How many MAGA ancestors were met with serious discrimination when they first came to America?

One big difference is my Irish, German and English ancestors entered our nation legally. I have nothing against legal immigration.
Legal or illegal, the German, Irish and Italian immigrants were described much the same way MAGA defines all the immigrants today; low life, not equal to current citizens.

I don't believe allowing illegal immigrants in the US but you cannot describe all those wanting to immigrate to the US as low life and lesser humans.
Wow, those MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists must be some great parents if their kids all turn out like that . . .
Only the dumbest among us would characterize all those trying to immigrate to the US as MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists.

They are beyond the dumbest among us to classify all children, of illegals, born in the US as MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists.

We all want to lock up anyone who is MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists, whether legal or illegal.
Just to reiterate the glaringly obvious:

The Original Poster for this abortion of a thread is retarded and his thread is drooling gibberish.
I would be concerned if anything I posted you would agree with.
Most of what I post, you don't understand.
I would be concerned if anything I posted you would agree with.
Most of what I post, you don't understand.
You post babbling bullshit.

Understanding it is irrelevant.

The problem is that you seem to imagine that you ever make any sense.

Face it, ElmoDud. You’re a fail and a retard. 👍
You post babbling bullshit.

Understanding it is irrelevant.

The problem is that you seem to imagine that you ever make any sense.

Face it, ElmoDud. You’re a fail and a retard. 👍
What is your constant use of the word retard. Most people refer to them as a person with disabilities. I would rather be what you refer to as a retard than be you.

You have a bigger intellectual disability than those you refer to.
What is your constant use of the word retard. Most people refer to them as a person with disabilities. I would rather be what you refer to as a retard than be you.

You have a bigger intellectual disability than those you refer to.
Off topic. You retard.
Legal or illegal, the German, Irish and Italian immigrants were described much the same way MAGA defines all the immigrants today; low life, not equal to current citizens.

I don't believe allowing illegal immigrants in the US but you cannot describe all those wanting to immigrate to the US as low life and lesser humans.
Do you remember when Castro emptied out his prisons and mental institutions to sent his undesirables to the United State during the Mariel boatlift? I was living in Tampa at the time and knew several people who took their boats to Cuba to pick up the refugees.

History often repeats itself.


The boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S. President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings. Of the 125,000 “Marielitos,” as the refugees came to be known, who landed in Florida, more than 1,700 were jailed and another 587 were detained until they could find sponsors.

The exodus was finally ended by mutual agreement between the U.S. and Cuban governments in October 1980.
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Do you remember when Castro emptied out his prisons and mental institutions to sent his undesirables to the United State during the Mariel boatlift? History often repeats itself.


The boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S. President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings. Of the 125,000 “Marielitos,” as the refugees came to be known, who landed in Florida, more than 1,700 were jailed and another 587 were detained until they could find sponsors.

The exodus was finally ended by mutual agreement between the U.S. and Cuban governments in October 1980.
You are defining millions by one incident. Look at the big picture.
Only the dumbest among us would characterize all those trying to immigrate to the US as MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists.
Not reading the news lately?
They are beyond the dumbest among us to classify all children, of illegals, born in the US as MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists.

We all want to lock up anyone who is MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists, whether legal or illegal.
Not me.

I want them to stay south of the border, where they belong.
You are defining millions by one incident. Look at the big picture.
The guys who attacked cops in New York City were pickpocketing. That is a skill you don’t learn overnight.


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