How many years would it take to mine enough lithium to make enough batteries to replace all of the internal combustion engines in the world?

Clearly the difference between the fuel and the storage medium is still beyond you.
How so? If the goal is to replace internal combustion engines which run on gasoline and diesel with battery operated vehicles, don't you need to have enough battery capacity to store one day's worth of gasoline and diesel use? And can't the storage medium requirement be easily calculated?

It seems that you are the one who doesn't understand storage medium.
Please, I'm BEGGING you stop making EVERY THREAD ABOUT MY JUNK. I'm getting a bit skeeved out by you. I actually would like to talk to you about technology but you can't get beyond your single talking points and your OBSESSION WITH MY GENITALS. MAKE IT STOP! What is wrong with you? Seriously? Why are you so creepy?
Calm down, ma'am, I understand that facing the reality that your Utopian vision of replacing all internal combustion engines with battery operated vehicles isn't practical has traumatized you. But you need to calm down.
Do you actually know the meaning of any of the words you use?

300 miles on a full charge.
Why, do you need a dictionary?
300 miles is less than 1/2 day of driving. How long does it take to recharge again?
How far does a semi EV go?
Greenie pipe dreams are so funny. Proggys are funny enough but you greenies are the best!
Scratch a greenie & you find commie red
And again you have failed to answer the questions about how your pipe dreams are feasible & how to address the real environmental damage.
How so? If the goal is to replace internal combustion engines which run on gasoline and diesel with battery operated vehicles, don't you need to have enough battery capacity to store one day's worth of gasoline and diesel use? And can't the storage medium requirement be easily calculated?

It isn't that simple. You really should know that. A battery is like the gas tank in your car. The gas tank isn't the fuel for the car.

The gas tank can be refilled. If you have an 11gal tank and you get 20 mpg then you get 220 miles on a full tank (or "full charge") if you will.

My battery (like the gas tank) can hold sufficient energy storage to get me 300 miles on a full charge.

The thing you keep bouncing around is the energy density of the gasoline and the EV battery. But even there you are being short-sighted. EV battery volumetric energy densities have been INCREASING!

Is gasoline getting to be more energy dense over time? I don't think so. You can only burn it so efficiently.

As I understand it gasoline has about 46MJ/kg which roughly works out to 322MJ/L. A "Liter volume" of Li ion battery has about 0.2MJ/L. No one is really going to argue over the fact that gasoline is a more energy rich source than a similar volume of Li ion battery.

But the difference is:

1. You can only burn that gas once. The Li ion battery is RECHARGABLE. And that recharge can happen through GREEN TECHNOLOGY. I live it every single day. I charge on solar and drive for free. 3 years now.

2. Li ion batteries are getting to be HIGHER volumetric energy storage. Gasoline is NOT. It is at its limit.

This is how technology develops. It doesn't stay static just because you got too old to understand how the world changes.

It seems that you are the one who doesn't understand storage medium.
Why, do you need a dictionary?
300 miles is less than 1/2 day of driving.


Kelly Blue Book puts the average American mileage per day at about 40 miles.

How far does a semi EV go?

Why not ask about a military tank? Why does EVERYTHING need to happen overnight with you folks? None of the technologies you mention sprang to live overnight.

Greenie pipe dreams are so funny. Proggys are funny enough but you greenies are the best!
Scratch a greenie & you find commie red

And when you run out of stupid arguments you bring up "communism". How boring.

And again you have failed to answer the questions about how your pipe dreams are feasible & how to address the real environmental damage.

If you have never developed anything of value you wouldn't know.
Calm down, ma'am, I understand that facing the reality that your Utopian vision of replacing all internal combustion engines with battery operated vehicles isn't practical has traumatized you. But you need to calm down.

PLEASE I'm begging you....leave my genitals out of this thread!!!


Just once can we have a discussion without you commenting on my gender/sexuality/genitals?

Just once?
How so? If the goal is to replace internal combustion engines which run on gasoline and diesel with battery operated vehicles, don't you need to have enough battery capacity to store one day's worth of gasoline and diesel use? And can't the storage medium requirement be easily calculated?

It seems that you are the one who doesn't understand storage medium.


Says the guy who can't differentiate the gasoline in his car from the gas tank.

