How Many?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
They taught English on Ellis Island. And since most of the early settlers and those after them were from England then I would say that most did speak English.
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
In what century was English required to become a US citizen?

For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
The difference between illegal immigrants coming to the US now, is that back in the day, there were no FREE STUFF, being given away and those back then had to work their asses off to make a living. Also back then people learned English so they could be part of the melting pot and be United against the common enemy of the people, where today, with Diversity(Divisive - to be divided) the common enemy of the people allow these miscreants to stay in the US not learn the language and stay as a 2nd class citizens while giving them enough to survive. Back then if they didn't work, they didn't survive.

Socialism Didn't Work at Plymouth Plantation, Either | Human Events
Another possibility is Of Plymouth Plantation, written by the colony’s longtime governor, William Bradford. Therein, he details how the Pilgrims “languish[ed] in misery” sharing their labor and its fruits. The collectivism “was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment.”
Two years into the experiment ironically forced upon them by their capitalist underwriters, Bradford parceled common land out to individual families to exploit for their own selfish benefit.
“This had very good success,” Bradford explained, “for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.”
They weren't coming here to get on welfare or commit acts of terrorism against us either.
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
They taught English on Ellis Island. And since most of the early settlers and those after them were from England then I would say that most did speak English.

a) Wow, no

b) Most immigrants have been from England throughout the history of the US? No

c) About 20 percent of those passing through Ellis Island were detained for a time. The rest passed through. Those being detained stayed for varying lengths of time. Not a lot of learning going on that way. And of course, as relates to current events...
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
They taught English on Ellis Island. And since most of the early settlers and those after them were from England then I would say that most did speak English.

a) Wow, no

b) Most immigrants have been from England throughout the history of the US? No

c) About 20 percent of those passing through Ellis Island were detained for a time. The rest passed through. Those being detained stayed for varying lengths of time. Not a lot of learning going on that way. And of course, as relates to current events...

The year you would have had to have been here to become a US citizen without having to speak English.
.... those back then had to work their asses off to make a living. ...

Just like today.
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
They taught English on Ellis Island. And since most of the early settlers and those after them were from England then I would say that most did speak English.

Boy, do you need to take some history classes.

Waves Of Immigration In America Timeline | Preceden
.... those back then had to work their asses off to make a living. ...

Just like today.
Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch
Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisanWashington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S.
Now I know this is 2011, but if they did it back then I am sure they do it today, but not as much since President Trump took office. That could be a very good reason for the self deportation of many illegals who are fleeing back to the south, or now on to Canada...
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
In what century was English required to become a US citizen?


Did you miss the "if," genius? It's a hypothetical.
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
In what century was English required to become a US citizen?


Did you miss the "if," genius? It's a hypothetical.
Why are your panties wedged in your butt over fiction?
For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
I simply don't care. They are gone and we are dealing with a separate issue today.

There is no 'right' to come to the United States. People do so based on our magnanimity, so we get to set the rules.

For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
I simply don't care. They are gone and we are dealing with a separate issue today....

Anyone holding that infantile spite in their heart doesn't deserve to be an American.

For all of us descendants of immigrants, if our earliest ancestors arriving in the US were held to a strict standard of having fluent English and immediately marketable, in-demand skills, how many of them would have been turned away?

Answer: Most
I simply don't care. They are gone and we are dealing with a separate issue today....

Anyone holding that infantile spite in their heart doesn't deserve to be an American.

So My initial instinct for this thread was correct.

You're not interested in who is being excluded. You just want a chance to beat your puny chest and try to force your opinion on others.

There have been many times in the history of this country in which we have set restrictions and standards for entering this country.

Have a nice weekend.

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