product that improved living standards to meet the market demands on a global scale. There is nothing hypocritical about showing how a low energy density technology isn't globally scale-able. It's because I aced my engineering economics class that I can say it's not practical to replace 88 million barrels of oil per day with a low energy density technology that requires 8 cubic miles of water to mine 17 trillion kg of lithium metal every 7 to 10 years.
you really need to learn the difference between a fuel and energy storage medium. Really.
I do understand the difference between a fuel and energy storage medium. Do you understand that you need to have enough energy storage medium to provide a day's worth of energy to meet the global demand of energy that is being supplied by oil?
OK, now I get it. You're trolling. (Unfortunately it makes you look like you have a learning disability but I get it. You think chicks are "less than" and so you think this is somehow a "hit". You really seem fractally fucked up.)
I really do believe you are a woman.
Interesting viewpoint there. Of course the first oil wells were not pumped, that had to be developed later on. The first oil exploration was largely guessing based on seeps and the first economic exploitation probably destroyed more oil fields by overpumping or placing too many rigs next to each other pumping out of the same formation... No, but I guess in your imagination the full field of Oil E&P just "sprang into existence" overnight. You should know better than that.
What part of it's not practical to use 8 cubic miles of water to mine 17 trillion kg of lithium metal every 7 to 10 years, do you not understand?
19 million barrels of oil are consumed each day in the US. That's 19 million barrels a DAY (7 BILLION barrels each year). And most of that burns away INSTANTANEOUSLY upon being used in the car. So that 88 million barrels of oil a day lasts about 5 days. Hmmmmmmm....7 to 10 years vs 5 days. Gosh that sounds tough to justify. We should definitely forget about EVs....they don't waste enough material fast enough!
It's 88 million barrels of oil PER DAY. That is the global oil market. That is how much the globe consumes each day. You need to have enough battery capacity to equal one day's use of oil.
I do understand the difference between a fuel and energy storage medium. Do you understand that you need to have enough energy storage medium to provide a day's worth of energy to meet the global demand of energy that is being supplied by oil?

Clearly the difference between the fuel and the storage medium is still beyond you.
I really do believe you are a woman.

Please, I'm BEGGING you stop making EVERY THREAD ABOUT MY JUNK.

I'm getting a bit skeeved out by you. I actually would like to talk to you about technology but you can't get beyond your single talking points and your OBSESSION WITH MY GENITALS.


What is wrong with you? Seriously? Why are you so creepy?

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