8 cubic miles of water is trivial ... compared to the 320,000,000 cubic miles of water on the Earth's surface ... that doesn't include the waters of hydration ... so let's call it a billion cubic miles ... every one of which can be used over and over and over again ... same with lithium, once the battery is no good anymore, we can just make a new battery out of the lithium ...

There's no nuclear reactions in an EV ... what kind of stupid moron thinks there is? ...

The flaw in the OP is requiring complete replacement of piston-engine vehicles ... we only have to replace 10% maximum of passenger vehicles, the other 90% will be removed ... semi-trucks and locomotives are all efficient, and this energy use can be greatly reduced by just purchasing locally produced goods ... the only problem with growing your own potatoes is when you decide to not grow potatoes, that's always disappointing ha ha ha ha ha ...

We don't dig for lithium ... 6,000 years is plenty of time for all the lithium to float up to the surface of Earth ... we simply scrape it off the top of these dry lake beds around the world ... no big deal ... God's reason for Noah's Flood ...

The better question is "are lithium batteries SAFE" ... we found out the hard way that packing lithium batteries in next to dynamite is dangerous ... all those cell phones that blew up a few years ago ... and we're still seeing jet airliners catch fire from the same cause ... ask your local firefighter what they think of EVs involved in accidents ... hoot-n-nanny ... it's enough to make a sailor cross his legs ... "put out that dynamite fire will ya?" ...

If we're burning coal to make the electricity ... how does the OP think we're saving on carbon pollution? ... it's like getting dirt on your Easter dress while your foot is stuck in a Fire Ant colony ... kinda sorta missing what's important ...

Speaking of CC's genitals ... Girls + dresses + ground hornets = dancin' fools ... funnier than hell ...
It isn't that simple. You really should know that. A battery is like the gas tank in your car. The gas tank isn't the fuel for the car.

The gas tank can be refilled. If you have an 11gal tank and you get 20 mpg then you get 220 miles on a full tank (or "full charge") if you will.

My battery (like the gas tank) can hold sufficient energy storage to get me 300 miles on a full charge.

The thing you keep bouncing around is the energy density of the gasoline and the EV battery. But even there you are being short-sighted. EV battery volumetric energy densities have been INCREASING!

Is gasoline getting to be more energy dense over time? I don't think so. You can only burn it so efficiently.

As I understand it gasoline has about 46MJ/kg which roughly works out to 322MJ/L. A "Liter volume" of Li ion battery has about 0.2MJ/L. No one is really going to argue over the fact that gasoline is a more energy rich source than a similar volume of Li ion battery.

But the difference is:

1. You can only burn that gas once. The Li ion battery is RECHARGABLE. And that recharge can happen through GREEN TECHNOLOGY. I live it every single day. I charge on solar and drive for free. 3 years now.

2. Li ion batteries are getting to be HIGHER volumetric energy storage. Gasoline is NOT. It is at its limit.

This is how technology develops. It doesn't stay static just because you got too old to understand how the world changes.
That's nice. Are you disputing the math that it takes 17 trillion kg of lithium to manufacture enough batteries to hold a charge of 110.7 tWh? Or are you disputing that the world consumes 65.1 million barrels of gasoline and diesel per day? Or are you disputing that you don't need enough battery storage to replace one day's of gasoline and diesel use? Or are you disputing that 110.7 tWh of electricity isn't the energy equivalent to 65.1 million barrels of oil?

Says the guy who can't differentiate the gasoline in his car from the gas tank.


Says the turd who keeps avoiding this claim:

"The current rate of mining lithium is 100,000 metric tons. The amount of lithium needed to replace all internal combustion engines is 17,712,640 metric tons. So the number of years to mine enough lithium to replace all internal combustion engines is 177 years (17,712,640 metric tons divided by 100,000 metric tons per year)."

Math is too much for you?
8 cubic miles of water is trivial ...
It is and it isn't. If it were a one time, yes. But this needs to be done every 7 to 10 years. And then there is the growth rate to consider. Which could lead to a doubling in a surprisingly short amount of time.
PLEASE I'm begging you....leave my genitals out of this thread!!!


Just once can we have a discussion without you commenting on my gender/sexuality/genitals?

Just once?
You're the only one who keeps bring up your womanhood.
8 cubic miles of water is trivial ... compared to the 320,000,000 cubic miles of water on the Earth's surface ... that doesn't include the waters of hydration ... so let's call it a billion cubic miles ... every one of which can be used over and over and over again ... same with lithium, once the battery is no good anymore, we can just make a new battery out of the lithium ...

There's no nuclear reactions in an EV ... what kind of stupid moron thinks there is? ...

The flaw in the OP is requiring complete replacement of piston-engine vehicles ... we only have to replace 10% maximum of passenger vehicles, the other 90% will be removed ... semi-trucks and locomotives are all efficient, and this energy use can be greatly reduced by just purchasing locally produced goods ... the only problem with growing your own potatoes is when you decide to not grow potatoes, that's always disappointing ha ha ha ha ha ...

We don't dig for lithium ... 6,000 years is plenty of time for all the lithium to float up to the surface of Earth ... we simply scrape it off the top of these dry lake beds around the world ... no big deal ... God's reason for Noah's Flood ...

The better question is "are lithium batteries SAFE" ... we found out the hard way that packing lithium batteries in next to dynamite is dangerous ... all those cell phones that blew up a few years ago ... and we're still seeing jet airliners catch fire from the same cause ... ask your local firefighter what they think of EVs involved in accidents ... hoot-n-nanny ... it's enough to make a sailor cross his legs ... "put out that dynamite fire will ya?" ...

If we're burning coal to make the electricity ... how does the OP think we're saving on carbon pollution? ... it's like getting dirt on your Easter dress while your foot is stuck in a Fire Ant colony ... kinda sorta missing what's important ...

Girls + dresses + ground hornets = dancin' fools ... funnier than hell ...

You think that all that water is easy access for Lithium mining that are often hundreds of miles inland?


Says the guy who can't differentiate the gasoline in his car from the gas tank.

Again... If the goal is to replace internal combustion engines which run on gasoline and diesel with battery operated vehicles, don't you need to have enough battery capacity to store one day's worth of gasoline and diesel use? And can't the storage medium requirement be easily calculated?

So it seems that you are the one who can't differentiate between a gas tank and gas.
The flaw in the OP is requiring complete replacement of piston-engine vehicles
Incorrect. The Utopian vision is for a fossil fuel free world. I am calculating the requirement for that.
As it turns out... it can't practically be done.
We don't dig for lithium ... 6,000 years is plenty of time for all the lithium to float up to the surface of Earth ... we simply scrape it off the top of these dry lake beds around the world ... no big deal ... God's reason for Noah's Flood ...
To replace the energy equivalence of 65 million barrels of oil per day requires 17 trillion kg of lithium metal. Current lithium production is 100,000 metric tons per year. That's not going to cut it.
If we're burning coal to make the electricity ... how does the OP think we're saving on carbon pollution?
The OP doesn't address that. That would be the subject of a future OP.
You think that all that water is easy access for Lithium mining that are often hundreds of miles inland?


Sure ... as long as you think it's environmentally sound to burn as much coal as we have to in order to power these EVs ...

That's 8 cubic miles IF AND ONLY IF we make all these batteries all at once ... if we spread this out over ... say 80,000 years ... then we just need to shut down the Ballagio and we'll have all the water we need ... mathing ...

Kelly Blue Book puts the average American mileage per day at about 40 miles.

Why not ask about a military tank? Why does EVERYTHING need to happen overnight with you folks? None of the technologies you mention sprang to live overnight.

And when you run out of stupid arguments you bring up "communism". How boring.

If you have never developed anything of value you wouldn't know.
Run out of arguments? That's rich.
The problem with proggys like you (one of them at least) is that your preferred policies are based on ignorance of actual facts & realities on the ground.
As I previously stated, we are leaps in technology away from renewable pipe dreams becoming technologically feasible but that hard fact does not enter the equation.
You are more than willing to sacrifice the most economically vulnerable who would be hardest hit by your clusterf**k policies if you can pretend you are "saving the environment".
I have little tolerance for delusions that will have direct effects on quality of life for anybody not connected enough to qualify for special protected status from the always harmful fallout from lefty ideas.
I imagine the commie moniker does get boring when it's already so accepted & banal in greenie circles. You know what you all are, so why even bother with denying it. How boring

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